Please make it make sense

Feb 11, 2024
Silent Hill
United States
Marital Status
I'm not innocent I play equal parts of the toxic marriage BUT I truly did my best to change and make it work. I pray and pray for God to help fix the marriage but instead my ex was granted success that he used that to sin. God gave him power to use against me. He abandon me at my lowest for another girl so that way I won't be healthy to fight him in the divorce. I let it go. I accepted whatever. I thought God will fight this for me and I'll get beauty for my ashes. I did my part, went back to school, applied for jobs, tried to meet new people. But all failed! On the other hand, my ex was getting promoted, getting his master, and enjoying the life we built with his mistress. and even as petty as superbowl. His team is the 49ers so he must be in heaven knowing they are playing this year.

Everything is going right for him. He got everything he ever wanted after he abandon me and left me to die. Why is God rubbing this on my face? Why am I the only one getting punish? It seems like he prepared a table for my ex infront of me. I don't care if he is blessing my ex and giving him grace but why isn't he doing the same for me but instead all I'm getting are failures. I'm also doing my best but doesn't seem like God is on my side. Makes me think he favors my ex and that what my ex did was the right thing to abandon his sick wife and dog and to let them be homeless. He wanted us to die. I don't understand why God is giving my ex everything.

John G.

Active Member
Feb 2, 2024
N. Ireland
United Kingdom
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From experience I can tell you: the end of your marriage is not the end of your life.
You have - obviously - been tested very hard. You cannot let that get you down. You need patience and support - when your patience is not enough.
Find yourself a good church with people who can give you fellowship and support.
Set for yourself goals in life and don't expect all of them to fall into place at once: one at a time!
I don't know what the job situation is in your neck of the woods but you will greatly increase your chances of getting one if you walk into the job interview with a positive attitude and not a victim complex.
And please don't compare yourself to others. Forget the ex-spouse. It could be he isn't being tested - like you - because he has no faith to be tested.
I pray the Lord fills you with His peace which passes all understanding and blesses you abundantly.
Feb 11, 2024
Silent Hill
United States
Marital Status
From experience I can tell you: the end of your marriage is not the end of your life.
You have - obviously - been tested very hard. You cannot let that get you down. You need patience and support - when your patience is not enough.
Find yourself a good church with people who can give you fellowship and support.
Set for yourself goals in life and don't expect all of them to fall into place at once: one at a time!
I don't know what the job situation is in your neck of the woods but you will greatly increase your chances of getting one if you walk into the job interview with a positive attitude and not a victim complex.
And please don't compare yourself to others. Forget the ex-spouse. It could be he isn't being tested - like you - because he has no faith to be tested.
I pray the Lord fills you with His peace which passes all understanding and blesses you abundantly.
Ty I appreciate your comment.
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Jan 16, 2019
United States
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It's difficult to know the reasons why someone departs abruptly. Speculation and sleuthing is part of the process but in the end only God knows. It's important not to allow the betrayal to harden your heart and close you off to the opposite sex and others through a want for protection. Give the matter to Him and allow Him to redeem your woe and grant you the blessings and companionship you've longed for.

The hardest part of surrender is trusting the unknown. You must determine if you're willing to stand for the marriage or if you're prepared to seek another. Partings aren't always permanent. Redemption is possible but it won't be easy.

In either case, I encourage you to nurture your heart through prayer and fasting (once per week). I posted a helpful message and prayer marathon on the subject you may find edifying. You'll need to watch the longer message first. It touches on the challenges you've shared.

Once you finish the prayer devour the others in the series on speaking to the earth. Make a note in a journal when you pray and what you've asked for. And watch what the Lord does on your behalf.

In respect to your spouse, one of the most poignant tales of reconciliation I've ever read is Waiting for His Heart. They've shared their testimony on numerous channels. Whatever you decide, may the Lord comfort you during this difficult period and bathe you in His peace.

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The Peanut Buttery Member.
Sep 17, 2013
Well, what's lost really? You're out of (what sounds like) a sketchy relationship. He's happy, you're FREE to live your life however you wish, and you have all of the lessons, experience and wisdom coming with you.

The way I see it, you're in the right place at exactly the right time. Wish him the best and be happy for him, then let him go.

The stress is over.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
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Misfortunes doesn't mean you've done evil. That's what Jesus taught.

Same thing for success. It doesn't mean you did right in the eyes of the Lord. Ironically, many Christians use success and religion to try to justify themselves to other people. Although many genuinely believe that is the truth, it is actually a false belief stemming from false teachings.

Worldly success is meaningless. Many Christians love Proverbs but the same author also wrote the Ecclesiastes which came after Proverbs upon the realization that worldly success is meaningless.

The true worth of success is what's in your heart. Because all outward success are only very fleeting. Everyone simply worked towards the Earth's destruction. What's in your heart stays with you forever.

Worldly success is not usually a sign of God's approval. Base on Christ's teachings, it's slightly leaning towards a bad thing.
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