Middle East Tensions Increase


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Jan 16, 2019
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It is my observation that strong collective emotions from people especially from few gifted individuals can actually impact certain natural processes like the weather, tectonics, or even emotions of all people around the world (emotional chain-reaction), etc. It can make a bad situation exponentially worse.

There's truth in that and it's exploited frequently. If you delve into dark matter you'll see what's ahead. See where the nearest cern collider is located in your vicinity. Look up what happened when they stored dark matter in the college in Sweden.

Crypto conferences can strongly affect market prices and usually cause the prices to pump. Will make lots of traders either excited or extremely nervous causing a "collective emotion firestorm" as I would call it and can also affect market prices even further like a feedback.

Most people attending crypto events fall into two camps. They understand the agenda and they're leveraging their position in light of it (small group) or they view it as an investment that will garner wealth (the majority). Neither are wrong but the first group is less likely to draw attention to themselves or say too much in public while the other does the opposite. They're more like icarus and fly too close to the sun.

You probably think this is ridiculous but I've observed several occasions. Not just natural events are involved but also man-made elements like wars, plane crashes, widespread blackouts.

Climate change is not just caused by greenhouse emissions but ironically the internet by allowing it play on our emotions like social media, news/fake news, online trading, etc.

I discovered weather manipulation through an obscure article on China and what they did at the Olympics. I did more digging to confirm it. There are moments when I look out the window and sense the lie. There's videos on YouTube about fake snow. My daughter brought boba teas the other day that we left in the fridge overnight and the ice didn't melt. They were the same size they were when she bought them.

Franken drink aside, I'm glad I discovered stillness years ago. It did wonders my psyche and emotional health. I spend most of the day in solace and my environment is very peaceful. The Internet can be used for good or harm depending on the person. We must be mindful of the things we consume.

Social media influencers have a power they themselves are not aware of. I figured this out on my own after many years of observation.

If I can make all people believe something huge will happen this July then something huge could actually happen in July like self-fulfilling prophecy. It makes you wonder about reality, the Universe and everything. To me, it feels like we're living in someone one else's mind. Reality, all of it.

I don't think they're wholly clueless but they're not clued in either. Influence is powerful but it's a double edged sword. There's better ways to make money without dealing with the powers in that respect. Puppet masters have no regard for their toys. They're disposable and another takes their place.

The self-fulfilling prophecies are Hegelian dialectics being perpetuated. Most things are mind games in disguise. I grew up playing chess with someone 30 years my senior. My aunt only permitted checkers, scrabble and chess. I played Monopoly at home. I suspect she nurtured my sharpness. She also emphasized wisdom and prayer. I was a peculiar child. I usually saw through things and people. It made some uncomfortable when I got older.

The matrix isn't totally wrong. Simulation is a better word. I plan to revisit the series with when I can. But I'm preoccupied with the financial mess and America's demise. It feels like the 80s on one hand. That Gordon Gecko vibe and The Gilded Age in the next. It's a bit of both but we'll see the latter in bigger swaths. I knew it was coming but it feels strange to be in the midst of something that significant. I posted some videos on the mind thread you should watch.

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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
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There's truth in that and it's exploited frequently. If you delve into dark matter you'll see what's ahead. See where the nearest cern collider is located in your vicinity. Look up what happened when they stored dark matter in the college in Sweden.

Interesting. I don't believe in dark matter yet. Up to now, I only think it's just a theory. I cant find anything about dark matter stored in a college. I also believe ambient energy at the largest scales like intergalactic scale can manifest itself as mass, generating it's own gravity researchers could mistake for "dark matter" or invisible mass.

Anyway, the phenomenon I'm observing I don't think is related to dark matter or operating particle accelerators.

The supernatural phenomenon had manifested on many occasions in the Bible. The two witnesses of Revelation will be granted this ability. Even Nazi rallies affected the weather and the Nazis referred to it as the "Fuhrer Weather". Sounds familiar with Cryptocurrency rallies and conferences?

He's advising abstinence in light of things to come.

My late dad is a prophet. Ironically, his gift only extended to us, our family. He prophesied very difficult times for us some time after his passing. Many years before that prophecy, he had another prophecy that we will prosper at some point. I now think it will take place after our darkest days (present time).

But dad warned us when that time comes, it won't be long before the world ends. There won't be enough time for whatever big plans I have before that happens. Perhaps why, I shouldn't be wasting any more time and abandon all thoughts of leisure, luxuries when we could, I have to focus all my efforts and time to whatever mission I need to do.

My daughter brought boba teas the other day that we left in the fridge overnight and the ice didn't melt. They were the same size they were when she bought them.

I had similar experience with ice cubes I made myself, added to a cold drink and the drink left in the fridge (not the freezer section). Nothing unusual, I think the fridge is simply unusually cold from certain conditions because food sometimes get partially frozen too. Malfunctioning thermostat, etc.

The much larger scale weather effects have something to do with the Earth's electrodynamics (or even Earth-Sun electrodynamics) that I suspect can be influenced by collective human emotions.

The Bible looks at Earth as a living organism so it's also possible the Earth is reacting to our emotions affecting the weather and other things. I also think it can happen the other way around, the Earth affecting our emotions.

How this all relates to the thread topic?

All these can feedback to our emotions. This is why everyone is frantic to de-escalate things in the Middle East especially when it started to manifest itself in the economy. It's making people around the world, not just in the Middle East frantic. It could make people make the wrong choices and with the war raging in the Middle East and Ukraine, things don't look good. Things have stabilized for now and everyone wants things to stay as it is. Better if the war in the Middle East ends soon or things might end so badly for Israel.
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