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Aug 10, 2006
Rock Hill, SC
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Have you ever tasted water that is lukewarm? I have, and I wanted to spit it out of my mouth. It tastes good hot, and it tastes good cold, but not lukewarm.

Well, that is how God feels about his church who is living in spiritual adultery against him. They aren’t opposed to him, but they are not really for him, either. They profess the name of Jesus, go to meetings of “the church” (most of them businesses incorporated under the state) weekly, and they may even be involved in some kind of ministry within “the church,” but they don’t live much differently from the people of the world who make no profession of faith in Christ at all. They honor God with their lips, but their hearts are far from him. They worship God in vain for their teachings are merely humanistic philosophy mingled in with the Scriptures.

Therefore, Jesus is calling out to this church today, and he is calling them to repent of their sins and to return to him, and he will restore them to fellowship with him.

“To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:
“These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:14-16 NIV84)


An Original Work / April 29, 2011
Based off of Revelation 3:14-22

Laodicea, Laodicea, I’m calling you.
You hear Me calling, you hear Me calling. I’m calling you.
Will you not answer? Will you not answer? I’m calling you.
If you but follow, if you but follow, I’ll answer you.
Won’t you give Me your heart and your soul,
So I can cleanse you and make you whole?
Laodicea, Laodicea, I’m calling you.
If you will answer, if you will answer, I’ll come to you.

I stand at your door; I stand at your door. I’m knocking there.
Will you not listen? Will you not listen, while I’ll be there?
If you’ll but open, if you’ll but open your hearts to Me,
I’ll come within you, I’ll come within you, you’ll sup with Me.
Won’t you buy from Me some gold and salve?
These costly treasures are yours to have.
Laodicea, Laodicea, I’m calling you.
If you will answer, if you will answer, I’ll come to you.

Are you contented; are you contented to be lukewarm?
Will you not have Me? Will you not have Me? Of this I warn –
If you don’t hear Me, if you don’t hear Me, and so obey,
I will spit you out; I will spit you out without delay.
So why not heed this, your final call,
And give to God absolutely all?
Laodicea, Laodicea, I’m calling you.
If you will answer, if you will answer, I’ll come to you.