Many Reasons why the COVID vax is not the Mark of the Beast

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I am making this thread in order to get feedback and collect my thoughts. My intention is to turn it into a video. Thanks for participating.

Hello, my name is Taylor and I've been a Christian since December 8th 2016. I don't usually make videos and I'm making this one from my phone so please bear with me. I believe God put it on my heart to compile this list of reasons as to why the COVID vax is not the mark of the beast, and why the mark is still yet future. I myself got vaxinated in order to keep my job. I now feel like I took a gamble and I shouldn't have gotten it, but now I'm coping. I will start by listing off a bunch of reasons why the vax isn't the mark, then I will get into the DNA arguments, then I will get into NKJV scripture to finish off. It is currently May 7/2024. So here we go:

Right off the bat:

There is no beast yet, so there can't be a mark of the beast. We don't even know who the antichrist is yet.

People could still buy and sell even without getting vaxinated. I held out till September 2021 and could still buy and sell and enter shops freely.

The jab went into my left upper arm, not in my right hand or forehead.

The mark has to do with intentional worship. You can't be tricked into worshipping something because worship is intentional and of the heart.

Some people think that by following the science or trusting the vax that that is worshipping the beast, or trusting the state more than God,
but I don't find that reasonable. For example, I can live in a country and follow the laws of that country without worshipping the state.

There were multiple vaxxines from Phizer, moderna, bioNtech, astrazenica, but we know there is only 1 mark of the beast, not several different versions of it.

Backmasking of COVID is DIVOC and DIVOC apparently means (possession) in Hebrew, but I do not feel possessed by evil at all. I feel the Lord is with me, revealing Himself to me and caring for me to this day. I do not feel my soul is defiled.

Blood transfusions. If someone got vaxinated, and if vaxination was the mark, and then they donated blood, it stands to reason that the person they gave their blood to would have contaminated said blood, through no fault of their own. But there is nothing in scripture to suggest that the mark of the beast can be "contracted" in such a way.

Speaking of blood, I got mine tested several months ago and it was in tip top shape.

Finally, there are 6-year old children out there who got vaxinated because their parents forced them to. I simply do not believe Yahweh would allow 6-year old children to end up in the lake of fire for a decisions their parents made for them. That would be Satan strong-arming God. This is how God will preserve the small children during the antichrist's reign. If you're too young to work, you're too young to get the mark.

Same too with the aged saints. I know a number of elderly Christians who got vaxxinated because they lived in a care-home and it was mandatory. Is God going to cast them off after they served Him for decades of their lives? I don't think so. This would mean Satan is snatching children from God's hand, and we know from scripture that this cannot happen.

There is a question that perhaps the vax altered the DNA of the recipient and that this constitutes corrupted DNA in God's sight. Or that our DNA is now owned by big pharma.

But the bottom line is this: No company or entity can own my DNA, or your DNA, because God owns everything. God owns me, God owns you, God owns the pharmaceutical CEO, and God owns the companies. Some scriptures:

Psalm 24:1 [The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world and all who live in it],

Psalm 50:10-12 [For every beast of the forest is Mine, And the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the mountains, and the wild beasts of the field are Mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell you, For the world is Mine and all its fullness.

1 Chronicles 29:11 [Thine O Lord is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all.

Some have said that the vax produces an extra DNA strand, and that the 144,000 in Revelation is talking about genetics; specifically, the genome. They say that the 144,000 represents 72,000 genomes from the mother and 72,000 genomes from the father which come together to produce a child, (a unique 144,000). They also note that 600x60x6 (or 6 hundred, threescore and six) = 216,000, and this is then assumed to be a 3rd strand of DNA as it adds an additional 72,000 genomes to the DNA strand.

Now, I'm no expert in genetics, but my question here would be: where did the extra 72,000 genomes come from? How could a vaccine carry so much unique genetic information to make a 3rd strand of DNA appear?

Revelation 14:3 [They sang as it were a new song before the throne, before the four living creatures, and the elders; and no one could learn that song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who were redeemed from the earth.]

According to Revelation 14:3, the 144,000 are a unique subset within Christendom. They are not ALL Christians, nor are they all unvaccinated individuals. They are given the privilege of singing a special song that only they can sing.

Revelation 14:4 [These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they remained virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever He goes. They were purchased from among mankind and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.]

I believe this passage on the 144,000 states they are virgins and "not defiled with women". That would certainly suggest it's talking about actual virgins and not defiled genetics.

If Revelation 14 was talking about genetics, wouldn't it say they were not defiled by pharmakia? Also, there are many married Christians who were unvaxinated who are not virgins, who are surely saved. So I am convinced that this is talking about a literal remnant of 144,000 special people with God's seal on their foreheads. It says in Revelation 7:4 that the 144,000 were sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel.

Furthermore ,there has been no mention of DNA being altered by CSI,(crime scene investigators) or laboratories that deal with DNA in police forensics. If people with 3 stranded DNA were popping up all over the place, this is not a story they could have kept hidden, nor would there be reason to hide it. 3 Helix DNA would be a mainstream thing.

Some people think there were nanotechnology, to luciferase enzymes, to graphene, to Lord knows what else in the vax. That may be so, and I don't know exactly what was in these shots myself. All I do know is that God can reverse damaged DNA, He can reverse chemical changes, just like He can reverse cremation. He's God.

I'm no expert of science, but what would pharmaceutical companies be doing with nanotechnology anyway? Do these fields overlap?

If vaxinated people now have 3 stranded DNA helixes, then wouldn't that produce a outwardly observable mutations or changes in someone's body?

Finally, If the mRNA could change the DNA of someone and such a change constituted the mark of the beast, then mRNA would be in our Water, Air, Food, and medication. The enemy would saturate us with it and put it everywhere.


Revelation 14:9-10 speaks of a third angel warning the world not to take the mark. We did not receive such supernatural warning from any angel prior to the vax being foisted upon the world. [Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, "if anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation.] This did not happen.

Also, no loathsome soars have appeared on the vaxxinated people yet, and it's been years now. Revelation 16:2 [So the first went and poured out his bowl upon the earth, and a foul and loathsome sore came upon the men who had the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image.] This did not happen.

I want to debunk the idea of spiritualizing the mark in Revelation 13:16-17 right now. It will be a physical mark, and this is why. Revelation 13:16-17 states [He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. And that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name]

Okay, so if the mark is spiritualized in these verses and the forehead represents evil intentions while the hand represents evil actions, then all who take the mark in the hand will, automatically, have it in the forehead too, since all evil actions are preceded by evil thoughts. So it is possible to have the mark then only in the forehead, but it would be impossible to have it in the hand only. Understand what I'm saying? But the verse specifically states that it is in either or. Once again, one can have evil thoughts without evil actions, but you cannot have evil actions without evil thoughts.

Not to mention the fact that it's not possible to determine who has the mark in order to buy and sell if it's a spiritual mark and not a literal one. It is a literal mark and it is connected to monetary transactions. Of this I am certain.

The bottom line is this: I believe far too many good genuine Christians received the vax for it to be the mark. Scripture states in Matthew 24:24 that "if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived". Scripture does not state that "Many" in the faith will be deceived, it says they (we) will not be deceived. I myself feel this day that I am the recipient of Gods great mercy and Love, and I do not believe God has mercy nor Love for those who take the mark. They get nothing but wrath. So this is a wake up call. We must resist the Digital Identification initiative because once they have that in place, it's just a hop, skip and a jump to installing a quantum digital tattoo, or RFID, or whatever the mark of the beast actually is. Thanks for watching, don't forget to share this is you found it helpful. Comment if you agree or disagree with anything, I'd be happy to chat. Godspeed and God bless.
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Mar 6, 2024
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Nice thread @friend of . Your assessment is pretty much spot on. I will add my thoughts.

I have only heard of one person with a third strand of DNA, and they were born with it...

A toddler from the U.K. is believed to be the only person in the world to be diagnosed with an extra strand of DNA – a condition so rare, doctors don’t even have a name for it.

I have not heard of anyone being genetically engineered with three-strand yet. It could be happening in a lab somewhere, who knows.

As far as the 'injections' modifying our DNA, I have seen reports from Biologists claiming that this is happening, however the modifications are very minute. Moreover, I am currently not convinced that these reports are as accurate as claimed. Some say the 'jabs' are Gene Therapy, others say they are not.

Either way, we are dangerously close to Transhumanism happening on a massive scale, which I believe *is* the Mark of the Beast. I have posted for years my theory on how to tell when it is occurring. I will share it here.

We are naturally born with both Marks:
  • Mark on the Right Hand = Fingerprints and Palmprints
  • Mark on the Forehead = Facial Recognition Features
What the Bible is teaching is that these Marks that we are born with are what *identify* us. They are given by God. They are his 'copyright' to our Genome. In fact, the Book of Life is a book of Genomes. That is what the 'names' are. When God checks our Genomes, there will be a positive match.

What the Mark of the Beast will do is give folks a *NEW IDENTITY*. In other words, their Genomes will be re-written and subsequently owned by Satan. It is called a 'Covenant with Death'...

Isaiah 28:15
"Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves"

It is an unpardonable sin. It is the ultimate blasphemy of the Holy Ghost.

Once someone changes their Genome past a certain extent, they will no longer be recognized...

Matthew 7:23
"And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

The question becomes...

To what extent does someone need to modify their DNA to no longer be recognized by God as his original creation? I believe that when we begin hearing reports from people saying that their fingerprints, palmprints, eye data, etc. have be modified, then that is when we will know that their identities have potentially been altered past the point of no return.

Something you should add to your list is that the Mark of the Beast is designed to produce a pseudo immortality...

Revelation 9:6
"And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."

Study the Mark of Cain for more info. The Mark of Cain was designed to keep people from killing him. It is the same theme.

Also, the Mark of the Beast has to do with the mingling of Seed in Daniel...

Daniel 2:43
"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."

Who 'they' are is still a Mystery to me. Are they the return of the Giants? Is it A.I.?

Anyhow, something that has always irritated me is the Seventh Day Adventist (and other denominations) watered down dogma of the 'spiritual' non-literal meaning you touched on...

Okay, so if the mark is spiritualized in these verses and the forehead represents evil intentions while the hand represents evil actions...

I believe that many Christians will take the Mark because they were never trained to look at Transhumanism as being the Mark of the Beast. Many will take their Gene Therapies with the promise to 'live forever'. Church denominations need to do a better job of warning folks. The Plandemic was the test. Most Churches failed miserably.
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You are correct that the vax isn't the infamous mark of the beast, but it's been around for a long time... Although the "smart" mark isn't here quite yet, we should not forget what happened in Nazi Germany. I have done much research into this subject. The mark of the beast is the symbol of the occultic sun. The swastika used by the Nazis was borrowed from Hinduism and is connected to sun worship, and the Nazis have made it even more obvious as who they serve with the newer black sun symbol. Different symbols; similar meaning. Read Ezekiel chapters 8-9. This passage offers the biggest clue what the mark of the beast is referring to. Repeat on a global scale in modern times. The vax isn't the mark, but one of the first things the Nazis did was take control over medicine... and that should alarm us.
It is not the technology, but the satanic symbol combined with the technology that makes it the mark of the beast. And to recieve it is equivalent to joining the 3rd Reich. While it may not be the unpardonable sin, to be caught dead wearing it is automatic lowest part of hell burning right next to the Furher...
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I now feel like I took a gamble and I shouldn't have gotten it,
Look up when you are able for the protocol to reverse damage. It is widely available and preventative as well as restorative as needed.
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Same too with the aged saints. I know a number of elderly Christians who got vaxxinated because they lived in a care-home and it was mandatory. Is God going to cast them off after they served Him for decades of their lives? I don't think so. This would mean Satan is snatching children from God's hand, and we know from scripture that this cannot happen.
It would not mean that. There is specific rules God has given, and those who do not do what is right will suffer. This is repeated throughout all Scripture.
The deception is very great , remember - many who believe all their life they have been serving God find out too late He doesn't know them - and/or they were doing what they did for show, and not love of God or obedience. This is very very common, not rare.
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Right off the bat:

There is no beast yet, so there can't be a mark of the beast. We don't even know who the antichrist is yet.
He was identified or known or known about long ago.
Many gobberments and religous groups have already gotten their people ready to accept the mark.
They will be sorry, but won't be able to repent if they receive the mark.
There already were many antichrists among us - in the assemblies of believers in the first century,
as written in the New Testament.
There are many false prophets and false teachers and false gospel bringers today, still.
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We did not receive such supernatural warning from any angel prior to the vax being foisted upon the world.
Many believers did get both supernatural warning and simply natural warnings never to get vaxxed.
Some or many of them lost their jobs and maybe their homes and families for not getting vaxxed, but they are rejoicing and would never get vaxxed no matter what. Others got vaxed anyway, and many that were once healthy simply dropped dead in the middle of the day, or at night, without warning.
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It is not the mark. I believe it is associated with the image of the beast.
The technology for both the mark and image are being worked on.
In the future people will actually buy and sell via a mark on themselves,
and worship an image of a man speaking, much as they worship their phones today.
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In the future people will actually buy and sell via a mark on themselves,
and worship an image of a man speaking, much as they worship their phones today.
hmmmm....... television....... who makes the image speak ?

and already, for over five years now, maybe ten,
people at the grocery store just wave their wrist over the scan ... ... well, enough bad.. too much ....

can anyone escape the evil ?
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No, although it might be. Those who accept the mark , whenever they do, also have already accepted the vax and the counterfeit religious and medical system in place worldwide. Remember the ceo is hasatan.
Superstitious rubbish.
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No, although it might be.
No, it's not.
Those who accept the mark , whenever they do, also have already accepted the vax and the counterfeit religious and medical system in place worldwide.
In Revelation 13, anyone who does not have the mark of the beast cannot buy, or sell, anything.
Brought anything at the shops, or online, recently? You don't have it.
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No, it's not.

In Revelation 13, anyone who does not have the mark of the beast cannot buy, or sell, anything.
Brought anything at the shops, or online, recently? You don't have it.
Hold up... Just because the "smart" mark isn't here yet, and you can still buy or sell without the mark, doesn't mean its not around... You are correct that the vax isn't the mark, but your argument is flawed. Look at what happened in Nazi Germany. That has much more to do with this than barcodes, microchips, and vaccines. In fact, the swastika and black sun symbol are 2 different versions of the mark of the beast. Because of the great evils the Nazis have done, this shouldn't surprise anyone...
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Strong in Him

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Hold up... Just because the "smart" mark isn't here yet, and you can still buy or sell without the mark, doesn't mean its not around...
That wasn't the subject of the thread and if it had been, I wouldn't have answered.
The OP just wanted our views on his list of reasons about why the Covid jab is not the mark. I don't believe it is, and I was replying to someone else who expressed doubt.

but your argument is flawed.
I was stating what is in Revelation 13:17 which says "they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark."
What "the mark" might be, when it might be given, who the beasts might be and so on, are not the subject of this thread.
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Just like the nazee garb (practices, routines, rules, symbols)
the jab represents hasatan.
Those who accept those things of hasatan are already mind-set to accept the mark.
The jab represents medical science. Most people do trust medical professionals. Is there something wrong with trusting people who have credentials?
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I myself got vaxinated in order to keep my job. I now feel like I took a gamble and I shouldn't have gotten it, but now I'm coping.
Coping with the risk you took, that multitudes took, and many died. Just dropped dead in the middle of the day, in the middle of their activity. Dead, buried, gone.
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Blood Drinker
Aug 17, 2005
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Just like the nazee garb (practices, routines, rules, symbols)
the jab represents hasatan.
Those who accept those things of hasatan are already mind-set to accept the mark.
Some of us who took the shot did so because we had no desire to die the kind of miserable deaths some of my friends did. BTW, a fig for hasatan or hahahasatan or Old Nick or the Booger Man or whatever you want to call him. He exists at all at our Lord's sufferance. He's a creature as we are, not a godling of sort.
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