The faith that accounts….

Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
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Acts 20:24 (NASB20)
“But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of God’s grace.

Oh the freedom there is in not considering one’s life as of any account…. The freedom from all things, the freedom from the this and the that, this accounting that keeps one’s eyes on Christ….Scripture says that one has died with Christ, knowing, believing, holding onto, entering into this truth by faith is that that can accomplish this task of bringing such freedom to life in one’s life…. For our salvation in Christ is real and substantial, which once discovered is entered into by faith alone becomes that which can bring about such hope of finishing one’s course with joy…. This joy in the presence of God becomes that which drives one further into Christ which in turn drives one in deeper still, as deep calls onto deep…

For this faith that believes one has died with Christ and it is no longer one that lives but Christ that lives in one, once this freedom, this life, this faith has been tasted all things of this world fall by the wayside… Trusting Christ in all things becomes the goal, the joy, the all of everything… Because He did fulfill the law concerning us by taking us to death with Him on the cross, oh the faith that sees into this truth is a blessed faith indeed……

Oh to see into this faith that so accounts one, the more, the deeper, the further, let our hearts so enter in….

Unto Him be our all, a fellow follower, Not me,


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The death of the kernel of corn becoming life for many and becoming our life out of our death in Christ, rising in new life, the new creation. It is a difficult concept to grasp but once taken hold of the reality becomes freedom from self, sin and the world that so entangles. edit Hebrews 12:1 with patience then let us run the race set before us.
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Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
Marital Status
The death of the kernel of corn becoming life for many and becoming our life out of our death in Christ, rising in new life, the new creation. It is a difficult concept to grasp but once taken hold of the reality becomes freedom from self, sin and the world that so entangles. edit Hebrews 12:1 with patience then let us run the race set before us.
Blessings, as we grow in Him, Not me
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