End times rookie question

Mar 23, 2024
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I’m not completely confident in the question that I’m wanting to ask. I’ve read the Bible numerous times and I always feel like I don’t get the same understanding that other Christians seem to get. So if this is a dumb question then I apologize.

In revelation it says in short - things will happen and many will be deceived (presumably by evil)

My question is about the Christians. If they are deceived does biblical truth and faith in Jesus mean forgiveness for those deceived?

An obvious thought that I had is that Jesus would not be happy about such things. But my thoughts are that it would be one of those deals where He would forgive but those who had done it might have to make their own peace with their faults and mistakes.


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I’m not completely confident in the question that I’m wanting to ask. I’ve read the Bible numerous times and I always feel like I don’t get the same understanding that other Christians seem to get. So if this is a dumb question then I apologize.

In revelation it says in short - things will happen and many will be deceived (presumably by evil)

My question is about the Christians. If they are deceived does biblical truth and faith in Jesus mean forgiveness for those deceived?

An obvious thought that I had is that Jesus would not be happy about such things. But my thoughts are that it would be one of those deals where He would forgive but those who had done it might have to make their own peace with their faults and mistakes.
Eschatology was never my thing, but here is my take on your questions. This is gonna be a difficult one (cos I have to get the meaning across with verses as evidence), but also easy to answer as well, as many verses speak about deception.

Alright, here is my take on this (correct me if I am wrong):

It is understandable to have the struggle in fully comprehending some biblical concepts. It's imperative to remember that God's ways are higher than ours, and His perspective is all-encompassing (Isaiah 55:8-9).

Regarding your question, the Bible does indeed teach that there will be deception and many will be led astray (Matthew 24:24; 1 John 4:1). However, it's essential to recognize that biblical truth and faith in Jesus are not dependent on human understanding or perfection.

When it comes to forgiveness for those who have been deceived, the Bible is clear that God is merciful and gracious, willing to forgive those who repent (1 John 1:9). Jesus' sacrifice on the cross provides the way for all people to be reconciled to God, regardless of their past mistakes or deceptions (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).

However, it's also beneficial to understand that forgiveness does not always equate to an immediate resolution or absence of consequences. The Bible teaches that there will be a day of reckoning, when God will judge each person according to their deeds (2 Corinthians 5:10). Those who have been deceived and chose to continue in sin may face the consequences of their actions, but ultimately, it's up to each individual to seek forgiveness and make things right with God.

I hope this clears stuff up, friend, and I pray that you continue to seek a deeper understanding of God's Word. Remember, it's okay not to have all the answers, but it's essential to trust and obey God, even when we don't fully understand.
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I’m not completely confident in the question that I’m wanting to ask. I’ve read the Bible numerous times and I always feel like I don’t get the same understanding that other Christians seem to get. So if this is a dumb question then I apologize.

In revelation it says in short - things will happen and many will be deceived (presumably by evil)

My question is about the Christians. If they are deceived does biblical truth and faith in Jesus mean forgiveness for those deceived?

An obvious thought that I had is that Jesus would not be happy about such things. But my thoughts are that it would be one of those deals where He would forgive but those who had done it might have to make their own peace with their faults and mistakes.
I agree with you. The idea seems to be that Satan can *almost* completely deceive those who are going to be Saved. But they are never fully deceived since they are not persuaded to give up their faith in Christ.

Deceptions, however, can indeed mislead Christians and take them down wrong paths, where the consequences can be quite severe. But whatever the consequences of our wrong actions, if we have committed to faith in Christ we will be forgiven. We'll be saved. That's how I read it.
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d taylor

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I’m not completely confident in the question that I’m wanting to ask. I’ve read the Bible numerous times and I always feel like I don’t get the same understanding that other Christians seem to get. So if this is a dumb question then I apologize.

In revelation it says in short - things will happen and many will be deceived (presumably by evil)

My question is about the Christians. If they are deceived does biblical truth and faith in Jesus mean forgiveness for those deceived?

An obvious thought that I had is that Jesus would not be happy about such things. But my thoughts are that it would be one of those deals where He would forgive but those who had done it might have to make their own peace with their faults and mistakes.
To really give an answer to your question things will happen and many will be deceived (presumably by evil)

You need to post the verse as this really makes a difference.
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Dec 31, 2018
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People since the Garden have been deceived into putting their will ahead of the will of God, the original sin.. Christians are no better at it than anyone else. They build their own kingdom, they support the kingdoms of secular man, but have forgotten the only Kingdom they are to support is the Kingdom of God. Self interest rules even in Christianity. So yes, deception is common, and repentance of that backward ideology means forgiveness once we have learned the ways of man bad, ways of God good. But as the parable of the sower shows even those who repent can sometimes fall back into the world of man. Christianity did.
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1 Corinthians 3:13-15 tells us how it will be at the Judgment.
Those who have believed false theories; mainly because they haven't been careful enough to study all of the Prophesies, will be saved, by passing thru fire, losing rewards.
But for those who taught and promoted false doctrines, the Lord will be more harsh. James 3:1
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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I’m not completely confident in the question that I’m wanting to ask. I’ve read the Bible numerous times and I always feel like I don’t get the same understanding that other Christians seem to get. So if this is a dumb question then I apologize.

In revelation it says in short - things will happen and many will be deceived (presumably by evil)

My question is about the Christians. If they are deceived does biblical truth and faith in Jesus mean forgiveness for those deceived?

An obvious thought that I had is that Jesus would not be happy about such things. But my thoughts are that it would be one of those deals where He would forgive but those who had done it might have to make their own peace with their faults and mistakes.
There will be a falling away of some persons believing in Jesus when the Antichrist comes to power as the perceived messiah instead of Jesus.


3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Then in verse 4, the Antichrist perceived messiah will be revealed as that man of sin and not the messiah after all.

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Here is the key for anyone who is a Christian...

Revelation 3:11

11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

As a Christian, you have the crown of eternal life. Hold tightly to your belief in God and in Jesus.
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Jun 12, 2019
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I’m not completely confident in the question that I’m wanting to ask. I’ve read the Bible numerous times and I always feel like I don’t get the same understanding that other Christians seem to get. So if this is a dumb question then I apologize.

In revelation it says in short - things will happen and many will be deceived (presumably by evil)

My question is about the Christians. If they are deceived does biblical truth and faith in Jesus mean forgiveness for those deceived?

An obvious thought that I had is that Jesus would not be happy about such things. But my thoughts are that it would be one of those deals where He would forgive but those who had done it might have to make their own peace with their faults and mistakes.

Things happen - most of the planet is wiped out.
Many will be deceived - they take the mark of the beast.

Take the mark, and you will be rejected for the kingdom of heaven. You get to die.

From the parable of the wise and foolish virgins (Matthew 25), we learn that half of all Christians are confused by the fake bridegroom (false prophet.) They will take the mark. The real bridegroom (Jesus) will reject them when he arrives. So half take the mark and the other half are killed. The killed half get to enter the kingdom of heaven.
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I’m not completely confident in the question that I’m wanting to ask. I’ve read the Bible numerous times and I always feel like I don’t get the same understanding that other Christians seem to get. So if this is a dumb question then I apologize.

In revelation it says in short - things will happen and many will be deceived (presumably by evil)

My question is about the Christians. If they are deceived does biblical truth and faith in Jesus mean forgiveness for those deceived?

An obvious thought that I had is that Jesus would not be happy about such things. But my thoughts are that it would be one of those deals where He would forgive but those who had done it might have to make their own peace with their faults and mistakes.

And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? (1 Peter 4:18)
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I’m not completely confident in the question that I’m wanting to ask. I’ve read the Bible numerous times and I always feel like I don’t get the same understanding that other Christians seem to get. So if this is a dumb question then I apologize.

In revelation it says in short - things will happen and many will be deceived (presumably by evil)

My question is about the Christians. If they are deceived does biblical truth and faith in Jesus mean forgiveness for those deceived?

An obvious thought that I had is that Jesus would not be happy about such things. But my thoughts are that it would be one of those deals where He would forgive but those who had done it might have to make their own peace with their faults and mistakes.
Matthew 24:24
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, , they shall deceive the very elect.

This says to me that born again, Spirit filled and sealed believers will not be deceived.
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I’m not completely confident in the question that I’m wanting to ask. I’ve read the Bible numerous times and I always feel like I don’t get the same understanding that other Christians seem to get. So if this is a dumb question then I apologize.

In revelation it says in short - things will happen and many will be deceived (presumably by evil)

My question is about the Christians. If they are deceived does biblical truth and faith in Jesus mean forgiveness for those deceived?

An obvious thought that I had is that Jesus would not be happy about such things. But my thoughts are that it would be one of those deals where He would forgive but those who had done it might have to make their own peace with their faults and mistakes.
The end times is just that. Right now, we are in our probation period we can seek forgiveness and turn our direction but when Jesus comes back our fates will be sealed Rev 22:11 there will be no more forgiveness once Jesus comes back all of us have made our decisions. He tells us not to be deceived - the deception is by Satan, and he uses many different forms, mixes a bit of truth with lies which makes his deceptions harder to tell unless really knowing the scriptures. Scripture says most will be deceived Rev 12:9 and our only safeguard is through God's Word Isa 8:20 Psa 119:105 which is really important to study now and pray to Jesus and ask Him to show us the Truth of His Word and to live it. The condemnation is not coming to the Truth to His Word, but staying in darkness (sin) John 3:18-20 our salvation is from sin Mat 1:21 where sadly most people teach we are saved in sin, but its just not so. Rev 14:12 Rev 22:14-15 Mat 7:21-23 1 John 2:1-6 Mat 19:17-19 Mat 5:18-30

Here is an excellent bible study on Daniel/Revelation that takes it verse by verse and I promise you will learn so much. It's 30 minute 112 episodes videos.
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Jun 12, 2012
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I’m not completely confident in the question that I’m wanting to ask. I’ve read the Bible numerous times and I always feel like I don’t get the same understanding that other Christians seem to get. So if this is a dumb question then I apologize.

In revelation it says in short - things will happen and many will be deceived (presumably by evil)
The actual born again will not be among the many.
My question is about the Christians. If they are deceived
True born-again Christians will not be among the ones who are deceived.
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Jan 19, 2024
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I’m not completely confident in the question that I’m wanting to ask. I’ve read the Bible numerous times and I always feel like I don’t get the same understanding that other Christians seem to get. So if this is a dumb question then I apologize.

In revelation it says in short - things will happen and many will be deceived (presumably by evil)

My question is about the Christians. If they are deceived does biblical truth and faith in Jesus mean forgiveness for those deceived?

An obvious thought that I had is that Jesus would not be happy about such things. But my thoughts are that it would be one of those deals where He would forgive but those who had done it might have to make their own peace with their faults and mistakes.
Your question touches on important theological considerations, and it's not a dumb question at all. The book of Revelation is complex and often interpreted in various ways by different Christian traditions.

Regarding deception and forgiveness, it's crucial to understand the nature of deception itself. Deception can occur due to various factors, including ignorance, manipulation, or misunderstanding. In the context of Revelation, it often refers to being misled by false prophets or ideologies that oppose God's truth.

In Christianity, forgiveness is indeed a central theme, emphasized through the teachings of Jesus. However, forgiveness doesn't negate the consequences of actions or absolve individuals from their responsibility. While Jesus offers forgiveness for those who repent and turn to Him, individuals still bear accountability for their choices.

In the scenario you described, where Christians may be deceived, forgiveness is available to those who genuinely seek it. However, it's essential for individuals to acknowledge their deception, repent, and strive to align themselves with God's truth. This may involve confronting and rectifying their mistakes and seeking reconciliation with God and others.

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