My Special Quotes


is so in love with God
Feb 19, 2014
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Just, Who Are We... In Christ?

Most Christians (still believe) that we are ("just sinners saved by grace.") This is what John Osteen says about "Who We Are... In Christ?" If your Word of Faith... You'll know who he is.


(John 3:15) In Jesus... I have eternal life.
(Romans 3:24) In Jesus... I have been justified.
(Romans 5:1) In Jesus... I have peace with God.
(Romans 5:8) In Jesus... I am Loved of God.
(Romans 5:17) In Jesus... I have an abundance of grace.
(Romans 5:17) In Jesus... I reign in life.
(Romans 6:4) In Jesus... I am in newness of life.
(Romans 6:11) In Jesus... I am alive unto God.
(Romans 7:4) In Jesus... I bring forth fruits unto God.
(Romans 8:1) In Jesus... I have No condemnation.
(Romans 8:2) In Jesus... I have been made free from the law of sin and death.
(Romans 8:2) In Jesus... I live by the law of the Spirit of life.
(Romans 8:16) In Jesus... I am a child of God.
(Romans 8:17) In Jesus... I am an heir of God and joint heir of Christ.
(Romans 8:37) In Jesus... I am more than a conqueror.
(Romans 8:32) In Jesus... I freely receive all things from God.
(Romans 8:39) In Jesus... Nothing can separate me from the love of God.
(1 Corinthians 1:2) In Jesus... I am sanctified.
(1 Corinthians 1:5) In Jesus... I am enriched in all knowledge.
(1 Corinthians 1:3) In Jesus... I have wisdom.
(1 Corinthians 1:3) In Jesus... I have righteousness.
(1 Corinthians 1:3) In Jesus... I have redemption.
(1 Corinthians 15:21) In Jesus... I shall be resurrected.
(1 Corinthians 15:57) In Jesus... I have victory over death.
(2 Corinthians 1:20) In Jesus... All the promises of God are "Yes" and "Amen."
(2 Corinthians 1:21) In Jesus... I am established.
(2 Corinthians 1:21) In Jesus... I am anointed of God.
(2 Corinthians 2:14) In Jesus... I always triumph.
(2 Corinthians 2:15) In Jesus... I am a sweet fragrance to God.
(2 Corinthians 3:14) In Jesus... My mind is renewed and enlightened.
(2 Corinthians 5:17) In Jesus... I am a new creature.
(2 Corinthians 5:18) In Jesus... I have the ministry of reconciliation.
(2 Corinthians 5:20) In Jesus... I am an ambassador for God.
(2 Corinthians 5:21) In Jesus... I am made the righteousness of God.
(2 Corinthians 13:4) In Jesus... I live by the power of God.
(Galatians 2:4) In Jesus... I have liberty.
(Galatians 3:13) In Jesus... I am redeemed from the curse of the law.
(Galatians 3:14) In Jesus... I have the blessing of Abraham.
(Galatians 4:7) In Jesus... I am a son of God.
(Galatians 5:6) In Jesus... I have faith which works by love.
(Ephesians 1:3) In Jesus... I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places.
(Ephesians 1:4) In Jesus... I have been chosen before the foundation of the world.
(Ephesians 1:6) In Jesus... I am accepted of God.
(Ephesians 2:5) In Jesus... I have the life of God.
(Ephesians 2:6) In Jesus... I now sit in heavenly places.
(Ephesians 2:7) In Jesus... I have exceeding riches of God's grace and kindness.
(Ephesians 2:10) In Jesus... I am His workmanship.
(Ephesians 2:10) In Jesus... I am created for good works.
(Ephesians 3:12) In Jesus... I have boldness and access with confidence before God.
(Ephesians 5:8) In Jesus... I am a shining light.
(Ephesians 6:10) In Jesus... I am strong in the power of God's might.
(Philippians 3:14) In Jesus... I have the high calling of God.
(Philippians 4:6) In Jesus... I do not worry.
(Philippians 4:7) In Jesus... I have the peace of God which passes all understanding.
(Philippians 4:7) In Jesus... I have the peace of God which guards my heart and mind.
(Philippians 4:13) In Jesus... I have strength.
(Philippians 4:13) In Jesus... I can do all things.
(Philippians 4:13) In Jesus... All my needs are met according to God's riches in glory.
(Colossians 1:13) In Jesus... I have been delivered from the power of darkness.
(Colossians 1:13) In Jesus... I have been translated into the kingdom of God.
(Colossians 1:14) In Jesus... I have forgiveness of sins.
(Colossians 1:20) In Jesus... I am reconciled to God.
(Colossians 2:3) In Jesus... I have all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
(Colossians 2:10) In Jesus... I am made complete and perfect.
(Colossians 3:3) In Jesus... My life is hid with Him in God.
(1 Timothy 1:14) In Jesus... I have abundant love.
(2 Timothy 2:10) In Jesus... I have obtained salvation with eternal glory.
(Hebrews 7:25) In Jesus... I am saved to the uttermost.
(Hebrews 9:12) In Jesus... I have eternal redemption.
(Hebrews 9:12) In Jesus... I have an eternal inheritance.
(Hebrews 13:21) In Jesus... I am made perfect in every good work to do His will.
(1 Peter 1:3) In Jesus... I have abundant mercy from God.
(1 Peter 1:3) In Jesus... I have a lively hope.
(1 Peter 1:8) In Jesus... I am a holy priest of God.
(1 Peter 5:10) In Jesus... I am forever settled.
(1 John 1:7) In Jesus... I have fellowship with all believers.
(1 John 2:27) In Jesus... I have received the anointing which teaches me all things.
(1 John 3:24) In Jesus... I have the Spirit of God.
(1 John 4:4) In Jesus... I have overcome the devil and the world.
(1 John 4:15) In Jesus... God dwells in me.
(1 John 4:8) In Jesus... I have no fear.
(1 John 5:4) In Jesus... I have victory.
(1 John 5:20) In Jesus... I have understanding.
(1 John 5:20) In Jesus... I know God.


Source: Spiritual Food For Victorious Living
by John Osteen. Used by permission. Just Who Are We... in Christ?

I love this and its so encouraging.
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Are You Comfortable in God's Presence


If you... have an attitude of faith, then you are continually looking upward for guidance. You'll keep your eyes on Jesus. Practically, how do you keep your eyes on Jesus? Through fellowship with Him. Simply by praying and keeping your heart open to Him on a daily basis. (Not just on a Sunday basis - a daily basis!) If you keep yourself aware of the presence of God, then you'll be more in tune with His prompting and you'll be more confident taking action! You'll be walking the same path many of the most successful people of God throughout the ages have walked. You'll be walking by faith.

That is... why I have a really hard time understanding people who say they don't believe in "that faith stuff." The Scripture says plainly enough, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him" (Hebrews 11:6). So if faith pleases God then what does lack of faith do? Well, I guess there is only one thing it can do - it displeases God. Now that's strong, I know. But what many people who disregard faith are really saying is that they don't believe in pleasing God. And, to me, that simply means that if they are flatly refusing to please God, then they are living in disobedience to His Word. Whew! Strong, huh?
I believe... that there is a reason for people vocally attacking faith. Of course, the devil is blinding their eyes to the truth because he doesn't want them to use the force of faith. But I want you to understand why Christians who don't use their faith always seem to be the ones who attack those of us who do. The reason is simple but true: they aren't comfortable in the presence of God.
There... I've said it! Whenever I say this in a church meeting, people get real quiet. And they should. Contemplating what you are doing within your own life is good. Checking yourself to see if you have attacked or ignored faith is good. It's the only way you'll ever even notice what you're really doing.​

Source: God is Not Enough - He's Too Much! by Jesse Duplantis.


Word of Faith (Special Quotes)

I use to... be a hard preacher telling people for example, I will say things like "If you are not healed and your not receiving from God. God has not changed, His Word has not changed. Guess whose fault it is? Yours...! But, now I have changed my message because of what God said to me. Now... I'll say this, nothing wrong with God, nothing wrong with His Word, and there's nothing wrong with you. In Jesus name... Just "receive."

Joseph Prince

Someone... far wiser than I once described to me the difference between stupid and dumb. Dumb people don't do something because they don't know what to do, or how to do it. They just don't know! Not stupid people know what to do, but they don't do it.

God didn't... bless Jesus because He was sinless. It was because by faith He believed. As Christians, we can believe and do the same works as Jesus even though sometimes we sin.
Kenneth Copeland

Even though I have the gift of prophesy and understand all mysteries and understand all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I can remove mountains... and have not love. I am nothing!
Jerry Savelle

Salvation is free but the anointing will cost you everything you have.
Creflo Dollar


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Words of Faith... from Word of Faith Ministers
John G. Lake

Christ Liveth In Me

"Christ liveth in me." That is the revelation of the age. That is the discovery of the moment. That is the revolutionizing power of God in the earth. It is the factor that is changing the spirit of religion in the world and the character of Christian faith. It is (divine vitalization). The world is awakening to that marvelous truth, that Christ is not just in the heavens only, nor in the atmosphere only, but Christ is in you.

The world lived in darkness for thousands of years. There was just as much electricity in the world then as now. It is not that electricity has just come into being. It was always here. But men have discovered how to utilize it and bless themselves with it. Christ's (indwelling) in the human heart is the (mystery of mysteries). Paul gave it the Gentiles as the (supreme mystery) of all the revelation of God and the finality of all wonder he knew. "Christ in you. Christ in you."

Christ has... a purpose in you. Christ's purpose (in you)... is to reveal Himself (to you), through you, in you. We repeat (over and over) that familiar phrase, "The church, Which is His body" Ephesians 1:22-23, but if we realized the (truth) of it and (power) of it, the world would be a different place. When the Christian Church realizes that they are the tangible, living, pulsating Body - flesh and bones and blood and... brain of Jesus Christ - and that God is manifesting through each one every minute, and is endeavoring to accomplish His big will for the world through them, not through some other body, then Christian service and responsibility will be understood.

Jesus Christ operates through you. (Man and God) become united. That is the (divine secret) of a real Christian life. It is the real union, the real conscious union of man and God. There is no substitute for that relationship. You can manufacture all the ordinances on earth, all the symbols there ever were until you become dazed and lose yourself in the maze of them, and still you must still find God.

There is only... one reality. That reality is God. The soul of man must contact God, and unless the spirit of man is truly joined to God, there is no such thing as real Christian manifestation. All the processes of preparation, by which a soul is prepared by God for such a manifestation, are only preliminary processes.

The final end is that man can reveal God and that God may not only have a place of residence, but a right action in the body and spirit of man. Every Spirit-taught man in the world is aware of how gradually his own nature has become subjected to God and His will.

Source: John G. Lake: His Life, His Sermons, His Boldness of Faith


Word of Faith (Special Quotes)


Andrew Wommack
"Most people don't doubt God's ability. What they doubt is His willingness to use His ability... on their behalf."
Jesse Duplantis
"If you see a preacher with white hair walking down the street that looks like a walking Q-Tip. That's me!"
Fred Price Jr
"The law mindset says, "I had better forgive you or God will not forgive me. The grace mindset says, "because God has forgiven me, I forgive you."
Carolyn Copeland
"What do I have to loose to stay in faith? Nothing! Nothing to loose... but verything to gain."
Troy Edwards
"Since Jesus did decend into Hades, It is possible that He may have suffered there for a short time as our substitute. I do not present this as a dogmatic conclusion but as a possibility."
Greg Huetis
"There is a big difference between "believe" and having "faith."

Hilton Sutton
"You may hear that the Book of Revelation really scares me. Umm! This is strange that the God who dosen't give us the spirit of fear would conclude His book with a horror story. What does (Revelation 1:3) say... frightened? troubled? confused? No... this is the only book in the Bible that a BLESSING is declared at the beginning. Blessed are those who read and those who hear the words of this book?"

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(Spirit, Soul, and Body) Series

Like Precious Faith

You Were justified... by the faith of Christ. "Knowing that a (man) is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even (we have believed) in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified" Galatians 2:16.

God not only provided salvation but also gave you the faith to receive it. You (as all of us) were bound up in sin before being born-again that you couldn't reach out in your own ability to receive the salvation God had (already purchased) for you. Your (mind and heart) were simply too corrupted to believe. This sin-caused blindness separated you from God. He peirced through your darkness by spea
king (His Word) to you through someone. God's supernatural faith came with it. Then, when you embraced that Word in your heart, you used His faith to receive His gift of salvation.

Not only... were you born-again through that faith, but you're to live your entire Christian life by it. "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me" Galatians 3:20. Notice, It doesn't say "I'm living by the faith IN the Son of God" but rather "I'm living by the faith OF the Son of God." (I am aware that several modern translations render it "I live by faith in the Son of God, "but that's not accurate according to the Greek.) Just a few verses earlier in verse 16, Paul stated twice that you are justified by the faith "
OF Christ." It's very clear that it's not a (human faith) that receives from God but His own supernatural faith.

The first step is to believe you have this faith, but the goal is to (release) its benefits into your soul and body. Just like everything else in your spirit, your faith doesn't fluctuate because of your performance. You were born-again, apart from your works, using the supernatural faith OF God. Now, that faith is always there. Your faith begins to operate, work, and become effective when you acknowledge the good things that are in you... in Christ. Philemon 1:6 Acknowledge that God has already given you His supernatural faith!

Most People... don't have a faith deficiency, they have a knowledge problem. They don't know what they've got. If that describes you, you haven't learned the laws that govern faith, or how to cooperate with them. If you don't acknowledge this faith and learn how to use it, then you won't see it manifest. It won't be because you don't have it but because your unlearned of how it works.

Every born-again believer has been given 'the' measure of faith. "For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly then he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man 'the' measure of faith" Romans 12:3. Some people teach and some Bible versions actually translate this correctly, saying (a) measure of faith. However, Galatians 2:16, 20 both verify that this is truly 'the' measure of faith.

You received... the exact same (quantity and quality) of faith when you were born-again as did every other Christian. Yet, in God's "soup line," most people think He dishes out faith using a wide variety of different measures. In other words, Someone's given a ladle full, another a teaspoon--to this one, a tablespoon, and to that one, barely a drop. Romans 12:3 soundly refutes this false perception. In reality, everyone's given the ladle full because it's 'the' measure of faith.

Looking on externals, there's no doubt some people operate in (more faith) than others. You might think, they've got more faith than I do! No, they just have more of it out in the physical realm. In other words, they are (using more) of 'the' measure of faith given to them than you are. Even though we were given the exact same measure (initially), according to our use... we
experience very different results.

Paul used... the faith of Jesus. In Galatians 2:20, he basically stated, "I'm living by the same faith that Jesus used when He walked on this earth." Romans 12:3 reveals that there aren't varying measures or different amounts given. So if Paul lived by the faith of the Son of God, then that means every other born-again believer like him also has the faith of the Son of God. What a radical truth!

(until next time...) Thanks to Andrew Wommack

Word of Faith (Special Quotes)


Andrew Wommack
Everybody's sin is totally paid for. People aren't going to hell because of their sin. They're going there because they haven't accepted the complete payment for their sin... by the finished works of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Creflo Dollar
Walking in love means (forgiving those) who have hurt you. This may be the most difficult step, but it is the most necessary. When we are hurting and walking in unforgiveness, we are destined to carry that pain with us for years. Once you have forgiven, it is important to stop "reliving" the offence. This is probably the main reason the hurt lingers in our lives. We never really let the situation go. Forgiveness involves completely (releasing) the situation to God, believing He is more than able to handel it and deal with the other person. If you continue to hold on to what happens, you are delaying your healing and delaying prosperity in your life.
Charles Caps
Jesus... as a man healed All that came to Him and cast out devils everywhere He went... except in one instance when He went into His home town and Jesus did very little because of their unbelief. After Jesus arose from the dead and walked for 40 days on the earth teaching His deciples, He never once healed the sick or cast out devils during that time. Have you ever wondered why He didn't? Well! He was not a man anymore but All God! He ascended to heaven after the 40 days of ministering, and right before His ascenction... Jesus gave All dominon and authority to His deciples and (us) to heal the sick, cast out devils, and do the same works He did and then said, "Most assuredly, I say unto you, He who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also... and greater works than these he will do because I go to the Father" John 14:12.
Keith Moore
Why are people of God, saying, saying, and saying... and it is not happening? Because they spoke too soon. They started saying too quickly. What do you mean? The Bible says to be "quick to hear and slow to speak." So lets stop and listen to what God is really saying before we say what we think God is saying.
Bill Winston
We are not to fight the devil. The Word says to resist him and fight the good fight of faith.
Is todays Church of Jesus Christ... victorious? Is todays Church... overcoming? Is todays Church... glorious? Is todays Church... triumphant? Is todays Church... without spot or wrinkle? Question: Is todays Church of Jesus Christ... ready for the rapture?



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Smith Wigglesworth
Like Precious Faith

We are dull of comprehension because we so often let the cares of this world blind our eyes; but if we can be open to God, we shall see that He has a greater plan for us in the future than we have ever seen in the past.

It is God's delight to make possible to us that which seems impossible, and when we reach a place where (He alone) has right of way, then all the things that have been misty and misunderstood are cleared up.

If The Time Is Come.... This like precious faith that Peter is writing about is a gift that God is willing to give to all of us, and I believe God wants us to receive it so that we may subdue kingdoms, work righteousness, and if the time is come, to stop the mouths of lions. We should be able under all circumstances to triumph, because we have no confidence in ourselves, but our confidence is only in God.

It is always those people who are (full of faith) that have a good report, that never murmur, that are in the place of victory, that are not in the place of human order but of divine order. Since God has come to dwell in them. This like precious faith is for all; but there may be some hindrance in your life that God will have to deal with. It seems to me as if I had had a thousand road engines come over my life to break me up like a potter's vessel.

There is no other way into the (deep things) of God but a broken spirit. There is no other way into the power of God. God will do the (exceeding abundantly) above all we ask or think for us (when) He can bring us to the place where we can say with Paul, "I live no longer, and Another.... even Christ, has taken the reins and the rule."

The Word Only

I understand God by His Word. I cannot understand God by impressions or feelings; I cannot get to know God by sentiments. If I am going to know God, I am going to know Him (by His Word). I know I shall be in heaven, but I could not build (on my feelings) that I am going to heaven. I am going to heaven because God's Word says it, and I believe God's Word. And "faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God" Romans 10:17.

In Mark 11:24 we read, "What things soever you desire, (when you pray), believe that you receive them, and (you shall have them)." The previous verse speaks of mountains removed, difficulties cleared away. Veneering (overlay or plate a surface) won't do.

We must have reality, the real working of our God. We must know God. We must be able to go in and hold converse with God. We must also know the (mind of God) toward us, so that all our petitions are always on the line of His will.

As this like precious faith becomes a part of you, it will make you so that you will dare to do anything. And remember, God wants daring men—men who will dare all, men who will be strong in Him and dare to do exploits.

How shall we reach this plane of faith? Let go your own thoughts, and take the thoughts of God, the Word of God. If you build yourself on imaginations you will go wrong. You have the Word of God and it is enough.

Never compare this Book (The Word) with other books. Comparisons are dangerous. Never think or never say that this Book contains the Word of God. (It is the Word of God). It is supernatural in origin, eternal in duration, inexpressible in value, infinite in scope, regenerative in power, infallible in authority, universal in interest, personal in application, inspired in totality. Read it through. Write it down. Pray it in. Work it out. And then... pass it on.

And truly the Word of God changes a man until he becomes an epistle of God. It transforms his mind, changes his character, (moves him on from) grace to grace, makes him an inheritor of the (very nature of God). God comes in... dwells in... walks in... talks through... and sups with him who opens his being to the Word of God and receives the Spirit who inspired it.

Source: Faith That Prevails by: Smith Wigglesworth

Word of Faith (Special Quotes)

Joseph Prince
"Perhaps, the reason we don't see healing results when we pray for the sick is because were still trying to earn healing by our performance. Healing comes when you realize that you are righteous by faith, you can pray for others and healing will come." Once I was preaching behind the pulpit and I was preaching on the ten reasons why people are not healed and everytime I attend a conference I alwaysfind more reasons why people are not healed. I wanted people to remove all the stumbling blocks of healing. One day I was preaching like this and God stopped me and He said this to me. "Stop disqualifying my people. My blood has removed all the stumbling blocks."

"We are to pray for our President (Psalms 109:8) "Let his days be few and let another take his place."

Gloria Copeland
"So many Christians are afraid to give themselves totally to the Lord because they think they will be deprived of some pleasures in this life. What they don't realize is that the things they would be giving up are only killing then anyway for the wages of sin is death."

Norvel Hayes
“If I expected to get the substance, I had to believe that I had already received because now faith is. In this case, the substance was the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking with other tongues. I had to believe that I had it, even though I couldn’t see it or feel it. Faith is the answer we see when we pray.”

T. L. Osborn
"How can we call ourselves a church and not believe in healing and in miracles? I cannot read four pages anywhere in the Bible without encountering miracles! And the God of the bible is the same today!"

Lester Sumrall
"I know success or failure in my life or ministry does not depend on my own skill or even on external circumstances, it depends only on my faithfulness. God will give me the gifts necessary to do whatever He calls me to do, and He will not be hindered in His work by circumstances."

Smith Wigglesworth
"Never look back if you want the power of God in your life. You will find out that in the measure you have allowed yourself to look back, you have missed what God had for you."


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Frederick Buechner
Algebraic Preaching
X + Y = Z. IF YOU know the value of one of the letters, you know something. If you know the value of two, you can probably figure out the whole thing. If you don't know the value of any, you don't know much.
Preachers tend to forget this. "Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and be saved from your sins," or something like that, has meaning and power and relevance only if the congregation has some notion of what, humanly speaking, sin is, or being saved is, or who Jesus is, or what accepting him involves. If preachers make no attempt to flesh out these words in terms of everyday human experience (maybe even their own) but simply repeat with variations the same old formulas week after week, then the congregation might just as well spend Sunday morning at home with the funnies.
The blood atonement. The communion of saints. The Holy Ghost. If people's understanding of theological phrases goes little deeper than their dictionary or catechetical definitions, then to believe in them has just about as much effect on their lives as to believe that Columbus discovered America in 1492 or that E = mc2.
Coming home from church one snowy day, Emerson wrote, "The snow was real but the preacher spectral." In other words nothing he heard from the pulpit suggested that the preacher was a human being more or less like everybody else with the same dark secrets and high hopes, the same doubts and passions, the same weaknesses and strengths. Undoubtedly he preached on matters like sin and salvation but without ever alluding to the wretched, lost moments or the glad, liberating moments of his own life or anybody else's.
There is perhaps no better proof for the existence of God than the way year after year he survives the way his professional friends promote him. If there are people who remain unconvinced, let them tune in their TVs to almost any of the big-time pulpit-pounders almost any Sunday morning of the year.
-Originally published in Whistling in the Dark (1988)
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Frederick Buechner
Algebraic Preaching
X + Y = Z. IF YOU know the value of one of the letters, you know something. If you know the value of two, you can probably figure out the whole thing. If you don't know the value of any, you don't know much.
Preachers tend to forget this. "Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and be saved from your sins," or something like that, has meaning and power and relevance only if the congregation has some notion of what, humanly speaking, sin is, or being saved is, or who Jesus is, or what accepting him involves. If preachers make no attempt to flesh out these words in terms of everyday human experience (maybe even their own) but simply repeat with variations the same old formulas week after week, then the congregation might just as well spend Sunday morning at home with the funnies.
The blood atonement. The communion of saints. The Holy Ghost. If people's understanding of theological phrases goes little deeper than their dictionary or catechetical definitions, then to believe in them has just about as much effect on their lives as to believe that Columbus discovered America in 1492 or that E = mc2.
Coming home from church one snowy day, Emerson wrote, "The snow was real but the preacher spectral." In other words nothing he heard from the pulpit suggested that the preacher was a human being more or less like everybody else with the same dark secrets and high hopes, the same doubts and passions, the same weaknesses and strengths. Undoubtedly he preached on matters like sin and salvation but without ever alluding to the wretched, lost moments or the glad, liberating moments of his own life or anybody else's.
There is perhaps no better proof for the existence of God than the way year after year he survives the way his professional friends promote him. If there are people who remain unconvinced, let them tune in their TVs to almost any of the big-time pulpit-pounders almost any Sunday morning of the year.
-Originally published in Whistling in the Dark (1988)

Here's a new word to study, Ekklesia.
Its not about Church, its about the gathering, or calling out the Body of believers.

Matthew 18:17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican. 18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
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Are You Comfortable in God's Presence

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If you... have an attitude of faith, then you are continually looking upward for guidance. You'll keep your eyes on Jesus. Practically, how do you keep your eyes on Jesus? Through fellowship with Him. Simply by praying and keeping your heart open to Him on a daily basis. (Not just on a Sunday basis - a daily basis!) If you keep yourself aware of the presence of God, then you'll be more in tune with His prompting and you'll be more confident taking action! You'll be walking the same path many of the most successful people of God throughout the ages have walked. You'll be walking by faith.

That is... why I have a really hard time understanding people who say they don't believe in "that faith stuff." The Scripture says plainly enough, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him" (Hebrews 11:6). So if faith pleases God then what does lack of faith do? Well, I guess there is only one thing it can do - it displeases God. Now that's strong, I know. But what many people who disregard faith are really saying is that they don't believe in pleasing God. And, to me, that simply means that if they are flatly refusing to please God, then they are living in disobedience to His Word. Whew! Strong, huh?
I believe... that there is a reason for people vocally attacking faith. Of course, the devil is blinding their eyes to the truth because he doesn't want them to use the force of faith. But I want you to understand why Christians who don't use their faith always seem to be the ones who attack those of us who do. The reason is simple but true: they aren't comfortable in the presence of God.
There... I've said it! Whenever I say this in a church meeting, people get real quiet. And they should. Contemplating what you are doing within your own life is good. Checking yourself to see if you have attacked or ignored faith is good. It's the only way you'll ever even notice what you're really doing.​

Source: God is Not Enough - He's Too Much! by Jesse Duplantis.

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Word of Faith (Special Quotes)

I use to... be a hard preacher telling people for example, I will say things like "If you are not healed and your not receiving from God. God has not changed, His Word has not changed. Guess whose fault it is? Yours...! But, now I have changed my message because of what God said to me. Now... I'll say this, nothing wrong with God, nothing wrong with His Word, and there's nothing wrong with you. In Jesus name... Just "receive."

Joseph Prince

Someone... far wiser than I once described to me the difference between stupid and dumb. Dumb people don't do something because they don't know what to do, or how to do it. They just don't know! Not stupid people know what to do, but they don't do it.

God didn't... bless Jesus because He was sinless. It was because by faith He believed. As Christians, we can believe and do the same works as Jesus even though sometimes we sin.
Kenneth Copeland

Even though I have the gift of prophesy and understand all mysteries and understand all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I can remove mountains... and have not love. I am nothing!
Jerry Savelle

Salvation is free but the anointing will cost you everything you have.
Creflo Dollar

Good quotes, some of us may get uncomfortable when we are asked what faith are you?
Somehow I almost hear the boxing guy yelling into the microphone...

Questions fly because of emotional experience.
Are you telling me miss sweetheart of the Church for fifty years did not have faith?
No I reply I'm telling you what Gods Holy written Word says.
In the words of Duane Sheriff : I don't know why our Faithful little church lady Died!
Not a exact quote but its essentially what He said.
Kenneth E Hagin in my opinion answered this question better than anyone.
Time constraints keep me from posting all that He preached on this topic, so anyone reading can look it up.

God Has Blessed you my Friend, because your faithful work is a Blessing to many.
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Your Spirit Knows All Things


born-again spirit came with the mind of Christ. "For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16). In your spirit, there's a (mind) that already knows all things pertaining to God. The rest of the Christian life is learning how to (draw it out) into the (physical natural realm). When that happens, you experience what's called revelation knowledge.

You... were born with a natural mind. It operates both in the (soulish realm) and in the physical realm as your brain. When you came into this world, you didn't know anything. Your brain had some automatic functions that kicked in, like breathing, pumping blood, and so on, but your mind had to get educated. You didn't come out of the womb walking and talking. You had to train yourself, (the soul mind) to coordinate your muscles. This requires lots of input!

Also, when you were born-again, you received the (mind of Christ in your spirit). However, your spirit mind doesn't have to be (developed, taught, or trained) because it was born-again in perfect knowledge. Some teach that when hearing about the things of God is to get it down in your spirit. This is nonsense! I've heard this for years even in my faith church. It's aready... in your spirit, just (draw it out) as you renew your mind with God's Word.

Everything... that you will ever need from God is already... in your spirit. To get it out is to follow (Romans 12:2) "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the (renewing of your mind). Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is... his good, pleasing and perfect will." If your (soul) mind changes, you will change with it. Feed your natural mind (soul) with truth from the Word of God.

When you... (renew your mind) from God's Word you will have the mind of Christ. With a renewed mind you will know the truth from God's Word and know how to walk through life with an understanding of the will of God and will be able to obey Him. So your perfect spirit (same as Jesus has) knows all things so when you continually renew your mind and act on it, then your (soul) mind will agree with your spirit mind of the things of God as you walk in the spirit.

With this... you might be wondering, What about (1 Corinthians 13:9-10), which talks about only (knowing in part) until that which is perfect is come? That's referring to your natural mind in your soulish realm body (your soul). Right now, you don't understand everything with your (soul) mind. You are in process of renewing your (soul) mind which won't be complete until you receive that which is perfect... (your glorified body). But in your spirit, you have the (mind of Christ), which is already totally complete. It's just not manifest in your brain. As a Christian, have you been taught this? (got to get it down in your spirit?) We know now that it's already (in your spirit), just need to have your soul mind to (continually) be renewed with God's Word to (draw it out) of your spirit to agree with your natural mind.

Nobody can defend the erroneous position that (1 Corinthians 2:16) means you have the mind of Christ right now in your soul (physical natural mind). There are things the Lord Jesus knows that you simply aren't aware of in your natural mind. The Lord knew what He was saying in His Word, but you and I are still discovering the fullness of His meaning by the renewal of our minds with the Word of God.

Your spirit mind and physical mind (soul) are two separate (entities) within you. When they don't agree, results in double-mindedness always occurs. God's Word says to..."Purify your hearts, you double-minded" (James 4:8). The key to the Christian life is training or renewing your natural mind (soul) to agree with your spirit mind, which is the mind of Christ. So the training of the mind is not your (spirit mind) that already knows all the things pertaining to God, we train our natural mind (soul) to be renewed from the mind of Christ located in your spirit within you.

You are... spirit, soul, and body. Your born-again spirit always agrees with God. Your natural mind is under the influence of what it can (see, taste, hear, smell, and feel)... (the five senses). When your natural mind thinks the same way as your spirit mind, you're (single-minded). That's when you are believing with all your heart and see God's power manifest. However, if your physical mind thinks contrary to your spirit mind, your experience will be different than the way your spirit thinks. Your soul...specifically your physical natural mind, and the way you choose to think... is the determining factor whether we listen to the mind of flesh or the (mind of Christ)... that's in your spirit. So let's all be single-minded in the things of God and see the spiritual manifestations in our Christian walk.

Thank you Father for loving me...


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Releasing the Mind of Christ

Part 1​

Studying... God's Word will (draw out) the wisdom that's in your spirit. When you're reading the bible, you are receiving words with your physical eyes that are spirit and life. As you take this knowledge into your soul, (your mind), new thoughts and ideas come to your physical mind. When this happens, your spirit... which always has the truth and mind of Christ... will bear witness with it.

Surely... you've read a scripture and felt like (all of a sudden) you "saw" it. You may have read it a hundred times before, but (all at once) everything within you shouts, "Yes!" That's your spirit and your soul becoming one mind. When your soulish realm gains a truth and begins to embrace it, your spirit connects and agrees. Once the connection is make, that truth just goes off inside of you. It's now revelation and reality to you. Because of your inner witness, you don't necessarily need anyone else to prove it; you just know.

Several scriptures... reveal this inner witness. "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God" (Romans 8:16), First (John 5:6-10) also describes this, specifically verse 10, which says, "He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself."

Studying... God's Word is vital for achieving (single-mindedness) and releasing God's power. Your spirit mind, the mind of Christ, (agrees completely) with the Word. When a truth from God's Word takes root in your soulish realm, that same knowledge, which has already existed in your spirit mind, rises up and meshes with it. This (draws) God's power within you and... put into the physical realm. That's when you see manifestation.

Praying in tongues... is another powerful way to release (the mind of Christ). "Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but (rather) that you prophesy. "For he that speaks in an unknown tongue speaks not unto men, but unto God, for no man understands him; howbeit in the spirit he speaks mysteries" (1 Corinthians 14:1-2). When you pray in the Spirit, you are speaking mysteries.

Your spirit prays! For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prays, but my (understanding) is unfruitful" (v. 14). This scripture shows both minds in operation. When you pray in tongues, your spirit prays, but your (understanding)... your soulish, physical, natural mind... is unfruitful.

You build yourself... up by praying in tongues. "He that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself" (v. 4). Edify means "to build up "or" to promote spiritual growth. "It's your soul that's actually growing and being built up because your spirit is already perfect and complete. The mind of Christ (in your spirit) prays when you pray in tongues.

Your goal... is to facilitate (single-mindedness). You aren't trying to get the Word of God into your spirit for (it's already there) because the mind of Christ already (knows all things). You are trying to get God's Word (into your soul) so that your spirit can bear witness with it. As your soulish realm embraces a truth and agrees "Yes God, this is what I believe. I'm throwing out all other contrary thoughts and belief systems. This truth will now rule your life, "You become of (one mind). Your soul unites to your spirit's way of thinking, and you're built up by (drawing) your spirit's wisdom and knowledge out into the physical realm. That's when you'll see God's power manifest.

When you... pray in tongues, your spirit prays the hidden wisdom of God. "Howbeit in the spirit he speaks mysteries" (1 Corinthians 14:2). What are those mistering? "The (wisdom) of God in a mystery, even the (hidden wisdom), which God ordained before the world unto our glory" (1 Corinthians 2:7), That's what the apostle Paul preached.

In... (1 Corinthians 2), Paul describes his preaching and wisdom, he didn't just use his human intellect but ministered God's Word in "demonstration of the Spirit and power" (v. 4) In the process of explaining this, Paul actually put down carnal knowledge... learned physical knowledge, the kind you received from school "in favor of God's wisdom. (In other words), there's a wisdom that proceeds from your born-again spirit (mind of Christ; v. 16), and there's a wisdom that comes from your physical brain (what somebody taught you). Since you cannot really understand the things of God with just your natural mind, you must (understand) them through your spirit man. It's this wisdom that comes from your spirit that enables you to relate to God. Paul preached this wisdom as he (invited) unbelievers to believe and as he encouraged them to mature.

Before moving on... I'd like to clear up a misuse of (1 Corinthians 2:9), which says, "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God had for them that love him." Some people read that and say, "This contradicts (what you're teaching), it shows that you can't really know the things of God. This verse proves that He's mysterious and you can't really know."

Don't stop there! Keep reading the next few verses: "But God has (revealed them) unto us by His Spirit" for the Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God. For what man (knoweth) the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things of God (knoweth) no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received, (not the spirit of the world), but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God... we have the mind of Christ" (1 Corinthians 2:10-12, 16).

(1 Corinthians 2:9)... contrasts Old Testament saints, who (couldn't understand) with New Covenant believers, who can know all things (in their spirits). In this verse, Paul quoted an Old Testament scripture (Isaiah 64:4). Old Covenant believers weren't born-again, so they didn't have born-again spirits. Because of this, it's totally accurate to say that they (couldn't understand) the things of God. To them, it's (foolishness) because the things of God have to be spiritually discerned (1 Corinthians 2:14). However, It's inaccurate to say the (same thing) about a New Testament believer... (who has the mind of Christ) in their born-again spirit. You can understand the things of God... through your spirit.

Paul preached... the hidden wisdom of God that he received by revelation. He declared, "I speak with tongues more than you all" (1 Corinthians 14:18). As Paul prayed in the spirit, he spoke forth God's mysteries and received (revelation knowledge) concerning them (v. 2). (Still, he did not (preach or teach) in tongues) (v. 19)."Yet in the church I would rather speak five words with my understanding, that I may teach others also, than ten thousand words in a tongue." Paul ministered in his own native language the (wisdom) he received (through) praying in tongues...

Special thanks to Andrew Wommack on the teaching of spirit, soul, and body.

Again, Thank you Father... for loving me and my family!

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hhodgson said:
FredVB... Welcome to this forum! Could you advise me on what's the meaning (If there is one) of your post in relation to my thread post... for I have no clue. Thank you very much.

Hi, hhodgson. My post is with my special quote. There is an area for blogs if that is wanted. I guess I mean that there is godliness with harmfulness.

...oops, no, I didn't word that just right. There is godliness with harmlessness. With being believers who are in Christ, there is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control for us to grow in. Growth in godliness is not anything we should limit ourselves from and we can have more we come to, through Christ. And in encouraging Christian faith for any there should be godliness encouraged.
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Releasing the Mind of Christ

Part 2​

Pray in tongues...
when you study God's Word. As you do, you'll release the mind of Christ into your soulish realm (your mind) through revelation knowledge. I'm not advocating speaking in tongues and then just accepting whatever comes to mind as being from God. No, It should line up with the Word. God will supernaturally reveal things to you through his Word as a result of praying in tongues.

Revelation knowledge... comes by the Holy Spirit inside your born-again spirit bearing witness in your soul with a truth from God's Word. You might be reading or listening to Scripture when suddenly it comes alive inside. That's revelation!

Simeon recognized... the Christ child by revelation knowledge. "It was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, (that came on Him)... that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ. And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus... Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God" (Luke 2:26-28). No human could have told him these things. God revealed it to Simeon through his spirit.

Revelation knowledge... comes from the inside out, not the outside in. You may be reading the Word, studying it, looking things up in the Greek, checking cross-references, and reading or listening to someone else's opinion of what the Word says. But then, all of a sudden, the mind of Christ in your born-again spirit just reaches up from inside and grabs that truth shouting, "Yes! This one's true. This one is for you." That's revelation knowledge.

When you pray... in tongues, you can believe God for interpretation."Wherfore let him that speaks in an unknown tongue pray that he may pray that he may interpret" (1 Corinthians 14:13). I admit that the context of this verse primarily addresses the need for interpretation of a publicly given tongue in a church service, but you can believe God for for interpretation when you're praying in the spirit privately as well.

Praying in tongues... befefits you whether you believe for interpretation or not. It relieves stress and releases the peace of God into your soul and body. "For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people"... This is the rest wherewith you may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing" (Isaiah 28:11-12). It builds you up and promotes spiritual growth (1 Corinthians 14:4). Since you are praying from the mind of Christ, why wouldn't you want to interpret?

I started... interpreting my speaking in tongues a long time ago. When I first fell in love with the Lord, I went through an intense time of excitement, anointing, and stirrying within, but my mind couldn't comprehend it. Then as I served in the military in Vietnam during that war, I began seeing little glimmers of truth while studying the Bible. After returning home and getting married in October 1972, I really started poring over the Word. Scriptures began coming alive to me, and my spirit would rejoice. I'd read certain passages, and the spirit inside me just wanted to stand up and shout! However, since this was contrary to the religious way I'd been taught, I really struggled with it.

In my heart... I determined to break through. For an extended season of time, I spent six to ten hours a day writing scriptures out longhand on my legal pad. Along the way I stopped and meditated on each individual word. Then I shut myself in one of the closets or our little apartment in Garland, Texas (a suburb of Dallas), to pray in tongues over these scriptures for an hour or two. My spirit already knew these truths, but as I prayed in tongues and asked God to interpret them to my soul (mind) so I could understand them, revelation came.

Understanding... came as I wrote these scriptures our, meditated, prayed in tongues over them, and received interpretation. In fact, this revelation of spirit, soul, and body was one of the first things God showed me. Since my thinking had been so screwed up from religion and wrong teaching, it actually took a couple of months before I started making the connections. Then all of a sudden, in what seemed like one week's time, God started putting some of this together for me. I understood about the eternal redemption and how God could love me. These truths exploded within and became a reality to me. After about a week of this, the revelation was coming so fast and furious that I literally had to ask God to show it down. I wanted to comprehend and retain it all without missing a single thing. One of the ways this happened was I prayed for interpretation.

Now... just because you pray in tongues and ask God for interpretation doesn't mean you should accept any and every thought that comes to your mind as being from the Lord. That's a recipe for disaster! You must judge every thought by the Word of God. The Spirit and the Word (will always agree) (1 John 5-7). They never disagree because God's Word never contradicts spiritual truth. Whether you are praying in tongues and believing for interpretation or NOT... (whenever thoughts) that are contrary to the Word flash across your mind, you should immediately conclude "That's not God!"

Paul rebuked... the Corinthians for using the gifts of the Holy Spirit carnally. his comments in (1 Corinthians 12, 13, and 14) were corrections regarding the proper use of the gifts, especially speaking in tongues. So, again just because you are praying in tongues, it doesn't guarantee that your thoughts are completely pure and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit. You can still be doing carnal things.

However... if you stay within these biblical boundaries, you'll be able to safely receive much revelation from the Lord. As you pray in tongues and ask for interpretation, thoughts will come, and all of a sudden you'll say. "I've never seen that before!" Then, as you verify it in more than just one obscure place in the Bible, It'll become an obvious truth to you.

Basically... you need to know God's Word to be able to do this. As I said earlier, I was spending six to ten hours a day studying the Scriptures and then one or two hours praying in tongues for revelation. I don't think you ought to spend one hour studying the Word and then several hours praying in tongues. It ought to be the opposite... many hours in the Word.

These truths... on spirit, soul, and body came through God's Word. Everything that's shared here is shared from Scripture. But the reason these verses and passages have come alive and impacted my life in ways they might not have for you is because I mixed Scripture meditation with praying in tongues.

I believe... (Wommack) in this teaching that... I have elaborated on many things that I've only been able to touch on here, such as how to interpret, and checks and balances... and by meditating on God's Word, speaking in tongues, and receiving the interpretation... is on the fast track to to achieving being single-mindeness and receiving manifestation of your needs.

Special thanks to Andrew Wommack on the teaching of Spirit, Soul, and Body.

Again, Thank you Father for loving me... and my family!​


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Hi, hhodgson. My post is with my special quote. There is an area for blogs if that is wanted. I guess I mean that there is godliness with harmfulness.

...oops, no, I didn't word that just right. There is godliness with harmlessness. With being believers who are in Christ, there is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control for us to grow in. Growth in godliness is not anything we should limit ourselves from and we can have more we come to, through Christ. And in encouraging Christian faith for any there should be godliness encouraged.

Good Quote! Thank you FredVP for your understanding. Remain Blessed!
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Empowerment Required


God has imparted... perfect wisdom and complete revelation into your born-again spirit. “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom and with all your getting get understanding” (Proverbs 4-7). (Wisdom and understanding) are keys that will unlock anything else in life you need. Draw on to that wisdom and receive understanding so the floodgates of your soul will open up to allow God’s truth already in your spirit to manifest in the physical realm. Yes, you can live a fruitful and fulfilled Christian life!

Without... the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, you won’t be able to fully release all of the wonderful realities already present in your born-again spirit. That’s why the baptism in the Holy Spirit is so important. Jesus needed the baptism in the Holy Spirit. He was born as God in His spirit and as man in His physical body. He was complete in His spirit while on the earth in His physical body. However, Jesus didn’t do any miracles until He received the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Luke 3:21-22; 4:1,4).

Since... the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are One, they don’t operate independent of each other. The Holy Spirit is the One releases the wisdom and revelation of God. He comforts, teaches, and reminds. “The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (John 14:26). He guides us into all truth, listens, speaks, shows things to come, glorifies Jesus and receives truth of Him, and shows it by revelation to you!

“I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now.” Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will come, he will guide you into all truth; for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and show it unto you” (John 16:12-14). Apart from the Holy Spirit you won’t have access to all that God has placed within your spirit.

When you receive... the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the ability to pray in tongues comes with it. As you pray in the spirit, you draw on and release the wisdom that’s in the born-again part of you. It's not the only way; but it’s certainly one of the primary ways. Therefore it’s essential that you receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

The baptism... in the Holy Spirit is a second, separate experience from salvation. You receive an enduement of power by the Holy Ghost and the gift of speaking in tongues, which will help you operate this power. When you pray in tongues, you build yourself up, but it’s much more than just an emotional gift. It helps you release the wisdom of God within you. Even if there were no other results (which there are), that would certainly be enough. Speaking in tongues produces tremendous spiritual benefits!

Some groups... overemphasize speaking in tongues when you first receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and underemphasize the benefits to your Christian life thereafter. Due to this, many who have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit only spoke in tongues once or twice to prove they had it. However, they didn’t know there were other benefits, so they haven’t really used the gift since. They also have been missing out on the tremendous benefits speaking in tongues brings to their daily lives. Receiving the Holy Spirit will help you experience His love more than ever before and make His power available to you. Besides, the Lord Jesus Himself commanded, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost” (John 20-22). Will you obey and receive?

If you are... reading this thread post and haven’t received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you need to. Either go to someone who already has, or directly seek the Lord in prayer about it. As your spirit prays and the perfect mind of Christ releases the hidden wisdom of God. Then, ask and believe for interpretation (1 Corinthians 14:13). Let God give you understanding so that revelation knowledge of the mysteries you are speaking in the spirit can come out in your physical mind. That’s when you’ll see His power manifest.

Thank you Father



Special Quotes

By getting the Word deep into your spirit and speaking it boldly out your mouth, you release spiritual power to change things in the natural circumstances.
Kenneth Copeland

Our confession will either imprison us or set us free. Out confession is the result of our believing, and our believing is the result of our right or wrong thinking.
Kenneth E. Hagin

Jesus has given you the right to use His name. That name can break the power of disease, the power of the adversary. That name can stop disease and failure from reigning over you. There is no disease that has ever come to man which this name cannot destroy.
E. W. Kenyon

If you seek nothing but the will of God, He will always put you in the right place at the right time.
Smith Wigglesworth

When I saw for the first time by the Word of God that sickness was not the Will of God, everything in my nature rose up to defeat the will of the devil.
John G. Lakeu

How can we call ourselves a church and not believe in healing and in miracles? I cannot read four pages anywhere in the Bible without encountering miracles!
And the God of the bible is the same today.
T. L. Osborn

Don't deny the existence of a mountain in your life; deny its authority to stay, and refuse to allow it to stop the plan of God in your life.
Jesse Duplantis

Unhappiness does not come from the way things are, but from the difference between how things are and how we think they should be.
Creflo Dollar

rH a church and not believe in healing and miracles? I cannot read four pages anywhere in the Bible without encountering miracles! And the God of the bible is


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Spirit vs. Flesh

Once you're... born-again… the rest of your Christian life is learning to walk in the spirit.
It’s letting what God has done through (the new birth) dominate you more than your physical, emotional realm. That’s really how simple the Christian life is.

It may... be simple, but it’s not easy. One of the hardest things you’ll ever do is learn how to turn from the (natural self-rule) and let who you are in Christ dominate instead. Why is it so difficult? You must perceive your spirit by faith in God’s Word because you can’t see it or feel it. Jesus’ words are spirit and life (John 6:63). When you look into God’s Word, you're looking into a spiritual mirror (James 1:23-25). The only way to really know what is true about who you are in the Spirit is by believing God’s Word. You must shift from walking by sight-sense knowledge (2 Corinthians 5:7). All you have to do is start basing your thoughts, actions, and identity of who you are in Christ.

As long as… your flesh is contrary to your spirit, you’ll have conflict. “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh, for the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary to one to the other: so that you cannot do the things that you would, But if you be led of the Spirit, you are not under the law” (Galatians 5;16-18.) Contrary means they’re “opposed, enemies, adversaries.''This conflict between spirit and flesh is your true spiritual warfare.

Each and... every day… of your life, the battle lies in whether you’ll be (dominated by your flesh) or your spirit.Your flesh gravitates toward what it can (see, taste, hear, smell, and feel). Therefore, it leans toward the influence of Satan and his kingdom, which operates in the physical realm.The devil is flesh-oriented, working through carnal, natural things. He tempts you to NOT believe God by using things you can see and feel. On the other hand, the Lord operates in the spirit realm, primarily through His Word. Due to the nature of this intense, continual, inner conflict, you can’t just do what you want to do. Either your spirit will dominate you or your flesh will instead.

You cannot… please God in your flesh. “So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God “(Romans 8:8). It’s not just hard-it’s impossible. This means that you must identify the flesh and deal with it.

Living after… the flesh brings all forms of death. “Therefore, brethren… we are debtors, not to live after the flesh for if you live after the flesh, you shall die: but if you through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, you shall live.” (Romans 8:12-13). This not only means ultimate physical death (when your spirit and soul separate from your body) but includes everything that leads up to it.;

“For the wages… of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Biblically speaking, any result of sin is a form of death. Depression, discouragement, anger, bitterness, fear, worry, sickness, poverty, loneliness, and so on (are all deaths). If you live after the flesh, you’ll be sick, impoverished, depressed, angry, fearful-you’ll die. Your flesh is Satan’s inroad to bring death into your life. As a born-again believer, your flesh is made up of your (soulish and physical realms). However, before you were saved, it also included your fallen human spirit.

My study… of the New International Version of the Bible has shown me that it often substitutes the phrase “sinful nature” for what the King James Version translates “flesh.” This interpretation may work to a certain degree, but I’ve found it misleading in many places. For instance, in Romans, the flesh basically refers to either someone who isn’t born-again or a born-again believer who isn’t living under the control of the Holy Spirit. The phrase “sinful nature” does not accurately convey this truth.

As Paul… taught how God now deals with people based on His grace, NOT their performance, this raised the question in (Romans 6:1). “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?” The answer is, “God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” (v.2). Your spirit is the part of you that’s dead to sin. Our body and soul can still do sinful things, but the born-again part of you cannot.

Thank you Andrew Wommack

(More in Part 2)
Thank you Father


Because of his sinless life, Jesus walked in perfect dominion. God did whatever he asked, NOT because he was God's son, but because he held the position of a righteous man. But that was Jesus, you say. But the Bible says that through our believing on Him, we have been given the same position of righteousness with God that Jesus has.
Kenneth Copeland

The trouble with us is that we've preached a 'cross' religion, and we need to preach a 'throne' religion. By that I mean that people have thought they were supposed to remain at the cross. Some have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, have backed up to the cross, and have stayed there ever since...The cross is actually a place of defeat, whereas the Resurrection is a place of triumph. When you preach the cross, you're preaching death, and you leave people in death.
Kenneth E. Hagin

The whole point is I'm trying to get you to see-to get you out of this malaise of thinking that Jesus and the disciples were poor and then relating that to you thinking that you, as a child of God, have to follow Jesus. The Bible says that He has left us an example that we should follow His steps. That's the reason why I drive a Rolls Royce. I'm following Jesus' steps.
Frederick K. C. Price

Jesus Himself has already paid the price for your sins, so stop condemning yourself! Today, when you look into the mirror, what do you see? Do you see yourself trapped in all your failings, mistakes, and sins? Or do you see what God sees? My dear friend, when God sees you today, He sees Jesus. Use your eyes of faith and believe that as Jesus is, so are you. In God’s eyes, you are righteous, you are favored, you are blessed, and you are healed. You are freed from all sin, all pangs of guilt, all forms of condemnation, and every bondage of addiction!
Joseph Prince
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Word of Faith
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Spirit vs flesh

Part 2​

Know you not... that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death?” This is talking about being baptized into the body of Christ with the Holy Spirit, the baptizer…(not water baptism)... (I Corinthians 12:13). There are different baptizers and different elements you’re baptized into. After professing faith in Christ, you should follow the Lord and be physically dunked under water as a symbol of what took place at salvation. Also, Jesus will baptize you in the Holy Spirit. But (Romans 6:3) is referring to how, when you’re born-again, you are placed in Christ and He in you. You receive the Spirit of Christ and He receives you. When this baptism took place, you were baptized into His death.

Notice how... being baptized into His death is automatic, but walking in newness of life isn’t. “Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life (v. 4)
Manifesting newness of life is something that should happen. But it depends on how you renew your mind. “For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection” (v.5). Your spirit died to sin, cannot sin, and has no desire for sin, but this doesn’t automatically mean that your soul and body will reflect that change. Your walking in resurrection life depends upon you “Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth, we should not serve sin” (v.6).

(Ephesians 4:22)... talks about “putting off… the old man.” Old man refers to the spirit you had prior to salvation. It’s your spirit realm that was dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1). Your “old man” no longer exist because it's been crucified, has died, and was buried with Christ. The way some people teach the Scriptures would lead you to believe you have up to four spirits all living somewhere inside you at once (old spirit, new spirit, Spirit of Christ, and Holy Spirit). That’s worse than being schizophrenic! God’s Word doesn’t teach that.

Most Christians today... believe they still have an old nature and a new nature. That’s wrong because your old man died, and your new man is now (who you are)... in the spirit. I’m not going to verify this any further here because my focus is showing you how to overcome the flesh.

Even though... the New International Version of the Bible often translates flesh as your old “sinful nature,” that’s just too much interpretation. At the new birth, your old nature is crucified, dead, and gone. In it’s place, God gives you a brand-new spirit, and you become a new creature. That spirit is so united with Christ that there is actually no difference between your born-again spirit and the Spirit of Christ, which was sent into your heart. You literally became one with Him (1 Corinthians 6:17). Your born-again spirit is identical to Jesus. The two of you have become one making a brand-new person. Then... your new spirit was sealed, surrounded, and encased by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30).

People embrace... this concept of having an old nature that drives them to sin because it logically explains their continued propensity for it. But...( (Romans 6:6) explains what you need to know to be free of this. Your old man was crucified with Jesus. Then, the body of sin has to be destroyed.

When... you die physically, you leave a body behind. “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also” (James 2:26). Physical death occurs when your spirit leaves your body. It takes a period of time for your body to begin deteriorating and decaying. Even though your spirit is gone, your physical body can look exactly the same as it did during life for a brief period of time.

Many years ago... my friend worked in the morgue at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas. One time, he was about to perform an autopsy on a deceased man. My friend turned around to do something, and the man sat up on the slab with his mouth open wide and arms dangling at his side. Completely spooked, my friend almost jumped right out the window!

Running... down the hall, he dragged somebody in to check this man’s vital signs. But there weren’t any. The man was dead. After pushing the corpse back down, the medical professional explained, “Sometimes when a person has just died, there will be electrical impulses in their body. Their muscles contract, and they can sit up like that, but he’s not alive.” The body still has some of life’s mannerisms, but life itself had departed.

When... you were born-again, your old sin nature left behind a body. That’s why you still feel a drawing toward sin (even though) you’re dead to it. Your old man was crucified, has died, and now is gone, but its effects are still being felt through your physical body and (unrenewed mind).

Your natural mind... was programmed to act like the child of the devil that you were before receiving the Lord (Ephesians 2:1-2). You were taught how to be selfish, angry, lustful, critical, greedy, bitter, and to do all the other sins that you did. But now that you’re born-again, your heavenly Father has (adopted) you into His family and given you a brand-new righteous nature. However, your old man left behind a body. This means your physical mind will continue functioning like a computer under its programming... until you renew it to God’s Word.

Special thanks to Andrew Wommack

(More in Part 3)
Thank You Father


Special Quotes

By getting the Word deep into your spirit and speaking it boldly out your mouth, you release spiritual power to change things in the natural circumstances.

The trouble with us is that we've preached a 'cross' religion, and we need to preach a 'throne' religion. By that I mean that people have thought they were supposed to remain at the cross. Some have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, have backed up to the cross, and have stayed there ever since. The cross is actually a place of (defeat) whereas the Resurrection is a place of triumph. When you preach the cross, you're preaching death, and you leave people in death.

The reason the world is not seeing Jesus is that Christian people are not filled with Jesus. They are satisfied with attending meetings weekly, reading the Bible occasionally, and praying sometimes. It is an awful thing for me to see people who profess to be Christians lifeless, powerless, and in a place where their lives are so parallel to 'unbelievers’ lives that it is difficult to tell which place they are in, whether in the flesh or in the Spirit.
Beloved, if any unholiness exists in the nature, it is not there by the consent of the Spirit of God. If unholiness is in your life it is because your soul is giving consent to it, and you are retaining it. Let it go. Cast it out and let God have His way in your life.
John G. Lake

I am going to say something that will knock your lights off. God has the power of life but he can't. He's got the power to do it but he won't. He's bound, he can't. He says, "Death and life are in the power" of whose tongue? Yours.

Jesse Duplantis
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Sep 20, 2011
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Word of Faith
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Spirit Vs. Flesh
Spirit, Soul, and Body

(Part 3) Simple, but Not Easy

It's that simple... but not that easy. If you tapped into the spirit realm as a brand-new believer, only listened to who you are in Christ, and let the Holy Spirit instruct you without any negative outside influence (human, religious, or demonic), you would naturally start radiating and manifesting the life of God in your thoughts and actions. Yet, life's just not that way. You've been programmed wrong and need reprogramming. The enemy lies to you, and friends, family, and religious people say... "Oh no, you don't have the nature of God! You're just an old sinner saved by grace. You can't do these things." These voices constantly challenge you NOT to believe what your spirit is saying. Due to this, you manifest the life of God from your spirit only to varying degrees, depending on how well you renew your mind.

Your physical mind... decides whether you'll be dominated by your spirit or your flesh. If you don't renew it with God's Word, your natural mind will automatically gravitate toward what it can (see, taste, hear, smell and feel). You must get into God's Word and (mix it) with faith in order to be led by the spirit. "Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh" (Galatians 5:16).

Buttoning my shirt... was a problem for me until I reprogrammed my mind. I'm not sure why, but when I was a kid, I had a hard time buttoning my shirt. Every time I started, I'd get it wrong. When I got down to the bottom, I'd realize i buttoned it incorrectly and had to redo it. Yet today, I have no problem buttoning my shirt. I wear buttoned shirts often and button them correctly the first time without even thinking about it. Buttoning my shirt has become a "second nature."

You can mistake... something that comes so naturally to you today as your "nature," (when in reality), it's something you learned. The reason you still do some of the things you do is that you haven't renewed your mind. Your old sin nature isn't in there forcing you to do things like before you were born-again. You've just acted on these negative things and had them reinforced by the carnal world around you so often that they've become established patterns of thinking and acting. If your born-again, you're not evil inside. You just need to (reprogram your mind) to God's ways of thinking and acting.

Jesus has... set you free! There's no sinful nature inside of you that you're warring against. That old man is (dead and gone). If you aren't manifesting your freedom in every area of life, it's because you're ignorant of it. You haven't renewed your mind and your flesh still dominates you in different ways. Personally, I've experienced a tremendous amount of victory, but I'm still in the process of renewing my mind just like anybody else.

The "flesh"
... is (not really) describing a "sinful nature" after you've been born-again. Rather, it more accurately refers to every thought, emotion. desire, and part of you that isn't under the control of your brand-new righteous spirit.

Technically speaking... what's true of the Holy Spirit is also true of your born-again spirit because they are one. "He that is joined (unto the Lord)... is one spirit"
(1 Corinthians 6:17). There aren't capital letters in the Greek, Translators decided from the context of a passage whether to render it "Spirit" or "spirit." Either way--Holy Spirit or born-again spirit-- the same point is made. "Walk in the Spirit [spirit], and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh" (Galatians 5:16).

The thoughts... desires, patterns, and habits that were (established in you) through the old sinful nature will begin to (diminish) as you choose to be dominated by your spirit instead. You don't have to continue in bondage to lust, alcohol, hatred, drugs, strife, gossip, depression, sickness, discouragement, disease, poverty, (or anything else) that's ungodly. You can break all of those things off because (in your spirit), you're already free. It's just a matter of renewing your mind and beginning to see who you are in Christ manifest. As that happens, you won't fulfill the lust of the flesh. That's awesome!

Special thanks to Andrew Wommack

Thank You Father!

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