I need help.


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Dec 5, 2016
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I am a teenager living with anxiety, and that's the reason I came here. I live in a highly religious family, and have always believed in a God. One day, about three to four months ago, few days before school started back up. I wondered, what if while we were in heaven, God got sick of us and just threw us out? So, I brushed this thought off as it scared me and went to sleep. Well, the next day, the thought stirred up again, this time, "What if there is no God?" and that is basically how my life has been for these three to four months. My anxiety has gotten better and better, until today, where I felt terrible. I thought I had overcome it, solid that there was a God, until it was shaken the night before. Reading causes more damage towards it, and I try to read online things that calm me down, but those lead to more questions. One question I have, is why do when people die on the operating table or just in general are resuscitated, why do some of them see nothing? Just blackness like they are taking a nap, I don't want to cease to exist, I want to be with God. I need answers to this. Death scares me when it comes to this, and the worst part is that the logic behind it makes sense. But then, most of the world believes in some God, while only a small part doesn't. I just need answers, and I'm terrified out of my mind.


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Jan 21, 2016
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I am a teenager living with anxiety, and that's the reason I came here. I live in a highly religious family, and have always believed in a God. One day, about three to four months ago, few days before school started back up. I wondered, what if while we were in heaven, God got sick of us and just threw us out? So, I brushed this thought off as it scared me and went to sleep. Well, the next day, the thought stirred up again, this time, "What if there is no God?" and that is basically how my life has been for these three to four months. My anxiety has gotten better and better, until today, where I felt terrible. I thought I had overcome it, solid that there was a God, until it was shaken the night before. Reading causes more damage towards it, and I try to read online things that calm me down, but those lead to more questions. One question I have, is why do when people die on the operating table or just in general are resuscitated, why do some of them see nothing? Just blackness like they are taking a nap, I don't want to cease to exist, I want to be with God. I need answers to this. Death scares me when it comes to this, and the worst part is that the logic behind it makes sense. But then, most of the world believes in some God, while only a small part doesn't. I just need answers, and I'm terrified out of my mind.

Look, we could talk all day about the validity of your fears concerning God's ethics or morals, but I mainly want you to know that your not alone. Their are many people out there who struggle with the same things you do. Most people will advise you to read your Bible and pray, as if this fixes everything. I would suggest that you find more like minded people like yourself and put out all that negativity and fear that you may have inside of you. I've been searching for peace for 17 years and I can't say I have the answers, but I feel like I'm getting closer all the time. The main thing is that no one should live in fear. So, if you want to chat in depth via PM I'd be happy to try and share with you further. If your anxieties get to a point where you are considering self-harm or suicide please see a medical professional.
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Root of Jesse

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Everyone should find God for themselves. Rejecting what you were taught is part of that process. God's got your back. When you are ready, just jump off that cliff, and tell Him to take over your life.
Rejecting what you've been taught is not good advice. I suggest against that. Study it and understand it, question it, certainly, but toss it out? No.
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Feb 28, 2016
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Well, the next day, the thought stirred up again, this time, "What if there is no God?"

That used to hit me every now and then, and then that feeling of Whoa Nelly! that tends to follow...it can depress, even shock anyone if they let it. But I always conclude it makes no sense at all there is no creator. Seriously, think how much sense the alternative makes...I mean it all just happened? Things don't just happen, but they are created, that's my logic anyway.

So if nothing else, I dwell on that and there really is plenty more to dwell on, but sometimes a little logic can be good for the soul too. :)
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Oct 13, 2018
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One question I have, is why do when people die on the operating table or just in general are resuscitated, why do some of them see nothing?

Well, if I had a near death experience, I'd tell you something about this, but the truth is most humans HAVEN'T had near death experiences, BUT you can search up articles and testimonies on YouTube and on the internet of Heaven and Hell and near death experiences.

Some people believe that if you die you go straight to Heaven, others say that you sleep for a while first, then when Jesus comes the second time, THAT'S when you'll go to Heaven. I say that I have no idea because the Bible is unclear about it, and I haven't experienced a near death experience before.

BUT I know a woman (my great grandmother) who went into a comma for around 2 weeks and she claimed that she went to Heaven but God told her that it wasn't her time yet, and was brought back down, and whilst there, she saw a man who she recognized, being cast down to Hell. The thing is, the man hadn't yet died, so maybe she was receiving a VISION of what would happen in the future, and not immediately after she died. Maybe that's why some people see only darkness, and other see Heaven and Hell.

ALSO, maybe there isn't time in Heaven.

I've also been told that when people die, the first being you're meant to see is Jesus, and not your dead relatives etc. cause demons can shape shift into those relatives and trick you into believing that you're going to join them again in happiness, while in reality, you're on your way to Hell.
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