Is Homosexuality a sinful act according to the Bible?

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Jul 28, 2005
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I request as rules for this thread that only straight/heterosexual Christians answer this question only using the Bible as their reference.
My reasoning is because a "Homosexual Christian" will feel the need to defend themselves and may find cause in this question to be offensive where it is not intended.
I ask that it be straight from the Bible because anything in the Bible can be changed if using a source other than the Bible.

BIBLE ANSWERS ONLY. (Provided with explanation).

My question again is:
Is Homosexuality a sinful act according to the Bible?
If yes, please explain Biblically your answer.
If no, please explain Biblically your answer.

This is not a hate thread. This is not an argument thread.
This is strictly a question and answer thread.

**If this is not the proper location for this thread I humbly request that it be moved to the correct section. Thank you.


Jan 3, 2005
Central Illinois
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BIBLE ANSWERS ONLY. (Provided with explanation).

My question again is:
Is Homosexuality a sinful act according to the Bible?
If yes, please explain Biblically your answer.
If no, please explain Biblically your answer.

It is not a sin to be tempted by homosexuality or anything else. Jesus was tempted (Matthew 4) but He did not sin.

Is any sexuality outside of marriage, sin?

Paul seemed to think so when he suggested
Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.-1 Corinthians 7:2

Notice also God created mankind as "male and female" in Genesis 1:
Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

Note a couple of things with Genesis 1: First, God created them in His own image, as Male and female. Then, He blessed them and gave them the purpose for the male/female: They were to multiply.

So to remain true to the creation, He has made us to fit His purpose and design as male and female. So, when they were sinless and blameless, they were male and female and it wasn't until AFTER the apple incident that sin entered the world.

Finally, Paul puts a fine point on it when he doesn't differentiate between the "degrees" of ANY sin, but instead lumps them all in together in Romans 1:
27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful;

Is homosexual behavior sin? Yes, every bit as much as being unmerciful, a backbiter, unrighteous, wicked, covetous ... and every other sin in that list and any other list.

Essentially, "sin" is ANY behavior that separates us from God. (Romans 14:23)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2004
Atlanta, GA.
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I request as rules for this thread that only straight/heterosexual Christians answer this question only using the Bible as their reference.
My reasoning is because a "Homosexual Christian" will feel the need to defend themselves and may find cause in this question to be offensive where it is not intended.
I ask that it be straight from the Bible because anything in the Bible can be changed if using a source other than the Bible.

BIBLE ANSWERS ONLY. (Provided with explanation).

My question again is:
Is Homosexuality a sinful act according to the Bible?
If yes, please explain Biblically your answer.
If no, please explain Biblically your answer.

This is not a hate thread. This is not an argument thread.
This is strictly a question and answer thread.

**If this is not the proper location for this thread I humbly request that it be moved to the correct section. Thank you.

Simply put, no. Homosexuality is not sinful just as heterosexuality is not sinful. Those are orientations. Orientations aren't sinful.

ACTS are sinful. Heterosexual ACTS-i.e. adultery, are sinful.
Likewise, homosexual ACTS, are sinful.

9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Cor. 6:8-10

Romans 1:26-27 “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.”

22 " 'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable. Lev. 18:22

13 " 'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads Lev. 20:13

God shows sin to be an ACT, not an orientation or attraction.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2008
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My question again is:
Is Homosexuality a sinful act according to the Bible?
If yes, please explain Biblically your answer.
If no, please explain Biblically your answer.

Well, to give an absolutely irrefutable answer of 'yes' or 'no' to the question is somewhat tricky because the word 'homosexual' never appears in the original manuscripts of scripture. So, it's therefore necessary to decipher what the word that 'homosexuality' replaced ACTUALLY means.

The words 'homosexuality/homosexual' are relatively recent and so we cannot really equate them to anything scriptural unless we try hard. It's present-day Christianity that has made homosexuality a taboo issue. I don't think that God (or the Bible-writers) actually address this topic (per se) at all. Perhaps 'sodomy' is about as close as we can get to what some might term as 'active homosexuality'. But, needless to say, homosexuals don't have the monopoly on the practice of sodomy.

Can you perhaps rephrase the question?
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Nov 19, 2004
Atlanta, GA.
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There's really no need to. Homosexuality is an orientation. As with heterosexuality, there's more to homosexuality than just the sex. The lust of heterosexuality and homosexuality are sins. The fornicative sex between homosexuals is sin.

The Bible doesn't have to mention homosexuality because it mentions the ACTS of homosexuality that are sin just as it mentions the ACTS of heterosexuality that are sin.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2008
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There's really no need to. Homosexuality is an orientation. As with heterosexuality, there's more to homosexuality than just the sex. The lust of heterosexuality and homosexuality are sins. The fornicative sex between homosexuals is sin.

The Bible doesn't have to mention homosexuality because it mentions the ACTS of homosexuality that are sin just as it mentions the ACTS of heterosexuality that are sin.

Hey, I actually agree with you on this. But, isn't this one of the reasons that more and more homosexuals are wanting to commit themselves to one partner and have that commitment officially recognized?
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Senior Member
Jul 2, 2007
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I request as rules for this thread that only straight/heterosexual Christians answer this question only using the Bible as their reference.
My reasoning is because a "Homosexual Christian" will feel the need to defend themselves and may find cause in this question to be offensive where it is not intended.
I ask that it be straight from the Bible because anything in the Bible can be changed if using a source other than the Bible.

I'm not sure if I qualify as "only straight/heterosexual" since I am celibate. But since the reason you wanted to exclude homosexuals was because they would be defensive (in both senses of the word), I'm hoping that the exclusion should not include me.

BIBLE ANSWERS ONLY. (Provided with explanation).

My question again is:
Is Homosexuality a sinful act according to the Bible?
If yes, please explain Biblically your answer.
If no, please explain Biblically your answer.

This is not a hate thread. This is not an argument thread.
This is strictly a question and answer thread.

**If this is not the proper location for this thread I humbly request that it be moved to the correct section. Thank you.

First, The Bible gives commands and examples which label specific sexual acts, both heterosexual and homosexual as sin. In some cases, such as the "incest" laws in Leviticus 18 and 20, it is clear that other related actions are also forbidden. If one should not have sex with your mother, step-mother, natural aunt, aunt-by-marriage, sister, half-sister, step-sister, daughter, step-daughter, grandmother or granddaughter, you should probably think twice about looking toward your sister-in-law. In other cases, over the years the rabbis built a "fence" around the command. (A non-sexual example would be the elaborate dietary laws built up from a few simple laws about avoiding the meat of certain animals and not cooking a kid in its mother's milk and maybe one or two others).

Nowhere does it come out and say that sex is good, although it comes close with its endorsement of marriage, its command to be fruitful and multiply, and the genealogies which are worded "So-and-so knew his wife and she conceived and bore him a son, and she named him Such-and such."

It comes even closer in 1 Corinthians 7, when Paul says it is better to marry than to burn. In general, the Bible's position seems to be that any sexual act can be sinful if done too publicly, and or outside marriage. But if it is between a married couple behind closed doors, the Bible seems to say it is not anyone else's business. The only private marital sexual act that the Bible mentions is that between Tamar and Onan, (Genesis 38) and it mentions that because the act of coitus interruptus that Onan committed was an insult to Tamar and to God, and thus a sin.

I bring all this up, because the only examples of homosexual acts in the Bible are sexual sins, but since it is also true that the only examples of heterosexual acts are sexual sins, that alone is not conclusive.

There are only five passages that are clearly referring to homosexual acts, not counting those that describe or reference the rapes or attempted rapes in Sodom (Genesis 19), Gibeah (Judges 19) and Ammon (1 Chronicles 19). Since rape is a sin whether the victim is a man or a woman, these passages are weak in "proving" that the man-on-man aspect is a separate sin from the rape. There are several other passages that reference sexual immorality in general, or even general immorality, but before they can be said to include homosexuality per se (as opposed to an act being immoral and also homosexual -- for example, homosexual adultery is wrong, because adultery is wrong), you have to assume that homosexuality is a sin.

Three of these passages occur in letters written by Paul. All three reference a homosexual sin of one kind or another, but in two cases, Paul does not elaborate on it. Instead, it is lumped in a list of diverse other sins. Paul does not elaborate because his focus is not on the specific sins, but on the fact that everyone is a sinner and no one deserves the gift of Grace God offers us. In these two passages, Paul simply lists arsenokoitai as a kind of sinner. (I'll come back to the third Pauline passage later)

Most Christians believe that arsenokoiten was compounded from two words found in the LXX translation of Leviticus 20:13, which brings us to the other two passages which directly concern homosexual sin, Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13.

Leviticus 18:22 describes one specific sexual act. It describes it from the point of view of only one of the participants. The specific words used imply that, the other person's consent was not necessarity obtained. The act is then labeled ritually taboo. The conclusion of the chapter confirms that all of the specific actions listed are ritually taboo. Earlier in the chapter (verses 6-17), forbidden incestual relations are described. They are included in the end of the chapter's blanket proclamation that the examples of corrupt actions listed are ritually taboo, but they are also sexually immoral and "wicked," as stated in verse 17.

Leviticus 20 repeats many of the forbidden actions in chapter 18 and prescribes punishments. For "man-lying," the punishment is death -- for both participants (Leviticus 20:13). This seems harsh, especially if the one wose position is not forbidden did not fully consent. But the punishment for bestiality (Leviticus 20:15-16)and adultery (Deuteronomy 22:22-27) is the death of both partners, even though beasts can't consent and even if the circumstances of the adultery seem to be rape, except no one heard the victim cry for help (unless no one could have heard such cries). Likewise, the David's ambassadors who had been raped in Ammon were far from help by fellow Jews, and so when they returned to Israel, they were not put to death, but quietly retired.

And so the Bible itself builds the first "fence" around the commandment: if you can at all avoid it, do not take the non-forbidden position in the forbidden homosexual act. In the Talmud, we can see the arguments that led up to subsequent "fences" put up by the rabbis until in practice the command became all sexual activity between men is to be avoided. We can also see that the rabbis were completely unconcerned about two women "rubbing" one another.

As a Pharisee of the school of Hillel, and in fact, mentored by Hillel's grandson, Gamaliel, Paul would have been very familiar with these arguments and so the arsenokoitai would not have included women.

So four of the five verses forbid one position of one act between two men (but not between two women), with good reason to avoid the other position, but as a ritual taboo only, albeit a ritual taboo with the death penalty attached. From an Old Testament point of view, avoiding other homosexual acts is a "fence" around the sinful act, and nothing more.

This response is turning out to be longer than I'd anticipated, and I need to get some sleep. I'll finish up some time tomorrow, with a look at Paul's letter to the Romans and a couple of passages that I believe allow same-sex marriage (and do not forbid sex within those marriages).
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From the evidence the Bible obviously condemns same sex acts, homosexuality could be argued to be sinful just as heterosexuality could be if the desiire which leads to acting on the temptation is included. Jesus said even if one looks lustfully at another woman one has committed adultery in ones heart (Matthew 5:28) and those who desire same sex unions have had their thinking turned away from God (Romans 1)
I think its arguable either way about 'sexuality'
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To Olliefranz,
First, The Bible gives commands and examples which label specific sexual acts, both heterosexual and homosexual as sin.
No that’s not so, the Bible makes no reference to heterosexual or homosexual acts, the sexual acts the Bible condemns are all those outside faithful marriage which means in terms of homo and heterosexual, all homosexual acts and most heterosexual acts

Nowhere does it come out and say that sex is good, although it comes close with its endorsement of marriage, its command to be fruitful and multiply,
Yes I would agree with that, but add that all God created was good so yes it does say so even if not in those words.

It comes even closer in 1 Corinthians 7, when Paul says it is better to marry than to burn. In general, the Bible's position seems to be that any sexual act can be sinful if done too publicly, and or outside marriage. But if it is between a married couple behind closed doors, the Bible seems to say it is not anyone else's business.
Where does it say this? Where does the Bible refer to sexual acts privately?

I bring all this up, because the only examples of homosexual acts in the Bible are sexual sins, but since it is also true that the only examples of heterosexual acts are sexual sins, that alone is not conclusive.
Why not. If the examples of sexual acts as sin are not conclusive how do you know they are sin?

There are only five passages that are clearly referring to homosexual acts, not counting those that describe or reference the rapes or attempted rapes in Sodom (Genesis 19), Gibeah (Judges 19) and Ammon (1 Chronicles 19). Since rape is a sin whether the victim is a man or a woman, these passages are weak in "proving" that the man-on-man aspect is a separate sin from the rape. There are several other passages that reference sexual immorality in general, or even general immorality, but before they can be said to include homosexuality per se (as opposed to an act being immoral and also homosexual -- for example, homosexual adultery is wrong, because adultery is wrong), you have to assume that homosexuality is a sin.
Rape is not mentioned as the sin in Genesis 19, knowing the men carnally ‘yada’ is. Yes we would call this rape but we would also call the men having sex with the daughters rape in that respect, which would mean homosexual rape is wicked but heterosexual rape isn’t. I suggest therefore that it is quite obvious rape is not the issue, ‘yada’ sex is the issue, same sex acts.

Having cast your doubts on what is sin, you then propose there are only five passages. You cant be unsure if you are sure.

Three of these passages occur in letters written by Paul. All three reference a homosexual sin of one kind or another, but in two cases, Paul does not elaborate on it. Instead, it is lumped in a list of diverse other sins. Paul does not elaborate because his focus is not on the specific sins, but on the fact that everyone is a sinner and no one deserves the gift of Grace God offers us. In these two passages, Paul simply lists arsenokoitai as a kind of sinner. (I'll come back to the third Pauline passage later)
None of this has ayny scriptural support. What kinds of homosexual sin or another are mentioned?

With arsenokoites I think we can see all the sins in 1 Corinthians 6 and 1 Timothy 1 are sins not ‘kind of sins’. And no longer with those who were washed, they weren’t kind of washed, they were washed.

Most Christians believe that arsenokoiten was compounded from two words found in the LXX translation of Leviticus 20:13, which brings us to the other two passages which directly concern homosexual sin, Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13.
Some Christians sadly fail to realise it.

Leviticus 18:22 describes one specific sexual act. It describes it from the point of view of only one of the participants. The specific words used imply that, the other person's consent was not necessarity obtained.
As has been shown not only is that assumption not so, it is an assumption. There is no implication of consent in the use of the word. You merely keep repeating the same assumption which I have claimed is baseless.

And so the Bible itself builds the first "fence" around the commandment: if you can at all avoid it, do not take the non-forbidden position in the forbidden homosexual act.
And so the Bible doesn’t. The Bible affirms God’s purpose is man and woman in faithful union or celibacy, same sex acts are already outside that before they are specifically condemned as error (ie Romans 1)

As a Pharisee of the school of Hillel, and in fact, mentored by Hillel's grandson, Gamaliel, Paul would have been very familiar with these arguments and so the arsenokoitai would not have included women.
Paul wasn’t just familiar but an expert in the law, so he knew the Spetuagint, that’s why arsenokoites obviously refers to Lev 18 and 20.

So its clear that firstly same sex acts are contrary to God’s creation purpose for man and woman and that’s why they are condemned .

Your thinking fails at the first stage where you make an assumption that is actually contrary to what the Bible says, then you build on that assumption with more assumption.

What you really need to do is show what scriptures support same sex unions.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2004
Atlanta, GA.
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Hey, I actually agree with you on this. But, isn't this one of the reasons that more and more homosexuals are wanting to commit themselves to one partner and have that commitment officially recognized?

That would be a solution if God defined marriage as anything other than one man and one woman. Because He says marriage is to be between one man and one woman, any other type of arrangement still leaves the people involved sexually to be fornicators.
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Senior Member
Jul 28, 2005
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Well, to give an absolutely irrefutable answer of 'yes' or 'no' to the question is somewhat tricky because the word 'homosexual' never appears in the original manuscripts of scripture. So, it's therefore necessary to decipher what the word that 'homosexuality' replaced ACTUALLY means.

The words 'homosexuality/homosexual' are relatively recent and so we cannot really equate them to anything scriptural unless we try hard. It's present-day Christianity that has made homosexuality a taboo issue. I don't think that God (or the Bible-writers) actually address this topic (per se) at all. Perhaps 'sodomy' is about as close as we can get to what some might term as 'active homosexuality'. But, needless to say, homosexuals don't have the monopoly on the practice of sodomy.

Can you perhaps rephrase the question?

I will try to rephrase the question as best as I can.

I think I've thought of multiple questions that will better help you and I come to a better Biblical conclusion of the question.

1. Is the act of a man being with a man or a woman with a woman in a sexual way a sin Biblically?
2. Is same sex marriage (man with man, woman with woman) wrong Biblically even if there is no sexual intercourse? (Though I can't imagine there not being any.)
3. Is the desire for someone to be with the same sex a sin Biblically? (Not lust, but attraction).

My question is based on how many homosexuals desire marriage and sexual intercourse with another. Is this Biblically correct/allowed, or is it a sin altogether due to the fact that it's a same gender outside of mere friendship, but a romantic relationship, and eventually a sexual relationship.

Again I'll reinforce these rules:
BIBLE ANSWERS ONLY. (Provided with explanation).

This is not a hate thread. This is not an argument thread.
This is strictly a question and answer thread.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2004
Atlanta, GA.
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I will try to rephrase the question as best as I can.

I think I've thought of multiple questions that will better help you and I come to a better Biblical conclusion of the question.

1. Is the act of a man being with a man or a woman with a woman in a sexual way a sin Biblically?


2. Is same sex marriage (man with man, woman with woman) wrong Biblically even if there is no sexual intercourse? (Though I can't imagine there not being any.)

The sex is the sin. But there can't be any Biblical same sex marriage

3. Is the desire for someone to be with the same sex a sin Biblically? (Not lust, but attraction).

Nope. The Bible speaks to ACTS, not attraction. Now if by being with you're referring to intimacy, that's lust.

My question is based on how many homosexuals desire marriage and sexual intercourse with another.

Desiring marriage is not a sin, but they don't meet God's criteria for marriage. Desiring of that sexual intercourse is lust and therefore sinful.

Is this Biblically correct/allowed, or is it a sin altogether due to the fact that it's a same gender outside of mere friendship, but a romantic relationship, and eventually a sexual relationship.

Is it possible for two people of the same sex or opposite sex to have a romantic relationship without lusting?
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Senior Member
Jul 2, 2007
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To Olliefranz,
No that’s not so, the Bible makes no reference to heterosexual or homosexual acts, the sexual acts the Bible condemns are all those outside faithful marriage which means in terms of homo and heterosexual, all homosexual acts and most heterosexual acts

Exactly my point. The Bible does not say "homosexual acts are sinful." It merely gives examples of sexual sin. Some of those examples are heterosexual (that is, they involve partners of both sexes) and some are homosexual (that is, they involve partners of the same sex).

Yes I would agree with that, but add that all God created was good so yes it does say so even if not in those words.

Where does it say this? Where does the Bible refer to sexual acts privately?

Again, that is my point. If marital sex was not supposed to be private between the couple, then it would be proclaimed publicly. Since there is only the one (sinful) example of otherwise private marital sex illustrated in the Bible, the Bible treats other peoples' marital sex as none of our business.

Why not. If the examples of sexual acts as sin are not conclusive how do you know they are sin?

That is not at all what I said. The examples that the Bible gives of sin are sin. The examples themselves are not inconclusive.

However, to expand on the list of sins beyond the examples given in the Bible may be justified by the Bible (as in the incest laws), it may be just fence-building (as in the Jewish dietary laws) or it may exceed limits clearly indicated in the Bible. To expand the fact that every example of heterosexual sex is an example of sexual sin into a claim that all heterosexual sex is sinful is to deny the passages noted in my earlier post that sex within marriage is permitted.

A claim that a ban on all homosexual sex is biblical needs to show that a total ban does not deny any other part of Scripture, and that it is not simply a "fence" around the actual sins.

Rape is not mentioned as the sin in Genesis 19, knowing the men carnally ‘yada’ is. Yes we would call this rape but we would also call the men having sex with the daughters rape in that respect, which would mean homosexual rape is wicked but heterosexual rape isn’t. I suggest therefore that it is quite obvious rape is not the issue, ‘yada’ sex is the issue, same sex acts.

Whether or not the word rape is used, the mob was not friendly, and they were not going to take "No" for an answer. The only way you can claim that it was not rape is to assume they were only flirting.

And how do you get around the fact that in Gibeah, the situation was identical, including the call to "yada" the strangers, and what happened to the concubine was clearly rape and murder?

Having cast your doubts on what is sin, you then propose there are only five passages. You cant be unsure if you are sure.

I'd like to comment on this, but I have no idea what you are claiming here.

There are, like I said, not counting the passages concerning Sodom, Gibeah, and Ammon, only five passages where the example given is clearly homosexual in nature. In every other passage either no specific example is given, and it talks about immorality in general terms, or the example is heterosexual in nature. If I am mistaken, then please cite another passage which clearly gives a homosexual example.

None of this has ayny scriptural support. What kinds of homosexual sin or another are mentioned?

In 1 Corinthians 6 and in 1 Timothy 1, Paul refers to sinners he calls "arsenokoitai." This is one form of sin, and would appear to be homosexual in nature. In Romans 1:26-27, Paul is quoting a famous passage about a situation that the Greek philosophers recognized as "para physin," a phrase that would be in this context an equivalent of calling it sin. This is another form of sin.

I changed the word "kind" to "form" in the above paragraph since you incorrectly fixed on the the common phrase "kind of like" meaning "almost like" to interpret my original paragraph, when all I was saying was that murder is a sin of one kind (violent), theft is a sin of another kind (disrespect of property), and arsenokoiten is a sin of yet another kind (sexual). This also answers your next paragraph:

With arsenokoites I think we can see all the sins in 1 Corinthians 6 and 1 Timothy 1 are sins not ‘kind of sins’. And no longer with those who were washed, they weren’t kind of washed, they were washed.

Some Christians sadly fail to realise it.

No all Christians realize that they are only counted as righteous because they are "washed in the Blood." But some Christians fail to realize that in all three Pauline passages, the list of sins is given, not to use to judge one another, but to point out to each of us that no one measures up on his own. We all fail in our own efforts and it is only God's Love and His Grace that give us any hope. Romans 1:18-32 is immediately followed by Romans 2:1-3. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 is immediately followed by 1 Corinthians 6:11.

James tells us:
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one [point], he is guilty of all. For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.
James 2:10-11
And Jesus Himself tells us:
Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam [is] in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
Matthew 7:1-5
As has been shown not only is that assumption not so, it is an assumption. There is no implication of consent in the use of the word. You merely keep repeating the same assumption which I have claimed is baseless.

Nothing of the sort has been "shown" in this thread. And in other threads in this forum, it has been claimed that there is no implication of consent, but no true effort has been made to prove that claim. In one thread you brought up the fact that consent is not an issue in the incest verses, as if that proved it was not an issue in verse 22. But that is precisely the point. The sins in verses 6-17 are sins whether there is consent or not, so they are phrased in ways that do not imply lack of consent.

But not so with verse 22. There are two separate, but related Hebrew words "mishkav" and "shakav." Both mean to lie down. Both can be used to euphemistically refer to sex. Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 both use "shakav" to refer to "Lying with a man." Every other time the Bible chooses to use "shakav" to refer to sex, there is an element of non-consent that goes beyond mere seduction. Every other time. Why should this one time be different?

The rabbis that built the "fence" around the Leviticus command implicitly agreed. Although the proper way to refer to the verse would be "Zakar Shakav," they refered to the command (with the "fence" in place) as "Zakar Mishkav." The fence includes consensual sex. The original command does not.

And so the Bible doesn’t. The Bible affirms God’s purpose is man and woman in faithful union or celibacy, same sex acts are already outside that before they are specifically condemned as error (ie Romans 1)

Romans 1 is a whole 'nother ball of wax. As I posted earlier, I'll post on Romans separately.

Paul wasn’t just familiar but an expert in the law, so he knew the Spetuagint, that’s why arsenokoites obviously refers to Lev 18 and 20.

And that is exactly what I said. Why does this sound like you are taking me to task?

So its clear that firstly same sex acts are contrary to God’s creation purpose for man and woman and that’s why they are condemned .

Sexual reproduction, which admitedly normally requires genetic material from both a male and a female, is one of God's purposes in creating Eve. But not his primary purpose.

According to Genesis 2:18 God said that it is not good for a man to be alone, that he needs a companion, a helpmeet ("ezer" -- someone who helps or comforts). The word appears outside of Genesis 19 times. In all 19, the help is from the "mercies" of one's enemies. In three, the help is military in nature, in the rest, it is God's help that comforts as well as saves.

There is nothing specifically sexual in being a helpmeet, the relationship between Jonathan and David could probably be described as between helpmeets. Although if your closest helpmeet is also your spouse, there is no condemnation of loving sex.

Your thinking fails at the first stage where you make an assumption that is actually contrary to what the Bible says, then you build on that assumption with more assumption.

Please show me where I have made any assumption contrary to the Bible, since everything I mentioned is either an example from the Bible or a noting ofthe fact that the Bible specifically chooses not to comment on a particular subject with a warning not to infer too much from that fact.

It is possible that I failed to heed my own warning and made unwarranted assumptions, but I don't believe you can show anywhere where I assumed something in direct contradiction to the Bible.

What you really need to do is show what scriptures support same sex unions.

The Bible does not "support" or "endorse" opposite-sex sex any more than it does same-sex sex. But it does permit it in the union called marriage. I promised that in a future post I would show that it does allow for same-sex marriage. It is implied that it permits sex within that union, just as it does with opposite-sex marriage.

You already know my main argument along these lines and have never been able to counter that argument with anything but the a priori assumption that same-sex sex is always sin.
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Senior Member
Jul 28, 2005
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I have another question I want to add to mix. It may have been answered and I overlooked it, if so I apologize.

The question is:
Is being homosexual sin?

I see a lot of "gay pride" especially with "Gay Christians". I've always understood that a "Gay Christian" was an oxymoron. Can anyone help me out on this?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2004
Atlanta, GA.
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I have another question I want to add to mix. It may have been answered and I overlooked it, if so I apologize.

The question is:
Is being homosexual sin?

I see a lot of "gay pride" especially with "Gay Christians". I've always understood that a "Gay Christian" was an oxymoron. Can anyone help me out on this?

Nope. Nowhere in his Word does God identify a state of being as sinful. There has to be a choice to act taking place in order or there to be sin.

If being homosexual is a sin, then being a heterosexual would also be a sin.

People identify their attraction to one sex over the other well before they actually act on that attraction.

You can have someone who knows that he is attracted to the same sex and not be lusting or fornicating after the same sex just as you can have a heterosexual who knows they are attracted to the opposite sex but not lusting or fornicating.
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A Work In Progress
May 24, 2007
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Jesus taught us to love our neighbor as ourselves.. Homosexuality is not the problem SIN is.​

Homosexuality is sin because it goes against God's Order.

God created man and woman this is his order. Man for the woman and a woman for the Man.

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