I get the impression that American (Evangelical) Christians are supporting Trump, but why?


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It's hardly "conservative" to embrace 19th century Protestant novelty doctrines like literal inerrancy, perspicuity or the hypertrophied version of Sola Scriptura favored by Evangelicals.

No... they should have stuck with all the new doctrines the church was piling on (selling indulgences etc) instead of believing, teaching, and following scripture... lol

Martin Luther's 95 Theses

God bless!
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hypertrophied version of Sola Scriptura favored by Evangelicals.

Do you happen to remember the ATT wireless phone commercials where they would repeat "more bars in more places"?

We moved several times and never seemed to live in a place where there were more bars in more places. Instead, our neighbors would say stuff like, "You should switch to Verizon. ATT is awful reception."

So, the ad was the opposite of the reality. That's why the ad -- to try to get people to believe opposite the reality.

So it is with some that trumpet that they are doing a "Biblical" thing when they do some political position or such now a days, I've noticed.

They will claim, say, assert to be "biblical" very prominently, but they don't know the bible very well, it turns out, I've seen, too many times.

Some (not all)
are saying they are "biblical" precisely because they are not.

So you have to test each individually (check their claims against scripture, which often doesn't quite say precisely what they claim). You need to take caution now a days when someone claims their political position is 'biblical'.

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I tend to agree, if I think about Christians outside USA. Trump seem to be a character that is very much an American phenomena, and something uniquely archetypal of that nation, but here in Europe it don't seem like anyone look at him as anything else then a joke, or make people like myself deeply worried for the largest military arsenal in the world ending up in the wrong hands. I can't see anything about Trump that make me think he have anything to do with Christianity, but I understand that Christians perhaps don't understand anymore in USA what they are doing or what is real and what is true and what is a lie.
Christians in th U.S don't understand what's real and what's true? Stay where you are son, and keep hitting that wine. It won't increase your understanding, but I don't believe it will decrease it none.
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… Indeed, we do not have an equal-opportunity media ecosystem. The anguish of seeing these tactics deployed time and time again to malign movements for justice illustrates that over the long term, they are effective only for those who want to advance short-term gains over long-term trust and safety. Many people believe they can spot false news and propaganda, but the reality is that it is much more difficult because the very design of social media and the incentives to plant misinformation are weighted in the favor of disinformers. In an environment where novel claims travel far and fast, the truth is at a serious disadvantage.

In the early stages Trump caught flak for suggesting closing down travel from China. Pelosi on her rickety stump with her sycophant jesters charging overstep. Governors refusing to obey Federal mandates.

CNBC This is from a lib mud rag.

  • New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Saturday he does not believe President Donald Trump has the authority to impose a quarantine on New York, New Jersey and parts of Connecticut to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

  • Cuomo, in an interview with CNN, said that preventing people from moving in and out of the tri-state would amount to a federally imposed lockdown, which he believes is illegal.

  • Cuomo suggested he could sue if the administration did follow through. “I’ve sued the federal government a number of times over the years. I do not believe it’s going to come to that on this,” he said.
WHO in April; The WHO states on its website that “if you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with suspected 2019-nCoV infection.”


1. President Trump called coronavirus a hoax

Editing President Trump out of context is Democrats’ favorite way to exploit this national emergency for political purposes. Biden’s campaign took two separate statements made by the president at a rally to make it look like he said, “Coronavirus, this is their new hoax.” If you go through the transcript of the president’s statements that night, it is clear that it never happened. President Trump rightfully said the politicization of the crisis is a hoax, just like the Russia witch hunt and the impeachment charade. The Washington Post even awarded Biden four Pinocchios for manipulating the video. But President Trump never said, and never would say, the disease itself is a hoax.

2. The Trump administration rejected WHO coronavirus test kits

During the March 15 presidential debate, Biden asserted the Trump administration “refused to get coronavirus testing kits from the World Health Organization,” while attacking the president for his handling of the COVID-19 response. The truth? WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris said, “No discussion occurred between WHO and CDC about WHO providing COVID-19 tests to the United States.” How could President Trump reject something that was never offered?

3. Trump eliminated entities responsible for global health security and biodefense

On March 19, Biden tweeted, “The Obama-Biden Administration set up the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense to prepare for future pandemics like COVID-19. Donald Trump eliminated it.” This characterization, however, completely distorts what happened. After President Trump took office, the NSC established the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which included global health and biodefense. Tim Morrison, who ran the new directorate, claimed this change made America’s biodefense response even stronger.

4. Trump made no effort to get medical professionals to China

At the end of March, during an interview with Anderson Cooper, Biden said, “You should get into China and get our experts there. We have the best in the world. Get them in so we know what is actually happening. There was no effort to do that.” However, on January 6, the Trump administration began offering to send a CDC team to China, one week after China publicly acknowledged the virus. On January 7, the CDC set up its coronavirus incident management system before the first death was reported and while China was still claiming there was no evidence the virus could spread from human to human. And on January 8, CDC representatives visited Wuhan.

5. Trump told governors they were on their own in getting medical equipment

During a CNN town hall, Joe Biden said President Trump told governors they were on their own in getting medical equipment. The problem? That’s not what the president said. Although many liberal news outlets ran with the first half of President Trump’s quote, “Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves,” the second half of the quote clearly said, “[The federal government] will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.” Biden knew about the entire quote nine days before he repeated the lie on national television.

6. Trump slashed the Centers for Disease Control budget

During an interview on ABC’s “This Week” in early March, Joe Biden asserted. “They’ve cut the — the Centers for Disease Control. They’ve cut the funding for — they’ve tried to cut the funding for NIH, the National Institute of Health.” He recently doubled down on his argument on Twitter. It’s important to note, however, that the Obama administration tried to cut the CDC’s budget five out of its eight years in the White House. In reality, the CDC’s budget is 7% larger now than under President Obama’s final years in office.

History proves Joe Biden’s failed pandemic responses. While he likes to tout his leadership with handling the 2014 Ebola crisis for how he would lead the country through COVID-19, many former Obama officials have said Biden was not at the center of the Ebola response. Additionally, during the 2009 H1N1 crisis, administration officials repeatedly had to walk back false or misleading statements Biden gave about the virus.

There is no good reason for Joe Biden to consistently lie to the American public. Perhaps it’s more of his senior moments that prove he has no concept of reality. Or maybe it’s just a failed attempt to stay visible during this crisis. 6 Biden Lies About Trump's COVID Response | RealClearPolitics!

Libs drank the Koolaid.

He who sits at the bottom of a well to observe the sky, does not see very much.

In Christ
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Pavel Mosko

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(Concerning the OP) I don' t think the reasons have changed since that last two times you have asked the same basic haranguing question. For myself it comes to "renouncing Satan and all his works" the baptismal affirmation you affirm if you are an adult being baptized or the parent, etc. of a child being baptized. President Trump may be obnoxious in a obvious visible way, but he is substantially less evil than Democrats who say lots of nice things but actually stand for nothing other than keeping their political and temporal power and wealth.
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I look underneath his rhetoric and look at the substance of the issues he stands for which I believe are the closest to God's heart. These include putting an end to abortion, stemming the tide of perversion (LGBT), supporting Israel. He was able to do some things involving a little bit of prison reform too. I'm thankful for that as well.
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It just seem like a typical knee-jerk reaction from Trump-supporters to decry the media, and echo the opinion that media is "the enemy of the people" (of course, unless it's the kind of media that talk favorable about him), but personally I try to follow various news from all over the world, and different views on politics, and generally they are pretty much accurate when it come to Trump, if I use the close up and personal opinions about him that I've read in books by Bob Woodward, Michael Cohen, Mary Trump etc. It's an nontraditional, unconventional and unusual political figure to say it mildly.

How about talking about why you support Trump, and try to explain to a foreigner like myself what in his politics that seem to be good and true for you? Because I honestly, hand on my heart, don't understand a think about what anyone might think is positive, and specially not whatever about him might make Christians support him?

Thanks in advance for giving me your viewpoint, if you care to explain this mystery to me. :oldthumbsup:

PS! Please let me know if anything of what I write feels offensive! I'm honesty really confused about what I might have done wrong in my last post, and I'm really not a person that say or do things that hurt people, but I do have the experience that I have often been disliked by people because I care more about talking the truth, then if telling lies would make people think better of me.

I tend to agree, if I think about Christians outside USA. Trump seem to be a character that is very much an American phenomena, and something uniquely archetypal of that nation, but here in Europe it don't seem like anyone look at him as anything else then a joke, or make people like myself deeply worried for the largest military arsenal in the world ending up in the wrong hands. I can't see anything about Trump that make me think he have anything to do with Christianity, but I understand that Christians perhaps don't understand anymore in USA what they are doing or what is real and what is true and what is a lie.

I was very happy to see Biden win, and very upset that there's accusation about voter fraud, something that he really, pretty much made clear in advance that he thought, since it undermine the democratic process and might even make people turn to violence, and the way I understand the current administration, I don't doubt for a second that they would cause a deathblow to democracy and declare Trump to be the first emperor of USA, nor do I doubt, by what I've seen so far, that his supporters would think this was according to law and order, Christian values, and patriotism.:idea:

Once you identify their true lodestar, power, the evangelical response all makes sense. Certain religious leaders seeking power see Trump as a means to an end to have their will established, regardless of the damage done to the reputation of the church. IMO, there is also a touch of nationalism and white supremacy mixed in as well.

Some churches have become very cult like, and some of the teachings I have heard walk the line, if not cross it, of equating democrats and republicans with good and evil, and whom one votes for with whether or not one is saved. Even though Trump manifests all of the abominations and none of the fruit, he has been spoken of as the chosen one sent to save us. I consider it an abuse of authority, as many are taught to follow their pastor and church teaching without question. Then you have some pastors proclaiming his victory from the pulpit, calling on African angels etc. So when what they say doesn't come to pass for some it becomes a crisis of faith. Is the pastor hearing from God? Can the pastor be trusted? Is God real? If we are in the right, why wasn't the prayer answered? Are we being punished? Etc...

There was a time when even non-believers respected the church and church leaders, even if they didn't subscribe to the faith. Now the faith is mocked because hypocrisy abounds and the embrace of Trump is used as justification to disavow church. Now that Biden has won, I'm sure all the people who said character didn't count because we elected a president and not a theologian will change their tune. The specter of Trump will be the constant foil for all this faux morality, though.
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The very worst thing for me though is that it is really saddening for me how infiltrated the churches in USA seem to have become by the Republican Party, and that when people talk with disgust about the Trump-administration, they seem to blame Christians (evangelical's - whatever that refer to) and thus blaspheme God, since they look at Christians as hypocrites that might talk of good things, but by supporting Trump are doing something evil. So I've honestly feared the end of days and really think that Trump is making the way for the Anti-Christ. And this make me fear the largest Christian community in the world, and I become confused, and I really feel that my faith is being damaged
I completely share your concern.

Before the elections, I disliked Trump's approach and thought that Evangelical Christians were voting for him bec of positions on late-term abortion and supporting televangelists.

After he refused to concede the elections and Evangelical Christians continued to support his conspiracy theories, I'm quickly losing faith in these people's judgment and sincerity.

Before the elections they had the right to support whomever they wanted, even if they were wrong. But after the elections many have been showing cultic behavior by promoting conspiration theories. Something is seriously wrong!!

BTW, I've been attending Evangelical churches for years, my friends are Evangelical Christians, but I would no longer apply this designation to myself.

It's making me sad to the point that before reading your reading, I considered posting similar ideas in the Christian Advice forum and asking for prayers for what I feel regarding Evangelicals.

2020 Faith Vote Reflects 2016 Patterns
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Typically, the more theologically conservative one is the more politically liberal they would be because they take seriously God's commandments to serve their fellow man and that what we do to the Least of these we are doing to God Himself.
This is what I believe, also. Thank you.

Unfortunately, it's not true of Credobaptists, who are commonly referred to as Evangelical Christians.

"Surveys of early voters and exit polls this year showed between 76 and 81% of white evangelical and "born again" voters supporting Trump, according to the National Election Pool and AP/Votecast."

They defend the rights the rights of fetuses but not the rights of widows, orphans, and aliens! They do not appear to care for the rights of the poor, sick, and socially-challenged.
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These kinds of discussions have brought out a lot of people's true colors in this forum and I'm quickly reminded of the parable of the wheat and the tares. We are in a spiritual battle for the soul of America!
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These kinds of discussions have brought out a lot of people's true colors in this forum and I'm quickly reminded of the parable of the wheat and the tares. We are in a spiritual battle for the soul of America!
Making a list of who is naughty and who is nice? :)
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High Fidelity

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These kinds of discussions have brought out a lot of people's true colors in this forum and I'm quickly reminded of the parable of the wheat and the tares. We are in a spiritual battle for the soul of America!

Indeed. Trump has stood shepherding through the wide gate for long enough.
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Arc F1

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But you're in agreement with "Pastor" Paula White, so go figure... What fellowship hath light with darkness?

I've spoken out several times about the pay for play preachers. Please don't lump me in with them.
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I've spoken out several times about the pay for play preachers. Please don't lump me in with them.

They are some of Trump's biggest Christian supporters.
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I look underneath his rhetoric and look at the substance of the issues he stands for which I believe are the closest to God's heart. These include putting an end to abortion, stemming the tide of perversion (LGBT), supporting Israel.

Do you honestly believe Trump cares about any of that? Underneath his rhetoric, he seems little more than a narcissist looking to accumulate personal power.
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High Fidelity

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That's your perception not what is true.

My perception is all that matters which is my point entirely. I don't rely on media to tell me what he has said when it's all available online directly from the source, himself.
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I've spoken out several times about the pay for play preachers. Please don't lump me in with them.
Aren't you on the same team - Team Trump? You lump yourself in with them, don't blame me for your choice to be Paula White's teammate. Own it.
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Arc F1

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Aren't you on the same team - Team Trump? You lump yourself in with them, don't blame me for your choice to be Paula White's teammate. Own it.

Do you identify with every Biden supporter?
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