Phyn Yinshazael

Name: Phyn Yinshazael
Age: Very old, well over a century
Gender: Male
Race: Elfish

Appearance: He is rather tall, easily six feet, closer to six-and-a-half or more even, slender. His hair is white, but lush and full. His skin is quite pale, but not unnaturally. He is an older man, looking possibly in his seventies, but he looks good and healthy for that age. He walks erect and proudly, but not in a haughty fashion. He looks much like a stately gentleman that would welcome you for tea on a rainy day. His face is keen, but friendly, and bares no beard or mustache. His most unsettling feature, for it was unsettling until you became accustomed to them, were his eyes. His eyes are completely black, as if they are holes looking into the entire universe. You feel that his eyes cut holes in reality to allow his body to move.

Characteristics(+): Phyn is very sagacious, well learned and very knowing. He is always willing to share his knowledge, if one is willing to learn it. He is generally willing to help strangers without so much as a word. He loves riddles, and he generally is very good at them.

Characteristics(-): Phyn is very mysterious, often speaking in riddles or questions. He does not like stating his knowledge, rather giving clues and making people figure it out on their own. He does not often speak when he helps people, often just helping and leaving without a word. He is repulsed by ignorance, but more driven to pity than disgust. He can be fidgety at times.

Special Abilities: Phyn is blind, but he is highly skilled in Casimir (identification and sealing) magic as well as other magics

Possessions: While they are not technically possessions, Phyn is often surrounded by an iridescent cloud of "motes," spells that he can cast at a moment's notice.

Occupation: Master magician

Motivation: To use his knowledge to help people; care of his apprentice Genevra.
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