Recruited into Space Force


the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
I keep having dreams of getting recruited by the space force for couple of years now. But not the typical "space force" we know off. The organization in my dream is part of a much larger organization with headquarters far beyond our solar system.

They possessed technologies that enabled travel between starts in just a very short period of time. They refer to this technology as "hyper-velocity" travel. They didn't call it the "warp" or "faster-than-light" (FTL) tech at least in English. Perhaps to distance it from science fiction literature or obfuscation or for simplicity.

It didn't seemed like the distant future in my dreams but already happening now and may have happened as early as the Cold War era. In one version of this dreams, I was flown into quarantine in another planet and the furniture in the laboratory I was kept in isolation was 60's era. At a later time, a deadly pathogen formed in my blood. While it didn't affect me, it had incalculable potential to cause extinction of all life and they decided to study it and ofc, with me in it.

What really bothered me if such a huge secret is existing right now, these guys could easily fake the Lord's 2nd coming and achieve uncontested global domination if they want to, if they needed to. They would have the technology and the resources to pull off such deception.