I like being lonely but it hurts me, and the devil attacks me with blasphemous thoughts.


Apr 2, 2020
United States
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Hello, i don’t know how to starts this off, but I’m not asking you to feel pity for me as much as I would like you to, but I usually keep my thoughts in my head and never share them....this is my first time putting something like this on the internet.

I’m 18 and all of my life I’ve been a silent and lonely person, and when I say LONELY it’s not that people don’t want to hang or associate with me, sometimes it’s like that, but most of the time i choose to be lonely...it’s almost like I know it hurts me but I choose to do it anyways. Most nights I go to bed thinking and talking to god and asking him “what is my purpose in life”, like why am I here”, “please please, I’m your son”, and sometimes I’ll end up not speaking to god because I feel that I’m not going to get an answer in the fist place...but if god was to ever speak to me I just want to ask him, “why I’m my lowest and desperate times you didn’t answer”. Im not saying this in an angry way like “WHY WONT YOU SPEAK TO ME”, but out of respect... not to make god look bad, he has his reasons and I would like to know....maybe he want me to have more faith???. But you probably like “why would you keep doing that if you know your hurting yourself”, but I’m the type of person that try’s to keep myself away from what is the norm or relevant these days(NotSayingImBetterThanAnybody) it’s just that I lack a lot of identity and I can easily be chewed like gum and then spit right back out when the flavor is gone, because that’s what the devil does. He sucks you in then spits you out... this is what happens when we try to please the world/people trying to be something were not, and this has happened to me many times. But one thing in my life I live by is to always be yourself, because we live in a world full of wannabes.. for example “the person who your trying to be like, is trying to be like someone else”. And this is very dangerous for a person like me(SoIHaveMyReasons) I have people in school I talk to but it’s (OnceABlueMoon) rare, and I feel as if they don’t really understand me, I don’t really connect to what they’re saying and they’re usually speaking about things that’s are irrelevant in my opinion, because I know what it all leads to....and in the end we will just be lonely if we’re trying to please the world/people....
And I’ve have had a few friends and then all of a sudden they just stopped talking to me, not blatantly...but gradually. And you meet a person your interested in,(not in a relationship way) but in a friendly way but they just look at you with contempt and doesn’t really enjoy your presence when your around....remember it’s never obvious at first, but you just realize after when your alone and that’s when it hits you.

On the other hand if you’ve gotten this far and still reading this boring story, I have a lot of problems in my head and I feel as if the devils attacks me heavily with purpose and identity. Like I’ve failed god many times, I’m not joking, I know a lot of people say I’ve sinned many times against god... but when you can literally go and tell god “I won’t do it again”, and then turn around and do the same thing willfully, knowing that what your doing is wrong, and then on top of that know god is watching you, look him in the eye and then keep on sinning!
I’m ashamed to say this but this where I’m at now. Sometimes i can feel god staring at me just standing there silent, shaking his head.. like the way you do when a cute kid is caught stealing in a cookie jar, but you just don’t say nothing, you just stand there until he notices you.
The devil has had control of my life for many years, filling my head with blasphemous thoughts, and I’ve tried hard to stop sinning but it’s almost like this is destined to happen, almost like this is what I’m made for, like I get these really bad intrusive rebellious thoughts (ItsToExplicitToShare) but these always come especially when I’m trying to worship god...Its like the devil gets an notification when I’m about to pray....Sometimes I’ll go perfectly resisting temptation then bam!! The devil takes the wheel, this has been a cycle for a long time, and I truly have the desire to change...but I don’t really know how to hear gods voice... and I don’t really understand what people tell me when they like “speak to the Holy Spirit, he is our teacher” like bro how?? I ask the holy spirt to give me revelation when reading the Bible and I get nothing, and I’ve been trying to feel something, like I’ve heard people say you’ll know for sure sure sure when the Holy Spirit speaks to you... and to me it’s like “who even is the holy spirt” not in a disrespectful way but “who is he” like is he The Father, Son, who???. I know there all one but who exactly is he.

but this is all I have to say...thank you if you’ve gotten this far spending your time reading this.. thnx I’ve been thinking on how to say express this in words.


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Mar 29, 2020
United States
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Hello, i don’t know how to starts this off, but I’m not asking you to feel pity for me as much as I would like you to, but I usually keep my thoughts in my head and never share them....this is my first time putting something like this on the internet.

I’m 18 and all of my life I’ve been a silent and lonely person, and when I say LONELY it’s not that people don’t want to hang or associate with me, sometimes it’s like that, but most of the time i choose to be lonely...it’s almost like I know it hurts me but I choose to do it anyways. Most nights I go to bed thinking and talking to god and asking him “what is my purpose in life”, like why am I here”, “please please, I’m your son”, and sometimes I’ll end up not speaking to god because I feel that I’m not going to get an answer in the fist place...but if god was to ever speak to me I just want to ask him, “why I’m my lowest and desperate times you didn’t answer”. Im not saying this in an angry way like “WHY WONT YOU SPEAK TO ME”, but out of respect... not to make god look bad, he has his reasons and I would like to know....maybe he want me to have more faith???. But you probably like “why would you keep doing that if you know your hurting yourself”, but I’m the type of person that try’s to keep myself away from what is the norm or relevant these days(NotSayingImBetterThanAnybody) it’s just that I lack a lot of identity and I can easily be chewed like gum and then spit right back out when the flavor is gone, because that’s what the devil does. He sucks you in then spits you out... this is what happens when we try to please the world/people trying to be something were not, and this has happened to me many times. But one thing in my life I live by is to always be yourself, because we live in a world full of wannabes.. for example “the person who your trying to be like, is trying to be like someone else”. And this is very dangerous for a person like me(SoIHaveMyReasons) I have people in school I talk to but it’s (OnceABlueMoon) rare, and I feel as if they don’t really understand me, I don’t really connect to what they’re saying and they’re usually speaking about things that’s are irrelevant in my opinion, because I know what it all leads to....and in the end we will just be lonely if we’re trying to please the world/people....
And I’ve have had a few friends and then all of a sudden they just stopped talking to me, not blatantly...but gradually. And you meet a person your interested in,(not in a relationship way) but in a friendly way but they just look at you with contempt and doesn’t really enjoy your presence when your around....remember it’s never obvious at first, but you just realize after when your alone and that’s when it hits you.

On the other hand if you’ve gotten this far and still reading this boring story, I have a lot of problems in my head and I feel as if the devils attacks me heavily with purpose and identity. Like I’ve failed god many times, I’m not joking, I know a lot of people say I’ve sinned many times against god... but when you can literally go and tell god “I won’t do it again”, and then turn around and do the same thing willfully, knowing that what your doing is wrong, and then on top of that know god is watching you, look him in the eye and then keep on sinning!
I’m ashamed to say this but this where I’m at now. Sometimes i can feel god staring at me just standing there silent, shaking his head.. like the way you do when a cute kid is caught stealing in a cookie jar, but you just don’t say nothing, you just stand there until he notices you.
The devil has had control of my life for many years, filling my head with blasphemous thoughts, and I’ve tried hard to stop sinning but it’s almost like this is destined to happen, almost like this is what I’m made for, like I get these really bad intrusive rebellious thoughts (ItsToExplicitToShare) but these always come especially when I’m trying to worship god...Its like the devil gets an notification when I’m about to pray....Sometimes I’ll go perfectly resisting temptation then bam!! The devil takes the wheel, this has been a cycle for a long time, and I truly have the desire to change...but I don’t really know how to hear gods voice... and I don’t really understand what people tell me when they like “speak to the Holy Spirit, he is our teacher” like bro how?? I ask the holy spirt to give me revelation when reading the Bible and I get nothing, and I’ve been trying to feel something, like I’ve heard people say you’ll know for sure sure sure when the Holy Spirit speaks to you... and to me it’s like “who even is the holy spirt” not in a disrespectful way but “who is he” like is he The Father, Son, who???. I know there all one but who exactly is he.

but this is all I have to say...thank you if you’ve gotten this far spending your time reading this.. thnx I’ve been thinking on how to say express this in words.

I'm still learning on my path of faith and don't want to lead you in the wrong direction. I think you should talk to a priest about your deeper questions (or someone on here will help too)

I just wanted to say that I've felt and still feel that same way at times, regarding choosing but disliking loneliness, being different than others. You're not alone. You sound really intelligent and genuine, you might have a hard time fitting in but that is both a struggle and a blessing as you might have strengths your peers don't. Stay strong and keep searching. Relax and try to calm yourself. God loves you. The negatives of being different will become worth it when you find the positives in standing out and shining in your own way. God Bless.
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Bought by His Blood
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My dear brother it is not at all strange what is happening to you, we all suffer from such times, we all mess up, we all sin staring God in the face many times in our lives. The good news is God loves you anyway. It is written He loved us while we were still sinners.

That is what this is all about. You need to be saved from your sins and set free in His Kingdom. The first thing to do is crown love for God within your heart king, priest and prophet and secondly confess all your sins to Him and accept His gracious love.

This is what it is about. Most sin we commit we commit because we don't love God, when we love God then we don't sin on purpose. When we love ourselves more than God then we sin wilfully. So we want love for God to grow and selfish love to die out of us.

Eat grace brother. The more you eat grace the more you will love God for loving you graciously even though you been bad. It is even true to say that when we eat grace we grow in love for God and die to selfish love and wilful sin. For with grace the sin is washed off. Love for God does that. It cleanses itself from stains.

Keep doing this. Cultivate love for God because He send you Jesus Christ to die for your sins. Exercise faith in His love and you will see that you begin to get hope again. And hope in God will not disappoint you.

The reason you don't see God when you are at your worst is you look the wrong way. i know i did that as well for many years and in the end even cursed God in my frustration. Rather know that God is with you when you are at your worst, and grab His Word and let Him/Love lead you out of the trap you have fallen into.

God is love, when we are at our worst we are often loveless and that is why we can't hear God any more. To call upon Jesus in love because you love Him always answers quickly, honestly true.

So yes to make a long answer short. Let God's grace fill you up with love for God and neighbour and God Himself will come down from heaven and dwell in your heart and be with you through thick and thin. Honestly true. He is an awesome God and King who set me free from my sins and taught me to love Him and neighbour. All glory to Him.
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Apr 2, 2020
United States
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I'm still learning on my path of faith and don't want to lead you in the wrong direction. I think you should talk to a priest about your deeper questions (or someone on here will help too)

I just wanted to say that I've felt and still feel that same way at times, regarding choosing but disliking loneliness, being different than others. You're not alone. You sound really intelligent and genuine, you might have a hard time fitting in but that is both a struggle and a blessing as you might have strengths your peers don't. Stay strong and keep searching. Relax and try to calm yourself. God loves you. The negatives of being different will become worth it when you find the positives in standing out and shining in your own way. God Bless.
Thank you this is what I actually planned on doing, but due to corona I can’t even go to church, but I’ll most likely contact him thank you for taking the time reading that long paragraphs.....I also like psg and angel do maria
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til you can get to an expert. What's your purpose? Think God gives us interests, abilities, and skills that can help guide us to our purpose. Plus since you're in the US, there are many educational programs if you want to pursue that avenue.

blasphemous thoughts? There was a time I didnt think I could stop those type of thoughts but learned the Bible is true. Take every thought captive (II Cor 10:5) and replace those blasphemouus thoughts with Scripture. btw, you may not be responsible for that first thought concerning a topic as shown in both Matt 5:28 and Gen 3 (Eve didnt continue to stick with what God said) but you can do it with His help.

Here's some of His Word -

He formed you:
-“For You formed my innermost parts; You knit me [together] in my mother’s womb” Psa 139:13
-“Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?” Mal 2;10
-"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." Psa 139:14

He gives you life each day:
-“This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psa 118:24)
-“The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.” Job 33:4
"I will put ligaments on you, place muscles on you, and cover you with skin. I will put breath in you, and you will live. Then you will know that I am Yahweh." Eze 37:6

- praise Him for a spirit of heaviness (Isa 61) Laugh - even if it is totally fake - One neurosurgeon recommends 10 laughs a day. 'Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them." Psa 126:2
-Give your testimony even if it's to yourself Rev 12:11

"... god staring at me just standing there silent, shaking his head..." Urge you to replace with -Yeshua said - "I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me." John 17:23 ---- God loves you just as He loves Jesus Wow!
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Richard T

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I thank God for the other responses and that He is patient and has certainly not given up on you. The only thing I can add in reading about your turmoil is to suggest you need to have more faith that God wants to talk to you. There are many scriptures concerning this such as can be found at Scriptures On Guidance & Leading
I pray you get your guidance and vision from the Lord, that you learn the freedom you have in Christ, that you understand His love and care.
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