
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2003
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I usually don't like to share my experiences with God. I prefer to keep them between me and Him. But I will share two.

When I was in 9th Grade, I had a History teacher named Steffek. I can't remember his first name, nor do I want to. But anyway, I was failing his class badly. I received an F midterm and had to really work hard to keep from failing the class. I was in 9th Grade and had to pass in order to get into High School. As hard as I worked, I could not break the 60 points I needed to pass his class. I prayed the whole semester for Gods help. I did not want to disappoint my parents. The last week of the semester, the instructor read everybody's final point total. Mine was 53. I had failed! The entire week, I was so depressed. I kept asking God, "How could you let me down? I prayed so hard. Why did you disappoint me Lord?" Even though everyone did not receive their grades yet, everybody took part in the graduation ceremonies. I knew during the whole ceremony I would need to repeat the 9th Grade. How will I tell my parents? After the ceremony everybody got their grades. I was reluctant to open the envelope. I was going to tell my parents right there. I decided to open the envelope before I told them. As I slowly opened my grades, I peeked at the History grade. First I saw the teachers names Steffek. Next to it, the course name U.S History. Next to that I saw a D! How did I make it? How could I get a D from a 53? I looked up and said thank you Lord.

Another of my experiences came the following year. Me and a friend decided to attend a Rock Concert. It was an all day event. Aerosmith, Van Halen were headlining. Because it was an all day event, me and my friend left early. We had to take the bus to get to the L.A. Coliseum. If you remember 1979, there was a gas shortage. My father could not take us, because it was hard to get gas, so we took the bus. We left about 5:30 A.M. Me and my friend agreed to meet at the Bus stop. On my way to the Bus stop, a man stopped me. He asked me if I was going "that way". He pointed in the direction of the Bus stop. I said, "No, I'm o.k.". But the man just drove off. There was nobody around. He could of done anything he wanted. But he just drove off. It was like God's angels were with me and protecting me.

I could write a book on others, but I want to keep them between me and the Lord. I'm sure there are many more that I don't even know about. Where He intervened on my behalf and I wasn't even aware of it.

Thank You Lord!