Statement of Purpose General Politics Forum Statement of Purpose

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Following my Shepherd
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Jan 27, 2004
United States
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General Politics Forum Statement of Purpose

The Politics forum in the Discussion & Debate Category for Christians is for our Christian members to discuss and debate all political topics with other Christians. Political topics include American politics as well as International politics.

All member's who participate in this forum are self-identified Christians through adherence to the Christian Forums' Statement of Faith and the Trinitarian nature of God. It is expected that everyone who posts in this forum will respect all members of the Christian faith, regardless of their denominational differences. Discussions may at times become heated, so please remember to keep your emotions in check and your responses in line with our sitewide rules. We expect our Christian members to show courtesy and respect to each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, and staff will moderate the Christians only forums with this expectation in mind.

When you Disagree:

Members who participate in the General Politics forum are expected to treat one another with courtesy and respect at all times, ESPECIALLY when you disagree with each other. Always remember that you are first and foremost brothers and sisters in Christ, regardless of your personal political ideology.
  • When you disagree, address the context of the post and not the poster.
  • When you disagree with someone's position, you should post evidence and supporting statements for your position. This policy, sometimes referred to as "X means Y because of Z", must be followed especially when posting claims that are widely considered to be controversial.
  • When you disagree and you find yourself becoming frustrated and angry, step away from the computer and give yourself time to cool down.
  • Always proofread your post before hitting the "Reply" button to make sure you have responded with courtesy and respect.

Guidelines for Reporting Posts
  • Only the member to whom the post is addressed, or referred to, may report the post for violations of flaming, goading, or harassment.
  • Any member may report a post for flaming or goading a group of members.
  • Goading posts are intentionally or unintentionally baiting other members into responding with a flame.
  • Depending on context, the use of smilies may come across as flaming or goading.
  • It is not a flame for a member to disagree with another member's argument or opinion on a specific topic.
  • If you would be offended by a word or phrase applied to your political viewpoint, then someone of the opposing viewpoint would be offended as well.
  • Members who continue to violate the flaming or goading rules may be banned from this forum.

Additional Guidelines

The minor children (under 18) of public figures are off limits for negative comments on CF.

Derogatory and inflammatory nicknames directed toward another member or group of members are a violation of the no flaming rule.

Terms like "birther" and "Obamacare" are names used by the majority of the media and some of those who espouse the ideology. Use of these terms is permissible as long as the intention is not to flame. For example, if a member is not a birther, and another member calls them a birther as an insult, it would be a violation. Terms such as "pro-death" or "anti-poor" would be violations if directed toward a member personally, but not if directed toward a piece of legislation. For more information please read this thread.

Examples of inflammatory words/phrases (including but not limited to): teahadist, Obamabot, Obamatron, commie, leftist, Demoncrat, Bush basher, feminazi, tree hugger, wing nut, repugnican, facist, racist bigot, Reaganite, hatemonger, snowflakes, RINO, Nork, SJW; the use of 'Okay boomer", etc.

Homosexuality, Same-Sex Marriage, Bisexuality and Transgenderism/Transexualism: Discussion of these topics must comply with the sitewide rule barring the promotion of homosexuality, same-sex marriage, bisexuality, and transgenderism/transexualism. Discussion and debate should only be directed toward political, legal, historical and civil rights issues, and should not be directed toward the morality of homosexuality, same-sex marriage, bisexuality or transgenderism/transexualism.

Tea Bagger: CF considers the term "tea bagger" to be a violation of the vulgarity rule. The predominant use of the term is one of insult to members that identify with tea parties. Please discontinue using this term.

Thread Tags: Thread tags are relevant keywords or terms that relate to the topic and/or content of a thread. Tags enable you to find other threads which address the same topic as tagged by other members. Tags are not for flaming or rude comments. The CF site wide rules apply to tags and tags which violate the rules may receive staff actions. Staff are able to see who posted a thread tag. While we want to encourage everyone to tag threads and contribute to the system, please think before you tag.

Political Meme, cartoons
Threads created solely to post political memes, cartoons, etc. are not allowed. These threads generate too many reports and result in CF members receiving staff actions that could have easily been avoided. Political memes, cartoons, etc., are allowed as long as they are on topic to the thread they are posted in, and do not violate the sitewide rules (for example; no flaming, goading, profanity, etc.).

Trolling is intentionally disrupting a thread by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages with the clear intention of provoking other members into an emotional response. Please do not troll. Calling another member a "troll" would be a violation of the flaming rule (calling them a derogatory name).
An example of this would be posting #fakenews and not adding commentary.

Qanon conspiracy theories are not allowed in any of the Discussion and Debate forums on CF. These conspiracy theories are without evidence and are potentially libelous. These theories may also potentially violate the sitewide no flaming/goading rule.

An Exception to the Profanity rule:
Some profanity will be allowed in a limited way as described below:
  • This exception is limited to profanity in linked articles only, not opinion pieces and not stand alone videos.
  • Videos that are embedded in the linked articles will be allowed.
  • Quotes in the linked article containing profanity will be from public figures such as political leaders, and not in the commentary by the author of the article or a non-public figure.
  • This will be limited to the Discussion & Debate areas.
  • The link will be allowed but any quotes quoting the profanity will not be allowed in the member's post nor will it be allowed in the Thread Title, including using an asterisk or any other punctuation to partially censor the word.
A change regarding profanity in certain Discussion & Debate forums

CF staff reserves the right to edit, remove, move or close any thread when deemed necessary.

If you have issues with another member and can't work it out or are disgruntled about a staff decision, please click on the "Support" tab in the header navigation bar, or "Contact Us" at the bottom of the page, and open a new support ticket. Discussion of members or staff actions in the forums is considered disruptive and can result in additional staff actions.
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