The Democratic party desperately wants Trump to be the nominee


Jul 21, 2022
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"How can you believe that the Democratic party wants Donald Trump to be the Republican nominee when they are burying him under political prosecution?"

The active lawsuits against Donald Trump right now—four indictments consisting of 44 federal charges and 47 state charges, for a total of 91 felonies—are directly related to why Democrats want Trump to be the nominee. Mainstream media will continue publishing inflated poll numbers showing Trump beating Biden in swing states and holding back negative stories until after he wins the Republican nomination. Then the avalanche will start. As Grudem pointed out in his Newsweek op-ed, after winning the nomination there will be month after month of constant bad press revealing embarrassing and damaging new information about Trump (e.g., leaks from legal discovery)—once it's too late for Republicans to replace him. With Trump as the nominee, Democrats are practically assured of winning the general. So, yes, they absolutely want him.

Yes, Americans (and even Democrats) are as tired of Biden as they are of Trump—57% and 56% unfavorable, respectively—but don't think for a minute that Biden will be serving a second term. The polling data that shows Trump leading Biden in key battleground states serve not only to encourage the GOP to make Trump their nominee but also provide the justification for replacing Biden next year, probably before the convention in August (as would impeachment). So, the GOP will be stuck with Trump as their nominee to face a younger, fresher Democrat nominee that independents will like more than Trump, perhaps someone like Gov. Josh Shapiro from Pennsylvania who has strong favorability numbers.

How much bad press does the left and their mainstream media have on Ron DeSantis? To figure that out, rewatch his debate with Gov. Gavin Newsom. They have nothing. Because if they did that's where it would have come out, effectively ending his campaign. There is a reason why the mainstream media are showing DeSantis either not moving or going down in polling. Even as they were forced to publicly admit that he basically won the fourth RNC primary debate, coverage of him never improved and his poll numbers didn't move. Now, why is that? Think carefully.

Because they have nothing on him. DeSantis has held public office since 2012, so dirty laundry on him would have come out by now. Let's not forget that after winning the 2012 Republican primary for Florida's 6th congressional district, he went on to defeat the Democratic nominee in the general election—and then reelection in 2014 and 2016. From the very beginning of his political career, he has a solid track record of winning. They seriously cannot afford DeSantis being the nominee. Look what he did to Florida. He turned it from a toss-up state in 2018 to a solidly red state in 2022, when he again won not only an election but also a reelection with the largest gubernatorial victory in that state since 1982.

Democrats can't afford DeSantis turning even more states red. So, they create and spread this narrative that he can't win the nomination. And Republicans—who I thought had learned something about polls from 2016 onwards (i.e., they're wildly inaccurate tools of propaganda) and had learned from the 2020 pandemic and presidential election that the media just absolutely cannot be trusted—now suddenly trust poll numbers and the media who feed it to them? What happened to their psyop radar detection?

Yes, the left and its mainstream and social media want Trump to be the nominee because, through this banana republic lawfare that Grudem aptly described as "a malicious misuse of the courts as weapons against political opponents," they are practically assured of victory—especially if they get a conviction on any of the 91 felony indictments, because then they also get to run their nominee—and it won't be Biden—against a GOP nominee who is a convicted felon.

If DeSantis is the nominee, not only would the Democrats be screwed but he would also set back their globalist agenda in the U.S. almost two decades.


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"How can you believe that the Democratic party wants Donald Trump to be the Republican nominee when they are burying him under political prosecution?"

You are on to something.
The active lawsuits against Donald Trump right now—four indictments consisting of 44 federal charges and 47 state charges, for a total of 91 felonies—are directly related to why Democrats want Trump to be the nominee. Mainstream media will continue publishing inflated poll numbers showing Trump beating Biden in swing states and holding back negative stories until after he wins the Republican nomination. Then the avalanche will start. As Grudem pointed out in his Newsweek op-ed, after winning the nomination there will be month after month of constant bad press revealing embarrassing and damaging new information about Trump (e.g., leaks from legal discovery)—once it's too late for Republicans to replace him. With Trump as the nominee, Democrats are practically assured of winning the general. So, yes, they absolutely want him.
That was the strategy also in 2016. To manipulate Trump to the head of the pack by having the media say great things about him until he got the nomination and then switch to all negative all the time. It would have worked too except Hillary was SO bad she couldn't win even with the media totally committed to her victory.
Yes, Americans (and even Democrats) are as tired of Biden as they are of Trump—57% and 56% unfavorable, respectively—but don't think for a minute that Biden will be serving a second term. The polling data that shows Trump leading Biden in key battleground states serve not only to encourage the GOP to make Trump their nominee but also provide the justification for replacing Biden next year, probably before the convention in August (as would impeachment). So, the GOP will be stuck with Trump as their nominee to face a younger, fresher Democrat nominee that independents will like more than Trump, perhaps someone like Gov. Josh Shapiro from Pennsylvania who has strong favorability numbers.
Biden likely badly loses a Biden vs Trump contest even with numerous federal charges against Trump. Biden is such a bad candidate he's likely to lose unless Trump is nominated but at the last minute imprisoned and unable to stand for the election. Don't be surprised if 'justice' isn't manipulated that way. But more likely Biden some day a few months from now he reads the teleprompter script given to him and we hear him say he has withdrawn from the 2024 race for president.
How much bad press does the left and their mainstream media have on Ron DeSantis? To figure that out, rewatch his debate with Gov. Gavin Newsom. They have nothing. Because if they did that's where it would have come out, effectively ending his campaign. There is a reason why the mainstream media are showing DeSantis either not moving or going down in polling. Even as they were forced to publicly admit that he basically won the fourth RNC primary debate, coverage of him never improved and his poll numbers didn't move. Now, why is that? Think carefully.

Because they have nothing on him. DeSantis has held public office since 2012, so dirty laundry on him would have come out by now. Let's not forget that after winning the 2012 Republican primary for Florida's 6th congressional district, he went on to defeat the Democratic nominee in the general election—and then reelection in 2014 and 2016. From the very beginning of his political career, he has a solid track record of winning. They seriously cannot afford DeSantis being the nominee. Look what he did to Florida. He turned it from a toss-up state in 2018 to a solidly red state in 2022, when he again won not only an election but also a reelection with the largest gubernatorial victory in that state since 1982.

Democrats can't afford DeSantis turning even more states red. So, they create and spread this narrative that he can't win the nomination. And Republicans—who I thought had learned something about polls from 2016 onwards (i.e., they're wildly inaccurate tools of propaganda) and had learned from the 2020 pandemic and presidential election that the media just absolutely cannot be trusted—now suddenly trust poll numbers and the media who feed it to them? What happened to their psyop radar detection?
DeSantis is a credible person and would be a good nominee. No skeletons. Solid enough. He could beat Biden and would probably do OK against whoever else the Democrats put up to replace Biden. He is EXACTLY the kind of person the Democrats do not want as the Republican nominee. So they have to convince normal people that Trump is better to be the Republican nominee and then that he is horrible as the nominee running as the Republican nominee for president.
Yes, the left and its mainstream and social media want Trump to be the nominee because, through this banana republic lawfare that Grudem aptly described as "a malicious misuse of the courts as weapons against political opponents," they are practically assured of victory—especially if they get a conviction on any of the 91 felony indictments, because then they also get to run their nominee—and it won't be Biden—against a GOP nominee who is a convicted felon.
This is banana republic logic. Drum up charges against your opponent and time those charges for maximum electoral effect. They want Trump as nominee and convicted felon if possible. They want someone other than Biden as long as the timing is right. They want DeSantis out of the way. This is a re-run of the 2016 strategy where they wanted Rubio and so many other good candidates snuffed in favor of Trump, then bring out all the negatives about Trump so Hillary would win. It failed then. It can fail again. Then they get to riot when Trump is the next president. Oh, and impeach him a few more times. I think that's their real plan.
If DeSantis is the nominee, not only would the Democrats be screwed but he would also set back their globalist agenda in the U.S. almost two decades.
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Many Trump supporters do not believe the press, the prosecutors, and the democrat propaganda machine.
As bad as Trump may be, people trust him more than the swamp that is waging war against him. They see the crookedness of the Bidens, the weaponization of the legal system, and the absurdness of out-of-touch democrats. The truth is that people feel they have more in common with Trump than the Democrats. They know that if given the opportunity, they would do the same thing to us. They are scary, out of touch, and power-mad.
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Jul 21, 2022
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That was the strategy also in 2016, to manipulate Trump to the head of the pack by having the media say great things about him—until he got the nomination, and then switch to all negative all the time. It would have worked, too, except Hillary was SO bad that she couldn't win even with the media totally committed to her victory.

Correct. The Democrats originally wanted Jeb Bush as the Republican nominee—because a Clinton-versus-Bush contest would be an easy win, right?—and they wanted Trump as a chaos agent to split the Republican base. (According to Hillary's personal office in New York, Bill Clinton talked Trump into running back in May of 2015.)

But it turned out that Bush was weaker than they anticipated and did not survive the Republican primary. After their own tight primary between Hillary and Bernie Sanders, the Hillary campaign pivoted to running against Trump, which should also be an easy win. She would just easily slide into the White House and continue the Obama agenda.

Except for the fact that Trump won—because Democrats had underestimated just how much America loathes Hillary, which Trump used to his advantage. (They also had no plan for dealing with how effectively Trump manipulated the media.) He was supposed to lose, but he won—and Democrats have gone TDS crazy ever since. Although they've been able to reassert their agenda by installing Biden through election interference, he has become wildly unpopular, too. And now here comes Trump again, which is exacerbating their derangement.

That's the whole point of this banana republic garbage. They want Trump to be the nominee in the general election so that, when he starts receiving felony convictions, he is all but guaranteed to lose in the general—thus assuring the expansion of their agenda. They didn't have a strategy if Ted Cruz was the nominee, so they killed his support with a psyop borne on cooked polling data. Now, they are doing it again. While carefully executing their plan for defeating Trump (as a convicted felon), they are running the same kind of polling data psyop to kill support for DeSantis because they have no strategy against DeSantis as the Republican nominee.

Biden likely badly loses a Biden vs Trump contest even with numerous federal charges against Trump.

I don't see that happening. They WANT you to think that (because they have a path for beating Trump), so they publish these "shocking" polling numbers showing Trump leading Biden, but it's just Democrats begging Br'er Fox, "Please don't throw me into the briar patch!" They know something about that briar patch that Republicans refuse to figure out, for some reason. Here's something else to think about: When Trump is convicted of a felony, multiple states will use that to disqualify him from the ballot.

From everything I've seen, if Trump is the nominee, the Republicans lose in the general election.

[DeSantis] could beat Biden and would probably do okay against whoever else the Democrats put up to replace Biden. He is EXACTLY the kind of person the Democrats do not want as the Republican nominee.

And he demonstrated that in spades with his debate against Newsom. He mopped the floor with their slickest and most articulate substitute (which is why I think accepting that debate challenge back in August was strategic genius), taking Newsom out of contention.

Trump, on the other hand, lost both debates against a walking vegetable. The first was described as "a hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck."

It baffles me that anyone interested in seeing a Republican in the White House would even consider voting for Trump. I don't get it.
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Jul 21, 2022
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Many Trump supporters do not believe the press, the prosecutors, and the democrat propaganda machine.

As bad as Trump may be, people trust him more than the swamp that is waging war against him. They see the crookedness of the Bidens, the weaponization of the legal system, and the absurdness of out-of-touch democrats. The truth is that people feel they have more in common with Trump than the Democrats. They know that if given the opportunity, they would do the same thing to us. They are scary, out of touch, and power-mad.

That's presuming Trump being the nominee. What if someone like DeSantis were the nominee? Would people feel they have more in common with the Democrats than DeSantis? Really?

Or what if the contest was Trump versus DeSantis? Would people feel they have more in common with Trump than DeSantis? Honestly, how would they justify that?
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Correct. The Democrats originally wanted Jeb Bush as the Republican nominee—because a Clinton-versus-Bush contest would be an easy win, right?—and they wanted Trump as a chaos agent to split the Republican base. (According to Hillary's personal office in New York, Bill Clinton talked Trump into running back in May of 2015.)

But it turned out that Bush was weaker than they anticipated and did not survive the Republican primary. After their own tight primary between Hillary and Bernie Sanders, the Hillary campaign pivoted to running against Trump, which should also be an easy win. She would just easily slide into the White House and continue the Obama agenda.

Except for the fact that Trump won—because Democrats had underestimated just how much America loathes Hillary, which Trump used to his advantage. (They also had no plan for dealing with how effectively Trump manipulated the media.) He was supposed to lose, but he won—and Democrats have gone TDS crazy ever since. Although they've been able to reassert their agenda by installing Biden through election interference, he has become wildly unpopular, too. And now here comes Trump again, which is exacerbating their derangement.

That's the whole point of this banana republic garbage. They want Trump to be the nominee in the general election so that, when he starts receiving felony convictions, he is all but guaranteed to lose in the general—thus assuring the expansion of their agenda. They didn't have a strategy if Ted Cruz was the nominee, so they killed his support with a psyop borne on cooked polling data. Now, they are doing it again. While carefully executing their plan for defeating Trump (as a convicted felon), they are running the same kind of polling data psyop to kill support for DeSantis because they have no strategy against DeSantis as the Republican nominee.

I don't see that happening. They WANT you to think that (because they have a path for beating Trump), so they publish these "shocking" polling numbers showing Trump leading Biden, but it's just Democrats begging Br'er Fox, "Please don't throw me into the briar patch!" They know something about that briar patch that Republicans refuse to figure out, for some reason. Here's something else to think about: When Trump is convicted of a felony, multiple states will use that to disqualify him from the ballot.

From everything I've seen, if Trump is the nominee, the Republicans lose in the general election.

And he demonstrated that in spades with his debate against Newsom. He mopped the floor with their slickest and most articulate substitute (which is why I think accepting that debate challenge back in August was strategic genius), taking Newsom out of contention.

Trump, on the other hand, lost both debates against a walking vegetable. The first was described as "a hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck."

It baffles me that anyone interested in seeing a Republican in the White House would even consider voting for Trump. I don't get it.
Good points all. I had started my life out as a Democrat and after being pushed out I landed as an uncomfortable Republican. Then Trump came along and I just couldn’t vote for him. Yes he was better than Hillary and better than Biden by a bit but I could not bring myself to throw away my vote for a merely really bad candidate to stop an even worse one. This time around same story. I will find someone worth voting FOR. So far that looks like the American Solidarity Party candidate. The Democratic Party is a woke wasteland to me, Biden or Harris or Newsom or whoever. I was an old Humphrey Democrat, but those are extinct in the wild now.
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I do hope that the Hunter stuff persuades Joe to step down.
As long as Joe owns the DOJ Hunter can weather the storm. In fact Hunter is in trouble when Joe no longer owns the DOJ. So it is safer for Hunter if daddy stays on. If I were Hunter I would be looking for countries without extradition treaties with the USA. And maybe providing a guest room at the ready for daddy when he retires.
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I don't believe that Joe owns the DOJ .
Perhaps it is someone else who owns both Joe and the DOJ. Sorry but I don't think that would be the American people.
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Jul 21, 2022
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I will find someone worth voting FOR. So far that looks like the American Solidarity Party candidate.

That would require ballot access, and right now they have practically none. Their candidate is on the ballot in one state (AK), with write-in access in just six other states (AB, IA, PA, NJ, VT, and NH). So, I hope you live in one of those 49 states and cast a vote for DeSantis, because putting a Republican in the White House will require every vote—including yours. I worry about America's survival under four more years of this Neo-Marxist agenda.
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That would require ballot access, and right now they have practically none. Their candidate is on the ballot in one state (AK), with write-in access in just six other states (AB, IA, PA, NJ, VT, and NH).
Ballot access is a hard thing. I worked a petition drive in past years. Just because someone is not on the ballot in December 2023 doesn't mean he won't be on the ballot in November 2024. But it will take hard work. Been there. Done that.
So, I hope you live in one of those 49 states and cast a vote for DeSantis, because putting a Republican in the White House will require every vote—including yours.
I would not mind voting for DeSantis. Right now it looks like Trump has a lock on the nomination. And that because the media and the electoral manipulators want him there.
I worry about America's survival under four more years of this Neo-Marxist agenda.
I worry that we may have already gone beyond the brink.
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That would require ballot access, and right now they have practically none. Their candidate is on the ballot in one state (AK), with write-in access in just six other states (AB, IA, PA, NJ, VT, and NH). So, I hope you live in one of those 49 states and cast a vote for DeSantis, because putting a Republican in the White House will require every vote—including yours. I worry about America's survival under four more years of this Neo-Marxist agenda.
Judging by Biden's approval ratting and the number of important swing states in which Trump is ahead I am not so sure about that. I mean yes every vote is important, but right now Trump is ahead in most of the states that really matter plus ones that are safe republican anyway.
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Jul 21, 2022
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I would not mind voting for DeSantis. Right now it looks like Trump has a lock on the nomination.

It only looks that way to those who believe that the polls reflect the reality on the ground. Do you? And if so, why?

I mean, we have had years, even decades of election results showing the polls were wrong, sometimes wildly wrong.
  • THE POLLS: In late 2007, several polls showed that Giuliani had a lock on the primary.
  • THE VOTES: When it came to actual votes, he wasn't even in the top five!

  • THE POLLS: A late 2012 poll from Iowa showed Santorum down in abysmal single-digit range, far behind Paul, Gingrich, and Romney.
  • THE VOTES: When it came to actual votes, however, he won the primary in that state.

  • THE POLLS: The Des Moines Register poll just before the 2016 Iowa caucus showed Trump beating Cruz.
  • THE VOTES: When it came to the actual votes, it was Cruz who beat Trump (who almost fell into third place behind Rubio).
And here is yet another example of how untrustworthy polls are: Chris Christie had failed to qualify for the fourth Republican debate until somehow the Trafalgar Group conducted a poll that magically showed just enough support for him to qualify. Wow, what a coincidence.​

So, explain to me why you believe "Trump has a lock on the nomination," please, why you believe the polls reflect the reality on the ground.
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Mar 14, 2023
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"How can you believe that the Democratic party wants Donald Trump to be the Republican nominee when they are burying him under political prosecution?"

The active lawsuits against Donald Trump right now—four indictments consisting of 44 federal charges and 47 state charges, for a total of 91 felonies—are directly related to why Democrats want Trump to be the nominee. Mainstream media will continue publishing inflated poll numbers showing Trump beating Biden in swing states and holding back negative stories until after he wins the Republican nomination. Then the avalanche will start. As Grudem pointed out in his Newsweek op-ed, after winning the nomination there will be month after month of constant bad press revealing embarrassing and damaging new information about Trump (e.g., leaks from legal discovery)—once it's too late for Republicans to replace him. With Trump as the nominee, Democrats are practically assured of winning the general. So, yes, they absolutely want him.

Yes, Americans (and even Democrats) are as tired of Biden as they are of Trump—57% and 56% unfavorable, respectively—but don't think for a minute that Biden will be serving a second term. The polling data that shows Trump leading Biden in key battleground states serve not only to encourage the GOP to make Trump their nominee but also provide the justification for replacing Biden next year, probably before the convention in August (as would impeachment). So, the GOP will be stuck with Trump as their nominee to face a younger, fresher Democrat nominee that independents will like more than Trump, perhaps someone like Gov. Josh Shapiro from Pennsylvania who has strong favorability numbers.

How much bad press does the left and their mainstream media have on Ron DeSantis? To figure that out, rewatch his debate with Gov. Gavin Newsom. They have nothing. Because if they did that's where it would have come out, effectively ending his campaign. There is a reason why the mainstream media are showing DeSantis either not moving or going down in polling. Even as they were forced to publicly admit that he basically won the fourth RNC primary debate, coverage of him never improved and his poll numbers didn't move. Now, why is that? Think carefully.

Because they have nothing on him. DeSantis has held public office since 2012, so dirty laundry on him would have come out by now. Let's not forget that after winning the 2012 Republican primary for Florida's 6th congressional district, he went on to defeat the Democratic nominee in the general election—and then reelection in 2014 and 2016. From the very beginning of his political career, he has a solid track record of winning. They seriously cannot afford DeSantis being the nominee. Look what he did to Florida. He turned it from a toss-up state in 2018 to a solidly red state in 2022, when he again won not only an election but also a reelection with the largest gubernatorial victory in that state since 1982.

Democrats can't afford DeSantis turning even more states red. So, they create and spread this narrative that he can't win the nomination. And Republicans—who I thought had learned something about polls from 2016 onwards (i.e., they're wildly inaccurate tools of propaganda) and had learned from the 2020 pandemic and presidential election that the media just absolutely cannot be trusted—now suddenly trust poll numbers and the media who feed it to them? What happened to their psyop radar detection?

Yes, the left and its mainstream and social media want Trump to be the nominee because, through this banana republic lawfare that Grudem aptly described as "a malicious misuse of the courts as weapons against political opponents," they are practically assured of victory—especially if they get a conviction on any of the 91 felony indictments, because then they also get to run their nominee—and it won't be Biden—against a GOP nominee who is a convicted felon.

If DeSantis is the nominee, not only would the Democrats be screwed but he would also set back their globalist agenda in the U.S. almost two decades.

I think that Americans need to de-politicize almost all news.

The Reason why the Department of Justice is prosecuting Trump,
is that there is so much high quality evidence, that suggests that he
was involved in felonies.

This is not politics. Grand juries have seen the evidence, and voted that it
was both relevant to the charges, and sufficient to prosecute Trump.
That this is political harassment, is a red herring.

There is, also, the emotional political ranting, but this is independent
of the question of lawless activity, and prosecution.

The right of the Republican Party, seems to have a serious problem
evaluating what is TRUE. Alex Jones had a large far right following, as he
promoted his fantasies about a Deep State plot that "produced" the Sandy
Hook school shooting. Now Alex Jones is discovering that this sort of
irresponsible lying, and damaging peoples' lives by lying, makes him
responsible under the fair rule of law in America, for lawlessly damaging
peoples' lives. Rudi Giuliani, also is discovering this. He slandered
voting workers, without evidence, damaging their lives.

Conspiracy theories are explanations. But they do not have automatic
support as truth. Most of them are without serious evidence to back them
up. One theory, is quoted as proof of another theory. But in this way,
entire systems of beliefs are built out of opinions, not hard evidence.

Trump's rhetoric is built of conspiracy theories.
Trump's understanding of the fair rule of law in America, and how it
works, is a sort of fairy tale. It is cut free of how the fair rule of law
works, and what due process it. It is cut free from what the court
considers to be real evidence. Conspiracy theories, are not evidence.
They are gossip.

The Republican Party has gone so far sown this road of believing
conspiracy theories, that it has assumed a different reality, than the
one that exists. This is an amazing development. What it means, is
that there will not be sound evidence (from real life) to support
these conspiracy theories, and Trump will not be able to produce high
quality evidence (that an American court will recognize as valid evidence)
to demonstrate his "innocence". This has already happened, in Trump's
law suits claiming that there was massive fraud in the 2020 election.
The courts have thrown out his lawsuits, as baseless and trivial.

Alex Jones has been convicted.
Rudi Giuliani has been convicted.
The Colorado Supreme Court has ruled, essentially, that Trump
has engaged in sedition.

Meanwhile, the Republican Party, and Donald Trump, is living in an
alternate and fake reality.

This is the background, for considering the question that this
thread addresses.
---------- --------

Unfortunately, part of the Deep State conspiracies, involve what the
Democratic Part would like to see, in a 2024 presidential run. And
these conspiracy theories are as much out of touch with reality, as
the Alex Jones conspiracy lies.

Unfortunately, DeSantis promised to pardon Trump, if DeSantis is elected president.
So, this makes DeSantis no different than Trump, if Trump is convicted
of 91 felonies.

Niki Haley will probably not get Trump's diehard voters, if Trump is convicted
of 91 felonies. This means that no Republican candidate will win the presidency,
and large numbers of Republican voters will want to form lawless lynch
mobs to show how righteous and "American" they are.

If the federal Supreme Court does the conservative thing, it will find that
the 14th amendment will exclude Trump from being on the ballot.
Seditious speech, is a form of sedition.

I'm not sure that the Democratic Party has to do anything, in order to
win the 2024 presidency. Biden has to beat Niki Haley, or DeSantis.

This political situation is unreal, and the Republican Party should have
realized how they were moving toward disaster, a number of years
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Jul 21, 2022
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The reason why the Department of Justice is prosecuting Trump is that there is so much high quality evidence that suggests that he was involved in felonies.

If you think the issue is the mere fact that they are prosecuting Trump at all, then you fail to understand the issue. The issue is not their prosecution of Trump but rather the timing thereof (2023-2024). They could have done it in 2022 or else 2025, but they pulled the trigger on this during an election. That is the issue (election interference), and it most certainly is politics.

Conspiracy theories are explanations.

Question: What is the difference between a conspiracy theory and a fact?

Answer: Between one to five years.

Trump's rhetoric is built of conspiracy theories. Trump's understanding of the fair rule of law in America, and how it works, is a sort of fairy tale.

Maybe, but I'm here to defend what I said, not what he says. I am not a Trump supporter and never have been (which doesn't change the facts on the ground).

The Colorado Supreme Court has ruled, essentially, that Trump has engaged in sedition.

Contrary to the rule of law, ironically. There are all kinds of legal problems with what they did, from the abridgement of due process—language that was included in the 14th Amendment itself—to the open question of whether the disqualification clause applies to the presidency. (It applies to current and former federal, state, and military officials, but legal scholars are split on whether it applies to the presidency.) Another problem is the fact that insurrection is a political offense, not a criminal offense—and Trump was acquitted during his impeachment hearings (which settled the political offenses).

Unfortunately, DeSantis promised to pardon Trump, if DeSantis is elected president.

As well he should. They ought to have waited until after the election to prosecute Trump. But they chose this banana republic election interference, which would be a stain on the integrity of the United States (which does not have much integrity left), so DeSantis—himself an attorney!—should pardon Trump on the federal charges. (He can't pardon someone for state charges.)

Nikki Haley will probably not get Trump's diehard voters, if Trump is convicted of 91 felonies.

Correct. There are murmurs of rebellion amongst Trump supporters if he chooses her as his running mate. They are not fans of Haley.

This means that no Republican candidate will win the presidency,

Go ahead and dismiss DeSantis as a candidate—just like the rest of the left and mainstream media (along with all the MAGA enthusiasts who happily trust them, for some reason).

If the federal Supreme Court does the conservative thing, it will find that the 14th amendment will exclude Trump from being on the ballot.

Legal scholars hold a different opinion. And, since I don't know what your qualifications are, I have no reason to believe you.

For the reasons stated above, it "seems unlikely" that Colorado's decision to prohibit Trump from being on the ballot will be upheld, wrote senior legal writer Joseph Fawbush for (2023):

Predicting a [U.S. Supreme Court] decision is risky business. However, it would be surprising if the Supreme Court allowed Trump to remain off the ballot in Colorado. ... [T]he betting money is on the Supreme Court overturning the Colorado Supreme Court's decision."

I'm not sure that the Democratic Party has to do anything, in order to win the 2024 presidency. Biden has to beat Niki Haley, or DeSantis.

It will need to do two things: (1) Ensure that Trump is the Republican presidential nominee and, once he is, (2) get a criminal conviction and paint him as a "convicted felon" all over the media, destroying him in the public view.

If DeSantis is the nominee, Democrats and the left are toast. They've got nothing on him and no strategy for defeating him. That's why they are desperately trying to convince the public through carefully cooked polls that DeSantis is irrelevant and sure to lose. "Nothing to see here," they want people to believe. "But Trump! Lawdy, he could beat Biden! Oh my!" Please don't throw me in that briar patch, they keep saying.

Is the GOP as stupid and hoodwinked as Br'er Fox? I sincerely hope not, but we'll see.
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Dec 20, 2012
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"How can you believe that the Democratic party wants Donald Trump to be the Republican nominee when they are burying him under political prosecution?"

The active lawsuits against Donald Trump right now—four indictments consisting of 44 federal charges and 47 state charges, for a total of 91 felonies—are directly related to why Democrats want Trump to be the nominee. Mainstream media will continue publishing inflated poll numbers showing Trump beating Biden in swing states and holding back negative stories until after he wins the Republican nomination. Then the avalanche will start. As Grudem pointed out in his Newsweek op-ed, after winning the nomination there will be month after month of constant bad press revealing embarrassing and damaging new information about Trump (e.g., leaks from legal discovery)—once it's too late for Republicans to replace him. With Trump as the nominee, Democrats are practically assured of winning the general. So, yes, they absolutely want him.

Yes, Americans (and even Democrats) are as tired of Biden as they are of Trump—57% and 56% unfavorable, respectively—but don't think for a minute that Biden will be serving a second term. The polling data that shows Trump leading Biden in key battleground states serve not only to encourage the GOP to make Trump their nominee but also provide the justification for replacing Biden next year, probably before the convention in August (as would impeachment). So, the GOP will be stuck with Trump as their nominee to face a younger, fresher Democrat nominee that independents will like more than Trump, perhaps someone like Gov. Josh Shapiro from Pennsylvania who has strong favorability numbers.

How much bad press does the left and their mainstream media have on Ron DeSantis? To figure that out, rewatch his debate with Gov. Gavin Newsom. They have nothing. Because if they did that's where it would have come out, effectively ending his campaign. There is a reason why the mainstream media are showing DeSantis either not moving or going down in polling. Even as they were forced to publicly admit that he basically won the fourth RNC primary debate, coverage of him never improved and his poll numbers didn't move. Now, why is that? Think carefully.

Because they have nothing on him. DeSantis has held public office since 2012, so dirty laundry on him would have come out by now. Let's not forget that after winning the 2012 Republican primary for Florida's 6th congressional district, he went on to defeat the Democratic nominee in the general election—and then reelection in 2014 and 2016. From the very beginning of his political career, he has a solid track record of winning. They seriously cannot afford DeSantis being the nominee. Look what he did to Florida. He turned it from a toss-up state in 2018 to a solidly red state in 2022, when he again won not only an election but also a reelection with the largest gubernatorial victory in that state since 1982.

Democrats can't afford DeSantis turning even more states red. So, they create and spread this narrative that he can't win the nomination. And Republicans—who I thought had learned something about polls from 2016 onwards (i.e., they're wildly inaccurate tools of propaganda) and had learned from the 2020 pandemic and presidential election that the media just absolutely cannot be trusted—now suddenly trust poll numbers and the media who feed it to them? What happened to their psyop radar detection?

Yes, the left and its mainstream and social media want Trump to be the nominee because, through this banana republic lawfare that Grudem aptly described as "a malicious misuse of the courts as weapons against political opponents," they are practically assured of victory—especially if they get a conviction on any of the 91 felony indictments, because then they also get to run their nominee—and it won't be Biden—against a GOP nominee who is a convicted felon.

If DeSantis is the nominee, not only would the Democrats be screwed but he would also set back their globalist agenda in the U.S. almost two decades.
The deadline date for Gavin Newsom to register for a presidential run was 12-8-2023, The deadline for Josh Shapiro is 2-13-2024
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