The faith that concludes…

Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
Marital Status
2 Corinthians 5:14 (NASB20)
For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died;

This is the faith of a Christian, one that has concluded this; that because Christ took them to death with Him, He now lives His life in them, and because Christ’s life is love for all regardless of all exigent circumstances, the love of Christ now controls….

For it is faith that concludes; for it being something that only someone whose faith is towards it can conclude, and by that concluding bring it to life…. For the first part, that being controlled by the love of Christ can not become living in one but by and through one concluding that because one died all died and one being part of that all, they themselves have died to all the things of this world…. For seeing into one’s death in Christ ends all concerns of, and for this life, one now by faith lives for Christ alone, that His will of righteousness, that His will of love might be shown towards all….

For it is this faith that was once delivered, this faith that says; ‘not I but Christ’…. This faith that constantly looks towards Christ for all things, this faith that constantly reckons oneself dead, this faith that constantly gives itself over to God as a living sacrifice…. This faith that constantly confesses ‘it is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me’; this faith that has concluded this….

For the deeper one’s faith concludes, the deeper the joy, the deeper the love, the deeper the life of Christ is manifested in and through one…

Oh to have this concluding, the more, the deeper, the greater, let our hearts cry after…..

In His love, and a fellow follower, Not me