Questions about prayer


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Jan 3, 2020
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Does God actually talk back in prayer? I always read about people who pour out their hearts to God and who find comfort in prayer but if it remains silent from the other side than how can that be comforting?
How do you know your prayer has been answered? And how do you know the answer is yes? If you were to ask for healing and the answer would be yes then it wouldn't be too hard to notice that the answer was yes, but what about prayers that are more spiritually related? How can you know for sure that God will/has answered those prayers?
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Michael S. Blanchard
Michael S. Blanchard
Prayer is a covenant between you and The Eternal. When we pray to God we should make a covenant with Him. If we execute our covenant with him he will not forsake you. God is big on covenants, he never goes back on a covenant he makes. Study the Old Testament, the covenants he made have not changed. Christ did not change them either. Prayer should be a covenant, not, "this is what I want you to do for me"
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Mar 4, 2020
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Mother Teresa says, "God speaks in the silence of the heart." Prayer is not about getting things from God but getting us to see things like God does. It is about trusting God that His will is just. The Serenity Prayer is a great basis for the attitude to have in prayer.

God, give us grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.

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Predetermined to freely believe
Aug 16, 2022
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Does God actually talk back in prayer? I always read about people who pour out their hearts to God and who find comfort in prayer but if it remains silent from the other side than how can that be comforting?
How do you know your prayer has been answered? And how do you know the answer is yes? If you were to ask for healing and the answer would be yes then it wouldn't be too hard to notice that the answer was yes, but what about prayers that are more spiritually related? How can you know for sure that God will/has answered those prayers?
To me God is talking constantly, in both general and special revelation, in every breath I take, and in all Creation around me. My prayer is primarily to give thanks and to ask for his blessings for those that I know need his grace, and then more broadly for all of Creation.

If I pray his blessings on the man being beaten in the street, I will also pray for God's love and repentance on the man beating him. I don't audit the responses or results, as if I could even immediately see them or know what form they take anyway.

All else aside, I pray because the Bible tells me to, and how.
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Dec 29, 2002
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Does God actually talk back in prayer? I always read about people who pour out their hearts to God and who find comfort in prayer but if it remains silent from the other side than how can that be comforting?
How do you know your prayer has been answered? And how do you know the answer is yes? If you were to ask for healing and the answer would be yes then it wouldn't be too hard to notice that the answer was yes, but what about prayers that are more spiritually related? How can you know for sure that God will/has answered those prayers?
Does God talk back in prayer. Christ said my sheep know/hear my voice. There's nothing else to say there. We know He can not lie. We know what Christ said was not Him talking but what the Father said. So its not Him that's the problem. Are we taking the time to listen to wait on Him? See fi I get alone and pray read worship Him there is never a "He never said a word" I do in knowing He will talk His presence will come. I don't care if nothing happens one day or one week or one month I don't stop. I do not allow doubt to come in. Doubt what did He say? If you doubt let not that man think he will get anything from God. You stand on what He said and never doubt no matter what comes you stand. No matter how dark it gets you never doubt. You KNOW He will always be there He will always keep His word. He can not lie. What did He say? He said OT He is far from the wicked yet hears the prayer of the righteous. There are more but that should tell you He always hears you.

So many times I asked never expecting a answer yet He answered. Yet other time asking not thinking He speaks back. Like many many years go we were about go to Church Sunday night I said "Father I know you called me but can you tell me again. You said in your word by the mouth of two or three" See what I did there? When I prayed I remined Him of what He said not that He forgets but so the enemy has no right to do anything. That night 3 people came up to me saying " you should be in the ministry, you should be a preacher" on and on. What oh makes this so wonderful is in all the years we went to that Church that was the only time they said it never before and never again. I was reading and just talking to Him said you gave me this burden for this man so I have a right to know why he is not being healed. See I was at that time visiting a elderly man in a home that could only moan. Oh he loved hearing the word read to him. So right after I said that to the lord He said "remember when Daniel prayed?" Now I knew about that story. What blew me away was how God made those four words explode. So much was said with four words.. can't explain it.

So knowing it was Him I asked .. of if this is you where is that written? See I knew of the story but no clue where it was written I had never at that time read the OT. He said "Daniel 10:9-12". That was awesome. Another time was just one night at some Christian pup listening to some Christian band. The word "behold I stand at the door and knock" crossed my mind. I thought wow wonder where that is? "Rev 3:20" came right back. I thought no I am just guessing. See at that time I had never read Rev. HAHA man I went to the people around me telling them what just happened and.. no one was as happy as I was.

This works not based on how holy sinless anyone is. We are all righteous because we believe in Jesus. What it comes down to is...I have always read His word and just believed. I do not follow what some other group says. I may listen but in the end I found it in His word. I found to read and then no matter what I see no matter what I hear no matter how dark it gets I KNOW I pray His word He has always will always keep His word. He said you have not because you ask not or your asking wrong. He said if you doubt you will not get anything from God. Doubt always stops God. So you pray according to His word. His word is His will. I am not moved by what some people tell me what God will or will not do. I remind God what He said. That is not telling God what to do. See He already spoke it so it has to come to pass. ALL those promises are YES and AMEN!

Did not OT say if we delight our self in the lord He will give us the desires of our hearts? Ooh that is if we commit our ways to Him and TRUST (FAITH) in Him and He will do it. Read that? GOD said it. So we do ever put God on a time clock. So no matter what your mind tells you when you pray speak HIs word stand on it. Then KNOW He heard you and WILL answer it! Its when we ask for things we do not need.

So its not what I say... KNOW He always hears you. You get alone and read His word you pray you worship Him and wait on Him. There is no time here. Not a day not a week not a month. I never do this thinking "what if" that's doubt. I just do it because I love Him. He talks more then we ever do we just don't listen. When He talks its always for the good never negative, always has peace and uplifting..well what are the fruits of the spirit and 1st Cor 13. That is how you know Its Him. And He will always back up what He says by His word.

Know what He had done for one He will do for all. Read Luke 11:13 and if He said it.. just do it. Just believe. Do not believe a word I say. He is very real. Want to see God move? Walk by FIATH! Faith is the only thing that pleases Him. At the start its always easy.. its as we grow He then tests us to stand by His word.. always growing. Pray according to His word.. if He said it He will do it.
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Angels Team
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Nov 21, 2008
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Does God actually talk back in prayer? I always read about people who pour out their hearts to God and who find comfort in prayer but if it remains silent from the other side than how can that be comforting?
How do you know your prayer has been answered? And how do you know the answer is yes? If you were to ask for healing and the answer would be yes then it wouldn't be too hard to notice that the answer was yes, but what about prayers that are more spiritually related? How can you know for sure that God will/has answered those prayers?
Sometimes the answer is "wait" and you end up waiting for a long time - in other cases not so long.
Sometimes the answer is an immediate "yes" and you see it that very day.
Sometimes the answer is 'no'.

But you almost never hear a voice talking to you while you pray.

However - try this little experiment -

1. Start your prayer with thankfulness
2. Confess your sins, repent.
3. Make specific request(s) and claim a bible promise or two as you do it.
4. Thank God for His promises

5. Ask God the following questions and write down the answers you get after waiting 2 minutes for each question.
a. Please tell me who I should be praying for -

b. Please tell me if there is anything I am doing that I should stop doing.

c. Please tell me if there is anything I am not doing - that I should start doing

See what happens.
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