New Minister on the forum

Jun 8, 2013
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I'm new to the message board. Wanted to reach out to whoever is out there.

I became a minister April of this year and very excited about what The Lord is doing and how He is moving in my life. I know that The Lord allowed my life to take a certain path for the Devine purpose of ministry.

There was a 7 year period when I left the church and I lived a life centered on the pleasures of this world and shallow thrills. But I'm so greatful that Gods grace is sufficient and I was obidient to the leading of the spirit when it was time for me to come back.

Since the beginning of this year, it has been important for me to create a space for young adults to live a godly life and have Christian friends and enjoy youth. It's possible.

Anyway, ask me anything!!!
Jun 8, 2013
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In Relationship
What do you think about online churches as a person's main church?

I don't know of anyone that has ever done that but I don't agree with that. I think online forums like this and televangelism ministries and other mediums used to spread the Good News have their place but it doesn't replace assembling with your local place of worship. You need to be able to fellowship with one another and be in community. Nothing can replace layin on of hands.

I see online spaces more appropriate for sharing information and experiences. Does that make sense?
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