• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

New Here Question

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New Member
Jul 12, 2004
I have just been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. I have been mis- diagnosed for 10 years only recieving meds for depression. At first I was in denial but how can you deny that your whole life has been sheer misery. Even though I love the Lord with all my heart. I have been misunderstood so many times by my so called christian friends who do not understand or even want to try to understand this illness. I have had demons cast out of me, etc etc etc. My question is can you have a relationship with Jesus and not go to church? I am really struggling with this right now, It is hard enough just living everyday without all the hurt and pain I feel from the church I go too. I have tried other churches and when I start to be honest with them about who I am it is the same hurt all over again. Thanks for being here!
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Dec 13, 2003
South Dakota
Let me say, that although i don't think anyone who isn't bipolar can truly understand what it's like, i think i understand as well as anyone without it could. My mother is severely bipolar, and she was similarly misdiagnosed for a long time. It seems like noone can ever get her meds right and it has been an issue with her and her faith as well. Going to church is only one part of your relationship with jesus, and i think you can still have a very strong relationship with him even if you don't go to church. I encourage you to try and find a church you are comfortable with, and a congregation that will try to understand you and be there for you. I don't know if this will help, but i thought i'd say what i could, God bless you and i'll keep you in my prayers :)
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Senior Member
Oct 29, 2003
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Not all churches have this point of view. I once attended a church with an attitude like you're describing. Wanted to heal me all the time too and when I wasn't "healed," I was made to feel like there was something wrong with me spiritually. I was very hurt by this attitude and I don't recall all the details (I was only 15), but I was eventually asked to leave.

I didn't understand why. (IMO, a good reason was never given). I found another church.
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Laurel Crowned

Feb 11, 2004
Marital Status
wonbyone said:
I have just been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. I have been mis- diagnosed for 10 years only recieving meds for depression. At first I was in denial but how can you deny that your whole life has been sheer misery. Even though I love the Lord with all my heart. I have been misunderstood so many times by my so called christian friends who do not understand or even want to try to understand this illness. I have had demons cast out of me, etc etc etc. My question is can you have a relationship with Jesus and not go to church? I am really struggling with this right now, It is hard enough just living everyday without all the hurt and pain I feel from the church I go too. I have tried other churches and when I start to be honest with them about who I am it is the same hurt all over again. Thanks for being here!

Hey WonbyOne,

My experience parallels your own. If I hear one more person say that I need to "plead the blood of Jesus" I'm going to go postal. I have had periods where I haven't fet emotionally/spiritually safe enough to go to church. It was in those times that I made a point to spend my Sundays in worship. I lived in Maui, Hawaii at the time. I'd pack up my bible, devotionals, journals, and whatever Christian book I was reading at the time... and head out to the beach for a day spent with Jesus.

Eventually, the Spirit is going to call you back to fellowship when the time is right for you to be there... but sometimes you just need to get alone with God and let him heal your hurts. Christian input is important so... I watched services on tv. Having a place like CF where you can give and receive prayer will also make sure you are isolated. Satan will come after Lone Ranger Christians.

I hated when people would tell me to get out of my comfort zone and go to church. People never seem to understand me... and I'd limp away hurt. Church should be a place of refuge... and if it's not that for you in this season in your life... then commit your plan to Jesus. Ask him how long you should consider taking a sabatical from church. Ask him to hold you close to him as you walk this path. Remember... nothing can seperate you from the love of God. Not even absence from church.

My PM box is open to you anytime. I know what it feels like to feel less that peaceful in church. God eventually got me to a point where there is no place I'd rather be on a Sunday than in his house with other believers. I'm still not 100% comfortable... but I no longer try to get people to understand me either. It's enough that God does. I just get people to pray for me. I leave understanding me to God... and the select people that he's lead into my life who care enough to try to understand me.

Anyway... Jesus is there for you... and I'll be praying for you often.

Peace and comfort to you,
LC :prayer:
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Anna N. Amos

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2004
The way I see it-

We are body, soul and spirit. And sometimes you can be a dedicated Christian and have some problems with "body".

(BTW, Ask them if they take "drugs" while giving birth, that is a "body" thing. ;) )

God wants you well and if that means taking a pill to get well, then pop that pill :D

And try not to let them make you feel badly just because they are ignorant concerning this disease. Some people are so into seeing spirits I bet they cast them out of their food before they eat.


You can love God where ever you are. You also have no obligation to go to a church and tell people you have a "condition" If you find a place go worship God go and keep some of your personal life personal. Telling ALL to people is not a requirement of God.

Lastly, do not feel ashamed because you have a problem and need to be medically treated.

God just wants you well.

And if you need to pull back because people there have hurt you -- it is your walk with God, you do what you have to do and God will meet you where you are. He can protect you at all times, anywhere, under any circumstance.

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I went thru a similar experience myself, For the first year or so that I was being medicated for depression, I was just given paxil, wellbutrin, and a list of other stuff that didn't work very well. I finally insisted that I get reevaluated, A month later I was put on Lithium and after 2 weeks I was feeling better. Sometime around a month or 2 later I was feeling like a new person.
Back to the point of this post, I don't believe you can have a relationship w/o going to church. Church is an integral part of a Christians growth process, We all need to fellowship with other Christians and try to be closer to him. I hope this helps a little bit. I hope you reply soon.
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