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Jan 16, 2019
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The purpose of this thread is to provide support and encouragement for industrious pursuits through the exchange of ideas, personal projects and prayer. Financial self-sufficiency is the goal with the Lord at the helm. Feel free to ask questions or request feedback. I've included biblical support for your reference and additional information to assist your efforts.

Preparation: Give a portion to seven, or even [divide it] to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth. -- Make provision for the unexpected through multiple channels.

Diversity: Sow your seed in the morning and do not be idle with your hands in the evening, for you do not know whether morning or evening planting will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both alike will be good. -- Diversify your income. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Stewardship: Be diligent to know the condition of your flocks, and pay attention to your herds; for riches are not forever, nor does a crown endure to all generations. -- Flocks and herds are references to resources (work, money, investments, skills, connections, etc.)

Of the tribe of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do

We must emulate the sons and daughters of Issachar in this hour. We no longer have the liberty of ignorance nor the safety nets of previous generations. Missteps in current times are more cataclysmic than before. We must be prepared.

Gone are the days of guarantees and promises. Don't stake your hopes on employers, the government or retirement plans. The fine print can change and it has. As of 2024 the full retirement age for most participants in this forum is 67 and reforms are underway elsewhere to increase that number and similar discussions are occurring here as well. In 2034 the excess reserves in social security will be exhausted.

The cost of living never deflates. What's required today is unlikely to meet our needs tomorrow. Don't be misled as others were. Develop strategies that lessen your dependency and reliance on traditional sources. Be industrious and put alternatives in place to counter setbacks or reductions elsewhere.

The bible reminds us that things don't always go as planned. We must be willing to adjust our thinking to do as He instructs. Everything the bible says on the subject is plural. We have flocks and seeds and portions. We need more than one.

When you're devising multiple income streams you can approach it in two ways:

Take an idea and build it out. Look for ten ways it can be monetized. If you're doing it on the Internet that's pretty straightforward. The other approach is financial. You choose a number you want to earn on a yearly basis and devise income streams to accomplish it. While they may appear similar at first glance they differ significantly.

Option one is a great starting point for beginners. You want to write, start a podcast or YouTube channel. You don't know if you'll like it or be successful or you don't have a lot of knowledge in the subject area. When the latter is the case you're using a journeyman approach. You're taking the audience with you and sharing your experiences. It's also the spaghetti stage. You'll try a few things and see what works and expand the best.

Option two is more reliant on expertise. You don't have to be a guru but you have to know what you're good at. You've developed the idea into a vision and a strategy. You know where you want to go. You have an end in mind and it usually involves some level of authority. There's less spaghetti in this approach and lots of narrowing. Specialization and mastery are desirable. There's a lot of stacking. Instead of working forward you begin with the end in mind.

Fashion is a great example of multiple income streams and demonstrates both.
  1. Perfume
  2. Makeup
  3. Skincare
  4. Clothes
  5. Shoes
  6. Handbags
  7. Jewelry
  8. Accessories
  9. Eyewear
  10. Digital media
Every product within those categories produces income for the company. The digital example would look like this.
  1. Products
  2. Subscriptions
  3. Ad revenue
  4. Affiliate income
  5. Sponsored posts
  6. Collaborations
  7. Articles
  8. Events (you host)
  9. Speaking engagements
  10. Paid appearances (non speaking)
The next step is prayer and contemplation. I've given you a roadmap. Now it's your turn. Seek the Lord's input on your ideas and passions. What interests you or stirs your heart? Find the problems in those areas. What are they struggling with? That's where you come in.
  • Solve a problem
  • Share how you've solved the problem or you're doing it (in-process)
  • Support people with the problem
You're not limited to one. You can do all three. But keep in mind, every problem isn't negative. As in something happened. Some result in longings you're supporting them through or allowing them to experience vicariously. Travel is a great example of the latter.

Digital projects are easier and have less overhead. Digital products are great for beginners. Look at Etsy. You make it once and resell it (in most instances). They're a great source of passive income. You're not limited to business hours. That's why it's popular. When you're contemplating ideas take inventory of your skills and what you'll have to learn or improve for your projects. It helps with your planning and prevents you from focusing on the wrong thing.

Good luck!

And let the [gracious] favor of the Lord our God be on us; Confirm for us the work of our hands— Yes, confirm the work of our hands.

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Oct 6, 2006
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One of the things I've been thinking about as an investment is building networks and relationships. As I've given into relationships it has returned in physical ways. I also share some of things like clothes and gardening. I'm volunteering at different sporting events to also build towards relationships to encourage health. A savings in the future towards health cost. Church is important in building relationships, but at this time most of it is outside hours I can offer because of my work schedule.

I've also talked with a reviewed investments for retirement to see if I'm track for retirement in my 60s.

Expenditures, Im postponing some major purchases and have been little by little putting into high yield savings for those purchases. It's been a long process. I wouldn't recommend it, but there's some great ways to get cash back on credit cards when your credit score is in the excellent category. Also cash back on cards if you keep up with the digital merchant offers.

Gardening has been my one thing I've been working on for self sufficiency. I have no tiller. I do it all with a shovel.
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May 20, 2015
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I've had some thoughts for awhile about trying to sell some artwork I've made. The difficulty is that there are so many others selling hand made items and art. I'm considering trying to offer some unique hand painted jewellery. I'm looking at a very small scale venture. Something that allows me to continue to make things as my hobby and also provide me with a little extra cash.
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Apr 11, 2024
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This is an interesting thread considering I have a relatively new Etsy store in which I sell my art on stationery and other home goods. I am also working on an anime light novel that I hope to self-publish soon. I've read so many resources online about how to run a business (and how to self-publish a book) and most are through a secular, materialistic point of view, so it's refreshing seeing this presented through a Biblical lens.
Based on personal experience, I've found the hardest part of running an Etsy shop is advertising or marketing because I lack money, connections, and time. I've tried social media platforms such as Instagram just because it doesn't cost anything to have an account there. But there is so much competition! You have to post all the time and you have to stand out and, in the end, it takes up all the time that you would use to produce products.
Do you have any ideas as to how to advertise effectively if you lack the aforementioned money, connections, and time? I'd love to hear your thoughts since I feel this is one of the most difficult parts of running a business. Thanks!
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