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A private in Gods army
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Dec 28, 2016
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I personally have a prayer journal where I write down whatever has been put on my heart by God or any useful spiritual/religious advice. I've been doing it almost ever since I've become Christian (going on 7 years now). It helps to be reminded and encouraged by the wisdom contained and documented in my journal otherwise I'd forget important stuff. I'd encourage everyone to do Journaling themselves and see if it doesn't supplement your walk with the Lord.
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Agra man

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May 16, 2023
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I just want to say I know just what you mean. When I became saved I didn't have anyone to help me or teach me no way to get to a church as my family had no interest and I didn't know how to pray it felt weird awkward like I was talking to air I couldn't even really think of what to say.

So I decided well maybe I can just write to him so I started with just a piece of paper and it was suddenly like the connection was there.

I didn't know it back then but I am a writer at heart I am only able to truly express and explain myself in written form the real me comes out my heart only appears on paper. I had note books of all sizes so I could write to him wherever I went even really small ones so I could take notes or write something to him in more public places there didn't seem to be a time I wasn't writing to him.

I grew in at an alarming rate because of this simply by my writing to him the bond we developed the love that we would pour into each other with such great affection heart piercing adoration and love for each other I knew him I could tell you his personality his traits what tickles heart what makes him laugh what saddens him it was as if I could tell you everything about his humanity how this all mighty all powerful king who is to be revered respected and honored without regard how his very kingship the presence that comes with that how you in the fear of the Lord don't dare speak move or do anything but revere him

Yet at the same time he is so human and people don't seem to really understand that. He has feelings and emotions just like us when we stray from him he misses us and will just keep waiting and waiting for us to come back to him, we get distracted and go away from him but he loyally just sits there waiting missing us us calling us back to him.

He becomes sad sometimes and it almost always has to do with us, He took me to hell once to show me the souls there. I have heard of stories of people and other Christians going to hell seeing things coming back ect. They almost always come back with a message from him they go on to explain what was there as if trying to make the most horricic scenes to scare you about the reality.

That wasn't the effect it had on me, I didn't come back with a message I wasn't going to express the things I saw there it was a sobering experience you don't come back with a testimony the things that cannot be unseen cannot be spoken of there just aren't words it is like how at a funeral is

You don't come back the same the value of a soul even just one the actual cost the drive to save them you come back different. The sadness in his eyes though...... he is human all right, I have never seen eyes so deep in sadness as he showed me those souls it is heart wrenching you can't bare to see him like that you will desperately hug him just to cheer him up a little.
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