Shiken Tensuke


Active Member
Mar 27, 2003
My Own Little Anime/RPG World
Name: Senshi Asakura
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5'10"
Age: 23 Years Old
Place of Residence: Kyoto, Japan
Family: The Asakura Family
Skills: Skilled Soldier
Weapons: Katana, Wakizashi
Animals: No need
Occupation: Soldier

Appearance: Samurai Clothes

Personality: Kind, Friendly, Seems to be hiding something.

History: Fighting in the Holy War since he was 11 years old, he is quite a skilled soldier in war. When he was 13, he witnessed his mother's death. Since that day, he swore he would kill the man that murdered his mother. His brother and him now continue the Holy War and the search for their mother's killer.