Statement of Purpose Married Couples Forum Statement of Purpose

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Following my Shepherd
Site Supporter
Jan 27, 2004
United States
Marital Status
Married Couples Forum Statement of Purpose

The purpose of our Married* Couples Forum is to have a general area for our married and widowed members to discuss faith, life, love, relationship issues, etc., without fear of being judged. The "Married" or "Widowed" marital status is required for access to this forum. The "Married" or "Widowed" marital status is selected in the member's profile under "Edit Your Details".

Guidelines for Posting:

Divorce is not to be promoted in this forum except in cases where individuals are in physical and sexual danger. Emotionally abusive relationships should seek counseling, and if this has been refused by the perpetrating spouse or failed, divorce may be considered to prevent further negative effects of the abuse. Those who are in an abusive situation may find support in the Trauma, PTSD & Dissociation forum in the Recovery forums.

Separated members may continue posting in the Married Couples forum, but they may not promote divorce (see paragraph above). Once a married member is divorced they should change their marital status to something other than "Married" and access to this forum will be removed. Divorced members may be interested in posting in the Divorced Members forum and/or the Singles* forum.

Negative Generalities: Statements like "men are like this, women are like that", may not be used. When speaking in general terms, use the term like "some" ("Some women/men _______." )

Intimate topics (how to deal with addiction to pornography, intimacy problems, etc.) will only be allowed in the separate forums for married men's/women's personal topics. Be cautious when wording these posts. Don't be too graphic in the OP or any replies. No promotion of the use of porn allowed.

Submission will only be discussed in the separate forums for married men's/women's personal topics. UPDATE: Trial Thread found HERE. Please only discuss submission in that thread or in the married men's/women's personal topics.

  • Concentrate on the topic at hand. Do not rehash old issues.
  • When someone shares a personal experience, it's their experience and not open for judgment or any disparaging responses.
  • Don't jump to conclusions about what someone else means. Ask if you're unsure.
  • Be clear about what in the post is unclear to you. Do not misrepresent another member's opinions.
Derails: If you think your post response could derail a thread discussion, please start a new thread.​

Rule Violations:

If you feel that a post may violate the rules of this SoP, or the sitewide rules, please report the post rather than responding to it. If you have issues with another member and can't work it out, or are disgruntled about a staff decision, please click on the "Support" tab in the header navigation bar, or "Contact Us" at the bottom of the page, and open a new support ticket to discuss the situation with a CF Administrator. Discussion of members or staff actions in the forums is considered disruptive and can result in additional staff actions.

CF staff reserves the right to edit, remove, move or close any thread when deemed necessary. Please remember that controversial (unorthodox) Christian theology is not allowed in this forum. All posts must adhere to the Christian Forums sitewide rules.

*CF Statement on Marriage
CF has taken the stand that marriage was established by God who created us male and female (Genesis 1:27-28). We regard marriage as a sacred institution that symbolizes the mysterious bond between Christ and His church (Ephesians 5:23-24, Ephesians 5:32). We believe that marriage is much more than a civil contract between two persons, it is a sacred joining together of a man and a woman into one flesh, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." (Genesis 2:21-25). Therefore, we only recognize heterosexual marriages here at CF. If you are in a same sex marriage you must select a marital status of either "Legal Union (Other)" or "Private" in your profile.
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