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    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

I just can't get into putting up a Christmas tree

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Senior Member
Oct 29, 2003
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I know I should, and my nine year old (see picture above) is asking when we are going to put one up. I haven't even bought Amy her presents yet-- unless you count the Christmas outfit I bought her. I did buy toys for Elizabeth, (my youngest who lives in a group home), a few weeks ago, but I don't know when I'll get to see her. She lives over an hour away and I can't drive. :(

I told Amy (my 9 year old daughter who lives at home) that we'll put the tree up this weekend-- Friday evening. The computer and TV will go off and Christmas music will be turned on. That will help set the mood. It always does, but I just don't feel like "getting into it" this year. I don't even want to make tamales and that's unusual for me. I've made them every year for I can't remember how long. (Family tradition). I just can't get into it this year!


(I lost my 10 year old, Jennifer, on September 10, 2002 in an accident: http://www.geocities.com/sandymeyers/rememberingjenny.html
and placed my youngest, Elizabeth, (who is autistic and
profoundly mentally retarded) in a group home this past January:
http://www.geocities.com/sandymeyers/elizabeth.html ).


Nov 27, 2003
Dear Sandy,
I know it is so hard,I lost my husband just last month and I am doing so many things for the first time without him,I didnot want to put up a tree but my stepson arrived at the house with a tree,it was so sweet of him,I looked at the bare tree all week,I knew my stepson would be coming to see me so I tried to put afew things on the tree,yes,I felt so sad while I was doing it,I feel for you Sandy,because you have to try for your little girl,try and pray as I am doing,God will be there for you,we have to remember the good times and be glad they have touched our lives ,
Go for it Sandy make your mind up that you are going to do all the little things you have done before,do them for Amy.
Ok Sandy I want to know WHEN you put your tree up and I don't know what
tamales are, but let me know when you have done them,is it somthing to eat?God's Blessings to you and Amy,dyfed.
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Oct 29, 2003
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Yes, tamales are a Mexican food made with a corn meal called "masa harina" and meat. I usually make them with pork shoulder but Amy doesn't care for them that way. I think I'll give in this year and make them with hamburger. (Easier that way too).

Thanks. We'll have to get together on St. Stephens Day (December 26th) and share how the day went. (Sharing smiles and cries alike).

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Creed or Chaos
Jun 24, 2003
Georgia - USA
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May God keep you, and strengthen you in this time of grief and of healing.

O Lord who watches over children in the present life and in the world to come because of their simplicity and innocence of mind, abundantly satisfying them with a place in Abraham's bosom, bringing them to live in radiantly shining places where the spirits of the righteous dwell: keep in peace the soul of Your little servant Jennifer, for You Yourself have said, "Let the little children come to Me, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Amen.

- Chris
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God Bless you both Sandy and Dyfed,
This is the 3rd year that my mom isn't around to celebrate with us. My wife and I had a son in May, 2002 and he will never know who his Grandma is. I can understand the pain and hurt that you are feeling. And I know of the loss of a loved one near the holidays really isn't fair. God will somehow help you thru this time of hurt and I know it won't get any easier, But, The memories will go on and in their own way console you. Again, God Bless you both and try to enjoy the holidays. If either of you would like to talk, I will answer any PM you send.
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