Modernists make a mockery of the Church on the Day of the Stealth Priestess. Red Nose Day


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Feb 5, 2002
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Nationwide “Day of the Deaconess”

Catholic women in Germany have voiced their demands for reforms in the church. There was a central event in Speyer for the nationwide “Day of the Deaconess” on the day of remembrance of Saint Catherine of Siena.

A taste of liturgists to come if these people get their way. Bringing the Catholic Church into disrepute.

Representatives of several Catholic women's associations and the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) spoke in the cathedral there.

They called on church leaders to open all services and offices in the Catholic Church to women. Until now, the offices of deacon or priest conferred by ordination have been reserved for men.

The Liturgy of the Word was led exclusively by women

This year, for the first time, the central event was called “Deaconess Day +plus” and had the motto “Allow abundance!”. The event began with a service in Speyer Cathedral, which was attended by around 300 participants. The special feature: the liturgy of the word was led exclusively by women. The Catholic Women's Community of Germany (kfd), the Catholic German Women's Association (KDFB), the ZdK and the Diaconate of Women Network had invited.

With regard to this year's motto it was: "The wealth of talents and callings of women given by God must finally be recognized in the Roman Catholic Church." It is "incomprehensible and no longer comprehensible that the decision-makers in our church have remained inactive for so long," said Ulrike Göken-Huismann from the spiritual leadership of the kfd. "It is a form of abuse of power when non-male people are excluded because of their gender remain excluded," emphasized Göken-Huismann.

The Catholic office of deacon, conferred by ordination, is one of the oldest in the church. Deacons are allowed to baptize, marry, bury and preach, but are not allowed to lead Masses or hear confessions.

Ute Zeilmann, Vice President of the KDFB Federal Executive Board, said with regard to the first-ever “Day of the Deaconess +plus” that this painfully points out that in the Catholic Church so far only “men are supposed to have a plus of sacramental encouragement, episcopal support and divine blessing "is entitled to". This is “a plus that is denied to women, intersex, trans and non-binary people”.

ZdK Vice President Birgit Mock pointed out that women are already giving a “diaconal church” a face. "But this still remains invisible in the formal and sacramental structure of our church."

Further training “Diaconal leadership services for women”

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