Single college guy, lonely, no real friends


Dec 7, 2011
Marital Status
This is so hard to even start writing. But I'm hoping maybe if I get some of this out even if no one responds, I might feel a little better. I'm going to bet this is going to be super long.

I grew up in a Christian family and grew up in a great small Bible Church from age 7. I'm now 21 and 3 days away from the end of my 5th semester in a Technical College.

I went to public school growing up. In high school I never really had any friends I hung out with regularly. I lived out in the country where anywhere was a 20 minute drive, so I lived near no one. I fit in with several cliques depending on what class I was in or who was where at any time. Who I even called an acquaintance changed every year. I never had any real friends though. I could get along well with some people, and some people hated me and I had no idea who they were. But I was always the quiet person, very socially awkward. I have come to decide the main reason I don't speak much in group situations is because I don't relate to what is being said generally, and if I do I can't get a word in or I get interrupted. I gave up on that idea and I just live with the question "why don't you ever talk?" If I am going to talk at all, I do best in a one-on-one conversation. There weren't many true Christians in school, so true Christian friends were pretty much impossible to come by. But that's ok, because I have a great church...oh wait, I didn't have any friends there either. Acquaintances I could talk to about random things, absolutely, but no true friends that hung out with me and shared secrets, or whatever friends do. There really wasn't that many people in my age group. I went through that all through school. But at least I could go home to my family of my mom, dad, and younger brother.

in the Summer of 2007 I got my first job before my Junior year of HS. Fast food, and I still hold the same job today 4 and a half years later, just not at the same store. I met some very strange people and some cool people, but I was still alone as far as friendship goes. Granted, working close to people for awhile, I did end up talking to and getting a little closer to people than I did in high school. But still, not very many Christians to mingle with there either. Most people still like me there because of the fact that I pride myself on being a good worker. I've found some of the weird people like me for no reason as I never even talked to them, then I get randomly annoyed by them when they are working with me. I suppose it's an aura about me that attracts them, I dunno.

Graduate HS May 2009. I have decided to move 3.5 hours away from home to go to a Technical college and study computer maintenance. Architecture is where I saw myself in 5th grade, but by high school I started getting into computers and ran a small business throughout high school. Essentially I am a nerd or geek (I never understood the difference), but without the dorky glasses (just regular glasses) and no geek/nerd friends to hang out with and get bullied by the jocks (cue the movie cliches). I am not big on changes, and moving out of the house and living on my own was a huge change and a big step out of my comfort zone. I moved on campus and got a roommate that smoked, had a girlfriend that hated my guts (there's a weird story behind that), and was very messy. We lived in a 2 bedroom apartment so the only mess I had to deal with was mainly the kitchen, but being the clean person I was it bugged me. I never really got to know the guy. I have no idea what his last name was. His friends that came by were all pretty weird. I decided by the end of the first semester, a roommate was not going to work out and I moved into my own apartment. When I went through my first semester of college I met a few guys, but didn't really make any friendships. One guy was pretty cool, but he got really sick and had to drop out for the remainder of the semester because he got so far behind, so I never saw him again. As far a church goes, I looked through the phone book and found a Bible church similar in size to my home church. By the third Sunday a college guy approached me and introduced me to his friends and invited me to the college Sunday school. I eventually became good friends with him, his wife, his brother in law and wife, as well as another girl there. As a group, that is the closest I have ever been to real friends. Because of my schedule between work and school I didn't get to hang out with them as much though so I really was the "outcast" of the group, for lack of a better way to say it at the moment.

Fast forward a little bit and I've become pretty good friends with them all and at the end of the second semester the guy I met first is graduating from college and moving with his wife an hour and a half away. I still have 3 good friends in town when I go back to school in the Fall I think though. When I get back into town in the Fall I find out none of them have gone to church all summer since the other guys left town. As a result I hang out with them 3 times in that whole semester. That's where things start going downhill for me. No friends to hang out with I sit around in my apartment alone most of my free time.

The beginning of the next semester the wife of the guy that was still in town has decided she no longer loves him and he found out she was cheating on him so he moved back home. So I lost a friend and the other moved away. And the last friend that was still in town usually only hung out with me if the others were there, so I never saw her again after that. That was a very lonely semester. I made a few friends within school having had several classes with them already. But nothing in which I would hang out with them outside of school. At this point there really was no one of college age at church any more, I was literally the only one in the Sunday school class. It was decided to stop doing the college age Sunday school so I just skip Sunday school and go to church now. A family I had known since I started going to the church started taking me to lunch after church and I got along with them ok. The Assistant Pastor at church talked to me about the fact that all my friends had left and said he wanted to be friends with me. The main problem with that is he really has very little time, so at most it's lunch out and talk for an hour. Even at church he only says hi to me. I'd like to tell him some of the things that I've been struggling with, but the opportunity never comes or I just can't say it. I just don't see him as enough of a friend. One thing he said that really bothered me for some reason before I left for home, he asked me what I did in my free time. I answered with "sitting around in my apartment mostly watching moves/tv shows and playing on the computer." He said simply "you gotta stop doing that." I didn't respond to it, but I really wanted to ask, "What would you like me to do? I don't have any friends to hang out with. Where am I going to go that's that much better than alone in my apartment?"

Starting this Fall semester as my fifth semester I went in knowing I had no friends again at church. Between the horrible classes I had and the loneliness factor, it has been the worst semester so far. I did make friends with a guy at school, but he's a Seventh Day Adventist so he asked me one day if he could come to my apartment on some Friday nights to get away from his roommates because that's his (verbatim) "Jesus time". In this time he's only supposed to think and talk about stuff of his religion and nature stuff so he says. So he's not really a lot of fun to hang out with during that time (Friday night to Saturday night). It's great to have time to set aside to spend with God as I would do as a Christian, but I still try to live with Christian morals outside of any time I spend with God. He openly says bad words and talks about women in not so great ways as well as plenty of other things. Meeting him at school you'd never even figure he had any type of belief at all because of the ways he talks sometimes. I met his roommates and one of his friends and I have to say they are far worse than he is, I will literally never go back to his apartment again. I am happy he has at least decided to wait for sex until marriage. He is easy to talk to one on one once I got to know him though, and when he's not under restriction of what he can talk about he's a cool guy. About the best friend I really can get anymore...

As far as relationships with girls go...I've never had one. Not even been close. That's really fine with me, but something inside me keeps wanting a girlfriend. It really would be nice to have a girlfriend as that's the one person I could tell about anything, but at the same time I know at this point in my life it would just complicate my life. A full time student that works 24 hours a week and shares the same schedule as no one has very little time to really hang out with a girlfriend as one probably should. Although finding a good Christian girl in my area is nearly impossible, so yeah. Not to mention how much I move. I go home for Christmas break, as I am about to in 3 days, for a month. And I go home for the entire 4 month summer break. If I met her here I'd not get to see her for ~5 months of the year and if she was at home it would be even longer. In my experience watching many failed relationships, long distance doesn't work. I see people all around me getting into relationships though and it just makes me feel even lonelier. I looked into Christian dating sites, but because of what I mentioned above I never got registered for any. There really has been only one girl I really liked. She is from my home church. I've liked her since at least 2005, but never said anything to her at all. We actually made a couple short films together and through that I decided we would never work together anyway. When I moved away to college I stopped thinking about her so much. For some reason I saw her profile on Facebook and kinda relapsed today. Not really sure why. I've never had feelings for anyone else as strong as I have for her even though I don't see us ever getting together.

Now to get to probably the biggest issue I have going on in my life. I have not ever told anyone ever before. I've always been embarrassed about it. I am addicted to porn. I have been since I was 12. My parents found some internet history and asked me about it early on, but I found ways to hide it pretty easy. I went for nearly a year without even looking at it I think sometime in middle school or high school. My addiction wasn't near as bad then but I didn't want to stop either. Now I can't stop. I want to go cold turkey and I tried it for a couple days. I held strong for about 3 days and then gave in to temptation again. If I don't think about it too much I can go a week, but if I think about it it's hard to go even a day. It's bad as it is for my relationship with God, but I've also been lying to my family and loved ones. I really can't tell them now that I've been struggling with this for 9 years without their knowledge. It would hurt too many people. This addiction is another reason I don't want a girlfriend. I can't feel I can truly have a girlfriend until I can kick this addiction as I'd want to be completely honest with her. Another thing that is causing me to look at porn more often is the fact that I feel so lonely. I really never used to do it several times a week until recently because I feel so alone and feel for a moment that that will fill the void only to be let down again and again, but I keep going back to it for something it will never provide... I hate this.

I've never really been very good about regular prayer and outside of church I never open my Bible, despite being raised a Christian and knowing that is the way to live in God's Word and truly know Him. I always find time for other stuff before God. I've talked to other people about that, but I can't seem to ever get into it.

I honestly don't know what I'm expecting to come out of this as I know I really need to start praying about everything and put it all in Gods hands and I know that's what everyone is going to say, more or less. But maybe some encouragement wouldn't hurt. I just put my biggest secret of my life out there for whoever to read. That's a really big deal to me.

Congratulations and thanks for reading if you even read to this point. I figured this would be long, but didn't figure on it being this long... I guess I had more to say than I thought.


Single college guy, lonely, no real friends

God can help with lonliness.
May have to repent and resist to get closer to God.
God bless.

James 1:12
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
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Jul 10, 2009
Hey man, I'd love to call you sometime next week, or even this week. I have a lot of finals to study for but I would gladly make time to talk with you through the things you are struggling through. I had a lot of struggles with pornography and many other things in the past for many years but the Lord saved me from it so I would be glad to help you in any way possible.

Here are some videos that might really help you out. Please watch them and consider carefully the things said in them. If you would like to see more check out the channel below.

illbehonest's Channel - YouTube

Freedom from Pornography, James' Testimony - YouTube
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Sep 23, 2011
Marital Status
Same here. I believe I got saved about 9-10 months ago but I still have no friends, even at the new church. I don't know what's God's plan for me but it seems like I'm invisible in this world. I've been depressed too many times about that to even feel depressed about it. Also single, college student but still living with parents. I'm hoping God will get me through this, if it's His will that I never get out of it.
Praying that He helps you too.
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Dec 7, 2011
Marital Status
Thanks guys. I watched several of those videos and prayed about it. Staying strong with God's help. I go back home for the Christmas break tomorrow, so I won't be as lonely over the 1 month break. I'll try to keep praying about it keeping in mind what was said in the videos. There's still not much I can do about the lack of friends I guess, but maybe some day God will send me a Christian friend around my age. I just wish I wasn't so socially awkward.
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Sep 23, 2011
Marital Status
Thanks guys. I watched several of those videos and prayed about it. Staying strong with God's help. I go back home for the Christmas break tomorrow, so I won't be as lonely over the 1 month break. I'll try to keep praying about it keeping in mind what was said in the videos. There's still not much I can do about the lack of friends I guess, but maybe some day God will send me a Christian friend around my age. I just wish I wasn't so socially awkward.

Great to hear. Never stop praying about it, no matter what the devil says. God will hear your prayer and deliver you. :)
If you think you are socially awkward you should meet me. It's hard enough for me to find something to talk about in a group of people and thanks to my past I ended up with no friends at all. And today I've been talking to pastors daughter and she was shocked to find out that I'm a C grade student. She probably thinks that I'm the laziest freak she ever met. Well, that might be true. I do have difficulties with studying tho but nevermind that. If anyone is my friend that is Jesus. It's theoretically impossible to be my friend. It all owes to my past. The fact that I'm here now, hoping in God and trusting Him for my future is more than a miracle. My point is this: keep hoping. If it helps you forget the rest of what I wrote and look to Christ. See what God is for you in Him and see the love that Jesus has for you. It will transform your heart even further and even if things get bad He will be with you. He is our rock and our redeemer. :)

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Dec 5, 2011
Marital Status
One thing that would help you break out of your shell, try getting a job that is semi-aggressive with sales, like best buy or any retail store that sells technology stuff where you push hard on selling the protection plans on the items. You'll learn great sales techniques for future endeavors and it will force you to talk to everyone making you more social and (what I call it) the f@ck it mentality where you can talk to anyone and don't care if they think you're weird or w.e (making it very easy to approach girls) because the worst thing she (or a customer) can say is no. And that's it, no big deal with regards to talking to people.
Trust me, from a now business owner, that sales job was one of the best things I could have done career wise, I can sell my company's services like no tomorrow.
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Everything tastes better with cheese
Dec 15, 2009
Marital Status
I'm going to try to address the key things i read in order

1. The way to make friends. You are shy and don't like to talk. I understand that you are whats called an introvert. However with that being said there is an easy way to give people the perception that you are talkative and caring without actually being talkative. People are naturally inclined to love to talk about themselves so when you ask them questions that require long answers you are likely to get long answers. When you meet someone and you want to attempt a friendship get to know them find out what makes them tick, just keep asking questions. Make sure though you ask what are called open door questions. These are questions that require more than a one word answer, for example if i ask you what your favorite TV show is and why it is you like it your not going to be able to just give me an easy yes or no answer. But if I asked you do you like "House" or whatever other show you would simply be able to say yes or no then an ackward pause in conversation would ensue. This technique will also work with helping you to pick up girls. Girls love to garner attention so when you provide them with it and give them an outlet to talk about themselves, with some well timed feedback and compliments you are going to find you have a much easier time with talking to them.

2. Calling people weird reflects poorly on you as a person. When you call someone weird you're judging them and thats not cool. It's especially not cool when you outwardly state something that comes off even remotely judgemental, it's not only going to alienate the target audience it's going to make you come off sounding like a mean spirited judgemental person. These kind of people are easily disliked, you mentioned several times how you were hated by certain people. My guess is there were quite a few times where you made blantently rude comments about other people in an attempt to elevate yourself or to try to "look cool" and instead made yourself look like a huge jerk *i am speaking from experience I used to do this alot when I was younger*.

3. Porn: I am guessing with you since your shy you haven't had a whole lot of people pay attention to you throughout your childhood and adulthood. I may even guess that your parents were very critical of you which made you even more reserved twoards them generating a stronger feeling of detachment from your loved ones. Even if this isn't the case based on the entirety of your story the reason your addicted to porn is because you crave the attention. When you watch porn your brain perceives you to be in the role of the guy in the video, and since he's being shown what your brain perceives to be intimacy by another person *especially one you find attractive* it clings to that imagry and seeks to reproduce it to fill the gap all of us have for love and acceptance. Unfortunately the behavior only leads to even more shame and loneliness. What needs to be done is the following. First if any people in your past hurt you and made you feel unloved you need to take time to discover who those people were and what they did to upset you. Next you need to forgive them completely; if you want God to forgive you of your lust and then set you free of it you must first learn to forgive those who wronged you. The next step you need to take is find a CELEBRATE RECOVERY in your area. This is a Christian healing ministry for addictions specifically sexual addiction being one of them. Go to it and confess your problem in there small private groups. God has hardwired our brains to heal in groups.. it will also help you to get a sponsor or accountability partner *someone you can call to talk to when your feeling like using porn or just generally feeling down in the dumps*... You'll find one though easily if you go to a church that has CR. During this whole process you need to pray to God and ask Jesus to take this burden from you. Tell him honestly that your incapable of handling it on your own and whole heartidly would like him to take it from you. Tell him you expect that since you asked him to do it that it will be done since he said anything you ask with faith he'll do to glorify the father. Then remove all the worry you have about using porn knowing that it's on Jesus's shoulders to deliver you. He will come through for you... it may take a while as he leads you down the path of healing but it will all come together for you nicely. My guess is he'll also help you build up some strong new relationships with other people in the meanwhile to help you grow and move out of your funk. If you need someone to talk to you can feel free to pm me asking me for my # ill gladly give you it and you can call me for advice if you want. Either way God bless you and good luck!
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Saved by Grace
Dec 12, 2011
Marital Status
Ok well here's how I see it.
I was bullied in primary school, eventually abused sexually. That really stuck with me through middle school (a different school). In my first year of MS I was the 'quiet achiever' which pretty much put me in the spotlight the next year. I was still really shy but over the next few years came out of my shell.
It took a while but I've found a great group of friends. Even so, sometimes I feel like I am wearing a mask and hiding who I really am.

I would pray and trust that God has a plan in store for you. Maybe you'll end up in a great job with supportive co-workers when you graduate.

With the porn, i know you are trying to break the addiction. Pray, pray and pray. Can you put a sticky note on your keyboard or monitor that says something that will remind you of your goal?
Or have an activity to do if you feel compelled to watch it. Start a 'distraction project', go for a run (or simply a walk) etc.

Avoid programs or movies or magazines that sexualise women (pretty much all of them), try some Christian authors or music :)

And as for the girl, you never know who God plans for you. It might be her. It might not.

Sorry, I keep rambling on.
Feel free to message me if you want a girl's opinion on anything, sometimes it might help.
And good luck, I'm praying for you.
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Senior Veteran
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Feb 8, 2009
New Jersey
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You sound just like me (though I've never had any interest in porn). I'm near retirement, and still alone. Like you, I have the typical computer nerd loner personality. I've often wondered what advice I'd give my younger self if I could.

About all I can say is that to meet people you have to go where people are. Being in a church with no people your age is a problem, since that's often where you meet people. It's also not unusual. A lot of churches (including ours) have a gap for college age, and start up again with young people starting out post-college. But for many churches the post-college folks are mostly married. I'd say your first job is to find a church or parachurch group with people your age. Most colleges have church groups on campus, but possibly a technical school won't. If there are nearby colleges you might consider getting involved with their campus ministry. No Christian group is going to say "sorry, you're going to the wrong school." At least no Christian group I'd want anything to do with.

The other piece of advice is harder, and since I haven't succeeded myself, I'm not sure quite how to give it. That is to spend time with girls. To do that, you'll have to be willing to do thing that aren't natural for you. You don't have to be ready to get married to go out to a movie together. You might also want to do things beyond normal church services, whether service activities such as Habitat or recreational activities.
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American Patriot
Dec 7, 2011
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This addiction is another reason I don't want a girlfriend. I can't feel I can truly have a girlfriend until I can kick this addiction as I'd want to be completely honest with her.

Thand you so much for this. My parents were married 15 years and had three kids but got divorced because my dad refused to kick his addiction to pornography. So it not only messed up his marraige but we kids had to go through a long tough time.

im very glad you have enough foresight to stay out of a relationship until you know it would be "safe" (for lack of a better word)
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Oct 13, 2011
Marital Status
Get involved in Church on Sundays so you can fellowship and meet people. You are 21--still so young. Alot of people go to college and feel lost and lonely. Be sure to stay in prayer and read your Bible. I love to watch sermons every now and again from Times Square Church in New York. The website is and you go to sermons and can watch them. I love to listen to Carter Conlon--he is the senior pastor of the church. Remember that God is with you and will never leave you.

Things you can do to get out is....
-go to a gym
-go outside and take walks
-join study groups at school
-just talk to people and get to know them

**You will be alright. There are alot of lonely, single people in the world--who are looking for friends who can steer them in the right direction**
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New Member
Mar 23, 2017
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Man... idk why this isn't giving me the option to PM you...? Kinda lame. Signed up just to holler at you bro, and this site won't let me even do that..smh.

I'll write a lil something on here..but you should PM me if you know how? Maybe I'm just retarded, idk.

I'm from Orlando, FL , but live in Texas now working for Halliburton on oilrigs.. just to give you a little backround. I'm not your typical "Christian" who was raised in "church" and was and goody goody all my life. I had problems. My younger years ya... I was a geek kinda. .got into bruteforce hacking pretty young..and the easiest sites to hack were porn sites..not even that I cared, but it was what my "teacher" started me off with. So needless to say, I was exposed to every kind of porn you could imagine..but didn't turn into a problem to much for me till I got older. I never cared to much for girls..I was to self conscious I guess even though if you met me, I'm the OPPOSITE of quiet..but I was never able to be serious around girls.

Next topic..

I "thought" I was a Christian for the longest time..I'd even "preach" to my friends cause I genuinely loved hearing and talking about God.
But tbh, I loved sin. I loved hustling. I loved the adrenaline and "power" from being around that crowd. Idk if you want to cast judgements, but ya bro, my neighbor was a millionaire off selling coke and I ended up riding with him a lot after high school.
Anyways, long story short, God removed me from the situation...and it wasn't pretty. He took everything from me..and I started from NOTHING, ALONE.

It was years after moving away and being alone and but still enjoyed sinning(not that I knew). But you now what bro? God called me. He shook me so bad that I cried 3 days straight and ever since I been running to him everyday. I dropped everything. I hate sin,'s the hardest fight possible when it comes to "lust" or "masturbation" or porn etc... but man... it's a fight worth fighting.

To be honest with you brother, it sounds like you know what a "christian" is and what they do...but.. do you have a *RELATIONSHIP* with our Lord Jesus Christ? Or do you just think your a Christian based on your works and deeds?
..don't take that in a wrong manner, I don't mean it rude.
It's just.. I see all these "christians" who talk the talk..and even seem to "walk"...
But.. how are they Christians and yet they don't know The Word?

Brother, without reading or listening to The Word (mostly the Gospel) or the Pauline Epistles..but lately I been watching a lot of Pastor Charles Lawson on you tube (check him out!!) And been reading a lot of E.W. Bullinger.
I can't get enough bro. I just.. "need" to know Him.
And without having The Word. ..the words of Jesus in my mind..I would NO WAY be able to fight and WIN against the temptation.
No way.
You have to read the Word.. you have to!!!
Listen to it if you have to, I got a good audio source from and/or try listening to Charles Lawson...just stay in the Word however you can!

you's so hard in my environment sometimes. The more I want to stay from sin, the harder they attack me. it attacks me in my dreams with horrible perverted dreams..and when I see any images of females.. I instantly want to lust after them..but I dont. I RUN BRO! I RUN! I take captive of those thoughts I don't want, and KILL THEM.
I kill sin bro, and I celebrate those victorys.
Because tbh, I've lost sometimes, and given in...and it sucks.

You gotta fast brother.
You gotta find what you DESPERATELY want, and PRAY! FAST FAST FAST.
It's not hard bro.. don't kid yourself. After the first time, you'll be proud of yourself.
I do at least 3days of just water and I get on MY FACE every day 3 times a day and I PRAY DESPERATELY for what it is I want!!!

I promise you the Lord wants a better relationship with you.
Wants you to be happy etc etc.
But bro... you HAVE TO GET IN THE WORD!!!!
I promise if you prayed and fasted desperately and seemed Him... He WILL answer you!

don't be a a loser to the flesh!
You arnt a Christian cause of baptism or because you don't do bad things or curse etc.. it's your relationship with our Lord & Saviour Christ Jesus that saves you!
You know this bro.. you know what they say in the church house.

If I could go back, I would love to be alone and focus on myself and just praise the Lord and do his service. How hard it is to find a good not easy my friend. It's a long road and many heart breaks in between. Have you ever been betrayed by a
A person you loved so much you just stopped "feeling" ? Been betrayed by by a guy friend that you trusted and he stabed you in the back? Broken hearts are what people get most of the time with relationships...but it's not to say I let that keep me away from making friends. No.
I'm saying, maybe you should push it out of your mind about wanting friends and a girl, and dive into The Word. Get on your face and CRY bruh, CRY out to The Lord and tell Him how sad it makes you how lonely you are. EVERY SINGLE DAY, KNOCK ON THAT DOOR (PRAY!!!) You know what Jesus said about thE guy coming to the house knocking on the door for bread when the homeowner was sleeping?
He will eventually answer you! Pray and Fast and do it DESPERATELY !! Your Father hears you my friend... but you got to seek Him.

Idk if you even check this anymore or if I wrote this bunch of words for nothing... but I accidentally found your post looking for something else and found you. Man.. I wish I had a guy too I could talk to..about Jesus. About what I'm studying. Questions I have, thoughts... but I don't bro. I just dont.

I'm here for you brother, I'm here for any brother who would like a man FIRMLY IN LOVE WITH CHRIST to text or whatever.
I'm unashamed bro, and I'm a weirdo.
And I love it, I love Him :)

- Jon


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