the incredible anti-Lutheran bias in History of Napoleonic wars


Active Member
Aug 13, 2014
United States
Christian Seeker
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There are many books on "Napoleon Bonaparte" and his invasion of Europe but almost none on the historical figures that defeated him; In addition, contrary to what Russia claims, they did not really defeat Napoleon themselves. There was a wide array of predominantly Lutheran principalities that fought alongside Russia and a lot of the times commanded their troops. This includes their generals that fought under the flag of Russia, but even today there is hate against protestants there, and also lies about Martin Luther --> "The Fabricated Luther: Refuting Nazi Connections and Other Modern Myths" , "Lutherans Against Hitler: The Untold Story".Some of these same figures fought also in 7 Years War , the same war as the "French and Indian War" basically.

German campaign of 1813 - Wikipedia Seen here Peter Wittgenstein and Barclay de Tolly were both Lutherans.
Wurttemburg, Prussia, and Mecklenburg-Schwerin all were Lutheran. I was looking for a biography on these guys but alas there are none but plenty on "Napoleon".

But not only that but it is never mentioned during the holidays about the actual origins of why Thanksgiving is on the 4th Thursday of November.
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