I have this feeling I should obey this


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Nov 14, 2004
Jesus says one must be born again. I thought perhaps even if one believes he must believe and be baptised it is sufficient because i thought the act is from God so one is not born of the will of men but it seems still that still comes about by the will of men that one thinks one can make God give you new birth. Therefore I believe the birth must come from God granting the permission not man insisting God acts because he believes he can do it without asking God to grant this birth not through any man doctrine but a gift of God.

Jesus said I am the door. So salvation comes through a person to come to Him that without doing so that He creates life being the source of all good through receiving a person one can not have life that he can not have life by simply observed creeds and laws.
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Nov 14, 2004
Actually I believe to be safe a person should seek to be baptised and have communion in any church as they are commands of Jesus that He requires to be done by others but can do in any church which offers it as does not matter their beliefs only that they say they seek to offer communion and if you tried and no one did and you died while seeking you are accepted.It is the prayer of the one receiving it that makes it so not the one giving it.I believe just that God wants it to be done where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name and to respect authority He Himself grants to leaders of churches even if they are unworthy like the high priest but if pastor does not offer it any other christians can as says where 2 or 3 are gathered He is there so another may offer it that I believe should find another.

I believe it is only required to seek to if they offer if it is nearby that the intention otherwise if cant is all that is necessary as Jesus was clear you dont need to travel to worship God saying to samaritan woman she does not need to travel to worship God for God is Spirit and time comes He is seeking them to worship in Spirit and truth or I suppose if can travel to be baptised must do it as i said before with baptism when near by if he intends to be baptised to travel even if slow but he is still working on it he is saved.

Also I think communion he can offer himself as pastor can offer for himself if there is no one that he acts instead of the pastor that he is considered pastor if none do their job among where he lives for God will annoint any as pastor though normally people insist by a choice that then he accepts but should be first in church if there is and just as baptism does just as baptism is about one own faith obedience as even churches view that baptism is still valid even if priest views are wrong that they had no other choice to say so as too many will seek to be rebaptised and not have full confidence in church if it was not valid from a priest.

For christ commands are to be done with others for where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name He is there and He may annoint the head that the church chooses to do or may be any christian can baptise and give communion but i dont know it could be only in emergency that they should seek to go to church. Unlike catholic and orthodox church which dont give assurance saying they dont know if person didnt join a church to be catechumen my dad explains to me that if one had intention to be baptised that went to a pastor who delayed baptism or communion if he dies before he will be saved that he does not need to see another pastor unless that pastor says he will not do he must make effort to see another pastor even if he is slow but he is still trying and dies before he is accepted.

I dont think they are required baptism and communion but they are commands of God that should be left to Him knowing He is the authority and decides what is just.The below verse though explains even if supposedly must have communion in church must also spend time with christ to listen to His voice that one may sup with Him or christ desires to speak to any to show them the way or give them assurance that He accepts them without doing so.

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Nov 14, 2004
I believe rather should trust God that baptism and communion is not necessary to be saved from eternal punishment except for forgiveness of sins now for escaping temporal punishment for them to wash them now that it saves from temporal punishment but one still has forgiveness of sins in world to come if one accept christ for christ is all that is necessarry to save from eternal punishment for rejecting christ is a sin christ can not take away in world to come as it is a choice against christ on purpose to reject Him when you need Him without repentance but can take away other sins through temporal punishment in world to come if you repented of sin.

But not being baptised is not an evil thing worthy of eternal punishment that you need to repent of but the means to be saved now and communion is necessary to continue full purification and unity with christ for Jesus said He was not bound to a place saying the reason why neither in Jerusalem or Samaria do you need to worship the Father is because He is Spirit that He does not require it and is now seeking those who do not preach to be bound to a place that He does not require it absolutely for salvation except for salvation on death.But if anyone is worried he can be baptised and have communion but all churches should offer it as they are ordinances of the Lord that it should be conveniently on that day they go to that church.
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Nov 14, 2004
I do believe actually that I believe christians should be united but even if not they can be saved but are not effective that should not support divisions for the sake of the gospel but I decided to try to join catholic church just to prove if I join and am rebaptised and chrismated it does not make me feel it is right to confirm that it is truth that you need it that I will accept whatever they say if it can prove truth and if I can find christ proves you only need to accept faith of the church if He shows me writings of church fathers or they show more what they mean to show church fathers that it is practical that can know others are accepted as bible says anyone can be saved but if can not prove will not follow church anymore not to support divisions.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided I am not interested in joining catholic church and orthodox church has this problem too that they require you to pray and fast before joining that you cant know if you did enough and they require you to actually agree with their teaching instead of just accepting it to join so it wont benefit me for I wont agree and besides I think is distraction as people need christ that I must serve God not to be lukewarm now but if others are worried they can see if they can agree or just accept what they say as true though i am not sure according to church fathers is acceptable if you dont believe. I am not sure you can find these quotes online it is from chatgpt could be made up but probably expresses the views of what people make that they believed that they said some things that is not clear that people make that they meant.

Actually I dont think anyone should trust the church that they should put their trust in christ that He is sufficient and preach Him as they must do that work to all in need and leave judgement of other christians to christ. Because one must not be lukewarm to be saved that should seek to spread message of salvation to all one knows in need to be saved and may be safest to visit the needy to preach though christ may only require to only seek to serve christ in any way to help any needy that should seek christ how much is required and what you need to do if you pray and read His word like Mary the sister of Martha and to be raptured if there is and pray if christ shows all christians can be saved.

Or rather I should not judge people in church that God allowed different churches that they should not be lukewarm only in helping support the churches mission in any way just to mention church or christ and doing any work that may help others inside who need and outside as they see you preach christ or church for them to follow christ or church as some can still for those who may join the church earlier so I wont but is better to preach only christ.

St. Cyril of Jerusalem: "Let the adults also be vindicated in their desire to join the holy ranks; let the daughters lead a chaste life, and let the young men fast before their baptism."

2. St. John Chrysostom: "Let those who intend to be baptized prepare themselves with fasting and prayers, so that they may be worthy to receive the grace of God."

3. St. Cyprian of Carthage: "To receive the sacrament of baptism, one must first prepare oneself with fasting and prayer, for it is a sacred and solemn rite that marks the beginning of new life in Christ."

4. St. Athanasius the Great: "Before receiving the gift of baptism, it is important to purify oneself through fasting and prayer, so that one may be fully prepared to receive the grace of God."

5. St. Basil the Great: "Let those who are preparing for baptism fast, so that they may cleanse their bodies and souls and be ready to receive the gift of new life in Christ through the sacrament of baptism."

1. "Let no one rush into Baptism without first learning what he must believe. Nor let any adult be baptized without some fundamental instruction in the faith, and not even then unless he can express his assent in some formulary consistent with the rule of faith" - St. Cyprian of Carthage

2. "For Baptism is the seal of faith and the confirmation of salvation; it is the life-giving water that washes away sin and bestows the grace of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, let those who seek Baptism not be hasty, but take the time to prepare themselves by studying the faith, examining their conscience, and receiving proper instruction in the teachings of the Church" - St. Cyril of Jerusalem

3. "It is not enough to simply desire to become a Christian; one must be properly catechized, instructed in the faith, and prepared for the responsibilities of living as a member of the Church. This process takes time, effort, and dedication, but it is worth it in order to fully embrace the gift of faith and grow in holiness" - St. Augustine of Hippo
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Nov 14, 2004
I do not believe catholic church is right that I believe none of the apostles had authority over the other apostles to be dependent on Peter even if Peter had the primacy to be the one to first be the one to speak to make decisions for church but afterward all the apostles equally had the power he was just allowed to do first. Paul said in nothing is he behind the most eminent apostles.Peter role was only servant as Jesus said not to be like the gentiles who exercise authority over others so he never had control over other apostles and it did not continue after Peter death but if it did it was not catholic pope but Peter was to represent every pope in every region to hold unity of bishops.

For bible shows that the disciples argued who would be considered greatest in Luke gospel and Jesus did not even say Peter that He would have if important if if it was important for He did not even say he would govern but implied whoever of the disciples can take a position and if they do they must serve the most. If it is argued God did not want to force catholicism if others are not ready would not be issue if make other verses not to be clear to make that possibly his position only may have implied to early church or that his position was meant to be only as servant and not helper but it is not shown he has any position clearly not mentioning it. And christ would mention it if important that He would not have to worry other popes ruin what He intends to want to show salvation is possible to all that He is able if He wants to ensure that truth was communicated or to mention Peter as head if he trusted current popes.

I decided to follow orthodox church but believe persons who have not been baptised maybe do not need to but I dont know they may need to try if can travel so I can not teach they dont need to if close by church but those who are far from church that can not travel do not need to be that desire is enough but if can not only because lack of money should work to be able to but if can travel and they are seeking to make effort however slow but still determined to do are accepted if they die before meeting priest or before he agrees to baptise because it is the job of the church to spread everywhere and offer baptism. The sacraments are necessary for orthodox christians to teach other christians the truth only that they help them. And maybe by partaking in sacraments God will show me more clear later that no one needs to travel to see priest and what is required if easier for those close by.

I am only preaching orthodox church to be safe incase true and incase it will help nourish me to be closer to christ to make a big difference but if not I think all christians are saved. But I will still go to other churches to learn from the good and bible only churches if they can help me have proper understanding of God to have assurance I know Him and all that is required not on water down gospel but otherwise will let them know though am not forcing that my belief is they should follow orthodox church to be safe.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe the only safe way as is most practical that allows you to preach to anyone and we cant ignore any is to be born again that we should be united teaching that and I believe is wrong to trust in works that works are only evidence of salvation that it should be produced if you are saved if you cooperate with the grace given but are not needed salvation is a gift of God not of works not of yoursleves lest any man boast. But works are important to do to be saved on death.But one trust should not be in works not to seek justification of. So I believe all should receive christ as Lord and saviour to put trust in His work not one own to be saved and to be raptured if there is and pray if christ shows all christians can be saved.

I believe billy graham meant by video below after you are saved you prove you are christian by your works to mean only you should behave as christian for furtherance of gospel but not to be saved because afterwards he says but you can not do anything to earn.

The below link shows safest way to be saved

I have this feeling I should obey this

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Nov 14, 2004
Actually works are important for what God brings according to your path and what you can do that it shows you are christian but otherwise you dont need to do for as I posted before if you have bible in your head but dont help one on street it means nothing if you can help but one is only responsible to help those who are brought to your path and you have ability now to help and who cant be sure others will help.

That such works are just a reflection of true faith that if you are christian you will behave as one for the sake of gospel for anyone can help all types of needy they encounter even if you dont have a skill but to do what you can to tell others that can help that it is not that you need to know how to do a work but a reflection of your faith the willingness to help those you can to show you are christian for James says to him who knows to do good and does not do it to him it is sin.

I think it is safe all should trust only in christ as all need christ that you have to share gospel to all to ensure to be saved and to be raptured if there is and pray if christ shows all christians can be saved. I believe now that to do such works is important and also to have relationship with christ to read His word and praying may be important also to be ready even for believers not just to help stop sin but may be important to be regarded to have relationship with christ.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe now that God will not judge any one for trying to do what one thinks is necessary to be saved to seek to do all works he has not done in his life and daily incase one thinks or if necessary but christians should be united to be born again so they may minister to all the gospel that I think is safest to do and pray if christ shows all christians can be saved for He alone knows to decide.I believe the below I wrote before is what all should follow.

I believe Greg Laurie explains well that works are the result of salvation that it is evidence if it so if it is not produced at all there is no evidence of salvation which I believe it is just the faith that action to desire to do which saves so that would result in works if one does not die which shows evidence of salvation. And works should be done as you dont know if you will die when you are not ready when you are not seeking to do and not turning to christ. Also I believe it is safest to teach incase right that I dont know that we should seek to do all works we have not done to feed the hungry clothe the naked visit the sick and in prison and a stranger in christ incase required but only God knows if not required but incase required not to be lukewarm.

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Nov 14, 2004
I believe divisions are not right that it is not right to support it but there are so I want to test the claim of orthodox church that I want to experience church so I will follow it but others do not have to follow it if they dont want to but I think is right to trust God not to judge church that may be safest for all to follow church incase that I want to try to see if makes me closer to jesus to nourish me and otherwise I will not support divisions.

For I believe people in church can be saved by preaching church by word and action that your action is what counts even if person does not join church because some people can join the church so preaching to all that some by your action can join that it is not too difficult for some that would just need to pray and fast for a bit and show that you understand the faith so priest agrees to baptise them.

But maybe by partaking in sacraments because I return to God which He requires to do to as it is turning away that allows deception that He said he that has will be given more but he who has not even what he has will be taken away that if I do maybe He will show me one day writings of church fathers that we discover it that unbaptised people dont need to be baptised just the baptised do to teach others to accept by faith in church is enough but I dont know that maybe they need to seek to atleast and God will show though all that is required to seek to be that it is practical.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided not to follow church just that I will visit any church as is more important to focus on preaching the gospel and leave for others to decide what church they want to follow. I just think of following church because other people who are bible only believers judge alot to act like persons are not commited enough or too worldly and I thought maybe they learn from church people where their commitment comes and to not be worldly to be attached to things from sacraments and learning from church but I think not but if others are worried they can follow church and one person made me worry that person needs to help all types of needy all the time to be saved to affect me that I wanted more understanding through church but I will not worry and focus on following only christ seeking Him to give understanding and if others are worried they can follow church.
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Nov 14, 2004
Even though may seem like catholic is not right because Jesus could have said Peter is the head and from the beginning preach truth but i think christ may not have wanted to force to make people atleast ready to receive not to be against christ because christianity could look evil if run by popes if they do evil so christ wanted to make it not clear to support other christians as appreciated until they are ready to receive.I believe God is just that would accept coptic to become catholic because he does not know so believe it is safest for others to join catholic church. I decided I want to seek to join catholic church just to see if proves to me but otherwise not support divisions. I decided to accept catholic church views to accept whatever it is if their doctrine does not teach to desire to join without seeking to speak to priest when difficult is enough if it proves to me it is true will continue but otherwise accept just to accept the faith is enough and be baptised in any church if can but if not desire is enough. As it may be church teaches is enough to accept the faith people should.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided it is wrong to not trust God justice and love and I should trust His way is reasonable that any can do so will seek Him to show way where i can get assurance.For I do not agree one does not have to seek to obey to abide in Him but think by free gift he may mean you have grace now that you can be saved now no matter if you did not do works to deserve and only need to do now what you can. I trust now His justice that He understands and not make stumbling blocks by not showing that I will trust Him to testify to His justice for all who need Him. The point of the video is fulfilling law does not save or Jesus would not die if He did need to if the punishment for our sin was not hell which is sin to choose not to believe in Jesus which is not repented of so deserves death.

If others are worried they can follow church

When one says God watched His Son die it is not accurate because the Father and the Son are one only that He suffered in His humanity and was separated from being delivered by His divinity that did not die with the Son humanity because the divinity does not die and was therefore able to raise Him up but the divinity did not help the Son in his humanity from suffering so He felt forsaken but was with Him to raise Him after death.

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Nov 14, 2004
Though I believe christ is sufficient it looks worse not to prove it which I want to prove catholic makes no difference first and then orthodox church makes no difference so I will seek to join catholic church and if not convinced follow orthodox church to prove it makes no difference that I dont feel more strengthened to do work and to pray and feel the presence of God.
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Nov 14, 2004
I really was just annoyed that people will be taking advantage of my behaviour to put down that I wanted to stop them by seeking to join catholic church but I think is sufficient to believe in christ but I decided I will just follow orthodox church to see if makes difference otherwise not support divisions but others who were never baptised orthodox dont have to follow it but maybe they teach they have to be either catholic or orthodox that orthodox church teaches if persons were never proved truth absolutely they are not required to follow except those who are baptised orthodox so if orthodox proves to me that I feel automatically strengthened and pray I assume you need to follow a church but can be catholic but if not it does not matter but one can follow catholic church if worried.

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Nov 14, 2004
Thankyou I agree I just wanted to follow churches to prove and I decided to follow below.

I decided I would only follow christ that is right to trust Him that my only intention was to prove they dont make difference but unfortunately may not be able to because churches make it harder to join but that is also more reason why I think it is right to trust only in christ. If others are worried they can seek to join catholic church or orthodox church if they want.
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Nov 14, 2004
It is not wrong to want to get married but is a temptation from the enemy that you allow such desire to consume you to be your main focus rather than serving God. The bible says worry about nothing but thank the Lord first then pray that He knows one needs for His plan for one life that we can not say God always gives request for God has different will for each for what He equipped all people to have for He did not promise to give our desires but to satisfy us if we delight ourselves in the Lord we will be given desires He wishes that He knows can satisfy us that if we have salvation we have everything.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe actually it is not right to take risk that all christians should be united to be born again as church is not scriptural so there is no basis to support it to not be united for the sake of people to come to christ if they meet people that they have to witness and they should look for some needy to preach to them but perhaps that is not what was required in matthew 25 but is required in matthew 24 that if you can not preach now atleast you should support people that do that matthew 25 may just be about helping needy christians or could be doing to those who could be christian as all human are brethren according to natural birth even if they are not saved the point being done to christ because christ desires them to be saved so need to preach that might be one or may require more since the church may hinder the work that people ought to be united for sake of people souls and leave judgement to christ who alone knows. So that will ensure people are saved that people ought to teach what they know to our loved ones and to be raptured if there is.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe actually salvation is a free gift that if you received christ then you fulfilled matthew 25 as that was about that there was needy people among those who are true christians that was sent along others path different for all that the righteous would have once ministered to one because they care for the truth and they received christ from them so is done to christ but it can be any to stranger. But we should go and preach to all that they may be saved but is sufficient to be united to receive christ as Lord and saviour to trust in His work to be saved because it can not be about works for some can not do. We should be united and preach only christ but as billy graham said you can not do one work to be saved that we are just to do works because we are christian to spread the gospel. Bible says it is not of works lest any boast so is not about working your way to heaven that you are not responsible for everyone for salvation but you should.
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