more computer time


Aug 26, 2007
United States
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It is not fair, not right the way my parents treat me. They treat me as if I were 4 years old, instead of an adult of 42 years old. I know I have a mental illness, but I still have some common sense. My parents hog the computer, we only have one computer with internet connection. I have my laptop but is does not have internet connection, I use it for writing stories. I rarely get to use the computer to go on the internet. My mom and dad, sometimes all they do is play cards on the computer, they don't use it to its full potential.

I have art lessons starting in about 2 weeks, then I will be able to have human contact. My stupid therapist always take's my mom's side. Sometimes I feel so sad, so hurt and lonely I cry. I feel like my mom has broken my heart, sometimes I feel like no one loves or cares about me.

I know God loves me, but I wish my parents would treat me better. I rarely get to talk to people. My mother does a lot of things wrong. She is lazy, , she stays up all night playing publishers clearing house games, then she sleeps a lot the next day. She is messy, disorganized, greedy, a pack rat, she hates to throw out useless junk, she's obnoxious, she's selfish, gets her feelings hurt too easily, jealous, immature, quick-tempered, stubborn, hard to get along with, pushy. demanding


Aug 26, 2007
United States
Marital Status
I wish I had more computer time but either my mom or my dad uses it; when it is off I can't turn it on because I don't know the password. My therapist acted like she was proud of my mom for having a secure password that I don't know. She praised my mom greatly which really made me feel bad. I'm an adult, a 42 year old young woman not a teenager! I feel a lot of pain because I am treated like a nut, like I am 'mentally challenged' when I'm not, I think I have some bipolar, manic depressive, very mild autism, I am not really sure what my diagnosis is. My mom likes to treat me like a baby, she likes to cuddle, hug, kiss me, play with me, some time I like to hug her, play with her. I wish I had more people to talk to, could hang out on the net more. I suppose they are trying to protect me but I know what places to avoid on the net.

Mom might want me to do other things beside waste my time on social media. I do a lot of drawing, art, and I write fiction stories. I am working on a novel I have a basic summary of the plot and I need to work on individual chapters.
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You cannot fool Jesus
Jan 9, 2013
United States
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I wish I had more computer time but either my mom or my dad uses it; when it is off I can't turn it on because I don't know the password. My therapist acted like she was proud of my mom for having a secure password that I don't know. She praised my mom greatly which really made me feel bad. I'm an adult, a 42 year old young woman not a teenager! I feel a lot of pain because I am treated like a nut, like I am 'mentally challenged' when I'm not, I think I have some bipolar, manic depressive, very mild autism, I am not really sure what my diagnosis is. My mom likes to treat me like a baby, she likes to cuddle, hug, kiss me, play with me, some time I like to hug her, play with her. I wish I had more people to talk to, could hang out on the net more. I suppose they are trying to protect me but I know what places to avoid on the net.

Mom might want me to do other things beside waste my time on social media. I do a lot of drawing, art, and I write fiction stories. I am working on a novel I have a basic summary of the plot and I need to work on individual chapters.
Hey!!!!! I am so glad I saw this post!

I am diagnosed Bipolar and Schizeophrenic! I am 31 and live with my Mom and I work for a Mental Health Company as a Peer Support.

I want you to know that I hear you and validate you, and I want to empathize; your counselor sounds like a stumbling block (no offense but seriously) you deserve more computer time. That being said I don't know your family situation and even if you are in the right (which I’m sure you are) people that are worldly get validation from yet, you guessed it, other worldly people. Your counselor no offense doesn't sound like a good counselor and no offense to your mom but she sounds like she only sees things from her perspective.

I want you to know that DO NOT tell your parents this even though it is true because they will just get offended and might restrict more of your computer time.

I want to help you figure out your computer situation so here goes: You said you have a laptop but no internet, ok we can work with that, do you have a cell phone and if so who pays for the plan? Your parents or you? Regardless I ask because you might have access to a Hotspot on your phone which would give you access to the internet wifi on your cell phone and you could go online ON YOUR LAPTOP from your cell phone's wifi! I want to try and help you figure out a situation for you to be more independent. Do you have a job? Any means of buying something that would provide internet? I will gladly help you to work through these things and I check my CF often so don't hesitate to reply here or even send me a message.

Remember Jesus is on your side and so am I, but it sounds to me, based on what you've shared, that your parents aren't willing to listen to or understand you, and as someone who grew up with a Mom that is more emotional than logical I very much empathize with you. It honestly sounds like a frustrating and possibly spiritual road block, but do not give up and do not react to your parents, the best thing to do is stay calm and figure out ways around the road blocks put in your way. Never give up!

Yours sincerely,
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Aug 26, 2007
United States
Marital Status
Thank you for responding. When criticizing my mother, I think I might be describing myself. Hot tempers run in the family, so does the mental illness. My Dad really embarrasses me the way he talks to people over the phone, he has a serious hearing problem, a lot of business companies have operations overseas, in foreign countries, they have helplines in foreign countries, the people who answer the phone have heavy foreign accents and my dad can't understand what they are saying, he gets really angry and yells at them. My parents are also cheap, my dad quit most of our cell phone use, there is only one cell phone, m mom or dad uses it. I do not have my own cell phone.

I have no reason to use the internet except for fun, to connect with people, I don't have a job. I get money for a mental disability from the government. My mom is my 'representative payee'

As for my counselor, well I go to the local government funded mental health center, I think I have to see them by law, they are the cheapest. Problem is, they are used to all sorts of messed up people, drunks, drug addicts, child abusers and child abuse victims bad kids, criminals, majorly sick and messed up people. So my counselor is relieved I am not one of those. I can't afford a Christian counselor. I think you are right about her dragging me down.
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You cannot fool Jesus
Jan 9, 2013
United States
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Thank you for responding. When criticizing my mother, I think I might be describing myself. Hot tempers run in the family, so does the mental illness. My Dad really embarrasses me the way he talks to people over the phone, he has a serious hearing problem, a lot of business companies have operations overseas, in foreign countries, they have helplines in foreign countries, the people who answer the phone have heavy foreign accents and my dad can't understand what they are saying, he gets really angry and yells at them. My parents are also cheap, my dad quit most of our cell phone use, there is only one cell phone, m mom or dad uses it. I do not have my own cell phone.

I have no reason to use the internet except for fun, to connect with people, I don't have a job. I get money for a mental disability from the government. My mom is my 'representative payee'

As for my counselor, well I go to the local government funded mental health center, I think I have to see them by law, they are the cheapest. Problem is, they are used to all sorts of messed up people, drunks, drug addicts, child abusers and child abuse victims bad kids, criminals, majorly sick and messed up people. So my counselor is relieved I am not one of those. I can't afford a Christian counselor. I think you are right about her dragging me down.
Well for now just make the most of the time you get to have on the computer. I used to go to the county as you described for counseling as well and Psychiatry. The lady found out i don't like driving and wouldn't stop making me feel bad about it.

The thing is people are flawed and that goes for people like our counselors and Psychiatrists. If there is anything i can tell you it is this: JESUS is with you always, and He knows what you are going through. Maybe make the most of your laptop or ask to download things you can do offline onto your laptop =) and enjoy writing your story and going for walks and the food you eat and the time you spend with your family. Maybe you will earn the trust of your parents if you get along with them, despite their flaws and problems. And tell JESUS what you're dealing with and He will help you =)

i hope i am helping. Just know i very much relate to your situation as i too am diagnosed and have had to live on social security and work for a mental health company. There will be a day in Heaven where all your restrictions are gone and JESUS welcome you with open arms =)
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Aug 26, 2007
United States
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yes people are flawed I have to remind myself of that daily. That is the good news, Jesus is always with us. He loves us enough to die for us on the cross, and He did not stay dead, he conquered death, Satan, sin and hell. He is my mighty conqueror and redeemer, my savior, Lord, master and friend. Some non believers don't understand Christian language, like when gospel songs talk about being 'washed in the blood', they think about vampire horror movies. I can understand some of the stuff about being saved by the blood of Jesus sounds scary to non Christians.

I once saw this psychiatrist who was very ignorant about religion, Christians, and the Bible. She thought I was a dangerous nut because I told her the story about God ordering Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, she thought I was a Satan worshiper who believed in human sacrifice. I started off on the wrong foot because I insulted her when I found out she was an atheist, I quoted proverbs, "The fool says in his heart, 'there is no God.'"

I guess I should have talked about God's love before getting into the heavy stuff for veteran Christians. I hate the judging, where psychiatric centers judge the mentally ill by what other, mostly bad mentally ill people have done. It started when I was a kid, the whole thing really makes me angry every time I think about it, the shrinks took advantage of an innocent child. First off my parents sent me and my sister to an abusive, fundamentalist protestant Christian private school when we were both very little. When I was 8, my parents took me out of that school and I went to a public school, it was very different, it was a culture shock. THe kids at the public school behaved very bad, they were rude and disrespectful to the teachers, they often teased and made fun of me. At the private school the kids were not allowed to talk unless given permission by the teacher. At the public school the kids frequently talked and talked, I rarely talked, because of Community Cristian ( that's the name of the private school.) teaching. There were some boys who teased me by making faces. I had trouble with my homework, mostly math, my parents would not help me, the other kids cheated, they went to the back of the book for answers. My Community Christian teacher would not help me catch up with math, I had chicken pox and missed a lot of school, she would not help me with long multiplication, no one would until 4th grade when I had the special ed teacher. My parents were paying those teachers and they would not help me! The other kids would not have school supplies, they were always asking for paper, pencils, pens, etc. THis was before computers came into common use.

So you see, even though I was good, I was sent to the school psychiatrist who opened a can of worms. They discovered I had a learning disability, and I was sent to special education, classes for kids with learning disabilities, and the teacher their was wonderful, she got me started with writing fiction stories, she really helped me out, I learned a lot, I had fun in her class. I had her as a 4th and 5th grade teacher. Middle school was hard, I was shy, going through puberty, girls had lot of problems, I was nerdy, they teased and made fun of me, a lot of the other girls were mean to me.

Anyway I started seeing psychiatrists, and there was one guy who was a real jerk. No offense met, but women make way better psychiatrist than men, men are terrible psychiatrists. Women also are better counselors and therapists. So anyway, the teachers, social workers, counselors, they started getting real bossy and real nosy, I guess the government keeps tabs on everybody, but I like my privacy, I don't like the nosy busybodies messing into my business. My sister developed a really serious mental illness wehn she was 18, 19 or 20, and she had trouble in college. Her mental illness is worse than mine. She was always bossy when we were growing up, but now she became really paranoid. I am upset over what happened to her, she is in a place for people with mental and physical disabilities, she seems to be happy there, it is a nice place. SHe did not get along well with our parents, especially our mom. SHe blames mom for her problems, I think she is getting better.

I had a time when I went through some difficult mental problems, I had to fight the devil but I was also wrestling with God. The Lord saved me from fantasy dragon stuff, I had to make a choice, and I choose Jesus Christ.
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Serendipitous Waffle

Active Member
Jul 18, 2023
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May I ask what kind of internet you use? Is it dial up, broadband? Wireless? Or do you physically have a cord from the router ("internet box") plugged into your computer? I ask as a wifi card doesn't cost much (most laptops have this built in), neither does an ethernet cable (internet cord). Most routers if not wifi will have the ability to have more than one cord plugged in. And when I say wifi, I mean wireless. (I keep telling my mom "wifi" and she's like, what does that even mean?! lol)
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