Ellen White Prophetess or plagiarist? - The Evidence


Nov 23, 2011
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[FONT='Tahoma','sans-serif']Some facts are beyond debate; Ellen Gould White was born as Ellen Harmon on November 26, 1827 in Gorham Maine, USA. She grew up to become a prolific author and an American Christian pioneer. She along with other Adventist Leaders, such as Joseph Bates and her husband James White firmly believed in the seventh day Sabbath, and would form what is now known as the Seventh Day Adventist Church.[/font]
[FONT='Tahoma','sans-serif']Most Seventh Day Adventists believe Ellen White was a prophetess with messages to the new church direct from God, and wrote her books under God's inspiration, but she had many detractors and was surrounded by sceptics. Some believe she was nothing more than a story-teller some going as far as to claim much of her work was plagiarised.[/font]
[FONT='Tahoma','sans-serif']So, what is the truth about Ellen G. White? Carmel Greystone has undertaken deep research into one of the pillars of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Agape Theatre Company will present the findings.[/font]
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[FONT='Tahoma','sans-serif']Ellen White - The Evidence[/font]