Obedience to God


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Aug 17, 2003
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Focus on the Word .....If you have a clear glass 3/4 full of coffee and you run it under the water tap..... eventually that coffee will disappear and you will have clear water....
The renewed mind doesn't happen automatically...but with the spirit within ....you have the ability to renew your mind. As you put on the Word the water will become clearer and clearer.....If you focus on sin.... that is what you will be conscience of and you will never get the clarity....focus on the Word ....put that on in your mind ...become Son Conscience not sin conscience ....
We are going to sin...it's our nature...but when you do ...shake it off, it's been forgiven...don't wallow in it.
Memorize scripture so you can go to that in your head rather than focusing on the sin. If you focus on the coffee (sin) in the glass it will remain coffee ....until you start running the clear water Word in...
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Feb 16, 2007
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Obedience to God is hard for me. Sins of the flesh tempt me many times in a given week and as I live breath and type today i still have many problems even if God is with me.

Proper obedience to God is impossible for any of us. This is a primary assertion of the Bible. (Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 3:9-12; Ephesians 2:1-3; Titus 3;3, etc.) Like begets like: A cat begets a cat, a dog begets a dog, an apple tree begets apples, and you and I beget more of ourselves. The only One who can beget true godliness is God. And so, when God calls you and I to a godly life, He does so intending to supply to us in Himself all that we need to be godly people. In-and-of ourselves, we can do nothing, Jesus said (John 15:5). Instead, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). And he does so through the Person of the Holy Spirit, the "Spirit of Christ" (Romans 8:9), in whom we are given everything pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).

So, what's happening when a born-again person (John 3:1-7) in whom the Holy Spirit dwells (1 Corinthians 6:19-20; Romans 8:9-14; 1 John 4:13) is not living in the power of the Spirit and being transformed by him, freed from the power of sin, as Romans 6 says they are? Three things:

1.) They are not living by faith in who they are in Jesus Christ.
2.) They are not living in daily, even moment-by-moment, submission to the will and way of God.
3.) As a result of the first two things, the believer has a life crowded with sin that hinders fellowship with God and halts the Spirit's transformation of the believer.

How does this change?

The just shall live by faith. We walk by faith, not by sight. (Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; 2 Corinthians 5:7) A spiritually "victorious" believer is standing by faith on the truth of who they are in Christ, in the face of temptation counting it so that who God says they are in Jesus is the truth no matter what the believer feels or experiences. This is what Paul was describing in Romans 6:11.

It isn't sufficient to exert faith in the truths of who one is in Jesus Christ. Doing so must always be connected to a regular yielding to God's control. God does not fill up rebels with Himself. Submitting to God, however, is a particular thing; it isn't dependence, or obedience, or trusting in God. These things may overlap with submission but they aren't identical to submission. And so, it isn't yielding to God to do these things. No, the believer must consciously, explicitly submit to God's will and way, just as Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:39), and also depend, obey and trust.

Finally, since sin bars us from fellowship (but not relationship) with God, it has to be removed from our lives by repentance from, and confession of, it to God (1 John 1:9; James 4:7-10) when it occurs.

A believer who walks by faith with God, trusting to their identity in Christ in the face of temptation, who submits to God in the midst of temptation (and in life generally), out-loud, consciously giving Him control of one's thoughts, desires and actions, over and over in rapid succession, if necessary, and who "keeps short accounts with God" through repentance and confession of their sin, is one whom God will bring free of the power of sin, over time sanctifying their living and deepening their communion with Him. There is no other way but short-lived, strenuous, Self-effort that always ends in failure and exhaustion.
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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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Obedience to God is hard for me. Sins of the flesh tempt me many times in a given week and as I live breath and type today i still have many problems even if God is with me.

That's part of the cross of discipleship that Jesus calls us to carry. The biggest obstacle to our following Jesus is ourselves, all the sins and temptations that arise from our disordered passions. The old man trying to hold on for dear life, even as we seek to drown that old man through repentance.

There's a phrase that Lutherans use to describe this paradoxical reality that we are both sinners and saints, it is Simul iustus et peccator, quite literally "at once both saint and sinner". The old man and the new. The old Adam on the one hand, dead, sick, drunk on the lusts of our flesh; and the new man the new creature made in Christ which is ours as the gift of God, as we are justified by God's grace through faith on Christ's account.

We are saints, righteous on Christ's account; we are sinners on our own account, through our disordered passions, our deprived lusts of the flesh.

One of the biggest lies being sold to the Faithful in the modern era is the lie of so-called "victorious living", that the Christian can achieve glory over sin in this life through personal effort and personal holiness. This is not the forgiveness of sins that we have from God in Jesus, which are ours as pure grace, and the imputed righteousness of Christ which justifies us before God; rather it is the false doctrine that man can in his flesh overcome the passions of the flesh. Such doctrine is false for it breeds iniquity and sin in the name of a false holiness.

We are always and only justified on Christ's account, as the gift of God, through faith.
We are never justified on our own account by our own strength, power, and works.

The good works we are called to walk in are not that we might gain brownie points for God; but because that is the call of the cross upon the disciple of Jesus Christ in this world. To love our neighbor, even our enemies. To be faithful in an unfaithful world, to love justice and kindness in a world that is unjust and despises kindness. In a world that calls love weakness, we celebrate the weakness of the cross as the strength and power of God.

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Aug 11, 2022
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Believe in the power of God to overcome sin by really studying the Bible and putting into practice what you learn getting rid of everything in your life that distracts from this goal.

There is a lot of false-teaching out there and it is likely you have been taught wrong by those around you in and out of so-called Christian fellowship. There is a form of religion being practiced calling itself Christian (it is very prevalent, but it has no power). It is referred to in 2 Timothy 3:5 (follow the command to turn away from those who would deny that the power of God can make you live in victory over sin).
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Active Member
Aug 11, 2022
Central Ohio
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Proper obedience to God is impossible for any of us. This is a primary assertion of the Bible. (Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 3:9-12; Ephesians 2:1-3; Titus 3;3, etc.) Like begets like: A cat begets a cat, a dog begets a dog, an apple tree begets apples, and you and I beget more of ourselves. The only One who can beget true godliness is God. And so, when God calls you and I to a godly life, He does so intending to supply to us in Himself all that we need to be godly people. In-and-of ourselves, we can do nothing, Jesus said (John 15:5). Instead, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). And he does so through the Person of the Holy Spirit, the "Spirit of Christ" (Romans 8:9), in whom we are given everything pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).

So, what's happening when a born-again person (John 3:1-7) in whom the Holy Spirit dwells (1 Corinthians 6:19-20; Romans 8:9-14; 1 John 4:13) is not living in the power of the Spirit and being transformed by him, freed from the power of sin, as Romans 6 says they are? Three things:

1.) They are not living by faith in who they are in Jesus Christ.
2.) They are not living in daily, even moment-by-moment, submission to the will and way of God.
3.) As a result of the first two things, the believer has a life crowded with sin that hinders fellowship with God and halts the Spirit's transformation of the believer.

How does this change?

The just shall live by faith. We walk by faith, not by sight. (Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; 2 Corinthians 5:7) A spiritually "victorious" believer is standing by faith on the truth of who they are in Christ, in the face of temptation counting it so that who God says they are in Jesus is the truth no matter what the believer feels or experiences. This is what Paul was describing in Romans 6:11.

It isn't sufficient to exert faith in the truths of who one is in Jesus Christ. Doing so must always be connected to a regular yielding to God's control. God does not fill up rebels with Himself. Submitting to God, however, is a particular thing; it isn't dependence, or obedience, or trusting in God. These things may overlap with submission but they aren't identical to submission. And so, it isn't yielding to God to do these things. No, the believer must consciously, explicitly submit to God's will and way, just as Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:39), and also depend, obey and trust.

Finally, since sin bars us from fellowship (but not relationship) with God, it has to be removed from our lives by repentance from, and confession of, it to God (1 John 1:9; James 4:7-10) when it occurs.

A believer who walks by faith with God, trusting to their identity in Christ in the face of temptation, who submits to God in the midst of temptation (and in life generally), out-loud, consciously giving Him control of one's thoughts, desires and actions, over and over in rapid succession, if necessary, and who "keeps short accounts with God" through repentance and confession of their sin, is one whom God will bring free of the power of sin, over time sanctifying their living and deepening their communion with Him. There is no other way but short-lived, strenuous, Self-effort that always ends in failure and exhaustion.

Revelation 3:21
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Active Member
Dec 21, 2020
United States
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Obedience to God is hard for me. Sins of the flesh tempt me many times in a given week and as I live breath and type today i still have many problems even if God is with me.
When you pray ask the Lord to renew your mind and put the armor of God on. Eph 6:11 Do this everyday. This is your protection. Satan prowls around looking to kill, steal and destroy, Christians are #1 on his radar.
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