Pray for Persecuted Christians Around the World


pilgrim on the sacred music pathway
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Jan 11, 2012
East of Manchester
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I pray for the persecuted Christians in North Korea, thank you for their ministry to their neighbours and friends.
Dear Father, give them courage and perseverance and fill them with joy in you.
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Soar Like An Eagle
Jul 29, 2006
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Prayers for all christians all over the world, may we all posses and be manifest the fruit of the spirit. Strengthen us with our walk with God, endure all the hardship we face, our labor is not in vain. Keep the faith and stand firm for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. my prayers goes out to everyone!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2020
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Father, You Who really are the single true God of all boundless universe, i invoke You in the Name of Your firstborn and only begotten Son - Lord Jesus Christ, Father, why it still is so that if someone asks the good and the righteous things there is no enough support for them, but if someone wants to do intrigues and vanity then there is a large support for such things, especially after it has been written: "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?"(Matthew 7:11), why still is it so that if someone asks from You a given dead human to be resurrected, (and) You do not resurrect it?!, or if someone asks from You a given sick human to be healed, (and) You do not heal completely everyone of those about whom You has been asked to heal?!, or if You are asked to remove the evil from some human and to make it good, You do not do this for everyone of those about whom you has been asked to purify or correct?!, why is the painful and harmful treatment still actual/current in the lives of the good, righteous and harmless people?!, where is the way of the good?!, what is more important, the perished people to be saved by painless and harmless way, or the majority of (the) people to see how God is like a greatest schemer and flay-flint?!, why You still allow there be sick, enslaved, ruined, and dying [children/unoffending people]?!, what so is not enough for You yet, when You are omnipotent?!, really is it more important God to parade instead to save the people who need salvation - why should the purpose of the medicine be some display instead of healing?!, is the faith a intrigue or a life-saving mission?!, because until now there has been a so big support for such things as the sex and the consumptions regardless of whether to temperance or intemperance, but unfortunately there has not been enough support for salvation, healing, casting out the evil spirits, resurrection, etc., but what is more important, the human life, or the existence of some inanimate things?!, when will You show that God is love, not slave-owning intrigues?!, i would understand if You want there be sex and other consumptions in the world without hurt/harm for any human, but You still allow there be vain afflictions?!, till when must we pretend that God is always good and righteous, but He again to be passive to the need of (the) humanity?!, how again and again turns it out so that the antichrists succeed to override the humankind without anyone to stop them, while the good and righteous people again are forsaken in failure on Your part?!, do You really love the human beings, or Your love is based on vainglory?!, every human can hold and fire with a gun against another, but where is Your perfect love?!, saying all this i do not do it with a view to vilify You, but i am still worried about the salvation of humanity, and if You really love the people, then You will not see this prayer/confession as a blasphemy, but You will also be worried about the lives of the humans, why the antichrists even till now succeeded to obtain so many things for the sake of their iniquity, while the good and righteous people did not succeed in their good and righteous intentions?!, i say all this not to judge You, but with the only intent to invoke You for living action in the Name of Your overall Salvation which You ought to lead alone of Your own will, God, i do not (want to) hate You, nor (to) judge You, nor (to) vilify You, neither (to) curse You, but i cannot live so viz. when i see that the people/souls are not enough saved, why has You created me if You do not care for the unsaved and perished people, did i create You so?!, You just ruin me totally when You forsake so many people/souls in afflictions and death, should i also be careless of the overall welfare?!, if You prefer there be intrigues, You can state it publicly, but please don't be like the hypocrites, i still believe in You and in Your love/goodness, do You honor me, and do You love the children?!, all depends on You especially after it is quite obvious that the humans cannot save all the world yet, i do not want to stand/be between You and any human, i just want You to accomplish Your work which You has started to do from the very beginning, and it is the overall salvation, but not because i want/of me, but because there are billions of people/souls that still need Your salvation, i ask this from You in the Name of Your firstborn and only begotten Son - Lord Jesus Christ

every who want to say "Amen"


Do not be upset over the man who carries out evil devices !

For the EVILDOERS shall be cut off,

but those who WAIT FOR the LORD shall INHERIT THE LAND. -Psalms 37:9

Brothers and sister in Christ, do not UPSET how many fail in managing themselves, managing organizations and nations in these pandemic !

For we have heard,it is written in the Holy Scripture:

The LORD brings the COUNSEL of the nations to NOTHING;

he FRUSTRATES the plans of the peoples. -Psalms 33:10

The counsel of the LORD stands forever, THE PLANS of his heart to ALL GENERATIONS. -Psalms 33:11

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage! -Psalms 33:12

Let us not be frustrated and upset about the pandemic and evildoers !

You know that our Lord foresaw when He said this:

There will be great earthquakes, and in various places FAMINES and PESTILENCES.

And there will be TERRORS and great signs from heaven. -Luke 21:11

Our Lord has said this before it happened ; let us now heed to the plans of His heart for our generation.

For this is what we are told :

Therefore let us BE GRATEFUL for RECEIVING A KINGDOM that cannot be shaken,

and thus let us OFFER to God acceptable WORSHIP, with reverence and awe, -Hebrews 12:28

Be grateful? perhaps, you may say, I cannot even think straight !

Remember what the psalmist proclaim in faith :

Remember Your word to Your servant, in which You have made me hope. -Psalms 119:49

This is my COMFORT in my AFFLICTION,

that Your PROMISE gives me LIFE. -Psalms 119:50

The insolent utterly deride me, but I do not turn away from Your law ( of Spirit).-Psalms 119:51

When I think of Your rules from of old, I TAKE COMFORT, O LORD. -Psalms 119:52

Yes, the Lord’s promise give us life and we can take comfort trusting in His promise.

Let us heed the counsel of the Lord:

Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him;-Psalms 37:7

Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! FRET NOT YOURSELF; it tends only to evil. -Psalms 37:8

When we are STILL in the Lord Jesus Christ, He will strengthen us, in keeping with His word.

When wait patiently for His steadfast love, we trust in His grace to bring us to safety.

For we have been told before :

Do not be afraid of SUDDEN TERROR or

of THE RUIN of the wicked,

when it comes, -Proverbs 3:25

for the LORD will be your CONFIDENCE

and will keep your foot FROM BEING CAUGHT. -Proverbs 3:26

Not only that, we are also told not to be afraid of BAD NEWS:

He is NOT AFRAID OF BAD NEWS; his heart is firm, TRUSTING in the LORD. -Psalms 112:7

When we trust in the Lord;

Our God in His steadfast love will meet us; God will let us look in triumph on my enemies. -Psalms 59:10

Yes, our plans are ESTABLISHED when we heed the COUNSEL of our Lord Jesus Christ!

By the wisdom from God, that is our Lord Jesus Christ, -1 Corinthians 1:30

He GUIDE us to wage war against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.- Ephesians 6:12

What about the land where there are many people affected by pandemic ?

This is what we have been lead in righteousness:

if my people who are called by my name humble themselves,

and PRAY and seek my face

and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and HEAL THEIR LAND. -2 Chronicles 7:14

Did not the Lord God the Father ask of us, who are united with His Son Christ Jesus to PRAY this, too:

Ask of me, and I will make the nations Your heritage, and the ends of the earth Your possession. -Psalms 2:8

Yes, we can pray for all nations that the Lord God the Father to heal the land.

Loving Father in Heaven,

in these catastrophic events of Coronavirus in all nations,

we come to You.

We thank You for the assurance

that it is Your loving, fatherly hand

which is chastening us for our good

as individuals and all nations.

We thank You

for the assurance that when You have attained the goal Your loving will has set for us — that is, when we turn from our sinful ways and come back to You — You will show us grace again.

Our Father in Heaven,

we humble ourselves before You and accept Your judgement,

for we are receiving what our actions deserve.

We and all nations have brought this judgment upon ourselves by our sins, which are mounting up to heaven,

and by offending Your divine holiness with blasphemies such as the world has never seen.

Our Father in Heaven,

for sake of Jesus’ outpoured blood,

grant by Your Holy Spirit

that we and many in all nations will wake up under this judgment.

We pray

that those who have turned away from You

will start praying again.

May they cry to You in this distress

and give thanks for every gift they have received from You.

We pray

that as a result of this judgment

many who had been following paths of sin will accept Jesus’ offer of salvation

and begin a new life.

We pray

that You will renew in us

the spirit of repentance,

so that You can turn Your judgement into grace again

and end the plight.

We pray

help us to recognize this chastening

as a preliminary judgment

and help us to take it

as an opportunity to practise

for the coming times of testing

by humbling ourselves deeply beneath Your chastening hand

and submitting our wills wholly to Yours. Make us so one with You

that we will be strong

and not lose confidence in Your love

when You are compelled to send even greater calamities in response to the sins of mankind.

Our Father in Heaven,

For the sake of Jesus’ outpoured Blood, have mercy upon us in this severe plight of Coronavirus and hear our prayer for help.

In Jesus Name. We pray.


May the Lord God guide you, brothers and sisters in Christ in the paths of peace.

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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2020
Marital Status
Please remember to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.

We cannot forget that we have brothers and sisters who are suffering for the Name of Christ around the world.

Informative Links on the Persecuted Church:

The Voice of the Martyrs
The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

If you know of more links on the Persecuted Church, please post the links here. Thank you and God bless you.

Lord Jesus,

May the blood of the Lamb of God cover Israel.

May the loving, suffering heart of the Father in Heaven draw His people to Himself.

May the creative power of the Holy Spirit

awaken contrition and repentance in them.

May our sorrow as Christians

seeking to make amends for the past

melt their hearts.

May the tears of the triune God

open their eyes to see the Redeemer.

Yes, the day is coming when they will behold

the One whom they have pierced

and weep for Him as a first-born son.

For this we pray, knowing that God’s gifts

and His call are irrevocable:

He will never go back

on His promises to His chosen people.

In Jesus name we pray.Amen
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Active Member
Oct 23, 2020
United States
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Please remember to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.

We cannot forget that we have brothers and sisters who are suffering for the Name of Christ around the world.

Informative Links on the Persecuted Church:

The Voice of the Martyrs
The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

If you know of more links on the Persecuted Church, please post the links here. Thank you and God bless you.

Joining with you in prayer for those that are persecuted for His Name! May Our Father let them raise their voice in song like the Holy Saints. In Jesus' Name, Amen
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Jan 24, 2012
United States
Marital Status
Joining all of you in prayer for the persecuted Christians all over the world. In every corner of the earth there are persecuted Christians. From Iran to India, China, and the reality is - even in the U.S. The hate and contempt for Jesus Christ is getting worse even here in the U.S. We knew this would happen according to the bible.

Lord we love you, praise you, glory to you in the highest! Nothing will separate us from your love. Help us all to be steadfast and have our strength and salvation through you. In Jesus name.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
Site Supporter
Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
United States
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Please remember to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.

We cannot forget that we have brothers and sisters who are suffering for the Name of Christ around the world.

Informative Links on the Persecuted Church:

The Voice of the Martyrs
The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

If you know of more links on the Persecuted Church, please post the links here. Thank you and God bless you.

Continuing in prayer for those in Christ suffering persecution
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
Site Supporter
Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
United States
Marital Status
Father, comfort Christians in persecution, that their reward is great in Heaven. We wait for a time where every wrong is made right. In Jesus Name, Amen.
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This site stays free and accessible to all because of donations from people like you.
Consider making a one-time or monthly donation. We appreciate your support!
- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums

Katrina Wingo

Feb 16, 2021
United States
Marital Status
I prayed for this in Jesus name. Persecution can come in different forms, I pray for those that have their lives threatened but I also pray for those that loose family because they stand up for Christian truth of the Bible, I pray that God blesses them as He promised in the B attitudes! Thank you Lord!
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