Pastor's children left stateless. Radical Muslim infiltrates secret Church. Letting go of vengeance.


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Jul 27, 2009
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  • May. 02, 2024 | Bhutan​

    Pastor's Children Left Stateless

    [8] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Pastor Abhaya and family.
    Bhutanese Christians meet in secret because of government persecution.
    Christians in Bhutan often risk losing their citizenship or other rights because of their faith in Christ. Pastor Abhaya and his wife have been denied a marriage certificate by the government, which jeopardizes their whole family, especially their children, who have been denied citizenship. The family may have to relocate to another country for the sake of their children. Read More.
  • May. 02, 2024 | Arabian Peninsula​

    Radical Muslim Infiltrates Secret House Church

    [5] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for pastor and underground church.
    Converts to Christianity in some nations in the Arab Peninsula face potential death sentences.
    The pastor of a small underground church for Christian converts on the Arabian Peninsula suspected that one member of the group wasn't a genuine follower of Christ. Though the man had attended meetings for several months, the pastor felt unsettled toward him. When the pastor confronted the man, he admitted to being part of a group working to stop Muslims from placing their trust in Christ. Surprisingly, the infiltrator still wanted to participate in the meetings even after he admitted to spying on the group. Read More.
  • May. 02, 2024 | Chad​

    Learning to Let Go of Vengeance

    [5] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Akua Kwame.
    Christians in southern Chad are regularly attacked by marauding Fulani militants.
    Church deacon Akua Kwame was attending a morning prayer meeting in May 2023 when radical Fulani tribesmen attacked his village. When the militants shot bullets and arrows through church windows and tried to break into the building, the pastor yelled for everyone to get out. As they fled, the pastor and the church administrator were shot and killed. Akua said several arrows pierced his clothes, but none hit him. Later that day, he was tasked with the painful job of identifying the bodies of 12 people killed in the attack, including a two-year-old child. Read More.