God Blesses a Trumpet Player

Dan O'Donnell

Sep 26, 2010
Marital Status
Christian Friends,

I thought it would be nice to hear from the Trumpet players on this site if you play in your church or not and share some things related to your playing and how God has blessed you and has been a part of your playing.

I've got (2) things to share...

When I was a teenager, I played Trumpet pretty well, so well in fact that I was very full of the sin of pride.

I played solos at my church while the Pastor played Piano with me.
All was fine when my heart was right with God until something changed.

I became a Christian out of the will of God in private and yet put on a false "church" life.

One Sunday night (after I was asked to play a solo during the evening service) I chose a real easy piece that the Pastor and I had played many times.

As I stood on "my stage" (because during this time in my teenage life it was all about me and not Him) I started playing the song on my Trumpet.

I then encountered what I believed was the impossible...I literally could not play even just one note properly on my Trumpet.

It sounded so bad with a tremendous amount of back-pressure to the point where I stopped during "my performance" to see if my towel was stuck in my bell (which it was not).

My horrible playing went on throughout the piece and it was immediately after "my performance" that I had a real understanding of what happened...
My heart and life wasn't worthy of playing for Him, in fact, it was disrespectful for me to have that type of attitude ect. while 'trying" to play for His people.

I then stopped playing and not too long later, (through God's perfect grace), I turned to him and have never looked back in disappointment since as I have been actively playing in church for well over (15) years since God got my attention.

Now for the 2nd blessing...

A few years ago, I play tested a Gold plating Getzen Genesis at a musical instrument convention. (Note: I was born and raised poor and couldn't afford my own Trumpet so, I used an old beat up school issued one through Elementary and Jr. High School)

The sound on it was PERFECT for our church however, the price was $1,000 just for the Gold plating alone!

I asked God..."If you want me to have it let it be Your will and not mine...If it is not Your will, don't let me have it."

The Getzen representative at the booth told me that someone had already purchased the horn and it was out for display only.

I then asked the owner of my local music store if he would get me a quote for the same horn but in Silver plate (cheaper).

Long story short...

The customer decided not to buy it...it was sold to me (through the music store owner) for less than the price of the Silver plated one!...The day after I paid $X,X41 for the Trumpet (using my credit card), I was called into my Bosses office (who had no idea I was even buying a Trumpet) who apologized for it being so late (10 months after I worked with a team to close a 1 year project) as he handed me an envelope.

Inside the envelope was a bonus check (net - after taxes were taken out) for the EXACT amount of my new Trumpet $X,X41!!!

I immediately had to ask God for His forgiveness for limiting Him and not having faith by checking into the cheaper Silver one.

I then ended the prayer with a "Thank You" and my solemn promise to continue to use it for Him and His work!


Are there any other Trumpet players that have some Praises you want to share with others here?

God Bless,
"Praise Him with the sound of the Trumpet..."


May 11, 2010
Marital Status
Great stories, Dan! I love the one when you were a teenager (you told me that one a while back).

I've got a couple of stories, but I'll have to get back here with them at a future date – unfortunately, my pillow is calling me and I have to be up early tomorrow!

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