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Lost - Episode 6:16 (5/17/10)


Meet the new boss -- same as the old boss.
Jan 3, 2005
San Marcos, CA
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What They Died For

Locke devises a new strategy; Jack's group searches for Desmond

The attendees, including television critics, celebrities, and regular everyday LOSTies, all say if you did not like Across the Sea, this episode more than makes up for it.
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And the new guardian of the island...for how ever many minutes that may be...

...is Jack? Here I thought for sure it would be Hurley.

And Jacobs fail safe plan...

...is Desmond? (at least according to MIB, who may not be telling the truth here). And that fail safe plan will destroy the island?

And, for the time being at least, all of the lostaways can see Jacob.

Widmores entire expedition is dead...unless MIB missed a couple of low level flunkies somewhere along the line.

Desmond, meanwhile is putting in motion plans of his own. Because of his efforts, more and more of the flash sideways lostaways are starting to remember being on the island.

More and more, I am tending to the notion that all of the lostaways on the island are going to die.
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May 14, 2010
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-Jack has another deja vu moment at the beginning of the episode when he sees that the wounds that he first noticed on Alt Oceanic Flight 815 are bleeding. Both time-lines are bleeding together, literally.

-Ben is certainly going to have an interesting storyline in the finale... Is he truly on Locke's side after giving up Zoe and Widmore's location, and then killing Widmore, or is Ben going to con Locke? I'm leaning towards Ben still finding redemption in the end, even if it means following Locke until the climax of the finale, and then turning on him... I'm sure Ben giving Miles one of the Walkie Talkie's is also significant. Maybe Ben will feed info on Locke's plan to Miles, who can then pass it on to the Losties, or Richard, if he ever finds them.

-I really hope Richard isn't dead after getting flung into the jungle by rampaging Smokey. I think he's fine, for now.

-Kate's name was crossed off on the cave wall because she became a mother, therefore she wasn't alone anymore and she had a purpose. If that's the case, why wouldn't Kwon have been crossed off in the cave? Jacob visited Sun and Jin at their wedding, so they clearly weren't alone. Also, technically Shephard could have been crossed off, since Jack was married to Sarah before crashing on the Island, and he and Kate were engaged after they left the Island. I'm being way too picky :D

-I was hoping the Alt would get wrapped up in this episode, or at least come closer to a conclusion, but I'm thinking the finale will still have the same ratio of Alt/Island scenes.
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May 14, 2010
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And the new guardian of the island...for how ever many minutes that may be...

...is Jack? Here I thought for sure it would be Hurley.

I was sure it would be Jack. It just seems like the right ending for his character going by the path Jack has taken throughout the series. I'm hoping Lost ends with Jack still being protector of the Island. We'll see...

And Jacobs fail safe plan...

...is Desmond? (at least according to MIB, who may not be telling the truth here). And that fail safe plan will destroy the island?

It's probably true. It fits perfectly with Desmond turning the fail safe key in the Swan in the Season 2 finale. That moment is apparently what set him on the course that is leading him to this ultimate goal. I'm guessing the fail safe procedure will have something to do with exposing Desmond to the main pocket of electromagnetic energy on the Island... Maybe the Light that Jack is supposed to protect is that energy?
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The poster formerly known as Acts6:5
Mar 24, 2002
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- Man, I really hope Ben’s decision to help Smokey was a ploy, because if not then I really don’t understand where the writers are going with this. I don’t like the fact that he found redemption earlier in the season, but now all of a sudden he’s willing to kill LOSTies again - especially after he just admitted that he had been used by Smokey the entire time. I get why he killed Widemore; he had just seen Alex’s grave, so suddenly seeing the man responsible for his daughter’s death probably caused him to snap. But I just don’t get why Ben’s so quick to go back to working with Smokey to kill LOSTies….unless, of course, he’s playing a game.

- Another thing I don’t get is this; Smokey promised to give Ben the Island if he helped him, but at the end of the show Smokey decides he’s going to use Desmond to blow up/sink the island. Well, in that case what is Ben’s motivation for helping Smokey if the Island that he’s been promised is destroyed? You would think Smokey would have wanted to keep that to himself. But again, if Ben is fooling Smokey then I guess that answers my question.

- Yeah Alex, I wonder why “Kwon” wasn’t crossed out. It may be that the name was referring to Jin since Sun was raising her daughter, but that still doesn’t explain the fact that Jin and Sun both strengthened their marriage while on the Island. But at least we did get an answer about why “the names” were significant - that part made sense.

- One thing I really didn’t like was Widemore’s explanation concerning how he got back to the Island. It just seemed too convenient that Widemore suddenly became a changed man and knew how to get back to the Island simply because Jacob visited him. For a show that prides itself on a well told story, that explanation just seemed a little too easy.

But overall, it was a good episode. I’m really enjoying the alternate universe story….maybe because it’s still a mystery, lol.

In Christ,

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I was glad to finally see Ben, Richard and Miles again. I knew they'd pop up very soon. And...(broken record time) Juliet has got to be around the corner very shortly.

The scene with Ben and Alex and Danielle was very sweet. Looks like maybe a little romance might be brewing there? Boy, was it great to see Danielle looking so lovely.

I did expect Jack to offer...he has said multiple times that he will help everyone else leave the island, but he's not going with them. I like Airpo's point though...perhaps he has no plans to do things Jacob's way. But what will he do?

The whole prison break scene was very interesting. Hurley must remember everything or much of what happened. I mean, he even knew Anna Lucia! I'm still trying to figure out how he and Des set it all up. I can see them planning it before Desmond turned himself in...but still...how did they get her to even know about a bribe. I guess enough money can accomplish many things.

So...is everyone and I do mean everyone going to be at the concert they are going to? My husband and I think it might be at the hospital. We think that because that would potentially put Sun and Jin there, even if she's still a patient...maybe it's in part for the patients? And...it could potentially put Juliet there, since she's a doctor.

We've already heard Jack and his son plan to be there...and his ex-wife too. Charlie could decide to come to make up for missing the last one. It has to be Daniel performing...or at least as one of the performers. So that would get Ellie and Charles there.

Sawyer could decide to come after all with Miles ~ (who has mentioned his father will be there)...and meet up with Kate there. Hurley could have Libby come too. Gee we can get almost the entire cast to be present.

How is Locke going to get there? hmmmm.

Anyway, Desmond is up to something big with this concert thing.
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Meet the new boss -- same as the old boss.
Jan 3, 2005
San Marcos, CA
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I loved this episode! If for no other reason than Eko got a subtle shout-out:

Eko to Locke: "Do not mistake coincidence for fate."
Jack to Locke (last night): "I think you are mistaking coincidence for fate."

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Following my Shepherd
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Jan 27, 2004
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My son was thrilled that Ben was evil again. It does make things more interesting actually. I think John Locke my blow up the island only because of the scene in the beginning of this season that showed the underwater city. Maybe everyone gets off the island and the island is destroyed with only John Locke remaining there.
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with a Touch of Grey
Oct 31, 2003
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My son was thrilled that Ben was evil again. It does make things more interesting actually. I think John Locke my blow up the island only because of the scene in the beginning of this season that showed the underwater city. Maybe everyone gets off the island and the island is destroyed with only John Locke remaining there.

I was thinking the same thing about the underwater shot. :D
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May 14, 2010
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A few more questions...

Who let Desmond out of the well?

I'm hoping Claire, since Locke apparently abandoned her on the sub dock at the end of The Candidate. Not sure how she'd find the well, but it would be one of her acts of redemption. Other than that I'd think it was someone random, maybe Rose/Bernard/Miles/Richard, I don't think anyone else would work because of continuity reasons.

How did the 'rules' change to allow Ben to kill Widmore?

When Ben visited Widmore off-Island in The Shape of Things to Come, Ben made it clear that he couldn't kill Widmore because of the rules, so he would instead kill Penny. What changed between then and now that would have changed the rules? I would think it was some sort of official change, as opposed to just an attitude adjustment from Ben, since Ben said 'He broke the rules' after Keamy killed Alex, yet Ben still told Widmore that he couldn't kill him. Lil' Jacob still seemed to be enforcing the rules on the Island at the time that Ben shot Widmore, at least he's enforcing the rules until the fire burns out. Speaking of that...

How can ash burn out in a fire?

Isn't ash created from a fire in the first place, which is how Ilana was able to collect Jacob's ashes from the fire pit under the statue? I'm not an expert on these things, but, for example, doesn't a campfire area (like the one where the Losties and Jacob were talking) have to be cleaned because the ash is what's left over after the wood burns :doh:
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Mar 26, 2002
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I think John Locke my blow up the island only because of the scene in the beginning of this season that showed the underwater city. Maybe everyone gets off the island and the island is destroyed with only John Locke remaining there.

My take is that in the flash sideways timeline, the island was destroyed back in 1977 when the lostaways A-Bombed the Swann site. That explosion also killed the smoke monster in that particular timeline.

How can ash burn out in a fire?

Isn't ash created from a fire in the first place, which is how Ilana was able to collect Jacob's ashes from the fire pit under the statue? I'm not an expert on these things, but, for example, doesn't a campfire area (like the one where the Losties and Jacob were talking) have to be cleaned because the ash is what's left over after the wood burns

Errr...charcoal. Get a fire hot enough, and ashes will burn. Besides, I suspect these are 'special' ashes.

I was also wondering who let Desmond out of the pit. Could Miles have gotten there fast enough? I don't think Claire had enough time to get back to the main island and get there; besides I don't think she knew where he was. It might have been a survivor from the mortar attack...

I'm still going with an 'all fall down' type ending where all of the lostaways on the island die, and the island itself is destroyed.
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