Tadashi Kaede - "Book of Kett" RPG


Call me a dreamer of the seemingly unattainable...
Aug 23, 2004
Kansas City, Missouri
Marital Status
Name: Tadashi Kaede

Gender: Male

Age: 26 (in human years)

Race: Foxifera

Appearance: (see pictures) Tadashi has the colorings of the Kit Fox species when he shapeshifts fully into a fox (grey coat with rusty tones, and a black tip to its tail). When he is in his more human form, His skin is pale (if not even a pale, ruddy tone) and he is of average height and build for his race. His hair, as well as the fur on his ears, are of a darker grey color, with rusty tones underneath. Tadashi’s hair is considered “wild” by many of the elders of his village because of the way it’s grown out and the way he keeps it. His tail is slightly less bushy than the average fox, but it is also a darker grey color with rusty tones underneath and a black tip to his tail. His eyes are a bright rust color and rather innocent-looking for his age. His canine teeth are obviously a bit longer than the average human’s would be. Tadashi’s ears are a bit wider and more rounded than the average Foxifera, sue to his specific species.
He wears what would look almost like a shinobi shozoko, very dark brown in color. He is able to hide his tail within the pants of his clothing, but of course it’s much more comfortable to have it out. He only covers his head when he needs to, and usually whenever he is traveling. There is a leather sheath on his back that he keeps his sword.

Personality: Tadashi is both adventurous and loyal. He is more of a nocturnal creature and enjoys being out around dusk and on into the night most. He’s laidback, mostly due to his training and meditation. Tadashi is devoted to Tattuye and the religion that he grew up with, despite the growing number of questions that run through the back of his mind.

Background/History: Tadashi was born and raised in a tribe located near the edge of a deep forest. The forest met up with a wide open field. It was in this forest that Tadahi's tribe worshipped their god, Tattuye, who had created the Foxifera and who brought the four seasons in their time. The tribe believed that they lived and died by the will of Tattuye, and that any ill that fell upon the tribe was a result of his disfavor, and so they would offer a multitude of sacrifices to him at these times. It was also believed that above all Tattuye favored those who were clever above all, and so the tribe strove to teach those born into the tribe to be clever in all things. It was from this belief that the "Anthua" stemmed from, a trial of all of the Foxifera kits to test their cleverness from the tender age of seven to eleven. Four years entirely devoted to struggling for one's life on their own. It was believed that those who survived were blessed by the favor of Tattuye while any that failed were brought back to Tattuye, who would send them back again when he found their spirit ready. And so, while the kits lived in the village with their parents and tribe members, they were denied help by any of them, having to scavenge or pillage on their own. During this time, Tadashi went to the outermost part of his village, hoping to find work and/or food. He met an elder Foxifera, living on the very outskirts of town. This gentleman took a sort of pity on the young Foxifera and gave him a job at his farm. The work was very hard, and usually lasted from sun up til sun down. But in exchange, Tadashi was fed and received training from the elder Foxifera inTattuye’s way of both combat and meditation. After his Anthua was over, Tadashi stayed with the elder Foxifera for several more years, returning home to help his parents (by that time all his younger siblings were on Anthua and the older ones had or were leaving home). He stayed with his parents for a few more years before he got the adventurous itch to go out and see what the world held for him. He’s been traveling pretty much ever since, taking on odd jobs and such. He hasn’t stayed in one place more than a year, and the more he travels, the more he feels like perhaps he doesn’t know. But Tadashi continues to have faith the Tattuye will lead and guide him to whatever his destiny might be.

Special Abilites: None to speak of. Tadashi could be considered simply a jack-of-all-trades. If asked to name something, he would probably respond with construction or growing plants.

Weapon of Choice: A sword resembling a miao dao. He keeps this in a sturdy leather sheath on his back. He is able to grab the handle with his right hand over his right shoulder.



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Call me a dreamer of the seemingly unattainable...
Aug 23, 2004
Kansas City, Missouri
Marital Status
The pic of the fox is what Tadashi looks like when he transforms into his fox form.
The pic of the person is to give an idea of what Tadashi's hair looks like...because I had no idea how to explain it. XD
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