
Name: Lilliandra L'Treka
Race: Elf
Age: 145
Hair: Red
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'5"
weapons: Staff, longbow
class:bard, healer

She walked quietly through the forest. All she could think of were the people she left behind, sad, lonely people who could only cry out, but would not accept her kindness. All she had wanted to do was offer a prayer, but they had turned her away, their sadness becoming anger at what had happened to their children...all of the children gone. Lilliandra had seen more death in the past year than ever before, she had fought to save the lives of children, and to heal parents who had lost children...

She had finally driven the evil from the land, a horrible monster that seemed to drain the very life from younglings. She had learned to use the gifts that her god had given her. Prayer, song, and compassion. Now she only prayed that He would visit the ones left and heal them, and heal her as well. She had lost so much, her husband, her child, her joy. But HE promises to renew those who are faithful, and that is her hope.
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