On the 7th Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery


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Jan 1, 2024
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This is from The Marrow of Modern Divinity, (1645 & 1718 Edward Fisher & Thomas Boston) pgs 260-261 and addresses something that our modern society has almost completely abandoned for wanton lusts and the actual promotion of adultery and fornication by various means in media, ads, education, and music, Oh, and some apostate and backslidden churches too.

[EVANGELISTA, a Minister of the Gospel. NOMIST, a Legalist. ANTINOMISTA, an Antinomian. NEOPHYTUS, a Young Christian.]
In this portion only Evangelista & Nomist are speaking:

Evan. Well, then, I pray you, consider that in the seventh commandment there is a negative part expressed in these words, "Thou shalt not commit adultery"; that is, though shalt not think, will, speak, or do anything whereby thine own chastity or the chastity of others, may be hurt or hindered. And an affirmative part included in these words, "But thou shalt every way, and by all good means, preserve and keep the same."

Neo. I pray you, sir, begin with the negative part, and first tell us what is that inward uncleanness that is forbidden in this commandment.

Evan. That we may not be guilty of the inward uncleanness of the heart, in this commandment are forbidden all filthy imaginations, unchaste thoughts, and inward desires and motions of the heart to uncleanness, (Matt 5:28, Col 3:5); with all causes and occasions of stirring up and nourishing of these in the heart.

Neo. And what are the causes and occasions of stirring up and nourishing these things in the heart which we are to avoid?

Evan. That we may not stir up and nourish inward uncleanness in our hearts, is forbidden in this commandment gluttony, or excess in eating and pampering of the belly with meats, (Jer 5:8); and so also is drunkenness, or excess in drinking, (Prov 23:30,31,33); and so also is idleness, (2 Sam 11:12); and so also is the wearing of lascivious, garish, and new fangled attire, (Prov 7:10, 1 Tim 2:9); and so also is keeping company with lascivious, wanton, and fleshly persons, (Gen 39:10); and so also is immodest, unchaste, and filthy speaking, (Eph 4:29); and so also is idle and curious looking of men on women, or women on men, (Gen 6:2, 39:7); and so also is the beholding of love matters, and light behaviour of men and women represented in stage plays, (Eze 23:14, Eph 5:3,4); and so also is immoderate and wanton dancing of men and women together, (Job 21:11,12, Mark 6:21,22); and so also is wanton kissing and embracing, with all unchaste touching and dalliance, (Prov 7:13).

[Note: Today we must include media such as television, movies, the internet, and games that depict such lewdness, as well as the printed page and photographs: not just obvious pournagraffy, but other printed material with scantily dressed people, that use allurement to draw ones attention, which Evan does mention below]

Neo. And what is that outward actual uncleanness which is forbidden in this commandment?

Evan. The actual uncleanness forbidden in this commandment is fornication, which is a fleshly defilement of the body, committed between man and woman, being both of them single and unmarried persons, (1 Cor 10:8); and so also is adultery, which is a defilement of the body, committed between man and woman, being either one or both of them married persons, or at least contracted, (1 Cor 6:9,18, Hosea 13:4).

Neo. I pray you, sir, proceed to the affirmative part, and tell us what the Lord requires in this commandment.

Evan. The Lord in this commandment requires purity of heart, (1 Thess 4:5); and he also requires speeches savouring of sobriety and chastity, (Col 4:6, Gen 4:1); and he also requires that we keep our eyes from beholding vanity and lustful objects, (Psa 119:37, Job 31:1); and he also requires that we be temperate in our diet, in our sleep, and in our recreations, (Luke 21:34); and he also requires that we possess our vessels in holiness and honour, (1 Thess 4:9); and if we have not the gift of chastity, he requires that we take the benefit of holy marriage, (1 Cor 7:29); and that the man and wife do in that estate render due benevolence each towards the other, (1 Cor 7:5). Thus have I also endeavoured to satisfy your desires concerning the seventh commandment; and now, neighbour Nomologista, I pray you tell me whether you think you keep it perfectly or no.

Nom. Sir, I thank the Lord I am free from actual uncleanness, so that I am neither fornicator nor adulterer.

Evan. Well, but though you be free from the outward act, yet if you have had in your heart filthy imaginations, unchaste thoughts, or inward desires, or motions of the heart to uncleanness, you have notwithstanding transgressed this commandment; or if you have been guilty of gluttony, or drunkenness, or idleness, or delight to keep company with lascivious and wanton persons, or have with your tongue uttered any unchaste or corrupt communication, or have been a frequenter of stage plays, or have used immoderate dancing with women, or have used wanton dalliance with kissing and embracing, then have you broken this commandment.

[Today we often do not think of courting or "dating" as a breaking of this Commandment as long as the overt sexual act is not performed. However, kissing and embracing most certainly does stir passions and try the limits of one's resolve, and often a couple who has resolved to save themselves for marriage fail in this area, because they allowed more than a simple kiss and hug. I've been there/done that, and had to confess and repent of such doings.
I will share a little personal testimony on this. Back in 2002 I was involved in an online romance with a girl in Vietnam. I asked her what was allowable in her culture (secular/Buddhist) while courting. She explained we needed to be chaperoned and not alone, or if alone be in a public place. Holding hands was Ok. One light kiss was Ok and a very brief hug. Absolutely nothing beyond that. Brought to mind Luke 16:8 "the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light"]
I did not even agree with her at the time, and eventually met someone from another state in America, and unfortunately we did not follow this Commandment prior to marriage. That too had to be repented of.
This is an extremely volatile subject, even for Christians. Not many practice the true Gospel way of holiness in this regard.]


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2018
United Kingdom
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our modern society has almost completely abandoned for wanton lusts and the actual promotion of adultery and fornication
Welcome to the human race!

(This sort of thing has been going on for quite a while. The Ancient Greeks got up to all sorts, if their stories are to be believed.)
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Student of Life
Mar 6, 2005
United States
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Thought crime

Here's a simple thought experiment: Would society be better or worse if there was less adultery? Please explain your answer. I'm talking about a decision of one's own will. Not because of low libidos or external pressures. The question doesn't pertain to how realistic this scenario is. Just whether society would be better or worse off.

It seems to me that there might be fewer STDs, fewer unwanted pregnancies, and fewer broken hearts for instance. Leaving more time to create, build, write, and do other things that benefit society.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2024
United States
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Here's a simple thought experiment: Would society be better or worse if there was less adultery? Please explain your answer. I'm talking about a decision of one's own will. Not because of low libidos or external pressures. The question doesn't pertain to how realistic this scenario is. Just whether society would be better or worse off.

It seems to me that there might be fewer STDs, fewer unwanted pregnancies, and fewer broken hearts for instance. Leaving more time to create, build, write, and do other things that benefit society.

You answered your own question, except I'd change the "might be" to "would be"
"It seems to me that there would be fewer STDs, fewer unwanted pregnancies, and fewer broken hearts for instance. Leaving more time to create, build, write, and do other things that benefit society."

Actually I think STD's would be a LOT fewer, since they tend to spread by promiscuity.
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