• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

schitzophrenia, I think it is demonic



Hi, I read your post on what you are going through and am praying for you. I went through a huge correction some years ago and really had a battle. My recommendation is to 1. Do not listen to the voices. If you year some in your ear don't think about them. Yes they are there but do not entertain them, think about them, etc. Move on. 2. Fast and pray as much as you can. If you can take a few days by yourself and just fast and pray as much as you can this will get you closer to God and He will Help. 3. Stay away from deliverance ministries. Many of them just make matters worse. 4. If the Holy Spirit tells you to stop an activity DO IT. This can range from video games, movies, music, hobbies, etc. Even it sounds unreasonable, listen to the Holy Spirit. God will show you the things that make your troubles worse. 5. Lastly, Do not believe you can lose your salvation. God knows the voices are there and are using them to get you closer to Him.

(God brought me to this post under strange circumstances and your post is the the first I read and responded to so He is listening to your prayers)

It will not be easy but I can guarantee God will help.
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Its a difficult issue, I have been suffering from psychosis for the past 2 years although I don't hear voices, I understand some things about the illness, the causes. etc. I am ignorant in many areas of human suffering like some of the reply's to your post. I use medication, this helps me but it was a difficult process finding the right one, scary how feelings can make you feel. In the bible it speaks of demon possessed men who where healed by Jesus. Today these men might be called Schizophrenics. truth is we don't know, but notice one very important aspect of these stories-those who had demons where healed, they were not cast into hell, only the demons were removed. So take comfort in that, understand that most people encounter demons throughout there lives, many Christians..including myself.

My view on diseases such as these and how they fit into our lives and also gods role in human suffering in general (because that is ultimately what we are asking)

I don't believe schizophrenia is solely a spiritual issue, in many ways having such a disease causes us to seek out Christ the more, resulting in spiritual cleansing. I used an an-allergy once that our bodies are like cars and the spirit inside like the driver of that car. when the body is damaged it can hinder our travels making it more difficult to reach our destination or on the other hand causes us to find other more efficient ways to reach that destination. But if the driver does not know where the destination is or decides not to partake in the objective of the race and instead tries to run other people of the road.. it is far more serious. Many people in this world have a well functioning vehicle (or body) but aren't even striving to reach the destination, whereas the people who have damaged vehicles tend to think more carefully on what they spend their fuel on and the most economic way to get there. As the saying says "it is not he who is healthy who needs a physician but he who is sick"

Before I got sick I was pursuing the glitter of the world, partying, chasing women, seeking popularity and striving to be the greatest. But when I got sick I was forced to re-evaluate where I was going and what path I was taking, So despite the hardship I had to endure I believe it was a blessing because it brought me to the knowledge of the truth. And one of the fruits of the spirit is long suffering, a spiritual virtue. I wouldn't say go out and pursue greater suffering by doing evil so that you can accumulate more fruits of the spirit, and I would suggest that you take full advantage of the medicines available. Look forward for the hope to come, there will be a rest in which the physician will give us new bodies as he promises, it might seem like a distant future but the day will come, many schizophrenics around the world are enduring this affliction and the lord must know this. But he also knows that life is but a vapor which appears for a short time then disappears.
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Jul 18, 2012
United States
Marital Status
Man, Good post. You have thought about the issue a lot as I have as well. I went through the same thing. I was brought to the Light and accepted Him and then started rationalizing sin. I was doing the same things as you: getting back into the world. Then I went through a major correction. No-one will understand what a correction is or how hard it is unless you have been through it. The toughest part is it's hard to really talk about and no-one understands (But God). I also feel this was a blessing and a hardship of course. Proverbs speaks mightely about all you have written.

Good analogy about the car and the fact that God brings us to Him in ways that are difficult but very effective. I don't understand schizophrenia either but have seen it much and dealt with it in minor form. I believe it is both spiritual and physical as well. An atheist doctor will tell you it's a chemical imbalance. That may be but the chemical imbalance is just the vehicle God uses in many cases.

A major problem with our society is if you try and seek out help, like a psychiatrist, they normally only attack the problem from a worldly perspective, not a Spiritual one. Normally it's both in my opinion.

Bottom line for me is just listen to your conscience and God. He will guide you through. I fasted and prayed A LOT when I went through my correction. This seemed to cut through the clutter that keeps us from God and allowed Him to guide me. At that point he showed me things that are harmful like rock music, alcohol, and many other idols that are of this world. I listened and try daily to obey what He has showed me. And yes, its just a whisper. God Bless.
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yes its true God does chasten us when we become his children, which is not pleasant whilst we endure it but it brings forth many good things, such as understanding, wisdom, compassion, greater hope and also burns away evil in our lives. Because when we suffer we usually cease from sinning.

And yeah we can't talk about these things with the world because it is foolishness to them, and it can be difficult even discussing these things with other Christians because we are all at different stages and as it says, the church today is Luke warm. Many Christians are offended when they see you living differently to them. However-

They are still the body of Christ and God will deal with them as he has dealt with us so there's no need to be angry or puffed up against them. See god revealed to us that the kingdom of god's way is different from the worlds system. We no longer wish to be greatest and exercise authority over others, we are happy to be the least and to serve others as Christ, who was greater served us when he came to the earth.

One thing I was thinking about today which is ironic, is that those who spent this life pursuing and gaining luxury and power will not have it in eternal life and those who were happy to have less in this life will have more..

anyway it was good chatting, I thank God that he is in me as he is in others too.
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Jul 30, 2004
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Hi, I have asked for prayer here before and I greatly thank you..... I am still suffering greatly from voices and hallucinations, I have tried medications, but know this to be a terrible attack from demon spirits.

This whole story is perplexing to me. I've been a Christian for some 20 years and have been taught that demons cannot occupy the temple of a believer. If the Holy Spirit is in you, how could a demon be in there as well? Are you sure you are saved? Many people think they are Christians, go to church but really don't believe or their faith is as weak a withering plant that hasn't been watered. Being transformed by God seals the individual. Yes we can be tempted, but not occupied. Well, this is my understanding and I do not see anywhere in scripture that suggests that those possessed individuals were prior faithful believers in God.
So, if that is the case, ask for forgivness of your sins and believe that He died for your sins and rose on the third day. How do you believe unless you know Him through the word. Faith comes by the word and we need to nourish our souls with the word to grow in faith. If you haven't been doing this and just attending church once in a while, you are like a seed that was planted in shallow soil. If you don't water a plant it dies! Ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and He will dwell in you and transform you, but you have to emmerce yourself in scripture. Read the sermon on the mount over and over, read the book of John. Read scriptures of Jesus words aloud whenever you hear these voices and denounce them in the name of Jesus. When your faith is weak to none, your vessel is vulnerable to attack. Mention Jesus name and command them to leave and stop -- but you better believe what you say or pray for, otherwise it won't be effective. This is of course based on the premise that you really have demons tormenting you. ???
Maybe it is multiple personality disorder, where a person creates fragmented personalities to escape their own disfunctional or abusive reality? If you really have demons speaking to you, I'm not sure your condition could be corrected with medication. Can a drug remove demonic voices? If these aren't demonic voices, and you are paranoid and fearfully imagining them, then possibly you may be creating these voices subconsiously. People hallucinate and see things that aren't there and swear that they are. You hear voices. It actually would be better if you were the one creating these rather than real demons tormenting you because they will eventually hurt you and others physically -- not just emotionally or mentally. Demons that possess individuals do much more than just talk to them! They cause them to inflict injury on themselves and others, are violent and uncontrolable.
The armor of God is required in any case. The sword is His Word, the shield of faith and the helmet of salvation are your protection. You need to memorize His word and keep it in your heart. Repeat your favorite comforting verses during the day and you will be at peace. With these, you are more than a conqueror. You can do all things in Christ who strengthens you. The stronger your faith is, when adversity comes, you face it without fear. Fear is the opposite of faith.
Seek a professional Christian couselor/ psychiatrist. He needs to be spirit-filled to deal with a demonic problem, if that is truly what you have. But you really need therapy now before things get worse!
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Oct 18, 2011
"Is it possible, I know it sounds funny, but what if it is legion, or something like that. My voices claim that I should not go out in public, or they will spread themselves about."

This sounds like a definite isolation attempt to me. I mean wouldn't they want to spread themselves about if they had the chance so why would they tell you that?

I pray that you be filled with the holy spirit.
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Looking for Joy
Jul 30, 2012
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I've had similar thoughts about voices and people trampling over me. I was scared to ever say I wanted to laugh at these delusions, because I was scared of them. But I tried it and ever since their power is less. The fact is you are a child of God, and you can laugh these delusions away. The one voice that keeps coming back to me, is "I (Satan) am coming back and next time it will be 10x as confusing and evil!!" He always promises to re-enter, and I always suffer for a time, and eventually I can see it as his false attack - that is, he has lost the war. Christ has won. I can then laugh and say, "Whatever, Satan.." It takes a leap of faith, because he claims to be God, and speaking thru God's Spirit, and then I get scared because I don't want to blaspheme God's real Holy Spirit. It's seeing Satan for who he is, taking a stand, and coming back at him with God's word. And making your mind up "Where is God's voice in all this?"

Very difficult for us who have schizophrenia. But it needs to be done, and we can go to God thru Jesus Christ, we don't have to make blind decisions who God is. His voice is the Holy Spirit who speaks to us thru the Word, even the written word. Take a stand for God's voice, and take a stand against God's enemy.
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God loves your words, may men love them also
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Aug 3, 2006
What you have to realize is that you are tuning in to this stuff.

I'm not saying that in a "mean" way, I'm saying "sit down and meditate... until you know the Lord's opinion on all of it".

You are not going to get anywhere, until you learn to be patient, whether you are just a little sick sinner or you are a sick sinner.

If I am saying it and the Lord is saying it, don't you think it makes sense?
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his qualities..
Jan 23, 2011
netherlands, eindhoven
Marital Status
what is a demon, and what then is demonic?
demonic is bad and i rather believe on a large schale much larger then the worlds that schizophrenia is not demonic or bad.

depends on how you look at it offcourse, i say there is no blaim or so. what do you say.

i say i saw the light and my psychosis is my life, or at least i wont stop believing what i believe and lived and seen. though i may be to nice or feel in a loosy position.

medication is the last word said then, i take it freewilingly but how far can the mind and fysics go on that in the endings?

so whats it, have i been cursed with demonia, sometimes like eryone i guess. though i probably better then me ;)

but no its not demonic to me though i can be in a horror movie, that is not real thriller its horror. if you want to know it can be, up to feeling the points of crusification in the hands or elsewhere.

but in many sense all has a possitive and that is i live and be good. so how is this demonic.

i can write and learn and be a perfect creature within timelimits. or guess what it dont even matter how its seen i am not a demon thats for sure right.

its about to be called DPS dysfunctional perception syndrom.

what is your perception or have i not got a perception syndrom, surely i have had all symptoms.

so if you thinks it is demonic then i hope you are aware what the symptoms are or in best sense can be....
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Jan 13, 2023
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Hi, I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I know you posted this awhile ago and I pray you have been delivered from this. I came across this site because I'm looking for ways to help someone that I know. I don't have all the answers but, if this is demonic and if you are born again, "Greater is He that us in you, than he that is in the world". When Jesus was tempted of the devil, he defeated the devil with the word of God. The devil is the "father of lies" according to the Bible and God is the Spirit of truth. The Bible is God's truth to us. God doesn't condemn us "There is therfore now, no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus..." God convicts us of sin to draw us close to Him- the devil tries to condemn us to try to get us to think we cannot come to God. God doesn't want you to be isolated from others, He has a purpose for you!! He wants you to share His truth with others. When the voices lie to you, get in the Bible and find the truth. Memorize scripture and use it against the voices. If it is demonic, only God is powerful enough to defeat it. The Bible talks about, "Bringing EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST " take those thoughts (voices) and see if they are true to what God says and when they are not-replace them with God's powerful word. Praying for you.
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Nov 6, 2023
United States
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Hi, I have asked for prayer here before and I greatly thank you..... I am still suffering greatly from voices and hallucinations, I have tried medications, but know this to be a terrible attack from demon spirits.

My voices are very controlling, I hear both male and female. I hallucinate evil things like black cloaked figures, a tall man or thing in a black suit, that at times carrys around small bald, muscular naked beings around by the arm. Today I hallucinated a charred body in a military uniform.

The voices do what they can to drive me into insanity every waking minute. They have lately been chatting much of the night. It seems the more I have people pray the worse they get, they even say "we only get eviler."

Many on the public forum schitzophrenia.com8080 also see beings and such similar to some of what I see, listed under the delusions and hallucinations forum.

Is it possible, I know it sounds funny, but what if it is legion, or something like that. My voices claim that I should not go out in public, or they will spread themselves about.

Prayer and medication does not seem to work. Any suggestions from anyone would be helpful, I am so tortured....

Thank you for your help and prayers, I am just feeling so lost........
I will pray for you tonight. i am new to the boards but would like to help. i have schizoaffective disorder, and can see demons in my face. You are not alone. God loves you a great deal. I know you feel lost but God wants to find you. He sees you and knows what you are going through. He is there with you. You are not alone. You have done nothing wrong. You have come to the right place. The people here are supportive. You are comforted and loved remember that. You are a deeply loved and cherished being.
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243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
West of Mississippi
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This disease does not respond to rebuking in Jesus Name. But only half your mind is affected look you still have a sound mind. I can tell by by the letter you wrote about it @vinigar. I have found that in most cases meds are necessary to keep you calm among other things while all this is happening. I say fight it consistently every day like you are doing. Pray for a wide spot to be and work that will give you some breathing room and some peace in the midst of the storm. It’s possible. It takes time to grow. You can handle it. It would only get better.

Rebuke and be free of demons then deal with your mind. It is rebelling after some previous breaking point.

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and a sound mind’. 2Tim 1:7
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