Have you ever wondered what is would be like to hang around Jesus back in the day?


Aug 6, 2005
A journey into every day life with Jesus from Mary Magdalene's point of view...

Dear reader,

I invite you to take a journey with me and experience every day life with Jesus.

A word about the story: A couple of years ago I posted on this board a set of fiction stories is called "The Magdalene Journal." Recently I decided to rework it and hope to get it ready for publishing.

Please keep in mind that the key word is "fiction." John the beloved apostle wrote at the end of his gospel that Jesus did many other things that are not written in this book. The Journal is my imaginings,"a trip back in time" "hanging out with Jesus." I do this without talking away from the integrity and righteous character the gospel writers give Christ. Since I am a woman I chose to tell the story through a female disciple, Mary Magdalene. If I had been a man I would have chosen John the beloved, my favorite apostle.

In regards to Magdalene I feel it necessary to stress I don't agree with any of the ideas in the Da vinci Code yet you will find in my story Jesus and Magdalene do share a close relationship. I tend to agree with the scholars who believe that Magdalene and Mary of Bethany were not two separate people. In other words instead of having two different women anoint Jesus, there was actually one women who poured the perfume on Him.

The story is also a celebration of Jesus as the Bridegroom of Israel, the Church and our individual souls. I figure Magdalene is a “type” of the Bride ~ both corporately and privately.

I hope you find yourself in this story. comments and suggestions are welcome. Thanks for reading! :wave:

KisstheSon (Amy)
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Aug 6, 2005
Entry 1

The Magdalene Journals
The 1st year
Early summer

We left Capernaum and are traveling again, though our friends begged Yeshua not to depart, he insisted that he must go to other towns and cities to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven. Although I know he will sorely miss the lake and his beloved Capernaum, I am glad to see he hasn't lost the spring in his step. He and his disciples ran down the road to the village well in Bethseda. The neighbors stood watching and cheering the Master on, but the Zebedee brothers Jochannan and Jacob were the first to arrive, the youngest coming first with his brother Jacob arriving right behind. Yeshua lifted an arm of each of the brother's and announced their victory.

"The first drink from the well belongs to Jochannan and Jacob, the son of thunder!"

Everyone applauded.

The young girls of the village then circled the well chattering and laughing as girls do when they are around men. And here were thirteen! The brothers were their first pick, tall, lean, smooth faces, spiraling dark hair, but shot through with streaks of red because of their days at sea. You can see the copper color when the sun catches their hair. Jochannan has enormous dark eyes while the older, Jacob, has green eyes. The son's of thunder were happy for all the attention. Jochannan grinned from ear to ear when he caught a girl whispering about him. He glanced at his arms. He always wears the sleeves of his robe rolled up and opens his tunic at the neck, baring his chest partially. He never thought twice about it until today. I laughed to see he did nothing to correct his appearance. The girls, a collection of maiden graces, flowing hair and robes made of colorful tapestries surrounded the men, each of them brooding and hoping there was a husband there among the disciples. I knew this because they were without veils. In my culture a veil covering the head is a sign that a woman has been spoken for.

But when Yeshua stepped up to the well and removed his turban and unloosed his hair that had been tied back and shook his head to free the raven locks, I believe every female heart stopped. Now those who have spread disparaging rumors about the Nazarene’s appearance could not have observed his stature or his face.
The earthy beauty of Yeshua is of meadow and wood and quiet stream. His eyes that gaze at you from between a black curtain of rippling hair are dark like a night sky filled with stars contrasting the whiteness of his face, fringed with a youthful beard. The slender line of his nose greets his full lips which are the same color as the flame gracing his unblemished cheeks. No one came forward when he offered his turban to be wetted down by the cool refreshing water. They only stared at him with opened mouths. He lifted a cup from the wells rim holding it out with a smile, and as if a spell had been cast upon them, still, no one moved.

"My dear Shulamite," he spoke the beloved term in the Song of Solomon, our Hebrew love poetry. Every girl prayed he was referring to her. His eyes fell on a woman who was not among the maidens surrounding the men. She was standing off to the side, hidden in the shadows. Yeshua went straight to her. She immediately knelt before him.

“M-Master!" she stammered.

"Yeshi." he replied.

Yeshi…Only his closest friends call him by that name. Now she was included in that privileged company. He extended his hand and she placed hers timidly in his grasp. Lifting her gently, he led her to the well. There she stood, in front of everyone, her head uncovered. She was much older than the beautiful girls that had come to fetch water for the men. In fact, she looked older than Yeshua.

No. She was not beautiful at all. He eyes were much too small, her nose much too big and her lips too thin. Her graying hair was coarse and thick, her dress, unkempt. In plain sight of all, the unveiled woman painfully bore the reproach of both the men and women of her village.

Once again Yeshua extended his cup. The woman reached the bucket down into the well, poured the water into a jar and then began to pour some into his cup. With all eyes watching her, she trembled so much, that the water was spilling everywhere except into his cup!

My heart went out to her. Every woman has had at least one embarrassing moment before a man. Instinct took over. I wanted to assist the poor woman. As I took a step forward, Yeshua reached out and touched her hand.

"It's alright." He said. "Here. I will help you."

And he did! He tipped the jar for her, filling his cup and then took a good long drink and yet another. He drenched his turban with cold well water and wiped his face and brow and the back of his neck. Breathing a deep, long, satisfied sigh he asked the woman her name.

"Tamar." replied the woman.

"Beautiful Tamar," answered Yeshua. A slow smile spread across his face. "I thank you."

I watched the color flood her pale cheeks.

Afterwards he led her away from the well, away from the girls who stood shaking their heads and frowning, away from the astonished disciples and straight to his proud female followers. Yes. We were so proud of our Yeshi!

"Tamar, this is Miriam of Magdala and her friend Sushanna. They will introduce you to the other women in our company. Miriam has a story to tell you. I would like for you to hear it."

Tamar's eyes went from Yeshua's face to mine. I immediately placed a friendly arm around her shoulder. The Master nodded and released her into my care.

To be continued...

P.S. I don't know why the bottom half of my story doesn't appear in the same font. :blush:
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Aug 6, 2005
Here's the next part of the Magdalene Journal. Miriam tells her story...​

The Magdalene Journal

The same day.

Tamar and I found a place beneath the shade of a spreading sycamore tree, away from the crowds. Only because I trusted Yeshua and knew he wouldn’t do anything to shame me did I find courage to unveil who I was before I became his follower. I told her about my shameful past, how my mother was a harlot and my father a drunkard. I recalled the trauma of my rape when I was barely fourteen and the miscarriage of my baby. I fought to survive. I schemed and did whatever I could to prosper. And prosper I did all the while denying my past. I did my best to forget my past. And most of all I trusted no one.

I was not surprised when Tamar showed no sympathy but eyed me cautiously, "Some say you are a prostitute." she mused.

“I was well known beyond these parts as The Temptress. I allured men and provoked women through dancing at public parties and in private” I admitted. "I was taught by the best. In Egypt I learned the dance of the seven veils. I was the proprietress of my own business. I created my own fragrances, spices that I purchased from Judea and Rome, ointments from Tarshish. I lived in a comfortable villa by the sea and had servants waiting on me hand and foot.” I ran my hands over my coarse tunic. “You would never know this looking at this old robe, would you Tamar? You remember Sushanna? Do you not?"

Searching Tamar's eyes I waited. She nodded her reply.

"Sushanna was one of my servants," I said. "Now she is my closest companion."

I could see the amazement on my skeptic's face, she softened a bit. And a spark of the spirit of sisterhood lit her eyes as she spoke to me.

"I don't know what you did in your past or where you came from, but you are very beautiful. You look as though you haven't had to work, or struggle like the poor women in our village."

"Magdala is a rich town.' I confessed. "Many wealthy people live there. I had everything I wanted but I was a miserable creature."

She raised an eyebrow. "But why?" she questioned. And then she was looking at her own poor garment. "What I would give to have just a little of what you had."

No! No! No! She mustn’t think that! "Oh no Tamar! Truly I was miserable!” i grabbed hold of her hand. "These things mean nothing to me now."

Desperately I tried to make her understand, not for my sake alone, but for Yeshua's sake. I knew he would want her to understand.

"I grew to hate myself and everyone. Until the Master healed me."


My eyes welled with tears. Whenever I recall how he delivered me, I weep.

"Truly. Yeshua healed and delivered me of tormenting spirits. Seven demon's, the disciples say. I don't remember. They told me the voices that came out of me were terrifying." Again I gripped her hand. "What I say is true. And you are no different than me Tamar. You too have suffered greatly and have known heartache and rejection. I know this. When the demons came out of me I was changed. Did you not feel that change in you today, when Yeshua spoke to you?"

All traces of hardness in her features dissolved. Her barriers at last came down. She was beginning to trust me. For the first time she spoke my name. "Oh Mariam...Yes." she admitted, "When he spoke I felt as though my spirit bowed in submission at his feet. And there is something else..."

Again, I waited.

"Well... the way he... looked at me. No man has ever looked at me like that before."

Her eyes filled with tears. I embraced her. "I know. I know.' I soothed.

"The look you speak of, I know very well." I confided. “His look compelled me to give up everything. The jewels, my beautiful robes and colorful veils. My possessions had become a noose around my neck. I sold my villa and gave the money to the poor and I assisted the Master."

Tamar stifled a sob. This time it was she who gripped my hand. "You gave up everything?"

I spoke with great conviction. "Yes. Love will cause one to do many things."

She gazed at me innocently, like a sister seeking advice. "Then... do you love him, Miriam?"

I nodded without hesitation and returned her gaze. "Yes, I do, Tamar. More than any thing."

I HAD to tell Tamar if she was to know my story as the Master requested. I must be honest. Tamar asked, "do you love him?" The question comes more often from dishonest people wanting to destroy his reputation. A feeling of sadness crept into my soul because of all that Yeshua suffered in choosing one such as I to be in his company.

I knew the next question would come, though she asked it timidly, "Does he...love you?"

I watched the late afternoon clouds moving in for a moment and breathed in the scent of wild flowers growing in the grass where Tamar and I sat.

"Yes he does. We love each other very much."

'But..." protested Tamar, "They say he is not married. And you are without a veil."

I quickly assured her. "Yeshua has a mission to fulfill. His heart is so big, he loves so much. It would be selfish of me to demand such a commitment."

"You said you loved each other."

I pondered what I had said. What did it mean, this word "love" and how dare I apply it to Yeshua and myself? At last I understood. Tamar would be the first to know. I had not told his mother, not even Sushanna. Tamar who did not have but longed for the love of a man would appreciate the precious pearls of my secret love more than any other.

I chose my words very carefully. "Our love, Yeshua's and mine, leads us to love chastely. Our affections are a shared grace. The dream of union is our greatest sacrifice to this love. In a sense, I have died for him because I want many to love him, including you Tamar. If I kept him all for my self how then shall he receive what he truly deserves, the adoration of multitudes? How could others know the joy that I know? Yes and Yeshua dies for me, by not yielding to his desire for married love. He can not or would not selfishly hold unto me. He lifts me to a greater joy. His vision for me includes a greater fulfillment. We seek what is best for each other. He gives me the affection I can bear and
I give what he can bear in our intimacy and that is only what is born of pure love."

Tamar was filled with wonder. I knew I had done the right thing. She leaned very close to me and spoke in a low, hushed voice, yet another probing question, “has he ever...kissed you?"

"Such things are sacred." I replied. I placed my hand on my heart where I treasure every look, every gesture, every word spoken by my Yeshi.

Tamar’s eyes widened, "Ah...then he has kissed you!"

My gaze was unshaken and my reply was certain, "only on my forehead and cheek."


"Truly, that is all." I insisted. I waited and then gently touched her hand. "And now that you know all my secrets, do you trust me?"

She lowered her head and thought for a moment. When she at last looked at me I knew she spoke sincerely. "Yes I do Miriam."

We embraced each other again.

"He is beautiful Miriam, in so many ways. But I don't think he knows it. There is not a spot of pride in him...the Rabbi from Nazareth."

I sighed..."Yeshi..."

Tamar's entire face lit up with a smile. She truly looked beautiful.

She too sighed, "Yeshi..."

We shook ourselves from our daydream. I leapt to my feet. I knew she was ready to become better acquainted with the Master. She was already becoming a new woman and wasn’t the same as when she had stood so nervously by the well earlier that day.

"Come Tamar!" I exclaimed taking hold of her arm, "he will be waiting for us. Let’s go and find him!"
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Aug 6, 2005
Entry 3

The Magdalene Journals


A week later

Almost a week had gone by since I last my last meeting with Tamar. In our brief moments together I had grown very fond of her. Often I prayed that she was well. I hoped to see her again and I couldn't understand why she hadn't come to listen to Yeshua address the crowd in the village square. The Master had treated her so kindly. I had introduced her to all the women and to the disciples. Tamar seemed to be one with us, a part of our company. Her disappearance was a mystery to me.

Today I received my answer. During supper, while we were all reclining at table in the house of our new found friends, Rebecca and her husband Joseph, there came a knock at the door. Rebecca, a plump woman with silver streaks running through her dark hair and a smile that cheers the heart of all who look upon her, stood, and looked at the Master apologetically.

"I am so sorry." she sighed. "I was hoping there would be no disturbances tonight. Here Joseph and I have offered our home as a refuge from the crowds. You must be so tiered after standing outside in the hot sun all day and..."

Joseph reached out and patted her hand. "There, there." he said to his distraught wife.

Joseph was her match almost in every way. He had the same silver streaked hair, the same roundness of body, and a big broad face framed by his nearly silver beard.

Rebecca would not be consoled. All joy vanished from her face. She looked toward the door and then at Yeshua hopelessly.

The Master offered a gracious smile, "Perhaps it is best to open the door Rebecca," He suggested. "If you don't mind, neither do I."

Rebecca opened the door. We all strained to see to see our visitor.

"Forgive me." said the voice on the other side of the door. Immediately I knew...Tamar!

She spoke hurriedly. "I have a special gift for the Rabbi Yeshua . Would you please give it to him? I would like him to have it before he departs from Bethsedia. I heard he is leaving tomorrow."

Rebecca swung the door wide. "Come in dear. You can come in and give the Rabbi your gift."

She took our visitor by the hand and led her into the house now bathed in the light of several oil lamps

"What is your name?" asked Rebecca.

"Tamar." replied Tamar smiling nervously at all gathered.

No one, including Yeshua could say anything. How changed she was! Her hair was smoothly combed. She wore a rose colored robe embroidered with roses along the borders and the neck line of her garment. And golden sandals shod her feet.

"Why Tamar! Is that you?" Joseph called from the table. "I thought we had been graced by Queen Ester herself."

Tamar couldn't have received a better compliment. I was happy for her.

Yeshua found his voice. "Dear Tamar. How good it is to see you. Please come and dine with us." He gazed at Rebecca waiting for her approval.

When Rebecca nodded and indicated with a wave of her hand that Tamar was welcome to supper, everyone cheered. I made a space for her along side myself on my couch while Rebecca proudly explained all the foods available on the table.

"We have a lovely lentil stew, fresh vegetables from the garden. Hot cakes. Figs and dates...Eat my dear. Eat!"

"Some wine Tamar?" asked Joseph.

Tamar accepted gratefully. So did everyone else.

During supper I leaned over to her and whispered, “What happened? That beautiful robe….your…."

"Miriam..." she scolded playfully, "You should know. You of all people should know. Were you not changed by him?"

We laughed together secretly but Kepha, who reclined directly across the table from me, gave me a look that truly referred to Tamar. I read his question in the way he crooked his smile.

"What happened to HER?"

I glared at him and shook my head. Kepha protruded his lower lip and his laughing gray eyes pretentiously grew sad. Judah caught on and started to laugh. I was thankful when Rebecca announced that Tamar had a gift for Yeshua.

Joseph placed a chair in the center of the room for the Master. Even as Yeshua sat down I couldn't help but silently worship him. There he sat in his poorly patched robe and worn sandals. I could see traces of white from an earlier time. How great was the contrast between the richly attired Rebecca and her husband Joseph; the palatial home and Yeshua's appearance. Poor Yeshi! His threadbare garment, oversized and frayed at the edges awoke the sympathy in my heart yet made me adore him all the more for his simplicity.

Yeshua's eyes traversed our group. Smiling shyly he seemed to ask, "Why are you doing this for me?"

While all was hushed, Tamar came and knelt before the Master. She took the edge of his garment. The two blue stripes running along the border were nearly faded. The corner fringe of the talith worn thin from constant use, lay in the palm of her hand. I knew the poverty of his garment broke her heart as it did mine.

Tamar wept as she kissed the fringe within her hand.
"Dear Rabbi...' she murmured, "I wanted to do something to show you my gratitude so I made this for you."

To be continued...
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Aug 6, 2005
Thanks so much for reading and commenting Jon. it means so much to me that you took the time to do so.​

Everyone here's the second part of Entry 3​

Yeshua nodded his approval, and lightly touched her soft hair.

From behind her back, she brought out a bundle wrapped in a dark red cloth embroidered with gold grapevines, and placed it in Yeshua's hands. He hadn't even opened his gift and already his eyes were misting.

"Thank you." he said. "This beautiful cloth alone would have been sufficent."

"Pease open it Master." said the kneeling Tamar.

We all encouraged him, "Yes please!"

I for one could hardly wait to see Tamar's gift.

Yeshua carefully unfolded the cloth and what we saw made everyone in the room gasp. He held up a robe for us all to see. This was a robe fit for a king! The front and back panels shown violet and deep blue. Between each panel was a thin strip of dark green material while the arms were a majestic red. The borders were gold with the same pattern of grapevines.

For the first time I realized Tamar was a maker of robes. But how could she afford the material for such a garment? Then I knew! She had sold her dowry! That was it! Tamar had sacrificed her desire for a husband in order to pay the merchant of fine cloths. This was the only way she could have given such a sacrificial gift. And with the money she also purchased the dress and the sandals she wore. She wanted to present herself lovely and honorably before Yeshua. The week she had been away from us she had spent making the robe.

My heart swelled with admiration for her but my thoughts were quickly interrupted. Kepha and the other's were heartily encouraging Yeshua to put on his new garment. Even Rebecca and Joseph joined in. Rebecca went straight to the Rabbi and bade him to stand up. Like a mother, she proceeded to lift his old tattered robe over his head.

"Off with that old thing!" she chided.

And there stood Yeshua naked except for his loin cloth. The men laughed while the women smiled at each other. Yeshua just looked helplessly at his hostess.

Rebecca frowned, "Oh never mind all of you. You have never seen a naked body before?' She grimaced, "You Kepha! You should know better!"

"I?" laughed Kepha. He gave his best incredulous face. Then stroking his square black beard he teased Rebecca with a remark about her full figure. "I see your husband Joseph knows better. Such a full body for his desire."

The men laughed harder but I did not find his comments humorous. I folded my arms and looked heavenward. This brought about booms of laughter.

"Oh never mind." sputtered Rebecca. " Come Yeshua. Come into the other room. Let's see how you look in that robe."

I watched my Rabbi and Rebecca disappear into the next room. It was just like him, the precious soul. He was certainly man enough to put on his own robe but in his humility he did not want to offend or discourage Rebecca's brooding, motherly nature.

'The men have had too much to drink." Sushanna remarked. "Don't mind them Tamar."

Jochannan laughed and cried at the same time. "No!" he gasped holding his stomach, "Oh don't make me laugh. That's...not... true. I am as sober as the next person!"

The disciples were almost on the floor, all twelve of them.

Mattijah regained his composer and sat upright. He spoke over the din of noise. "Dear Tamar. Jochannan is only being his natural self. What must he be like if he truly did drink too much?"

Their laughter did not cease until Rebecca stepped into the room with Yeshua.

Involuntarily my hand lifted to my mouth. His robe hung in deep folds, flowing to the floor. The deep violets, reds, greens and sapphire blue enhanced his features. The ringlets of his long black hair, the dark eyes reflecting the oil lamps, his ivory complexion, clear, without blemish, his smile flashing between his young beard...

"Oh Yeshi..." I breathed, my eyes brimming with tears. What I honestly thought was, "Oh my beloved." Verses from a song for the Bridegroom-King in the psalms of David swept into my heart. I wanted to sing them right then and there.

Of all men you are the most handsome
Your lips are moist with grace
Myrrh and aloes waft from your robes.

Tamar was speaking. I came back to the realization that I wasn't the only one in the room with him. "I forgot to give you this." Tamar said.

She held out the sash, a perfect match, having the same colors of the robe, with gold threads running through it and fringed with gold. Yeshua invited her to tie the belt around his waist. As she did I suffered the pain of longing. How often I had longed to present him with such a gift, to cover him in silk and fine garments, and lavish him with treasures. But Yeshua refused. "Give the money to the poor." He instructed. "We will be content with the offerings of the earth. Look at the lilies of the field. They do not toil, neither do they spin yet Adonai clothes them so beautifully. Not even King Solomon in all of his splendor was arrayed like the lilies."

I died for him once again. I found his eyes and smiled though I felt the stabbing pain of my sacrificial love. I allowed Tamar to adore him. It was her moment. A jeep joy mingled with my pain. I was glad for her, glad for Yeshua that he had received so special a gift.

The disciples, the women, Rebecca, and Joseph gathered around him, full of admiration and compliments.

"Come Tamar." Yeshua invited, holding out his hand. "Daughter of Abraham. Is this how you seek my approval of your willingness to join my company of disciples?" Did you not know my heart was already won at the well?"

Tamar bowed deeply. "If I have won you favor, I want to follow you Master, unworthy though I am. But let it be done according to you will." she said.

"It is my will." Yeshua replied. "Are you prepared to leave all things behind?"

"I am and have." answered Tamar.

Yeshua laughed gently. "Indeed you have!" He helped her to stand and then presented her to all of us. "This is Tamar. She is now your sister."

Everyone took turns embracing and welcoming her. I was the last to approach her. And although I still felt a stab of pain, when I at last embraced her my welcome was sincere.

"Welcome my sister. Now you are one of his disciples."

She returned my embrace and kissed my cheek. "Dear Miriam," she wept. "If it wasn't for your love and encouragement I wouldn't have found the courage to come here. Bless you Miriam, my dear precious sister."


That same night I had a dream. I stood beside Yeshua. He was wearing Tamar's beautiful robe. I spread roses at his feet and then I made a pathway of roses for him to walk upon. The path led to the top of a hill. At the bottom of this hill I could see a vast multitude of people gathered to receive him. I continued to spread roses down the hill and right to the edge of the crowds. Yeshua walked upon my pathway of roses, crushing each one with his bare feet. His eyes were fixed on the multitude. I knelt before him in the path but he walked past me as though I wasn't there. He walked toward the great throng and the people enclosed him all around, hiding him from my sight. I remained kneeling on the ground, awaiting his return, my arms stretched out towards where he had disappeared among the crowds. Darkness descended. He never returned. He never came back to say "Thank you." He left me alone. I was terribly alone. When I awoke my pillow was wet with tears.

"Yeshua!" I sobbed into my pillow hoping the others would not hear me. "Yeshua...I die! I die! Oh Adonai help me to die for him!"

To be continued...​
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Aug 6, 2005
You read my stooooory!!! Now you are my 4ever friend! :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: Thanks for taking the time. I know how "appealing" long posts can be. ;)

I sure am grateful for your comments. btw if you have any suggestions concerning ways I can improve the story please feel free to tell me.

the best is yet to come Shuli.
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Aug 6, 2005
Thanks Irene. getting published is not an easy task, as I have found out. One publsiher told me you have to be fairly well known, if you're a Christian, for a company to pick up your book. So far all the books I've written (2 and a third one is at the printer) have been self published.

we will see what happens with the Magdalene Journal. :)

I appreciate you being here and commenting.
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My Bridegroom suffered this for ME
Oct 12, 2007
Marital Status
You read my stooooory!!! Now you are my 4ever friend! :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: Thanks for taking the time. I know how "appealing" long posts can be. ;)

I sure am grateful for your comments. btw if you have any suggestions concerning ways I can improve the story please feel free to tell me.

the best is yet to come Shuli.

awwwww... ((Hugs)), Amy.
Yes, Yeshua brought our paths to cross and what He does is forever!
We will know one another as friends here on this earth as well as FOREVER with Him! Thankyou Yeshua for my friendships!

Yes, I have enjoyed reading, Amy! Can't wait to see what else you put up here.. ;)
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Aug 6, 2005
Entry 4

The Magdalene Journals

Early Spring​


We left Bethsedia and arrived at Chorizon. News traveled quickly that the Rabbi from Nazareth was in town. The whole town had come out to see him. No humble carpenter had come to Chorizon. He was a royal prince from the ancestral line of the great king David, so seemed the tall man clothed in Tamar's rich tapestry. The poor town’s people had never known so much excitement. They gathered around Yeshua full of adoration, touching him, kissing the hem of his robe, begging his blessing and healing touch.

One word was spoken in hushed tones...


Like a huge wave they carried him along to a grassy knoll where he addressed the people. I stood watching at a distance. Poor Yeshua! I knew how tired he was from the journey. He had no time to rest or to eat. I decided it would be best to leave, make ready a place for us to rest and to prepare the evening meal. Sushanna agreed to help me.

We found a field outside the town and prepared a meal with food purchased at the market, a poor man's meal, millet, cheese, bread, berries picked from the field and water drawn from the village well.

Sushanna and I talked about the welcoming crowds and how pleased we were to see the Master so loved by the people. We were glad he had done away with his old tattered clothing. His beautiful new robe might command the honor he deserved.

After we finished our preparations, Sushanna decided she would go back into town and show our company where we were staying.

At last I was alone with my thoughts. An entire two days journey and I hadn't forgotten my dream about the roses and how Yeshua had abandoned me, leaving me weeping and kneeling on the ground. Who knew and who discerned the terrible inward struggle within my soul? Hadn't I smiled my best for Yeshua and my sisters and behaved pleasantly to Tamar and the others while we journeyed to Chorizon? Even Kepha, whose boisterous ways some times caused me to frown, laughed with me. Who knew? Did Yeshua look beyond my smile and see my silent agony? I hadn't walked beside him or spoken to him since our time in Bethsadia. He was mostly with the men.

I could tell no one about this new painful way of loving. Not even Yeshua. Among a small grove of trees I secluded myself, abandoning my heart to the God of Israel. While I wept I remembered how the Prophet Jochannan the Baptist has said, "Yeshua must increase and I must decrease." This is what Adonai was asking of me. I begged him to help me to love the Messiah with all my heart, no matter what my place would be among the discipes. Even if the Master never smiled at me again or offered his hand in friendship I would still adore him. "Only do not take him from me!" I begged.

Restlessly, I arose from the earth, hardly comforted. I picked wild flowers and placed them on Yeshua's sleeping mat. I couldn't give him a robe but I could give him the beauty of Spring flowers.

To be continued....
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Aug 6, 2005
Entry 4
Part 2

That evening the disciples and the women returned without the rabbi.

"He dispersed the crowds long ago." Jacob said.

I tried to remain calm. "Where is he?" I asked.

"Most likely he is praying." added Judah.

"You know the Master. He may be awake all night praying." Kepha observed.

I wanted to hide my disappointment. I was so hoping Yeshua would taste the meal I had prepared with love. And I wondered if he would ever find the wild flowers I had picked.

Later, while all the other's slept, I secluded myself in the grove of trees again. The leafy walls screened my loneliness for Yeshua. Suddenly, quite unexpectedly, I saw Yeshua appear in the moonlight walking barefooted in the dew covered grass. Forgetting myself, my questions, my fears, my doubts, caring not if he would reject me but thinking only that he deserved praise, I humbly I stepped from my place of prayer and knelt before him, spreading my hands adoringly over his feet but daring not to touch so sacred a vessel, as were his feet. And I knew! The old song was still there, wordless, the evening song between the Master and I.

I noticed Tamar's robe. Her beautiful robe, now stained and dirty. The poor had leaned against him, sweating in the sweltering heat. Some with festering sores, others have wept. With unclean hands they have touched him. The multitude with a vast decaying mouth has covered him with kisses.​
The hem of his garment received my kiss.

Yeshua’s eyes were heavy lidded, his lips thin between his beard. He was exhausted and longing for his place by the fire. I could hardly let him approach the fire without worshipping his every step. The fervor of Adonai was upon me. Many tears and sighs were in my devotion. My devotion seemed to carry him to the fire as I strewed the roses from my dream in his path.

Flowers! The scent of flowers filled the air. The dew fell heavily on the head of Yeshua. The clouds were dripping sweet liquid. His locks were covered with heavenly fragrance. I had broken the seal of one of my bottles of perfumed oils, a lavender bottle. The first one had been broken in the house of Simon the Pharisee. I felt like an angel with touches unearthly, messaging the ointment into his hair.

Yeshua savored my gift. His breath escaped through his opened mouth. His head was thrown back. I could see the upper rim of his teeth. Heaven seemed to be kissing him, deeply, profoundly, tenderly.

The first light of dawn began to streak the sky. He found the wild flowers I had picked for him. The morning flowers in the field also began to open in praise. For a brief moment all the world seemed to say to the Messiah, "Thank you!"

The morning light revealed my beloved's head pillowed on my lap as I leaned against a cypress tree holding my precious bundle, Yeshi himself. Covered with myrrh, sleep kissed his eyes. His cheek was blanketed by his dark ringlets. I had given him my dream of the roses.
To be continued...

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Jan 31, 2006
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I'm enjoying reading your stories :clap: Miriam was considered a leader as far as the prophets of Israel were concerned. Good chose for the narrater's name :D

Micah 6:4
4 I brought you up out of Egypt
and redeemed you from the land of slavery.
I sent Moses to lead you,
also Aaron and Miriam.
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My Bridegroom suffered this for ME
Oct 12, 2007
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Again, enjoying every word. Very descriptive and full of life. I sighed when I read the part where she HOPED Yeshua would see the pain behind the smile.
The amazing comfort is that He does know the unspoken words of the heart, the pain behind the smile.... (something in that particular phrase in your story has a meaning to me)

Keep posting them, Amy....:)
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