Citizen of the Kingdom

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The Fruit of the Spirit
By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit.​

There is but One that is successfully a ‘law unto oneself’ and that is the Holy Spirit of God. In the nature of the Spirit-born one finds oneself as “here” in the flesh but “there’ in the human spirit.

Worldly knowledge ( in the field of electromagnetics ) can detect the messenger of the physical but never the message of the spiritual.

The duplication of measures brought to the singular of action depends on the connection to one or the other, either physical or spiritual. The spiritual eye and ear are in tune to the Holy Spirit, moving forward in understanding. The filling in is of necessary information and gained in this way constitutes healing for the brain and the mind. ( healing in the concept of the inner child and the progression involved in a healthy maturity)

Appropriation of one’s well-being must include the well-being of the earth also, because one is dependant on the other. The intention of inner listening is the recovery of the Spirit’s voice amid the chaos.

The living Spirit, as a law and a realm unto itself, within oneself, yet also within cultures, sometimes resulting in world issues, is also the door to completely opening oneself to the parental care of God needed to navigate both realms of the physical and spiritual infused into our nature as children of God.


Citizen of the Kingdom

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The Human Spirit In Connection With The Holy Spirit read first, is a scripture treatment of the following post. There is a heart-mind that is the place from which self flows, whether for good or bad, the fruit of one’s own spirit. Out of the heart of the fire is from where God speaks ~ Deuteronomy 4:15, 4:33, 4:36, 5:4, 5:22, 5:26, 9:10

Deuteronomy 4:36 From heaven He made you hear His voice to discipline you. On earth He showed you His great fire, while you heard His words coming out of the fire.
Matthew 15:19 For out of the heart come evil intentions, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, slander.
Romans 6:17 But thanks be to God that you, having once been slaves of sin, have become obedient from the heart to the form of teaching to which you were entrusted,
Proverbs 16:6 By loyalty and faithfulness iniquity is atoned for, and by the fear of the Lord one avoids evil.
Proverbs 8:13a To fear the LORD is to hate evil;

Becoming aware of the intelligence of the heart, when in proper relationship with God, undivided in loyalty, and unclouded (see blog post at top) then new possibilities find a limit in what is appropriate to the well-being of self and the earth. The self, when touched by the fire of God, must process thru the mind, to find expression thru the heart. Within that matrix new convictions are presented with new restraints.

Comrades of Jesus, by identity of life, become not messengers from Christ, but vehicles transporting Him, in Spirit-form, whether for a season, a day, or lifelong. The limitations of the Pentecost age doesn’t affect the resources available but rather the limited use of the resources available to the church and the churches failure to grow into them, thereby limiting the world also of His resources in the spiritual.

God’s spiritual resources, cloaked in the Holy Spirit for the dispensing of His gifts, is discovered, coming, departing, visiting, retiring; as over the original chaos the Spirit brooded for the production of the new cosmos, so over the processional chaos, ever brooding, until there came the word made flesh. On Pentecost the Spirit was poured out on all flesh, in fullness, leaving us w/o excuse. Genesis 6:12, Psalms 136:25 Manmade limits placed on God are not really things at all. The Pentecost age was aptly applied to Joel’s prophesy, but the church’s lacklustre is seen cloaked in it’s own silence.

Christ layed down His life and asks us to lay down our souls, our selves, for Him to train us up from within. Trust in what God has deemed possible. The flesh has been crucified (literally in His death) the starting point of the new creation follows (baptism is the identification with that as well as the public declaration of rebirth carrying His Name) now the Holy Spirit begins the new work from that which has been accomplished in the flesh-life of Jesus. God made Him both Lord and Christ until His enemies are made His footstool. This fact has become part of human history, as well as part of the divine plan.
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The last paragraph, Cassia, is guite good; though I would say: we will ALWAYS have the flesh with us; and Satan will ALWAYS seek to arouse it to cause us to act in the flesh, rather than "walk in the Spirit" as God enjoins us ---would you say? We are called to RESIST Satan and honor God, and confess our failures daily. I try to walk with my Lord Jesus all day, to keep from pleasing my flesh.

Though most of this is beyond the subject of this section about basic Church Truth, which is about church order and function collectively, I think, to show what the expression of Church in the world should be (as 1 Cor. 12:25) .
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Citizen of the Kingdom

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The last paragraph, Cassia, is guite good; though I would say: we will ALWAYS have the flesh with us; and Satan will ALWAYS seek to arouse it to cause us to act in the flesh, rather than "walk in the Spirit" as God enjoins us ---would you say? We are called to RESIST Satan and honor God, and confess our failures daily. I try to walk with my Lord Jesus all day, to keep from pleasing my flesh.

Though most of this is beyond the subject of this section about basic Church Truth, which is about church order and function collectively, I think, to show what the expression of Church in the world should be (as 1 Cor. 12:25) .
Your questioning is very strange indeed. The last paragraph "Trust in what God has deemed possible.” as with all of the threads I’ve written on this forum lately, is about preparing humanity for the the future in which God says He has plans to prosper and not to harm, which off course provides protection from evil. Satan ALWAYS seeking to arouse implies that the HS cannot control the flesh, and that is unbiblical. HOWEVER, what is beyond the subject of this section about basic church truth is not about the physical building but about WHO makes up the church. That imo is making provision for the flesh, so that may be a clue to your problem with the lopsided teaching you are introducing into a topic of any church ‘management’
1 Cor. 12:25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that the parts should have the same care for one another.

resist the devil and he will flee.
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Your questioning is very strange indeed. The last paragraph "Trust in what God has deemed possible.” as with all of the threads I’ve written on this forum lately, is about preparing humanity for the the future in which God says He has plans to prosper and not to harm, which off course provides protection from evil. Satan ALWAYS seeking to arouse implies that the HS cannot control the flesh, and that is unbiblical. HOWEVER, what is beyond the subject of this section about basic church truth is not about the physical building but about WHO makes up the church. That imo is making provision for the flesh, so that may be a clue to your problem with the lopsided teaching you are introducing into a topic of any church ‘management’
1 Cor. 12:25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that the parts should have the same care for one another.

resist the devil and he will flee.

You might re-read what I said, friend; for you seem to have miss-read it.
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You might re-read what I said, friend; for you seem to have miss-read it.

Adding here to my reply: It is important to see that we have the flesh with us always, and Satan always seeks to arouse it to cause us to act in the flesh and dishonor God (Satan is called the "beguiler" by God). God often warns us even in the Epistles of 'carnality': fleshly ways. Let us hold fast to love and loyalty to our God in His "...beloved Son": the Lord Jesus ---would you say? -1watchman
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Citizen of the Kingdom

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Adding here to my reply: It is important to see that we have the flesh with us always, and Satan always seeks to arouse it to cause us to act in the flesh and dishonor God (Satan is called the "beguiler" by God). God often warns us even in the Epistles of 'carnality': fleshly ways. Let us hold fast to love and loyalty to our God in His "...beloved Son": the Lord Jesus ---would you say? -1watchman
There is no sinless perfection in this life if that is what you are after hearing. I didn’t see the need to profess that. But if it makes you feel better, there it is.
tbh I’m quite sure that all of my beliefs have been laid out quite plainly during the years, including the need to bring everything to Christ,; from thoughts, to guilty conscience, to praise, and constant vigilance against offending our Lord and Saviour. If not in this post then probably the last few.
The direction is to becoming comfortable in God’s presence. Christ is not into shaming. That is the devil’s game, and we are not to catch the guilt balls that he throws at us. Rather we’re to trust that God is working to fulfill what He has begun and that is to correct the misguided steps and bring us to a place of contentment. That is the one thing that is to be learnt. Everything else is a gift.
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