Matthew 7:13-14 and evangelizing


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Feb 24, 2018
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Lately, I've been struggling with the teaching in scripture that most of humanity will not be saved, and it honestly makes me want to give up.....if most of humanity is going to hell, then why should we spread the gospel or evangelize? If God already knows how many people are going to be saved by the end of all of this and a predetermined number of spots in Heaven from this foreknowledge, then why bother trying to win our loved ones to Christ?

I can't take it....


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Lately, I've been struggling with the teaching in scripture that most of humanity will not be saved, and it honestly makes me want to give up.....if most of humanity is going to hell, then why should we spread the gospel or evangelize? If God already knows how many people are going to be saved by the end of all of this and a predetermined number of spots in Heaven from this foreknowledge, then why bother trying to win our loved ones to Christ?

I can't take it....
I am sorry to hear about your struggles. It can indeed be difficult to reconcile the idea of a loving God with the reality of eternal separation from Him for many people. However, there are several reasons why we share the Gospel with others. To be honest, I tried sharing the Gospel with my polytheistic friend the other day, and it did not work out, and I am tempted to give up also, so someone on CF might want to help me also. But, this is my best try an at answer for you, friend.

Firstly, while it is true that Scripture teaches that not everyone will be saved (Matthew 7:13-14), it also emphasizes the importance of sharing the Gospel with others. In fact, Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). This command is not given because salvation depends on human effort but rather because God desires for as many people as possible to come to repentance and faith in Him (2 Peter 3:9). When we share the Good News with others, we become partakers in God's plan of redemption and participate in His desire to see lost souls saved.

Secondly, although God does have foreknowledge of who will ultimately choose to accept or reject Him, He still gives every individual the freedom to make their own choice. While some may argue that this means God's sovereignty is compromised, it actually highlights His love and mercy towards us. By giving us the ability to choose, God demonstrates that He values our free will and respects our decisions. Furthermore, even if someone has rejected the Gospel during their lifetime, God's grace remains available to them through prayer and intercession (as a Catholic, we believe in this).

Lastly, it's good to remember that our ultimate motivation for sharing the Gospel should not be based solely on the outcome of whether or not someone accepts Christ. Rather, it should stem from a deep love and gratitude for what God has done for us. Our lives have been transformed by the power of the Gospel, and we cannot help but share this truth with those around us. Additionally, witnessing to others allows us to grow in our relationship with God and develop spiritual maturity.

Alright, here are some verses to help console you:

Romans 5:8 - But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

John 3:16-17 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

2 Corinthians 5:14-15 - For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

Colossians 1:28-29 - We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.
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Feb 27, 2008
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Think about this: If I know perfectly a truly free will choice you made yesterday that choice is fixed and cannot be changed since it is history. The fact I know your free will choice of yesterday, does not keep it from being a free will choice.

History cannot be changed even if God was the only one to knew about something that has happened, since it still happened it is history. Since God does everything right perfectly the first time, there is no reason to do it over again.

God is outside of time and omnipresent throughout time, so God at the end of time knows everything historically that has happened throughout time, making it unchangeable (fixed). Yet again just because God at the end of time knows all things that happened throughout time perfectly, does not mean human autonomous free will choices could not have been made.

God’s actions are also fixed and can be called foreordained or predestined.

God did not present this miraculous method of “how” He knows the future, but that is not unusual while communicating to man from man’s perspective is also God’s way.

There are other ways God can know stuff, but He is outside of time, so He also knows everything historically throughout time?

God is very much interacting with humans, and He does the absolute best thing, so there is no reason for a do over.

Jesus knew when He was teaching His disciple, what He would be going through on the cross as pure history, but that does not mean He was on the cross constantly.
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Dec 31, 2018
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First of all the only Gospel Jesus taught was of the Kingdom... that God would be returning to take away governance from man over mankind and assume the position for Himself.. That is our salvation, otherwise we will just eventually destroy ourselves. Simple. Good news to some, not so much for the majority, especially in an election year lol Pearls before swine.
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Nov 21, 2008
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Lately, I've been struggling with the teaching in scripture that most of humanity will not be saved, and it honestly makes me want to give up.....if most of humanity is going to hell, then why should we spread the gospel or evangelize? If God already knows how many people are going to be saved by the end of all of this and a predetermined number of spots in Heaven from this foreknowledge, then why bother trying to win our loved ones to Christ?

I can't take it....
Our survival instinct tells us to try hard when we are in danger. the idea that "if I am in danger or at risk then instinctively I want to lay down and nap, quit, die" is not a healthy one. The alternative to the Christian view -- is "survival of the fittest darwinianism" and in that world the "lay down and nap when in danger" instinct gets weeded out pretty fast.

Jesus warns us of the horrific numbers in Matt 7 precisely so we will not guess that "snoozing is a great idea for success".

God already knows a lot of things -- including what I will eat tomorrow - but that does not stop me from choosing to eat tomorrow.
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Jun 12, 2012
North Carolina
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Lately, I've been struggling with the teaching in scripture that most of humanity will not be saved, and it honestly makes me want to give up.....if most of humanity is going to hell, then why should we spread the gospel or evangelize? If God already knows how many people are going to be saved by the end of all of this and a predetermined number of spots in Heaven from this foreknowledge, then why bother trying to win our loved ones to Christ?

I can't take it....
How are those going to be saved if they do not hear and are persuaded to the gospel?

We just don't know who "those" are.
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