Mortification of Sin


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2024
United States
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John Owen wrote in Mortification of Sin way back in the 1600s,

"Now, first, this is the most unjust and unreasonable thing in the world: when two combatants are engaged, to bind one and keep him from doing his utmost, and to leave the other at liberty to wound him at his pleasure. Secondly, this is the most foolish thing in the world: to bind Him Who fights for our eternal condition, and to let him alone who seeks and violently attempts our everlasting ruin. The contest is for our lives and souls. Not to be daily employing the Spirit and new nature for the mortifying of sin is to neglect that excellent assistance which God has given us against our greatest enemy. If we neglect to make use of what we have received God may justly hold His hand from giving us more. His graces as well as His gifts are bestowed on us to use, exercise, and trade with. Not to be daily mortifying sin is to sin against the goodness, kindness, wisdom, grace, and love of God, Who has furnished us with a principle for doing it."

Here he is expounding on Matthew 12:29, "Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house." (Though he does not use this scripture)

I am reminded of when I have failed to mortify the flesh, and the sin within the flesh, so then it rears its ugly head and all form of evil can occur. Just the thoughts alone are enough to drag a soul into the lowest hell and most fearsome flame, roaring and searing, but not consuming. It's just like Owen says, it's like binding Him Who fights for our eternal condition.

Psalm 78:41 bears this out - "Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel." Now technically God being all powerful cannot be limited or bound, and can do as He pleases whenever He pleases. But if He overruled us at every turn and forced us to obey, we'd be no different than cattle being prodded to go in one direction and shocked every time they tried to turn aside. Yahweh God has never operated that way, but has always permitted a degree of free will within the parameters of His will. In fact, He permits sometimes long strayings, such as the story of the Prodigal. I mean, the father could have simply said "no" and not given him his inheritance, then the son would not have the means to pursue riotous living.

This is why mortification is our duty: to put to death that old man, that old self that is corrupt, and to keep him under. This is obedience to our Father in heaven, and He delights in the obedience of His children. God hates sin and wants His nature in us to cause us to hate sin also. He has done so much for us, not only by saving our souls but also by daily benefits, even our very life, and food, and water. The basics are often taken for granted but are blessings from God, who could at any moment take us out, or allow any number of evils to befall us.

When we freely mortify the flesh and put sin down we are expressing our love for God, especially when we do it with joy and not as some chore we feel we are forced to do because we still long for and pine away for whatever sin we are mortifying. There were times I didn't drink but I desired to drink. I even went 4 years like that one time, but in the back of my mind was the idea I'd drink again when the right opportunity was, and lo and behold I did. Now I do not have the desire to drink and hate the smell of alcohol. Same with smoking and chewing. I do not desire the taste or the feeling, at all. Smoke grosses me out. And same goes for sexual desires. If I'm not married I'm not interested, period. There is a limited desire to be married sometimes, but I am not all consumed by it as an all consuming desire, which I used to be.

But this can only come about by daily mortification, and seeking of Jesus through His Word, preaching, praying, singing, and writing. Praise Jesus for His wonderful gift!