God takes a head-count, we're ALL included! EX 30:11-34:35


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Jan 21, 2006
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PARASHA: “Ki Tisa” (when you elevate)

EXDOUS 30:11-34:35………………1 KINGS 18:1-39……………MARK 7:1-8:38

This parashah starts out by numbering the people, those who are 20 years old and older, Each person has to give one-half shekel of silver. Why the count? This is to count those who are old enough for the Army, the very first IDF (Israel Defense Forces). Since it is not appropriate to count “people” perhaps as to not trust in “numbers” for strength, which might lead to pride, YHVH tells Moshe to collect silver, and for each half-shekel of silver, one person is represented. The silver is to be used for the Mishkan, for repair and maintenance. Of course, we realize that the Levites were not included in the Armed Forces, they were exempt, their jobs were to be “chaplains” of a sort, working with the priests in ministry.

Every born-again believer is “numbered” in the eyes of YHVH for HIS army of adopted sons and daughters, we are fighting a spiritual battle against a hardened enemy, HaSatan, who has his own army of demons, devils, and unsaved humans working for him. Even though there will be many battles, the war has already been won, it was won 2000 years ago, on Calvary’s cross. YHVH came down in flesh and blood and paid our sin price in full. We are fighting against an enemy who has lost the war, but he has an attitude and will not relent, He wants to cause havoc among the brethren, and “sisteren” (my own made-up word)

YHVH commands Moshe to prepare incense and anointing oil. The incense is to be used in worship, burned on the table of incense, which is before the “Kadosh-Kedoshim” (Holy of Holies) and also, on the bread, and on the sacrifices. Incense is still used today in religious services, it has a calming effect on the emotional and nervous system of those who are around it. There are many distinct aromas, the aromas that are similar to the incense that was used in the tabernacle and temple would be frankincense and some even say “musk” scent, however, no one can be sure of the original ingredients, what they are today, besides, YHVH prohibits an exact duplication of the formula.

The anointing oil was used to anoint the Levites and priests “on their heads” and not on the flesh, the ingredients were sweet cinnamon, calamus, cassia, myrrh, and olive oil, there are oils today that are used for anointing, yet it was prohibited to replicate the “exact” recipe.

In Remez, the incense symbolizes our prayers that go upward towards heaven, and the oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit who is with us all the time. Through the Ruach HaKodesh, our prayers go up and are heard by our Messiah Yeshua.

We see later on in this parashah that Moshe goes up Har Sinai to receive the tablets of the Mitzvoth, and as we all know the story, after a while the people wonder; “and Moshe? What happened to him?” their faith was weak, and when faith is weak, the enemy HaSatan will take advantage, Aaron who was left in charge was pressured into relenting, with gold earrings, the people made a “golden Calf”. “This is our god,” they said, could one think that they replaced YHVH with this false god? The Egyptian god “hapis” took the form of a cow or bull, and perhaps, they had a miniature one of those gods with them. I would think they still believed in YHVH but they wanted to “See” with their eyes, some kind of form, breaking, of course, the commandment, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image”. True faith is “believing” even if we cannot see something that is invisible. Yeshua said to his talmidim; “Blessed are those who do not see yet believe”.

Do we trust Adonai, even when we cannot see the immediate results? That is what testing is all about, He will try our faith, will we trust HIM even unto the end? YHVH lives in the infinite dimension of time and space, while we live in the finite dimension. He can see the end while we can’t even see around the corner. He has everything under control, we just have to believe and wait on him, as the Israelites should have done. It would have saved a lot of grief, lives, and dishonor.

Moshe comes back down only to witness the disaster, breaks the tablets as a sign of a “broken covenant” between YHVH and the people. It is like getting married and on the same wedding night, the bride goes out and commits adultery. YHVH wants to DESTROY the people and start over with Moshe. YET, Moshe intercedes before YHVH for Am Israel. Just as Moshe interceded, so did YESHUA intercede before the Father on our behalf, and still does. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Yeshua’s words). “Yet now, if you will forgive their sin, and if not, blot ME out of thy book” (Moshe’s words) and…. YHVH forgave them. Just like YHVH forgives us of our sins, when we confess and turn from our wicked ways.

Moshe wants to see the glory “HaKavod YHVH” he goes back up for a second copy of the commandments. “Show me thy glory!” the LORD responded; “I will make all my goodness go before thee” yet, he said that no one could see the “face” of YHVH, who can look upon the pure essence of YHVH? For it would drive the spirit out of the body, So, as YHVH passed by, Moshe saw the “after-effect” the “tail end”. It could be similar to my experience in seeing Haley’s comet back in 1987. While I was in college, I went to Lynchburg College Observatory which was open to the public, we could see Haley’s comet going back out into space, I saw the “tail end” of the comet, which was just a faint glow at that time. Now Moshe gets the second set of the tablets, and YHVH gives them to him with these words:

“YHVH, YHVH God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy unto the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and their children’s children……”

Now, how does that describe our God? He IS full of mercy and showed us grace, in that we were yet sinners, He came to earth in human form and died for us all. He is “long-suffering” in that he puts up with our “stuff’ our “attitudes” and “rebellions” and gives us second, third, and fourth “chances” to repent, He could have wiped out Israel in one second, but he didn’t. He gave us his Torah, the Bible which is full of “goodness” and IS the TRUTH, he forgives sin, but ONLY when we come to him as repentant sinners and trust Yeshua as our Savior and LORD. He does not clear the guilty ONLY WHEN the guilty DO NOT REPENT! And yes, the sins of the fathers can affect the children, just look at the public schools today, the students are rebellious, disrespectful because they have learned that from THEIR PARENTS!

If the kids hear the parents fuss and cuss, they will too, If the parents smoke dope, they will have the tendency to do the same, children will copy their parents in all ways, HOWEVER, the blood of Yeshua can heal all of that, the generational curses can be cut short when YESHUA comes into the lives of families.

Moshe returns to the congregation with the new set of tablets, and YHVH instructs him and reminds him of his commandments, “Yes, I will go before thee…only observe all that I am commanding thee this day…. And toward the end, YHVH mentions, “thou shalt not seethe a kid in its mother’s milk” which is a repeated commandment, this was discussed before, it symbolizes a separation between, “life and death” of the “clean and unclean”

Moshe comes down “glowing” like a thousand-watt light bulb, why? He has been in the presence of YHVH right there, in the middle of the Shekinah glory! If he glowed with God’s glory, Moshe being a sinner like all of us, can you imagine how Adam and Eve glowed before the fall? Being in constant fellowship with Elohim? It was only after the fall that the “light covering” left, and they found themselves “naked!”

Yeshua said; “Ye are the light of the world” Yes, we are, yet we have no light of our own, we reflect the light of Messiah Yeshua, in our own lives. Is our light bright, like that which reflected from Moshe? Or…dim?

STANDING ON THE ROCK! (Exodus 33:12-23)

Moshe asks YHVH a very interesting question; “You say bring this people up, but who is going with me?”

Without guidance, we can go nowhere. It is like walking in the dark without a flashlight or being in the middle of the ocean without a compass. Where will we go? Who will lead us? Adonai has the answer Moshe is searching for;

“My presence goes, and I shall give you rest” (vs 14) The “Ruach Elohim” will go with the people, and they will receive “shalom”. There are two kinds of rest, “physical rest” from our labors, and “spiritual rest” that is from within us. Before, we were burdened down with the curse of sin, but once we accept Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Christ) as our LORD and Savior, we have his “presence” inside of us to give us “peace” (shalom)

Moshe wants to experience the “essence” of YHVH, but who can know who He really is? Can we grasp the meaning of the universe? The mind of God? We are limited, to what we can fathom as fallen beings, but YHVH listens to Moshe and gives him an answer;

“I shall cause all my goodness to pass before you, and I shall proclaim the Name of YHVH………See, there is a place with me, and you shall stand on the ROCK……. (vss 19,21)

There was a special place, a special ROCK, where Moshe was placed, he “Stood” upon the ROCK” (HaTzur)

In the picturesque/symbolic ancient Hebrew, the letters can symbolize, “The first Tzadik to receive the nail”

The ROCK symbolizes YESHUA, who IS the TZADIK (the righteous one) who received the Nail and paid our sin price in full, and thus…giving us SHALOM (rest) from our spiritual torment of being lost sinners.

The name YHVH proclaimed is HAVAYAH, (the essence of existence) who is “Haya” (the past) Hoveh (the present) and “Yiyah” (the future) and who is YESHUAH (salvation of YAH)

1 KINGS 18:1-39

…. This relates the time when there is a contest, sponsored by Eliyahu Ha Navi, Elijah the prophet calls for a contest between “Baal” and “YHVH” it is time to take action, clear up the error that Baal even exists. So, it is Baal vs YHVH, Elijah against 450 false prophets of Baal. Sacrifices are ready, all that is needed is fire, but fire not kindled by man, only by the true God, we all know who won the contest, Elijah called upon YHVH;

” ATAH YHVH HaELOHIM” (you are YHVH you are God) and fire fell from heaven and consumed EVERYTHING, the sacrifice, altar, stones, water, the people now had proof, the false prophets were still crying out and dancing around. Judgment; death for all false prophets. The people repented and returned to YHVH

Are we worshiping and serving our true God? Or are we chasing after idols, idols of money, fame, popularity, jobs, fast cars, lust, avarice, etc. We can only serve one master, who is it going to be? Do we serve YHVH? Or the world? The choice is ours.

MARK 7: 1-8:38

In this portion of scripture, we see Yeshua rebuking the Prushim (Pharisees) they are pointing out that the disciples did not wash their hands before eating. It is true, that one of the rites of the priests was to wash their hands and feet before entering into the Holy place, yet this was never stated as a commandment.

…. Today, we see many religious practices that are stressed and done as if they were commandments. There is a big difference between “commandments” and “tradition” many traditions stem from commandments, but we need to differentiate between the two. Wearing a Kippa, is a tradition, a different manner of dress in Judaism is tradition, but wearing Tzitziot is a commandment, putting a mezuzah on the doorpost is a commandment. But one should not judge one another in these cases. One can point out different scripture verses, but we must leave everything in the hands of God. It is also each person's choice to follow or not to follow God's commandments, to follow or not to follow certain traditions. Everything is a matter of choice and free-will.

” It is not what goes into a person that which defiles, but what comes out of a person that which defiles, for out of the HEART comes forth…….

So as not to confuse one thing from another, eating certain kinds of food does not defile a person SPIRITUALLY! it may defile one physically, eating what is not considered biblically kosher, like pork, shellfish, etc... BUT there are other things that can defile a person spiritually, like listening to unholy music, doing things, watching things, movies, etc. that are un-holy, satanic, things tied in with the occult, etc.

Physical defilement is different from spiritual defilement. In this passage of scripture, Yeshua is performing many miracles, opens the ears of a deaf man, healing the eyes of a blind man, casting out demons, how are our eyes, ears, heart? Can we see the truth in scripture? Can we hear the WORD of God clearly? Is our heart open to receive his word? Do we come against HaSatan and his demons through the power of the Holy Spirit? Is Yeshua HaMashiach your savior and LORD?

PIC: The dawning of a new day, yesterday's cares and worries are gone, today is new, allow Adonai guide you through it (summer, 2018, Blue-Water Parkway, Surfside, TX)

Shabbat Shalom………. Ben Avraham


Your God is my God... Ruth said, so say I.
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Mar 25, 2004
On a side note, I bought anointing oil from Israel for a friend of mine whose ministry is in battling demons. She uses the oil a lot to anoint the person, the place [windows and doors], and other places she is inspired to anoint at the time. She tells of one episode in which she had anointed all this and yet the oil from this little bottle did not diminish. She praises the Lord for this. So while this anointing oil may not be the perfect recipe, the faith of one of God's children, has been blessed with confirmation of God's hand in the matter.
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walking with the Shekinah
Apr 29, 2015
United states
United States
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PARASHA: “Ki Tisa” (when you elevate)

EXDOUS 30:11-34:35………………1 KINGS 18:1-39……………MARK 7:1-8:38

This parashah starts out by numbering the people, those who are 20 years old and older, Each person has to give one-half shekel of silver. Why the count? This is to count those who are old enough for the Army, the very first IDF (Israel Defense Forces). Since it is not appropriate to count “people” perhaps as to not trust in “numbers” for strength, which might lead to pride, YHVH tells Moshe to collect silver, and for each half-shekel of silver, one person is represented. The silver is to be used for the Mishkan, for repair and maintenance. Of course, we realize that the Levites were not included in the Armed Forces, they were exempt, their jobs were to be “chaplains” of a sort, working with the priests in ministry.

Every born-again believer is “numbered” in the eyes of YHVH for HIS army of adopted sons and daughters, we are fighting a spiritual battle against a hardened enemy, HaSatan, who has his own army of demons, devils, and unsaved humans working for him. Even though there will be many battles, the war has already been won, it was won 2000 years ago, on Calvary’s cross. YHVH came down in flesh and blood and paid our sin price in full. We are fighting against an enemy who has lost the war, but he has an attitude and will not relent, He wants to cause havoc among the brethren, and “sisteren” (my own made-up word)

YHVH commands Moshe to prepare incense and anointing oil. The incense is to be used in worship, burned on the table of incense, which is before the “Kadosh-Kedoshim” (Holy of Holies) and also, on the bread, and on the sacrifices. Incense is still used today in religious services, it has a calming effect on the emotional and nervous system of those who are around it. There are many distinct aromas, the aromas that are similar to the incense that was used in the tabernacle and temple would be frankincense and some even say “musk” scent, however, no one can be sure of the original ingredients, what they are today, besides, YHVH prohibits an exact duplication of the formula.

The anointing oil was used to anoint the Levites and priests “on their heads” and not on the flesh, the ingredients were sweet cinnamon, calamus, cassia, myrrh, and olive oil, there are oils today that are used for anointing, yet it was prohibited to replicate the “exact” recipe.

In Remez, the incense symbolizes our prayers that go upward towards heaven, and the oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit who is with us all the time. Through the Ruach HaKodesh, our prayers go up and are heard by our Messiah Yeshua.

We see later on in this parashah that Moshe goes up Har Sinai to receive the tablets of the Mitzvoth, and as we all know the story, after a while the people wonder; “and Moshe? What happened to him?” their faith was weak, and when faith is weak, the enemy HaSatan will take advantage, Aaron who was left in charge was pressured into relenting, with gold earrings, the people made a “golden Calf”. “This is our god,” they said, could one think that they replaced YHVH with this false god? The Egyptian god “hapis” took the form of a cow or bull, and perhaps, they had a miniature one of those gods with them. I would think they still believed in YHVH but they wanted to “See” with their eyes, some kind of form, breaking, of course, the commandment, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image”. True faith is “believing” even if we cannot see something that is invisible. Yeshua said to his talmidim; “Blessed are those who do not see yet believe”.

Do we trust Adonai, even when we cannot see the immediate results? That is what testing is all about, He will try our faith, will we trust HIM even unto the end? YHVH lives in the infinite dimension of time and space, while we live in the finite dimension. He can see the end while we can’t even see around the corner. He has everything under control, we just have to believe and wait on him, as the Israelites should have done. It would have saved a lot of grief, lives, and dishonor.

Moshe comes back down only to witness the disaster, breaks the tablets as a sign of a “broken covenant” between YHVH and the people. It is like getting married and on the same wedding night, the bride goes out and commits adultery. YHVH wants to DESTROY the people and start over with Moshe. YET, Moshe intercedes before YHVH for Am Israel. Just as Moshe interceded, so did YESHUA intercede before the Father on our behalf, and still does. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Yeshua’s words). “Yet now, if you will forgive their sin, and if not, blot ME out of thy book” (Moshe’s words) and…. YHVH forgave them. Just like YHVH forgives us of our sins, when we confess and turn from our wicked ways.

Moshe wants to see the glory “HaKavod YHVH” he goes back up for a second copy of the commandments. “Show me thy glory!” the LORD responded; “I will make all my goodness go before thee” yet, he said that no one could see the “face” of YHVH, who can look upon the pure essence of YHVH? For it would drive the spirit out of the body, So, as YHVH passed by, Moshe saw the “after-effect” the “tail end”. It could be similar to my experience in seeing Haley’s comet back in 1987. While I was in college, I went to Lynchburg College Observatory which was open to the public, we could see Haley’s comet going back out into space, I saw the “tail end” of the comet, which was just a faint glow at that time. Now Moshe gets the second set of the tablets, and YHVH gives them to him with these words:

“YHVH, YHVH God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy unto the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and their children’s children……”

Now, how does that describe our God? He IS full of mercy and showed us grace, in that we were yet sinners, He came to earth in human form and died for us all. He is “long-suffering” in that he puts up with our “stuff’ our “attitudes” and “rebellions” and gives us second, third, and fourth “chances” to repent, He could have wiped out Israel in one second, but he didn’t. He gave us his Torah, the Bible which is full of “goodness” and IS the TRUTH, he forgives sin, but ONLY when we come to him as repentant sinners and trust Yeshua as our Savior and LORD. He does not clear the guilty ONLY WHEN the guilty DO NOT REPENT! And yes, the sins of the fathers can affect the children, just look at the public schools today, the students are rebellious, disrespectful because they have learned that from THEIR PARENTS!

If the kids hear the parents fuss and cuss, they will too, If the parents smoke dope, they will have the tendency to do the same, children will copy their parents in all ways, HOWEVER, the blood of Yeshua can heal all of that, the generational curses can be cut short when YESHUA comes into the lives of families.

Moshe returns to the congregation with the new set of tablets, and YHVH instructs him and reminds him of his commandments, “Yes, I will go before thee…only observe all that I am commanding thee this day…. And toward the end, YHVH mentions, “thou shalt not seethe a kid in its mother’s milk” which is a repeated commandment, this was discussed before, it symbolizes a separation between, “life and death” of the “clean and unclean”

Moshe comes down “glowing” like a thousand-watt light bulb, why? He has been in the presence of YHVH right there, in the middle of the Shekinah glory! If he glowed with God’s glory, Moshe being a sinner like all of us, can you imagine how Adam and Eve glowed before the fall? Being in constant fellowship with Elohim? It was only after the fall that the “light covering” left, and they found themselves “naked!”

Yeshua said; “Ye are the light of the world” Yes, we are, yet we have no light of our own, we reflect the light of Messiah Yeshua, in our own lives. Is our light bright, like that which reflected from Moshe? Or…dim?

STANDING ON THE ROCK! (Exodus 33:12-23)

Moshe asks YHVH a very interesting question; “You say bring this people up, but who is going with me?”

Without guidance, we can go nowhere. It is like walking in the dark without a flashlight or being in the middle of the ocean without a compass. Where will we go? Who will lead us? Adonai has the answer Moshe is searching for;

“My presence goes, and I shall give you rest” (vs 14) The “Ruach Elohim” will go with the people, and they will receive “shalom”. There are two kinds of rest, “physical rest” from our labors, and “spiritual rest” that is from within us. Before, we were burdened down with the curse of sin, but once we accept Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Christ) as our LORD and Savior, we have his “presence” inside of us to give us “peace” (shalom)

Moshe wants to experience the “essence” of YHVH, but who can know who He really is? Can we grasp the meaning of the universe? The mind of God? We are limited, to what we can fathom as fallen beings, but YHVH listens to Moshe and gives him an answer;

“I shall cause all my goodness to pass before you, and I shall proclaim the Name of YHVH………See, there is a place with me, and you shall stand on the ROCK……. (vss 19,21)

There was a special place, a special ROCK, where Moshe was placed, he “Stood” upon the ROCK” (HaTzur)

In the picturesque/symbolic ancient Hebrew, the letters can symbolize, “The first Tzadik to receive the nail”

The ROCK symbolizes YESHUA, who IS the TZADIK (the righteous one) who received the Nail and paid our sin price in full, and thus…giving us SHALOM (rest) from our spiritual torment of being lost sinners.

The name YHVH proclaimed is HAVAYAH, (the essence of existence) who is “Haya” (the past) Hoveh (the present) and “Yiyah” (the future) and who is YESHUAH (salvation of YAH)

1 KINGS 18:1-39

…. This relates the time when there is a contest, sponsored by Eliyahu Ha Navi, Elijah the prophet calls for a contest between “Baal” and “YHVH” it is time to take action, clear up the error that Baal even exists. So, it is Baal vs YHVH, Elijah against 450 false prophets of Baal. Sacrifices are ready, all that is needed is fire, but fire not kindled by man, only by the true God, we all know who won the contest, Elijah called upon YHVH;

” ATAH YHVH HaELOHIM” (you are YHVH you are God) and fire fell from heaven and consumed EVERYTHING, the sacrifice, altar, stones, water, the people now had proof, the false prophets were still crying out and dancing around. Judgment; death for all false prophets. The people repented and returned to YHVH

Are we worshiping and serving our true God? Or are we chasing after idols, idols of money, fame, popularity, jobs, fast cars, lust, avarice, etc. We can only serve one master, who is it going to be? Do we serve YHVH? Or the world? The choice is ours.

MARK 7: 1-8:38

In this portion of scripture, we see Yeshua rebuking the Prushim (Pharisees) they are pointing out that the disciples did not wash their hands before eating. It is true, that one of the rites of the priests was to wash their hands and feet before entering into the Holy place, yet this was never stated as a commandment.

…. Today, we see many religious practices that are stressed and done as if they were commandments. There is a big difference between “commandments” and “tradition” many traditions stem from commandments, but we need to differentiate between the two. Wearing a Kippa, is a tradition, a different manner of dress in Judaism is tradition, but wearing Tzitziot is a commandment, putting a mezuzah on the doorpost is a commandment. But one should not judge one another in these cases. One can point out different scripture verses, but we must leave everything in the hands of God. It is also each person's choice to follow or not to follow God's commandments, to follow or not to follow certain traditions. Everything is a matter of choice and free-will.

” It is not what goes into a person that which defiles, but what comes out of a person that which defiles, for out of the HEART comes forth…….

So as not to confuse one thing from another, eating certain kinds of food does not defile a person SPIRITUALLY! it may defile one physically, eating what is not considered biblically kosher, like pork, shellfish, etc... BUT there are other things that can defile a person spiritually, like listening to unholy music, doing things, watching things, movies, etc. that are un-holy, satanic, things tied in with the occult, etc.

Physical defilement is different from spiritual defilement. In this passage of scripture, Yeshua is performing many miracles, opens the ears of a deaf man, healing the eyes of a blind man, casting out demons, how are our eyes, ears, heart? Can we see the truth in scripture? Can we hear the WORD of God clearly? Is our heart open to receive his word? Do we come against HaSatan and his demons through the power of the Holy Spirit? Is Yeshua HaMashiach your savior and LORD?

PIC: The dawning of a new day, yesterday's cares and worries are gone, today is new, allow Adonai guide you through it (summer, 2018, Blue-Water Parkway, Surfside, TX)

Shabbat Shalom………. Ben Avraham
View attachment 273194
Shabbat Shalom.

11 portions of shemot torah remind me of a washing in starlight before walking forward.

Blessings Always
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