
New Member
Feb 25, 2020
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I am a 25yr old single female and I have a lot of pressure from almost everyone around me to get married asap. It never used to bother me before, but recently I've been wanting to find someone to date for the purpose of getting married.
A lot of my close friends are either in a relationship or married, and at times, I feel almost envious and resentful of them, which is terrible as I love them to bits. I don't know how to feel.

I want advice on what to do/pray. I don't know if i should start praying to God to find a potential partner? What if it's not God's will?
Or If i should pray to God to remove this resentment and envy?
I just need clarity :/

Thank you in advance.
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Nov 28, 2019
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I am a 25yr old single female and I have a lot of pressure from almost everyone around me to get married asap. It never used to bother me before, but recently I've been wanting to find someone to date for the purpose of getting married.
A lot of my close friends are either in a relationship or married, and at times, I feel almost envious and resentful of them, which is terrible as I love them to bits. I don't know how to feel.

I want advice on what to do/pray. I don't know if i should start praying to God to find a potential partner? What if it's not God's will?
Or If i should pray to God to remove this resentment and envy?
I just need clarity :/

Thank you in advance.
Hey! You will need to give it to Jesus fully and be content but it’s Sooooo hard!

I married a Christian girl I met at my Christian college because my Christian friends were all getting married and she wanted to do it for the same reasons you lost here. All our family and friends were on board! Ten years later I’m in my house alone, and my wife had abandoned the faith, left me, and taken my two young sons and I only get to see them every other weekend. I praise Jesus for the work he has done in me and through me because of my suffering but I certainly don’t want you to have to experience it.

The truth is half your friends who are all getting married now will be divorced in 15 years. It’s statistics, math doesn’t lie and it will bear out this way for you.

Seek JOY from the fountain of Christ. That’s the kind of thing that will attract a Godly significant other :)
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Aussie Pete

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Aug 14, 2019
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I am a 25yr old single female and I have a lot of pressure from almost everyone around me to get married asap. It never used to bother me before, but recently I've been wanting to find someone to date for the purpose of getting married.
A lot of my close friends are either in a relationship or married, and at times, I feel almost envious and resentful of them, which is terrible as I love them to bits. I don't know how to feel.

I want advice on what to do/pray. I don't know if i should start praying to God to find a potential partner? What if it's not God's will?
Or If i should pray to God to remove this resentment and envy?
I just need clarity :/

Thank you in advance.
I'd suggest both. It's not surprising or wrong to want to marry. That's how God made us. It's not good to envy or be resentful. That is like poison to the soul. Please be aware that a bad relationship is worse than no relationship. My daughter allowed herself to get involved with a guy who went to church and made the right noises. Once they were married, he stopped going and her Christian life came to an end also.

Ask the Lord to cleanse your heart from resentment. Love is the antidote to envy - God's love, not our own. Ask the Lord to cause you to be glad for those who are married. That will sweeten your disposition and you will be the more attractive. Don't let peer pressure push you into something that you will regret. Mark Gungor has a tremendous insight into dating and marriage. He knows what makes men and women tick. I'd recommend you look him up on you tube.
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High Fidelity

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Feb 9, 2014
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Tell people to worry about their own lives before trying to prescribe their ideals and expectations to you.

The societal norm is to marry, have kids, get the nice house and car etc... if that's what you want then great, hopefully it happens, but trying to force it is a recipe for disaster.

Marrying for the sake of marriage either won't last or, if you're like some folks, will end up miserable for the rest of your life instead of just getting divorced and enjoying the rest of your life.

The here and now is guaranteed, we don't know what, if anything, comes next. We have faith, but I wouldn't forego the guarantees of today for the promises of tomorrow.
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Nov 30, 2019
South Africa
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I am a 25yr old single female and I have a lot of pressure from almost everyone around me to get married asap. It never used to bother me before, but recently I've been wanting to find someone to date for the purpose of getting married.
A lot of my close friends are either in a relationship or married, and at times, I feel almost envious and resentful of them, which is terrible as I love them to bits. I don't know how to feel.

I want advice on what to do/pray. I don't know if i should start praying to God to find a potential partner? What if it's not God's will?
Or If i should pray to God to remove this resentment and envy?
I just need clarity :/

Thank you in advance.
My advice to you is that, work on yourself first.
what do you want? Are you ready for marriage?
Remember that God does not work with time like we humans do. He does not let us all get married at a certain age!
When you are ready to get married, ask God to send you the right person.
Matthew 7:7-8 says" Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened"
Desperation will lead you straight into the devil's arms.
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
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I want advice on what to do/pray. I don't know if i should start praying to God to find a potential partner? What if it's not God's will?
Or If i should pray to God to remove this resentment and envy?
You can pray for both.
In the meantime, grow in selflessness and humility per Philippians 2:1-7. Every Christian has to do that anyway, and yes it has an application in marriage as well. If you become comfortable with that and grow in it and live in it, you'll be a better spouse than a lot of spouses out there.
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Chantel Waters

JESUS is returning soon, stay ready!
Oct 21, 2020
United States
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I want advice on what to do/pray. I don't know if i should start praying to God to find a potential partner? What if it's not God's will?
Or If i should pray to God to remove this resentment and envy?
I just need clarity :/
I think you should pray first for the resentment and envy because that's there too when people have relationships. There's always comparison and you don't want to be thinking "why can't my man be more like my friend's".

Secondly pray for preparation and if there's anything you need to work on before you're ready for marriage. Of course pray that your future husband will seek you IF it's in GOD's will for you to be married.

I myself wanted to be in a relationship and started reading more Christ centered self help books. Well one of them mentioned the possibility of it not being in GOD's will. I never even thought of that and it was hard for me to accept. It took me a while and honestly I'm still not sure if it applies to me. Maybe I'd believe it if I stopped getting crushes. One thing I know for sure is that I wasn't ready for a relationship. I got some issues to work on that's needed for a healthy relationship.

Becoming a Proverbs 31 woman isn't done overnight.:sigh:
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