IVF support and loss


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Oct 25, 2018
Redwood Valley
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Hi. I am new here. Our TTC journey started over 7 years ago. I am 36 and husband us 39. I have never had regular cycles, have hypothyroidism and was diagnosed about 6 years ago with PCOS. Through the years we tried IUI, as far as I took the oral medication to stim, but it never stemmed me enough so they did not proceed. We were told our only option was IVF. The next 6 years were agony as we knew IVF was financially out of reach. We would try to save money, but some issue always arose requiring money and we were back at square one. We have no fertility coverage with our insurance, so saving upwards of $20k was simply impossible. Skip ahead to Feb 2018. My in laws surprised us with a check for $25,000 to proceed with treatment. They had been praying and felt led to gift us the money. Answered prayer number 1. We started treatment in June 2018. The stemming was harder on my than I thought. The hormone mood swings were bad and I always felt icky. In July 2018, we had a successful egg retrieval resulting in 11 eggs. We had decided to do the ICSI and PGS-A testing, so we waiting for the fertilized eggs to begin growing, tested, and frozen. After our annual summer trip to visit the in laws we started the FET process. The fet hormones were worse than the stemming ones. The every other day injections are painful and the amount of progesterone in my system made me have a constant state of nausea, especially whenever I ate. Anyway, we had our very first fet transfer on October 10, 2018. Husband and I were both in shock and couldn't believe we had finally made it this point. I had spent all summer drinking decaf coffee and tea and upping my water intake. I've been on a very healthy eating plan since April and have lost 40 pounds. Since I am overweight, I knew every little bit would help somehow. Well, on Wednesday I had an HCG blood test and it was positive (63). First time in my life I've had a positive pregnancy test!! I was over the moon. I was on top of the world. My years and years of prayers had finally been answered. The clinic does a second test to days later to check for rising levels. So today I had my repeat HCG. It was 20! My number plummeted. The doctor said this happens sometimes. Called it a biochemical pregnancy. I am beyond crushed. I have been praying for a miracle for over 7 years. I have been trusting the Lord and hanging onto my miracle sor so long and just as I had it, it was ripped out from under me. I don't know what to think or feel. I don't understand the Lord's ways in this. I have to tell my husband tonight. He doesn't know about the positive test yet because I have been planning a surprise way to tell him for years, so I hadn't been able to tell him yet. Now, I have to figure out to tell him it worked and the embryo implanted and now it's gone.
Now, we have to figure out how to pay for another FET, which with meds will be about $5k. We don't have that kind of money and I can't bring myself to ask my in laws as they have already sacrificed so much.

Is there anyone out there who has had a similar experience who can help me make sense of what has happened and how to talk to my husband or have ideas on how to afford another cycle?

Thanks and God Bless
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Tolworth John

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Mar 10, 2017
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how to talk to my husband

I am sorry for the shattering of your hopes and dreams.
I can only suggest honesty in talking with your husband and honesty as you reassess where you are and how your finances are.

I would suggest that you consider adoption before you get to old for adoption.

It is not the same as giving birth to your child, but it will give you children.
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Notice that this thread has been moved to the "Trying to Conceive" forum as staff determined that was a better fit. Please note that the forum SOP may be different.

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