Missouri AG overruled


Stranger in a Strange Land
Oct 17, 2011
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United States
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Missouri House votes to make it harder to amend constitution, with controversial language reinstated

The Missouri House on Thursday voted 102-49 to send the legislation back to the Senate after amending it. Now, it must either be approved by the Senate or the two chambers need to work on a compromise resolution.

Filibuster by Missouri Democrats stretches into a second day.

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — A nonstop, overnight filibuster by Democratic lawmakers in the Missouri Senate passed the 24-hour point on Tuesday as they try to reign in a Republican proposal to make it harder to amend the state constitution.

Missouri GOP rethink bill making it harder to change constitution, after record-setting filibuster

Missouri Senate Democrats ended their 50-hour-long, round-the-clock filibuster after a proposal restricting citizen initiative petitions got sent back to committee. Members of the far-right Freedom Caucus said the decision showed a lack of courage from fellow Republicans.​

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