The Church accepts ideological rule of the Woke Managerial Class


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Jan 23, 2014
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Modern democratic societies are essentially governed by a managerial class. This managerial class has formed somewhat organically as a response to mass society itself... industrialization and urbanization, and the need for more and more mass organization and planning. In the past, this managerial elite were focused more on the economic and mechanistic aspects of social planning but over the course of the 20th century they have come to be managers of culture and ideology and have disciplined society into the managerial ideology through mass media and mass communications. This ruling managerial ideology, popularly understood as "political correctness", is self-evident today in virtually all major institutions. Managerial class ideology has given birth to the "religion of Woke" that we see permeating every facet of public life today. This is not a culture that was assumed democratically. Society did not vote for a world where their children have instant access to pornography, but that world was created for them. People didn't vote for the domestic culture war imposed upon their society any more than they voted on engaging in foreign wars and military interventions. Actual democracy is only permitted within the bounds set by the managerial elite. (Though truthfully, we all share responsibility in allowing this managerial system to establish itself because of the comfort and convenience it provided us. Smartphone culture and social media were just too great a thing to pass up, regardless of what it has done to the minds of children)

Anyways, with that said.... Christians are familiar with the instruction of Romans 13, to obey governments and authorities, even when they are actively persecuting the church. But obedience to state law, and participation in state-sponsored ideology are very different things, are they not? In my view, this is the fundamental problem of the modern church. We pretend we are just obeying the government, when in reality we are obeying a system of social-engineering and ideological discipline that usually has zero force of law, but definitely has social consequences.

It would be like the early disciples of Jesus, instead of only obeying the laws of the Roman government, they became intimately involved with all aspects of Roman civic culture and educating their children in Roman civic religion, educated by Rome's high priests and councils of pagan philosophers. And even surrendering to all of that, the cult of Rome would probably have far less influence over their minds than the modern managerial class does over the minds of our communities today. Our entire worldview has been completely invaded and permeated by 'postmodern thinking', and is continually managed through such mass media and communications networks.

We are in effect, willing participants in a highly organized permanent cultural revolution that is totalitarian in scope, attempting to redefine humanity itself. The church accepts and surrenders its young children to be fully disciplined by the managerial priest-class. We celebrate how great it is that our children have access to such wonderful education.

We either do not see it or we pretend not to see this managerial elite, which is in effect an entire Priest-class of Woke religion that is directing the social-planning of our society and the values our children will be discipline in as they move through different spheres of education. This ideological priesthood has no governmental authority, and yet Christians submit to them voluntarily, at most offering only private resistance, but rarely if ever as a unified church body do we even recognize the organized institutional forces arrayed against us, with the minds of our children as primary targets.

The modern church hides from it all with the cowardly pretense of "not getting involved in politics"... and this again plays back into the illusion of democracy, where we pretend not to see the managerial class doing the social engineering. We've allowed idols to fill our backyard because it made life easier. New gadgets, cheaper goods, streaming video, and our ideological priesthood was there with tickling words to assure us how much more free and liberated society was becoming as long as we just sat back and let them steer the ship into the future.

The new world order looked pretty good in the 1990s... you just had to stop being so bigoted and accept homosexuality, that's all... and today we have Drag-queen story hour for kids. And still the church refuses to organize against the wolves.
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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Modern democratic societies are essentially governed by a managerial class. This managerial class has formed somewhat organically as a response to mass society itself... industrialization and urbanization, and the need for more and more mass organization and planning. In the past, this managerial elite were focused more on the economic and mechanistic aspects of social planning but over the course of the 20th century they have come to be managers of culture and ideology and have disciplined society into the managerial ideology through mass media and mass communications. This ruling managerial ideology, popularly understood as "political correctness", is self-evident today in virtually all major institutions. Managerial class ideology has given birth to the "religion of Woke" that we see permeating every facet of public life today. This is not a culture that was assumed democratically. Society did not vote for a world where their children have instant access to pornography, but that world was created for them. People didn't vote for the domestic culture war imposed upon their society any more than they voted on engaging in foreign wars and military interventions. Actual democracy is only permitted within the bounds set by the managerial elite. (Though truthfully, we all share responsibility in allowing this managerial system to establish itself because of the comfort and convenience it provided us. Smartphone culture and social media were just too great a thing to pass up, regardless of what it has done to the minds of children)

Anyways, with that said.... Christians are familiar with the instruction of Romans 13, to obey governments and authorities, even when they are actively persecuting the church. But obedience to state law, and participation in state-sponsored ideology are very different things, are they not? In my view, this is the fundamental problem of the modern church. We pretend we are just obeying the government, when in reality we are obeying a system of social-engineering and ideological discipline that usually has zero force of law, but definitely has social consequences.

It would be like the early disciples of Jesus, instead of only obeying the laws of the Roman government, they became intimately involved with all aspects of Roman civic culture and educating their children in Roman civic religion, educated by Rome's high priests and councils of pagan philosophers. And even surrendering to all of that, the cult of Rome would probably have far less influence over their minds than the modern managerial class does over the minds of our communities today. Our entire worldview has been completely invaded and permeated by 'postmodern thinking', and is continually managed through such mass media and communications networks.

We are in effect, willing participants in a highly organized permanent cultural revolution that is totalitarian in scope, attempting to redefine humanity itself. The church accepts and surrenders its young children to be fully disciplined by the managerial priest-class. We celebrate how great it is that our children have access to such wonderful education.

We either do not see it or we pretend not to see this managerial elite, which is in effect an entire Priest-class of Woke religion that is directing the social-planning of our society and the values our children will be discipline in as they move through different spheres of education. This ideological priesthood has no governmental authority, and yet Christians submit to them voluntarily, at most offering only private resistance, but rarely if ever as a unified church body do we even recognize the organized institutional forces arrayed against us, with the minds of our children as primary targets.

The modern church hides from it all with the cowardly pretense of "not getting involved in politics"... and this again plays back into the illusion of democracy, where we pretend not to see the managerial class doing the social engineering. We've allowed idols to fill our backyard because it made life easier. New gadgets, cheaper goods, streaming video, and our ideological priesthood was there with tickling words to assure us how much more free and liberated society was becoming as long as we just sat back and let them steer the ship into the future.

The new world order looked pretty good in the 1990s... you just had to stop being so bigoted and accept homosexuality, that's all... and today we have Drag-queen story hour for kids. And still the church refuses to organize against the wolves.
The Kingdom of God is not of this world.
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Jan 23, 2014
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The Kingdom of God is not of this world.

Amen. Maybe someday Christian communities will stop giving over their children to be educated in the values and ideology of the kingdom of the world.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Oct 28, 2006
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Modern democratic societies are essentially governed by a managerial class. This managerial class has formed somewhat organically as a response to mass society itself... industrialization and urbanization, and the need for more and more mass organization and planning. In the past, this managerial elite were focused more on the economic and mechanistic aspects of social planning but over the course of the 20th century they have come to be managers of culture and ideology and have disciplined society into the managerial ideology through mass media and mass communications. This ruling managerial ideology, popularly understood as "political correctness", is self-evident today in virtually all major institutions. Managerial class ideology has given birth to the "religion of Woke" that we see permeating every facet of public life today. This is not a culture that was assumed democratically. Society did not vote for a world where their children have instant access to pornography, but that world was created for them. People didn't vote for the domestic culture war imposed upon their society any more than they voted on engaging in foreign wars and military interventions. Actual democracy is only permitted within the bounds set by the managerial elite. (Though truthfully, we all share responsibility in allowing this managerial system to establish itself because of the comfort and convenience it provided us. Smartphone culture and social media were just too great a thing to pass up, regardless of what it has done to the minds of children)

Anyways, with that said.... Christians are familiar with the instruction of Romans 13, to obey governments and authorities, even when they are actively persecuting the church. But obedience to state law, and participation in state-sponsored ideology are very different things, are they not? In my view, this is the fundamental problem of the modern church. We pretend we are just obeying the government, when in reality we are obeying a system of social-engineering and ideological discipline that usually has zero force of law, but definitely has social consequences.

It would be like the early disciples of Jesus, instead of only obeying the laws of the Roman government, they became intimately involved with all aspects of Roman civic culture and educating their children in Roman civic religion, educated by Rome's high priests and councils of pagan philosophers. And even surrendering to all of that, the cult of Rome would probably have far less influence over their minds than the modern managerial class does over the minds of our communities today. Our entire worldview has been completely invaded and permeated by 'postmodern thinking', and is continually managed through such mass media and communications networks.

We are in effect, willing participants in a highly organized permanent cultural revolution that is totalitarian in scope, attempting to redefine humanity itself. The church accepts and surrenders its young children to be fully disciplined by the managerial priest-class. We celebrate how great it is that our children have access to such wonderful education.

We either do not see it or we pretend not to see this managerial elite, which is in effect an entire Priest-class of Woke religion that is directing the social-planning of our society and the values our children will be discipline in as they move through different spheres of education. This ideological priesthood has no governmental authority, and yet Christians submit to them voluntarily, at most offering only private resistance, but rarely if ever as a unified church body do we even recognize the organized institutional forces arrayed against us, with the minds of our children as primary targets.

The modern church hides from it all with the cowardly pretense of "not getting involved in politics"... and this again plays back into the illusion of democracy, where we pretend not to see the managerial class doing the social engineering. We've allowed idols to fill our backyard because it made life easier. New gadgets, cheaper goods, streaming video, and our ideological priesthood was there with tickling words to assure us how much more free and liberated society was becoming as long as we just sat back and let them steer the ship into the future.

The new world order looked pretty good in the 1990s... you just had to stop being so bigoted and accept homosexuality, that's all... and today we have Drag-queen story hour for kids. And still the church refuses to organize against the wolves.

... "the Church" refuses to organize against the wolves? I have to say that although I commiserate with you about the modern presence of the Techno-Babble of Today's Bureucratically Installed Woke-nation(s), I'm at severe pains to answer the following question:

"What in the heck do you think we're supposed to do about it?"​
What I read in your nicely articulated prose is a form of ideological and polemical gesticulating that doesn't serve to solve anything, nor does it seem to take into account the actual 'lived' situations of real people nor the impeding relationships of the typical modern citizen.

Maybe think more on this as you press others to "do more"?

We're not a bunch of Jedi-knights and Rebels just waiting for a clear opportunity to throw the Emperor down from his self-proclaimed pedastal, as if our lived experiences as modern Christians are Hollywood chapters of Super-heroic feats of Triumphalism.
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Ignatius the Kiwi

Mar 2, 2013
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It would do many Christians a world of good to read James Burnham's the managerial revolution to understand the sort of political order we find ourselves in. Sadly I think most Christians are comfortable with the current political order and thus do not want to organize or act against it. They want to be willing partners with states/institutions that do not operate in their interests and then they wonder with some amazement why Christianity is declining. They seem to be under the misapprehension that all that is required is to be passive, rather than active. The early Church didn't overturn Roman society by being passive.

Ultimately the majority of Christians don't matter in this conversation, what matters is the leadership and any elite Christian understands this and acts accordingly.
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Jan 23, 2014
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It would do many Christians a world of good to read James Burnham's the managerial revolution to understand the sort of political order we find ourselves in. Sadly I think most Christians are comfortable with the current political order and thus do not want to organize or act against it. They want to be willing partners with states/institutions that do not operate in their interests and then they wonder with some amazement why Christianity is declining. They seem to be under the misapprehension that all that is required is to be passive, rather than active. The early Church didn't overturn Roman society by being passive.

Ultimately the majority of Christians don't matter in this conversation, what matters is the leadership and any elite Christian understands this and acts accordingly.

I would add "Leviathan and its Enemies" by Sam Francis.
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May 5, 2012
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@lifepsyop : Do you truly see the civil rights movements of the 20th / 21st centuries as top-down movements, initiated by managers? I saw these movements as largely coming from the grassroots, as Black people, women, and gay people got tired of being mistreated, and rose up in protest. Eventually, the rights of these groups were enforced by government and management, with all the benefits and problems that can bring, but I saw the movements in the grassroots first.
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Torah Keeper

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Jun 2, 2013
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@lifepsyop : Do you truly see the civil rights movements of the 20th / 21st centuries as top-down movements, initiated by managers? I saw these movements as largely coming from the grassroots, as Black people, women, and gay people got tired of being mistreated, and rose up in protest. Eventually, the rights of these groups were enforced by government and management, with all the benefits and problems that can bring, but I saw the movements in the grassroots first.
Please do not place sodomites in the same boat as women and black people. Sodomy is a sin. Being a woman or black, is not.
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Jan 23, 2014
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@lifepsyop : Do you truly see the civil rights movements of the 20th / 21st centuries as top-down movements, initiated by managers? I saw these movements as largely coming from the grassroots, as Black people, women, and gay people got tired of being mistreated, and rose up in protest. Eventually, the rights of these groups were enforced by government and management, with all the benefits and problems that can bring, but I saw the movements in the grassroots first.

I think there is usually some organic grassroots element to things, and they become promoted and amplified whether or not they accord with managerial ideology, which are generally views that reject any traditional authority structures (e.g. religion and family) that stand in opposition to an atomized hedonistic mass consumption society that is fully dependent on the organization and administration by the managerial class.

The civil rights movement represents a favorite kind of myth or lore of the managerial class, and you see this today as they repeat the same narrative that black people everywhere are being oppressed by evil white people at all times. The managerial elite represent themselves as saviors of black people and yet as the result of their social policies more black babies are being killed than are born in places like New York City. The managerial class was never actually interested in helping black people, but using the narrative of black liberation to crush traditional structures of social authority and influence that threatened managerial ideology. For decades the label of "racist" has been a kind of magical spell that warded off any potential opposition to managerial policies.

The managerial class "liberated" women and as a result the family has been utterly destroyed. Divorce rates, women having to go work leaving children to be raised by the TV... and as a result of a generally feminized society ruled over by "liberated" women and emasculated we have drag queen story hour and boys being encouraged to turn into girls.

The issue of top-down vs. bottom-up movements becomes cloudier the more that mass-communications and social-media are introduced, as you get into situations where the managerial priesthood is manufacturing social momentum where this is little to none. A few years ago, nobody considered a man's right to play in women's sports some kind of civil-rights issue... it wasn't even on the radar... yet today we are informed that it is one of the great human liberation stories of our time.

Managerial ideology is like an endless loop of permanent revolution leading mass-society to reject old institutions and embrace the new, and these are always framed as new "liberation" narratives, and new social structures that rely on the managerial priesthood as guarantors of freedom. This is the reason they will eventually be promoting pedophilia as the next civil rights issue.
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Coptic Orthodox non-Egyptian
Aug 27, 2014
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All this liberation stuff is essentially just utopianism via societal revolution, isn't it? I know I'm not the greatest Christian in the world, but one thing I do know about my religion is that it does not teach the infinite perfectability of man by any means other than union with God (as the holy apostle St. Paul puts it, becoming partakers of the divine nature). Meaning you can't get that via the ballot box or the bandolier.

As far as who is playing middle man in all this constant upheaval, sure, you might as well blame a managerial class for that. I mean, I went to college. I saw first hand how everything was made purposely more expensive and complicated than it needed to be in order to give some useless administrator a defense for the continued existence of his phony baloney job. We definitely have that in all other aspects of society, too. Diversity vampires of the workplace like Robin D'Angelo don't get rich out of nowhere; the ecosystem's gotta be tweaked just right for things to get this dumb and transparently phony, and for thought-leaders to seriously expect us to sit there and clap like trained seals at every step along the way.
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Jan 23, 2014
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All this liberation stuff is essentially just utopianism via societal revolution, isn't it?
Basically yes... the belief in a transcendent evolution of human society through the mass organization of a scientifically enlightened state.

I know I'm not the greatest Christian in the world, but one thing I do know about my religion is that it does not teach the infinite perfectability of man by any means other than union with God (as the holy apostle St. Paul puts it, becoming partakers of the divine nature). Meaning you can't get that via the ballot box or the bandolier.

What bothers me is how the modern church has really gotten on board with this new mass-society project. I made another thread about this syncretization of Christianity and the liberal democratic order. The new deal seems to be that Christians are allowed to practice their beliefs privately as individuals or in small groups, but they must generally accept the socialization program that stems from managerial ideology.

As a Christian you can have your personal beliefs, but you must accept that your children are basically going to be raised in an environment where it is permissible to encourage them to change genders, or practice homosexuality, and also you need to make sure your children have access to the latest 'educational' technology and instant access to pornography, etc. As modern Christians, you must surrender to the moral discipline of the liberal democratic order. You can go to church, but you may not organize in any effective way as a voting bloc against liberal democratic values. You may only participate in democracy as atomized individuals of mass society. As a church you must also accept that women have been "liberated" and society is much better now that women are equal to men in all areas of public life, that women are expected to work and leave children more to the care of technology and state education. The managerial class knows that men who attempt to practice too much authority in a society are experiencing illiberal authoritarian pathologies and require the moral therapy of managerial ideology.

The modern church has generally accepted all of this as the ideological rule of their societies and communities, and it is frankly quite disgusting. The early disciples of Christ got in people's faces for allowing degenerate behavior into their communities. They obviously understood that even a small trickle of degenerate behavior ( a little leaven ) was going to lead to moral decay, and we as a modern church have just opened the floodgates and allowed our social environments to be completely transformed under our noses, because as a church we've accepted that socialization and even celebrate it. We as Christians are willing members of the mass-social mind that's been organized by managerial ideology.

It is our sacred democracy and our sacred symbol is the torch of human enlightenment that blazes forth from our goddess Liberty.
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Coptic Orthodox non-Egyptian
Aug 27, 2014
United States
Oriental Orthodox
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Yeah...I don't know what to say to that as regards church, because my own particular Church comes out of a completely different social environment where things are definitely not about a liberal social order in the western sense (Egypt), but I do know what you mean about our atomization and the affect it seems to have on western people, since I am one of those. It's very alienating and feels gross and bad, and the effect on children is incredibly tragic, and also incredibly foreseeable to the point where I sometimes feel like I'm the only sane person left on planet earth. Granted, that's probably at least partially the point (or at least a happy accident) of all this social engineering. If you've read 1984, you probably understand that the point is not whether or not 2+2 actually equals 5, but that by getting people to say it does even if they know it doesn't, you wear down their resolve to the point where there's no real difference between knowing the truth and not knowing it, since either way you've captured the mind of society.

I think that's where we are in the west with all this inclusophilia. Maybe you're a Christian and your neighbor's a Buddhist, and your daughter is your son now, and marriage can now include an unlimited number of people of whatever genders they feel themselves to be, and so on, and that's all fine. Great, in fact. So long as you all say 2 + 2 = 5, we know you're on board, and that's the only thing that actually matters. It's not even 'virtue signaling', as there's nothing virtuous in lying (or lying about lying). It's more like "Please, I want to be able to make a living/not have my children taken away/vote/etc.", and the more things that fall under the umbrella of things that can be taken away from you, the more you have to play the game just to be able to live at all.

"Just as one cannot be at once both a tree and a shrub, one cannot be in the city and among its glories and remain as an ascetic."
-- Amma Syncletica (heavily paraphrased, because I'm tired)
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Jan 23, 2014
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If you've read 1984, you probably understand that the point is not whether or not 2+2 actually equals 5, but that by getting people to say it does even if they know it doesn't, you wear down their resolve to the point where there's no real difference between knowing the truth and not knowing it, since either way you've captured the mind of society.

I think that's where we are in the west with all this inclusophilia.

I think we of the modern church, whether we'd like to admit or not, have essentially surrendered our minds to that of the mass society and its governing managerial ideology. The Biblical worldview has long been diffused into a program of scientific social enlightenment, and the eschatological kingdom is now represented in Democracy. The true forces of evil in the world were in the social sins of illiberality and authoritarianism. We truly liberated humanity and saved the world during World War 2 and the Cold War, and ushered a kind of program of heaven into the world when the satanic forces of fascism and communism were defeated. Liberal Democracy is thus sanctified as the new moral creed and the new messianic program for the world that even followers of Christ must aspire to as a greater moral vision. And the Liberal Democratic Order can only be sustained by a managerial priesthood, an expert class that is charged with carefully monitoring and reforming mass society to cleanse it of any 'social sins' of authoritarianism (racism, patriarchy, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.) These pathologies represent the greater social sins that threaten the liberal order.

This is basically the ideological frame the church occupies now. We are very proud of our new enlightened humanity and our social evolution.

"Just as one cannot be at once both a tree and a shrub, one cannot be in the city and among its glories and remain as an ascetic."
-- Amma Syncletica (heavily paraphrased, because I'm tired)

Indeed... we cannot expect to have our entire worldviews rearranged and managed by secular social engineering and expect to remain a church with our minds fully devoted to Christ. It's just not possible. We have to make a choice where we stand.

Can you imagine teams of Roman social-planners wandering in and out of synagogues and churches dictating to early Christians how they are to treat one another, how they should consider morality, regard sexual roles, and educate their children? Nothing about what the apostles wrote about carefully guarding their flocks against false teachings would make any sense.
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