Pastor on hit list. Elevator magazine restores faith. Great pressure for Yao Christians.


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Jul 27, 2009
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  • Apr. 11, 2024 | Turkey​

    Pastor's Name on ISIS Hit List

    [9] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Turkish believers.
    Masked gunmen connected to ISIS entered a Turkish church and killed a man inside.
    On Sunday, January 28, two masked gunmen entered a Catholic church in Istanbul during a service and randomly shot and killed a 52-year-old man. The self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility. Turkish police quickly arrested two suspects with ties to ISIS and later arrested 25 more after raiding numerous locations. Afterwards, police contacted a pastor of a rapidly growing church in another part of Turkiye and told him that his name was on an ISIS hit list. Read More.
  • Apr. 11, 2024 | Iran​

    Magazine in Elevator Restores Man's Faith

    [7] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Farid.
    Chrisitan literature is a powerful witnessing tool in Iran.
    Farid placed his trust in Christ six years ago, but with no church to attend, he had not been growing in his faith. While riding in an elevator, a Christian woman gave him a magazine and said, "This is a gift for you." Farid was startled and wondered if it was a special kind of advertising campaign. But after the woman left, he read it. "I came upon a page that really touched my heart," he said. "On that page, they interviewed believers who shared their stories of faith. Read More.
  • Apr. 11, 2024 | Malawi​

    Yao Christians Under Severe Pressure

    [6] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Yao Christians.
    If Malawian children convert from the traditional religion of their tribe they can face extreme persecution.
    Roughly 2.5 million Malawians are part of the Muslim Yao people group. According to front-line workers, God has been moving significantly among the Yao people in the last two decades. But in recent years, Yao Christians have experienced severe pressure. "They are beaten and cast out of their communities," said a front-line worker. "When others find out they are Christian, they have 24 hours to leave the village, and then they will put a fatwa on their life," he added. Read More.